regardless 发音
英:[rɪ'gɑːdlɪs] 美:[rɪ'ɡɑrdləs]
英: 美:
regardless 中文意思翻译
regardless 网络释义
adj. 不管;不顾;不注意
regardless 同义词
watch | gaze | sake | esteem | reckon | see | advert | affect | deem | observe | of | honour | think | treat | stare | thing | eye | relate to | favour | notice | admire | view | count | respect | concern | homage | glance | compliments | believe | attentiveness | heed | surmise | mind |consider | judge | study | consequence | touch on | think of | reference | look upon | importance | favor | reputation | honor | wish | reverence | hold | affection | note | look | involve | consideration | qualify | admiration | conceive
regardless 短语词组
regardless of
1. 不管; 不顾
Regardless of danger, he climbed the tower.
regardless 反义词
regardless 词性/词形变化,regardless变形
副词: regardlessly |名词: regard-lessness |
regardless 相似词语短语
1、irregardless ─── adj.[口语、非规范用语]=regardless不管
2、regardlessness ─── n.不重视,不顾一切
3、beardless ─── adj.无须的;无芒的;乳臭未干的;年轻的
4、regardlessly ─── adv.毫无价值地;不受注意地
5、regardfulness ─── 庄重
6、regarders ─── 富豪
7、rewardless ─── adj.徒劳的;无报酬的;白费气力的
8、regardless of ─── 不顾,不管
9、begirdles ─── 理解
regardless 习惯用语
1、regardless of ─── 不管[顾], 不注意
regardless 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Regardless of makes anything . Wants bravely to face . ─── 今天我也要开始给自己定计划了。
2、This anomalous result showed up regardless of the patient's primary diagnosis. ─── 不论病人主要诊断的毛病为何,都出现这项失常。
3、Regardless of the way you choose, both yield the same Type. ─── 不管您选择哪种方式,都会产生相同的Type。
4、Regardless of the locale, these teams are always "at home. ─── 不论在什么地点,这些团队总是‘轻松愉快’。
5、He made after the enemy officer regardless of his own danger. ─── 他不顾个人安危追逐敌军官。
6、INSTEAD OF triggers can be nested regardless of the setting of this option. ─── 不管此选项如何设置,INSTEAD OF触发器都可以嵌套。
7、Cheering and gamboling, I dashed ahead regardless of my own safety. ─── 三十岁以后,一听到名人就若有所失,就心烦意乱,就怒火中烧,就。。。。。。
8、He went there regardless of the risk. ─── "尽管有危险,他还是去那儿了。"
9、After all, regardless of rank, and score four linked remove oh. ─── 不论横竖排列,四个相连就可消除并且得分哦。
10、The plane will take off, regardless of the weather. ─── 不管天气好坏,飞机都将起飞。
11、Regardless: ad. Whatever may happen Get the money, regardless! ─── 不管怎么样,拿到钱再说!
12、Regardless of expense, we must take every measure to save the old man's life. ─── 不管费用多少,我们必须采取一切措施抢救这位老人。
13、They are ready to take action regardless of the conse quences. ─── 不管后果如何,他们准备采取行动。
14、I must make the decision regardless. ─── 不管怎样我得做决定。
15、Regardless of whom you are talking to you should always be polite. ─── 不论你和谁说话,你都应该随时注意礼貌。
16、From then on, regardless of how wind and frost sleet, may I all not be afraid. ─── 从此以后,无论怎样的风霜雨雪,我都不会再有畏惧。
17、Regardless of the objection from his family, he quitted his job. ─── 他不顾家人的反对,辞掉了工作。
18、They decorated the house regardless of the cost. ─── 他们不计费用多少,把房屋装修一新。
19、The plan for a new office building went ahead regardless of local opposition. ─── 不管当地居民的反对,新建一个办公大楼的计划继续进行。
20、He made irresponsible remarks at random, regardless of the consequences. ─── 他不顾后果,而信口雌黄。
21、Despite her recent surgery she has been carrying on regardless. ─── 尽管她最近动了手术,她却一直在不顾一切地继续工作。
22、They are taught to respect everyone,regardless of race. ─── 他们被教育要尊重每个人,不论种族。
23、Regardless of the type of wizard, they all have common traits. ─── 不论哪种类型的向导,都具有一些共同的特点。
24、Instructions are same regardless of valve end connections. ─── 不管阀门的端口连接方式是什么,操作说明都相同。
25、He can keep calm regardless of whatever questions happened. ─── 不管出现什么问题,他总能保持镇静。
26、We know, as we reminisce of our past, time flies regardless. ─── 以前对我来说,每天都是老样子,我做着同一件事就是学习。
27、He went on talking, regardless of my feelings on the matter. ─── 他不顾我对这事的感觉如何,继续说了下去。
28、They built the Palace regardless of cost. ─── 他们不惜成本,建造了这座宫殿。
29、It's rude not to return telephone calls regardless of whom they are from. ─── 不回电话是无礼的--不管电话来自何人。
30、Regardless of any difficulty or setback, they keep on fighting. ─── 他们不顾一切困难挫折,坚持战斗。
31、club welcomes all new members regardless of age. ─── 俱乐部对所有新成员不分年龄一律欢迎。
32、He stood for freedom of speech for everyone regardless of color, race or creed. ─── 他主张不分肤色、种族或信仰,人人都有言论自由。
33、Regardless of area, regardless of background. ─── 不论区域,不论背景。
34、He served the public wholeheartedly, regardless of his personal gain or loss. ─── 他全心全意为公众服务,从不计较个人得失。
35、He hired a plane, regardless of expense. ─── 他不惜代价, 租了一架飞机.
36、You do the right thing regardless of what others are doing. ─── 不管其他人在做什么,你坚持做自己认为对的事情。
37、And regardless of the law, social changes seem to be making parents in rich countries cautious about smacking. ─── 除法律规定外,社会变迁似乎使富裕国家的父母更为谨慎地运用体罚。
38、He says what he thinks, regardless of other people's feelings. ─── 他怎么想就怎么说,不考虑别人的情绪。
39、We will do it regardless of what might happen. ─── 不管情况怎样,我们决意这样做。
40、One of the questions under debate is whet IT a man get to choose comtotcapable clothes, which he or IT loves, regardless of fashion. ─── 其中一个重难点型根本那是一个人也许应挑选他喜欢的舒适的衣服,而不管也许时髦。
41、Include() does not behave this way, the script will continue regardless. ─── include()就不是这样,脚本会继续运行。
42、They catered for everyone regardless of social rank. ─── 他们为所有人服务而不计较其社会地位。
43、They will carry out this experimentation, regardless of what happen. ─── 3不管发生什么,他们都将完成这个实验。
44、If you do not specify a backlog size, clients will attempt to synchronize regardless of the size of the backlog. ─── 如果不指定积压请求数限制,则无论存在多少积压请求,客户端都会尝试进行同步。
45、Since XOR operations are commutative and associative, correct recovery is possible regardless of the creation sequence of log records. ─── 由于XOR运算具有交换性和结合性,无论日志记录生成的次序如何都可获得正确的恢复。
46、We are determined to go regardless of your intentions. ─── 不管你的意向如何,我们下定决心去了。
47、Regardless of how much pain and trouble we go through accomplishing something. ─── 不论在人间付出多少心血、多少辛苦,切莫将心念停留于过去的成就。
48、He crushed the bloom with regardless tread. ─── 他毫不在意一脚践踏了鲜花。
49、Regardless of any other aspects in your life, the achievement of Ascension is after all the main object of your many lives on Earth. ─── 无关于你生活的任何其他面向,【扬升的达成】总是你投生地球的最主要计划。
50、Regardless, they never underwent their First Change and Rite of Passage. ─── 不管怎么说,他们都没有经历过首次变身和成年仪式。
51、But regardless of what actually is afoot, from a number of angles, HSBC would be better off moving back to its historical roots in Asia. ─── 但不管其实际打算是什么,从多个角度来看,汇丰搬回它在亚洲的原来的根据地将使其获益匪浅。
52、He went ahead and did it, regardless of the consequences. ─── 他说干就干了,没有考虑后果。
53、Regardless of how creative and skillful you are, we urge you not to do this. ─── 不论你多么有创造力和富于技巧,请你一定不要这样做。
54、A human being regardless of sex or age; a person. ─── 人类,人不论性别或年龄的人;人
55、All the people should be treated equally regardless of their skin color. ─── 不论是什么肤色,所有的人都应当被平等地对待。
56、They decorated the house regardless of cost. ─── 他们不惜工本装修这栋房子。
57、Regardless of danger, he climbed the pagoda. ─── 他不顾危险地爬上了高塔。
58、Maybe we could teach everyone to dribble, pass, and shoot, regardless of size. ─── 也许我们应该不计较身高地去教每一个球员运球、传球、投篮。
59、Anyway,regardless of the resolution,we are all making a commitment toward betterment. ─── 不管怎么说,别提决心,我们都在保证朝着更好努力。
60、Regardless how little he eared,he can keep his family. ─── 他的收入无论怎么少,也能维持一家的生活。
61、He serves the public whole-heartedly,regardless of his personal gain or loss. ─── 他全心全意为公众服务,从不计较个人得失。
62、Regardless of the weather, and Irene Yifu must walk a long way. ─── 不论天气如何,伊雷娜和艾芙总要步行很长的路。
63、I will take the job regardless of the pay. ─── 不管报酬多少我都要这份工作。
64、Regardless of how often I correct him, he always makes the same mistake. ─── 不管我怎样经常告诫他, 他总是犯同样的错误。
65、Regardless, he 's damaging our country beyond repair. ─── 不管怎样,他正在严重破坏我们的国家。
66、Facts show that, regardless of style or fabric is not appropriate. ─── 事实表明,无论布料还是样式都是不合适的。
67、He is regardless of the result. ─── 他不顾虑结果。
68、He went to the rescue of a drowning child regardless of his personal safety. ─── 他把个人安危置之度外去救一个溺水儿童。
69、Regardless of enemy bombing, the ferry kept operating day and night. ─── 不管敌机轰炸,摆渡日夜坚持。
70、Regardless of your circumstances,you can make a difference. ─── 不管所处的条件如何,你可以出人头地,特别是在你现任的工作中。
71、He continued speaking, regardless of my feelings on the matter. ─── 他不顾及我在此事上的感情继续往下说.
72、The game is continue regardless of rain or sun. ─── 不论晴雨,比赛照常举行。
73、Regardless of what you say, people are scared already. ─── 不管讲什么,人家已经吓倒了。
74、Regardless shouldn't play down chronic lack of sleep. ─── 不管怎样的原因,专家提醒你们不能轻视长期睡眠不足问题。
75、She always travels first-class regardless of expense. ─── 无论费用多高她总是乘头等舱。
76、Regardless of what they say about me, I'm going to do it. ─── 不管他们怎么说我,我都会去做。
77、All SS316L or Monel construction regardless of vessel material. ─── 不管容器什么材料,刮擦器全部采用316L不锈钢或者铜镍合金。
78、Cutting ahead: Cutting watermarked paper regardless of watermark positions. ─── 不对位于裁切:不须理会纸上的水印位置面貌一新切的开纸方式。
79、Regardless of what they say about it, we're going to keep it. ─── 不论他们说什么,我们也把它留下来。
80、He crashed my pen with regardless tread. ─── 他不留心踩坏了我的钢笔。
81、Goes to school regardless of wind or rain. ─── 他不管刮风下雨都去上学。
82、I'll carry out the plan, regardless of the consequences. ─── 不管三七二十一,我要照计划行事。
83、He always keep PE exersices regardless of how cold in winter. ─── 不管冬天天气多冷,他总是坚持体育锻炼。
84、He smokes discretionarily in public regardless other's health. ─── 他不顾别人的健康而在公共场所随意抽烟。
85、Sex is good when it's pleasurable regardless of orgasm. ─── 不管有没有性高潮,只要能带来快乐两性英语就是美好的。
86、Nobody will believe him regardless of any excuse. ─── 不管他找什么借口都没有人相信。
87、He made after the enemy officer regardless of the danger to himself. ─── 他不顾个人安危追逐敌人军官。
88、Regardless, I will go to my friend. ─── 不管怎麽样,我将去我的朋友。
89、He continue speaking, regardless of my feelings on the matter. ─── 他不顾及我在此事上的感情继续往下说。
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