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08-01 投稿


distraught 发音

英:[dɪˈstrɔːt]  美:[dɪˈstrɔːt]

英:  美:

distraught 中文意思翻译



distraught 同义词

hysterical | upset | troubled | absent-minded | panic-stricken | lost | distressed | agitated | beside yourself | disturbed | flustered | distrait |distracted | overwrought | worried

distraught 短语词组

1、distraught definition ─── 心烦意乱的定义

2、distraught synonym and antonym ─── 心烦意乱的同义词和反义词

3、distraught mean ─── 心急如焚的

4、distraught meaning ─── 心烦意乱

distraught 反义词


distraught 相似词语短语

1、straught ─── 斯特劳特

2、distraint ─── n.扣押;扣押财产

3、distraughtly ─── 垂直的

4、distrust ─── n.不信任,怀疑;v.不信任,怀疑

5、bestraught ─── 受约束的

6、mistaught ─── 误会

7、draught ─── n.气流;汇票;草稿(等于draft);vt.起草;征兵;选派(等于draft);adj.汲出的;拖拉的(等于draft)

8、distrait ─── adj.(法)心不在焉的(因烦恼、忧惧等)

9、distract ─── vt.转移;分心

distraught 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、King distraught, but how did not expect that this murderous thing is queen should do. ─── 国王悲痛欲绝,却怎么也没有想到,这件伤天害理的事是王后所为。

2、He looked distraught and haggard ─── 他显得面容憔悴、心神不宁。

3、A Japanese policeman, distraught by working long hours and weekends for two months, stabbed himself in the stomach with a knife to get some time off, police said Monday. ─── 本周一警方消息,日本一名警察因苦于连续两个月超时工作及周末加班,用刀刺伤了自己的肚子,以获得休假的机会。

4、At length, distraught by the continued silence, she bravely decides to seek news of him from his parents, and walks the long, tremulous miles to Emminister Vicarage. ─── 最后,音信的渺茫使苔丝心急如焚。她鼓起勇气,决定到克莱的父母那里去打听他的消息。她走过弯弯曲曲的远路,来到爱敏斯特牧师的住宅。

5、Kobi Kuhn's men were distraught at suffering the indignity of being exiled from their own party and Behrami cut a particularly tragic figure on all fours choking back the tears. ─── 教练库恩的球员对于自己的队伍被淘汰出局,无比遗憾。贝赫拉米爬到在草坪上,掩面而泣。

6、I was distraught and let out a bellow of tearful rage. ─── 我心烦意乱,发出了一声悲愤的吼叫。

7、Jackson's close friend, the actress Elizabeth Taylor, said she was too distraught to issue a statement. ─── 杰克逊的亲密朋友,演员伊丽莎白泰勒说她太悲伤以至于无法发表声明。

8、"Martin's not a dirty player. He's distraught over Eduardo's injury," he said. ─── 我建议尽量不要引用那些很直接的图片,让很多人难以接受...

9、Aid workers distributed brightly wrapped chocolate Easter eggs to cheer up the children and their distraught families. ─── 援助人员发放包装光亮的巧克力复活节蛋,想让孩子们和他们极度悲伤的家庭振作起来。

10、People across the country were distraught. ─── 举国人民都非常失望。

11、She's still too distraught to speak about the tragedy. ─── 她仍然十分忧伤,不愿提起这场灾难。

12、At that moment Wang Ho-fu and Sun Chi-jen were engaged in a tete-a-tete in the conference room; when Wu Sunfu dashed in looking rather distraught, they sprang to their feet in wide-eyed surprise. ─── 当下吴荪甫因为跑急了,神色有点慌张; 正在那办公室里促膝密谈的王和甫和孙吉人就吃了一惊,陡的一齐站起来,睁大了惊愕的眼睛。

13、Nina consoles the distraught Teri. ─── 她安慰着心烦意乱的泰瑞。

14、an unnaturally frenzied or distraught woman. ─── 一个不同寻常的狂热的或发狂的女人。

15、Stener was quite alone, worried and distraught ─── 斯坦纳一个人在那里焦虑着,心神不安。

16、“We’re just as distraught as anybody else,” says Troy Newman, who runs Operation Rescue, a group that often picketed Dr Tiller’s clinic in Wichita. ─── “我们和所有人一样对此事感到心烦意乱,”特洛伊-纽曼说,他运营着一个名为拯救行动的团体,经常在蒂勒医生在威其塔的诊所前抗议。

17、She sounded absolutely distraught. ─── 听上去她完全心慌意乱。

18、Weeks after the accident she remained distraught. ─── 事故过去几周了, 可她仍是心神不安。

19、Even though I feel very distraught about my debt, I still shop. ─── 即使我为自己欠下的债务感到抓狂,但我还是会购物。

20、No doubt Nixon's distraught appearance, conveying an impression of both grief and evasion, did not offer the picture of a Chief Executive dominating crisis. ─── 尼克松一副心烦意乱的样子,使人感到他既痛心疾首,又在敷衍搪塞,难怪他不象个驾驭危机的总统。

21、I was two months old when my distraught father sent me to Mother's favorite sister ─── 我两个月时伤心的父亲把我送到母亲深爱的妹妹那里寄养。

22、Although I could never quite pinpoint where it was going to come from but I was so distraught by the thought that it was going to destroy me. ─── 尽管我从来不钻牛角尖,但是我还是被,那种几乎摧毁我的感觉,弄得心神意乱。

23、Aid workers distributed brightly wrapped chocolate Easter eggs to cheer up the children and their distraught families. ─── 救援工作者分发包装鲜艳的巧克力复活节彩色蛋,来鼓舞孩子们和他们心烦意乱的家长。

24、Redding, an honour student, was so distraught and humiliated she transferred to another school. ─── 心烦意乱、无地自容的优等生雷丁转去了另一所学校。

25、I became a distraught, worried mother, a useless role if ever there was one. ─── 如果有个心烦意乱、忧心忡忡的母亲,一个完全无用的角色,那就是我。

26、The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves the distraught. ─── 义人一呼号,上主立即俯允,拯救他们出离一切的苦辛。

27、Distraught by strange adventures, they find they have lost their voices. ─── 他们被这种奇遇搞得心烦意乱,并且发现他们都失声了。

28、'I know the team was distraught after. ─── “我知道那之后球队一定很沮丧。

29、Meanwhile, Amy watched, distraught, as her other siblings were trundled out to waiting cars, bound for separate foster homes. ─── 与此同时,艾米十分痛心地看到其他几个弟弟妹妹被拖进汽车里,然后被分配到不同的家庭去抚养。

30、Kelun's father died in an airplane crash, and his distraught stepmother arranges for him to go abroad for advanced study, in the hope that his relationship with Cianni will thus end. ─── 可伦的父亲飞机失事,继母哀恸之馀安排可伦出国深造,借此断绝与倩妮的来往,可伦忿忿离家出走,并与洗尽铅华的倩妮同居。

31、When word of the trade came down, a distraught Francis wept openly in the visiting locker room in Boston. ─── 当交易的消息传来时,弗朗西斯简直发疯了,他在更衣室里面对众多记者嚎啕大哭。

32、Requiem (1879) - 15 years before he died -- ill, distraught and close to death -- Stevenson penned this, his own epitaph. ─── 墓志铭 (1879) 写于他死前的15年, 那时候他病体恹恹, 精神恍惚, 几乎死去。斯蒂文森写下了这首墓志铭。

33、Her eyes were large and patient, and in them dwelt such a shadow of distress as only those who have looked sympathetically into the countenances of the distraught and helpless poor know anything about. ─── 她的一双大落落的柔顺眼睛,里边隐藏着无穷的心事,只有那些对于凄惶无告的穷苦人面目作过同情观察的人才看得出来。

34、Newspapers said many children at the school service at St Mary's Church in Maidenhead, west of London, were distraught when Rayfield said those words. ─── 据报道,当地学校的许多孩子都在这所伦敦西部的圣玛丽教堂听布道。当听到雷菲尔德对圣诞老人的描述,孩子们悲伤得几乎要发狂了。

35、Japanese policeman, distraught by working long hoursweekends for two months, stabbed himself in the stomach with a knife to get some time off, police said Monday. ─── 本周一警方消息,日本一名警察因苦于连续两个月超时工作及周末加班,用刀刺伤了自己的肚子,以休假的机会。

36、When the distraught father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and uttered just four words. ─── 当几乎要发疯的父亲赶到医院的时候,他看到的只有自己孩子的尸体,他看着他的妻子,只对她说出了四个字。

37、Here he was not surprised to meet Stener just coming out, looking very pale and distraught ─── 不出他所料,他碰见斯坦纳正走出来,面色苍白,精神恍惚。

38、" (HBP5) Harry at first supposes that she is distraught over Sirius' death but finds out later (HBP29) that she has fallen in love with Remus Lupin. ─── 哈利最先猜想她是因为小天狼星的死但后来发现(混血王子29)是因为她爱上了莱姆斯卢平。

39、Her distraught mother had spent all night waiting by the phone. ─── 她母亲忧心如焚,在电话旁守了一个晚上。

40、"Ms. Cameron, please!" I was distraught! What had I done? How could I get out of this? ─── “卡梅伦女士!”我被吓坏了!我都做了些什麽啊?现在我还能反悔吗?

41、Time is pictured reaching to expose Fraud, and in the shadows the distraught figure of Jealousy pulls at her hair. ─── “时间”将手伸向袒露的弗洛德。阴影中,心烦意乱的“嫉妒”正拉扯头发。

42、"Children live in high-rise warm, sheltered patrilocal body cold", a very distraught. ─── “儿住高楼暖洋洋,父居车身避风寒”的报道令人扼腕。

43、Police thought he had become distraught over his health after putting in long hours without a break in the quake's aftermath, and wanted to get away from work. ─── 据警方分析,由于这位警察在救灾过程中长期超时工作,得不到休息,所以他担心自己的身体撑不下去,想休息一段时间。

44、She was more amused than distraught, and found herself advising single friends to see the bright side: "We can forget about aerobics lessons and start eating as many Dove bars as we want. ─── 她建议她的单身朋友们要多看看事情光明的一面:(既然婚姻无望,)我们大可以忘掉什么有氧健身课,而且也不用怕巧克力了,想吃多少就吃多少。

45、We weredecent people.My mother, though sometimes distraught at the behavior of her family, did not go intotown with snaggly hair or wear floppy rubber galoshes. ─── 我们是体面人家,我妈虽然有时也为家里的事烦恼,可她不会蓬头垢面、穿着叭塌作响的胶鞋就进城。

46、She thought this over as she looked at her mother sitting there so silent, haggard, and distraught. ─── 她一面想过这些事情,一面看她母亲坐在那里,沉默,憔悴,如醉如痴。

47、Mr. Barker's distraught parents were last night being comforted by relatives. ─── 巴克先生烦躁不安的父母昨晚被亲戚们安抚了。

48、So they were extremely distraught about it, and they had to make a family decision about it... ─── 所以他们对它感到非常心烦意乱,不得不为此做出家庭决定...

49、Hunt was distraught after learning of Cech's condition. ─── 亨特在听说切赫的伤势后心烦意乱.

50、Why Ethiopia?"In 1984," he said, "when I was a chef at a posh private dining club in Los Angeles, I was distraught when the owners refused to hold a benefit for victims of a tragic famine in Ethiopia. ─── 为什么是埃塞俄比亚?他说:"在1984年,当我在洛杉矶的一家高级私人餐饮俱乐部做厨师的时候,当那些餐馆店主们拒绝为埃塞俄比亚的一次悲惨饥荒中的难民募捐的时让感到很痛心。

51、Distraught with grief, I signed away my rights to the property. ─── 因悲伤我在恍惚中签字让出了我的财产权。

52、She was distraught with worry. ─── 她担心得几乎要发疯了。

53、Her eyes were large and patient and in them dwelt such a shadow of distress as only those who have looked sympathetically into the countenances of the distraught and helpless poor know anything about. ─── 一双大落落的柔顺眼睛,里边隐藏着无穷的心事,只有那些对于凄惶无告的穷苦人面目作过同情观察的人才看得出来。

54、Distraught woman, 25, is handful for a crew of husky cops as they struggle to save her after she leaped from 17th floor. ─── 二十五岁的狂妇自十七楼跳下以后,来搭救她的一组人高马大的警员,颇费一番手脚才把她制服。

55、His head leaned back so far that it rested against the face of a defunct mantelpiece clock, and from this position his distraught eyes stared down at Daisy, who was sitting, frightened but graceful, on the edge of a stiff chair. ─── 他的头往后仰,一直碰到一架早已报废的大台钟的钟面上。 他那双显得心神错乱的眼睛从这个位置向下盯着黛西,她坐在一张硬背椅子的边上,神色惶恐,姿态倒很优美。

56、A minute later Sonya came in, looking frightened, distraught, and guilty. ─── 一分钟后,索尼娅走进来,惶恐不安,六神无主,露出认罪的样子。

57、A distraught couple are trying to help their lost dog find his way home by laying a trail of their own pee. ─── 一对心急如焚的夫妇正试图利用自己的尿留下踪迹,来协助走失的爱犬找到回家的路。

58、It has been suggested that there may be as many as six other potential fathers to Stedman's newborn daughter, Maisie, although Stedman is said to be distraught by the allegations. ─── 又有6人声称是婴儿的生父,这些流言使尚特尔十分心烦意乱。

59、Ben was distraught at his stupidity for allowing this bill to grow so large ─── 本对于自己允许欠帐的愚蠢行为感到万分沮丧。

60、but, in the sound of weeping parents to save their "precious darling" , and that voice is so distraught, even though, only to see the lips! ─── 而是,在父母的哭泣声挽救了他们的“心肝宝贝”,那声音是如此的悲痛欲绝,尽管,看到的而只是唇语!

61、When the distraught father came to the hospital, and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and uttered just five words. ─── 当烦乱的丈夫去到医院看见了死去的儿子,再看看他的太太,他只对太太说出五个字。

62、Distraught and facing accusations from his employer, Mr. Sun went home, grabbed a knife in his kitchen and chopped his finger. ─── 孙中界愤怒不已,又面临老板的指责,他回到家中,抓起厨房的刀将手指砍了下来。

63、Retired teacher Qiu Guizhi, 57, was distraught when she returned home to find herself summarily evicted, with all her belongings removed except for a water heater. ─── 今年57岁的退休教师邱桂枝有一天回家时发现,家里所有东西除了一台热水器外都被扫荡一空。

64、The distraught Inez walks into the jungle and disappears. ─── 伊内兹发了疯,她走入丛林,再也没有回来。

65、"My client is remorseful and clearly emotionally distraught. ─── “我的委托人现在非常后悔,万分痛心。

66、Wild or distraught in appearance. ─── 发狂的外表狂野或极其烦乱的

67、A two-year-old boy is rushed to the emergency room of your hospital by his distraught mother. ─── 一个两岁的男孩被心急如焚的母亲急送到你所属医院的急症室。

68、“You can tell us anything,” Blair coos to a distraught Serena, who is hung over and harboring a shameful secret. ─── “你可以告诉我们任何事情”Blair轻声细语的对心乱如麻的Serena说,Serena悬起的心却隐匿着不可饶恕的秘密。

69、Prince Andrey could see distinctly now the distraught, and at the same time exasperated expression of the faces of the two men, who were obviously quite unconscious of what they were doing. ─── 安德烈公爵清楚地看见这两个人的不知所措而又凶恶的面部表情,看起来,他们并不明白他们在干什么。

70、Haggard implies thinness, tiredness, and often the expression of one seemingly distraught or harried ─── Haggard形容瘦弱和疲惫的样子,通常形容人心烦意乱或受折磨的表情

71、On his return home, the man was crying and getting quite distraught. ─── 此弊恶驴,须臾之顷,尽破我器。

72、Tony is shot in revenge, and Maria is left distraught. ─── 在《西区故事》中,托尼被复仇者射杀,留下发疯的玛丽亚。

73、A distraught couple are trying to help their lost dog find his way home by laying a trail of their own pee. ─── 一对心急如焚的夫妇正试图利用自己的尿留下踪迹,来协助走失的爱犬找到回家的路。

74、He was 6 when La Russa and his father were fired, and he was so distraught that his father took him along for the drive home to Tucson. ─── 当LaRussa及邓肯爸被白袜炒鱿鱼时,他才6岁,他难过焦躁到邓肯爸得一路带著他从家里开车到Tucson。

75、It doesn't however have to follow that the fans should be totally distraught. ─── 但对于球迷们来说,完全没有必要感到非常沮丧。

76、She looks quite distraught. ─── 她看上去忐忑不安。

77、DISTRAUGHT HIGHJACKER: Police officers arrested the man who allegedly hijacked a bus with 39 riders Tuesday in Sofia, Bulgaria. ─── 劫持:周二保加利亚首都索非亚发生一起公交车劫持案,当时车上共有39名乘客,最终歹徒被警方擒获,所有人质安全获释。

78、"It means that when a ruler's subjects get it they turn distraught, when they lose it they turn distraught. That is what is meant by saying favour and disgrace goad as it were to madness." ─── " 得之若惊, 失之若惊; 是谓宠辱若惊."

79、But injury forced the 25-year-old to pull up during the first round of the hurdles in Beijing.People across the country were distraught. ─── 但是上并使得这位25岁的运动员在北京奥运会第一栏的时候被迫退出比赛,全世界的人们都感到痛心。

80、On Thursday, Rhonda said she'd received a call at her Thunder Bay home from Jolene, who sounded distraught due to her worsening CF, which made it nearly impossible to breathe. ─── Rhonda说星期四她在她位于ThunderBay的家里接到了Jolene的电话,她听起来非常地烦躁,因为她的囊肿性纤维化肺病使得她的肺几乎喘不过气来。

81、He saw the agonising wait end for one of many distraught mothers waiting outside the school. ─── 他看见了许多悲痛的几乎发狂的母亲,在校门外等待。

82、This post below of a devastated child and distraught mother appeared in Sarawak Talk in reply to my article “Judicial Injustices Not Righted Yet”. ─── 大马是一个多元种族的国家,每个国民都应该享有平等公平的待遇,唯有屏弃肤色之分,国家才有望跨步前进。

83、Finally a woman taking out trash picks up the girl and moves her to the side of the road before her distraught parents arrive. ─── 终于,在她焦虑的父母赶到前,一个拾垃圾的女人扶起了女孩,把她移到了路边。

84、She was plainly distraught ─── 她心里显然很慌乱。

85、THE distraught mother of 14-year-old Josef Cruickshank (pictured), who died after allegedly being shot by his friend, has begged police to drop the murder charge on her son's best friend. ─── 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏悉尼14岁少年被14岁同伴开枪打死死者母亲恳请警方不要起诉凶嫌查看全文2008-12-0808:48:00

86、The problem is, his distraught parents have tried to stop their toddler from gorging on food, but they are completely afraid of him! WHAT! ? ─── 他的父母十分忧虑,也试图不让他吃那么多,但是他们已经怕了这个孩子了!

87、HIS distraught colleagues cannot forgive Taro Aso for calling a general election on August 30th, following a dismal stint as prime minister. ─── 作为一个失败的首相,麻生太郎已经让其部下无法原谅,随后宣布8月30日举行平民大选,则更让其手下几近抓狂。

88、When you're distraught and in pain without anyone ─── 当你失去某人时,感到发狂与痛苦

89、My parents, who knew even less about vegetarianism than I did, were distraught. ─── 我爸妈对素食的了解甚至比我还要少而且也不喜欢素食。

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