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08-01 投稿


registration 发音

英:[ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃ(ə)n]  美:[ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

registration 中文意思翻译



registration 短语词组

1、cancellation of registration ─── [经] 取消登记

2、business registration fee ─── [经] 营业登记费

3、applicant for registration ─── [法] 申请登记人, 注册申请人

4、amendment registration for capital increase ─── [经] 增资的变更登记

5、apply for registration ─── [经] 申请登记

6、change of registration ─── [经] 变更登记, 变更注册

7、certificate of registration ─── [经] 注册执照

8、commercial registration ─── [经] 商业登记

9、births and deaths registration ─── [法] 出生与死亡登记

10、census registration ─── [法] 人口普查登记

11、books registration certificate ─── [法] 书刊登记证

12、application for registration ─── [经] 申请注册(登记)

13、articulator registration ─── [医] Ж架记录, 咬合架记录

14、color registration ─── [电] 色品

15、business registration ─── [经] 营业登记

16、applicaton for registration ─── [法] 申请登记, 申请注册

17、birth registration ─── [法] 出生登记

18、business registration certificate ─── [经] 商业登记执照

19、books of registration ─── [法] 书刊登记, 书报注册

registration 词性/词形变化,registration变形


registration 常用词组

registration form ─── 登记表,注册表

image registration ─── [计]图象配准;光栅重合

household registration ─── 户口登记

registration 相似词语短语

1、registrations ─── n.登记;注册;挂号;[纺织]对花印花

2、reregistration ─── n.重复对准

3、deregistration ─── n.取消登记;勾销登记

4、preregistration ─── n.预先注册;预先登记

5、misregistration ─── n.错误配准

6、fenestration ─── n.开窗术;开窗法

7、denitration ─── n.[化学]脱硝;脱硝酸盐作用

8、remonstration ─── n.抗议;规劝;忠告

9、registrational ─── 登记的

registration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From the File menu, choose Merge Registration File. ─── 在“文件”菜单上,选择“合并登记文件”项。

2、We will then erase your registration. ─── 我们将删除该注册。

3、In his first year there was a problem with his registration but in his second he was the top scorer. ─── 在他的第一年里他的登记注册方面出了点问题。不过第二个赛季里他是最佳射手。

4、HongKong Company Registration Services For You ! ─── 办理香港公司注册、年审优惠!

5、Where will the Residence Registration System Go? ─── 户籍制度改革将走向何处?

6、All right. Please fill out this registration form. ─── 好的,请填这张表。

7、Entry is only allowed on payment of the full registration fee. ─── 缴付全数登记费用方可进入。

8、But the producer or registration renewal every 30 years. ─── 但生产商或注册人应每30年申请办理一次续展手续。

9、The former seems simpler in regard to the registration procedures. ─── 就商标注册的程序而言,前者似乎更简单一点儿。

10、Please go to www.hpbc/children for registration. ─── 举行请有儿童的会友到纲上为孩子们报名。

11、The students bunched up at the registration desk. ─── 学生在登记桌子前集合。

12、How does a branch handle registration of alteration? ─── 分支机构如何办理变更登记?

13、Registration of Range Data Based on. ─── 基于平面特征的深度图像配准。

14、Will I be contacted upon successful registration online? ─── 我已成功于网上注册考试,我会于何时收到通知?

15、You can open your account on the registration page. ─── 你可以在注册页面注册。

16、How does one apply for registration of investments? ─── 如何申请投资注册?

17、Changing the properties on an application instance after it has been registered has no effect on the registration. ─── 注册应用程序实例后,更改其属性不会对注册产生任何影响。

18、Fundamentals of Medical Image Registration. ─── 医学成像的限制基础。

19、Canada Customs and Revenue Agency -Business Name Registration. ─── 加拿大税务局公司注册服务。

20、Register using the registration card found in the product box. ─── 使用产品包装盒中的注册卡注册。

21、What is your name on the Alien Registration Card? ─── 你永久居留证内的姓名是什麼?

22、Send in your registration form within two weeks. ─── 在两星期内送出你的注册表格。

23、Trademark registration may be renewed continuously. ─── 商标注册可无限延期,

24、Registration of administrator of legacy. ─── 六遗产管理人登记。

25、Delegate and observer: Please pay within10 days upon registration. ─── 代表及观察员:请于报名后十天内缴费。

26、Between sampling instants there is no registration of the voltage. ─── 在取样瞬间之间,没有电压的读数。

27、I've come for your registration form. ─── 我是为你注册表格的事过来的。

28、Where do I send the registration form? ─── 我应该把报名表寄到什么地方?

29、The registration of students for an examination has been over. ─── 学生的考试登记已经结束了。

30、Second, the criteria for registration. ─── 二是注册登记的条件。

31、OK, thank you. By the way, how much fee should I pay for the registration? ─── 好的,非常感谢。对了,顺便问一下,税务登记需要交多少钱?

32、Advance booking or Registration is required. ─── 必须预先登记。

33、I missed my registration time last year. ─── 去年我错过了注册时间。

34、Wishful Island Business Registration Ltd. ─── 如意岛企业注册代理有限公司。

35、We will issue an admission ticket to confirm your registration. ─── 我们将寄发入场券以确定阁下已成功登记。

36、Flashing Fast - Registration in progress. ─── 快速闪烁-注册正在进行中。

37、The registration of a trademark shall be renewable indefinitely. ─── 商标的续展注册次数应系无限次。

38、A: Would you show me how to fill out the eBay registration form? ─── 可以教我怎么填eBay的注册表格吗?

39、Registration is the best way for you to locate a primary interop assembly on your computer. ─── 注册是在计算机上定位主互操作程序集的最佳方式。

40、They have campaigned strongly for compulsory registration of dogs. ─── 他们大力开展了狗的强制性登记活动。

41、The product keycode is not the registration number. ─── 产品密钥并不是注册号码。

42、A period of at least five years from the date of registration shall be allowed for requesting the cancellation of such a mark. ─── 自注册之日起至少五年的期间内,应允许提出取消这种商标的请求。

43、What's your registration number? ─── 你挂的是几号?

44、The registration of bidder has already begun. ─── 投标登记注册工作已经开始。

45、What do the registration proceedings include in detail? ─── 具体登记注册事项包括哪些?

46、What's your company's registration number in customs? ─── 你们公司的海关注册号码是多少?

47、Download the registration form and fill. ─── 下载报名表并填妥。

48、Prepare product registration dossier and samples. ─── 准备产品注册相关文件。

49、Land Registration agency; Land Affairs law. ─── 土地登记事务代理;土地事务法律。

50、They charge a small registration fee. ─── 他们收一点注册费。

51、Registration can be done via the web or your GSM mobile phone. ─── 您可透过网站或GSM流动电话来登记。

52、The registration of administrator and its change. ─── 四管理人登记及其变更登记。

53、The time for household registration reform is ripe. ─── 户籍制度改革的时机成熟了。

54、The registration information for the image file %1 is not valid. ─── 图像文件%1的注册表信息无效。

55、What is your Alien Registration Card number? ─── 你的绿卡号码是什麼?

56、To reserve your seat, please complete the registration form. ─── 为确保您的席位,请完整地填写注册表。

57、To work registration procedures in school. ─── 学校报到手续办理。

58、But you will not be able to access areas that require registration. ─── 但是,您将无法访问需要注册的部分。

59、Would you mind filling in the registration form? ─── 您填一下登记表好吗?

60、QB Business Registration Agency Ltd. ─── 企办登记注册代理事务所有限公司。

61、Registration fee and pass are not transferrable. ─── 报名费及入场证不得转换予他人。

62、He showed up late for registration. ─── 他注册时来晚了。

63、Expertise is required on the legal entity registration process. ─── 在法人(实体)的注册过程中需要专家的意见。

64、You will have to go to the registration office first. ─── 你得先去挂号去。

65、N: Have you a registration card? ─── 你有挂号证吗?

66、Click here to complete registration. ─── 就成功了。

67、Plug and Play registration failed. Abort printer installation. ─── “即插即用”注册失败,请终止安装打印机。

68、You cannot fail to turn up for registration. ─── 你一定要出席注册。

69、Although these methods help in gathering information to be used in a registration file, they do not actually produce a registration file. ─── 虽然这些方法可用于收集要在注册文件中使用的信息,但实际上它们并不生成注册文件。

70、Registration for enrolled students of Degree Program. ─── 学历生老生注册。

71、Failed to create the Event Registration Mailbox for Database %1. ─── 为数据库%1创建事件注册邮箱失败。

72、The registration of bidder have already begin. ─── 投标都登记注册工作已经开始。

73、registration form showed his date of birth as August 2, 1979. ─── 登记表上显示他的出生日期是1979年8月2日。

74、Registration of title to land is spreading over England. ─── 土地所有权注册登记制度盛行于英格兰。

75、Shanghai RSD Business Registration Co., LTD. ─── 上海誉胜企业登记代理有限公司。

76、Your registration number is G106. ─── 你的登记号码是G106。

77、Registration of the change in names or domiciles. ─── 六更名或住址变更登记。

78、You'll have to pay registration due. ─── 你们要付登记注册费。

79、Please send back the registration form before the end of the date. ─── 如要取消注册,请务必在研讨会召开前天通知会务组。

80、And would you mind filling out the registration form? ─── 您介意填一下登记吗?

81、The class is still open for registration. ─── 上课时间定于上午10:30至12:00。

82、Why had you no registration number? ─── 为什么你没有车牌号?

83、It includes land search and registration fee for your agreement. ─── 手续费包括地产检察及协议登记费。

84、Voter registration has just finished. ─── 投票人的登记已经完毕。

85、The assignment shall take effect as of the date of registration. ─── 专利申请权或者专利权的转让自登记之日起生效。

86、No, only one registration per person is allowed. ─── 不能,一人只能注册一次。

87、How can I update my registration record? ─── 怎样才能更新我的登记资料?

88、They charge registration fee. ─── 他们收注册费。

89、If you apply to this university, you'll have to pay a registration fee of at least$20. ─── 如果你申请这所学校你就得交至少20美元的注册费。

翻译解释registration of birth是什么意思

registration of birth



翻译解释registration of birth是什么意思


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