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08-15 投稿


Matthias 发音


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Matthias 短语词组

1、matthias baaz ─── 马蒂亚斯巴兹

2、matthias reim karma ─── 马蒂亚斯·雷姆·卡玛

3、Joseph ben Matthias ─── [网络] 约瑟夫·本·马蒂亚斯

4、matthias delvaux ─── 马蒂亚斯·德尔沃

5、Matthias Schleiden ─── [网络] 许来登;植物学家许莱登;尔登

6、matthias bb ─── 马蒂亚斯bb

7、matthias reim jenny ─── 马蒂亚斯·莱姆·珍妮

8、Matthias Church ─── 马蒂亚斯教堂

9、matthias preindl ─── 马蒂亚斯·普雷因德尔

10、matthias and maxime ─── 马蒂亚斯和 ─── 马克西姆

11、matthias schoenaerts ─── [人名]马提亚斯修奈尔

12、matthias reim hey ─── 马蒂亚斯·雷姆嘿

13、matthias reim allein ─── 马提亚斯独自押韵

14、matthias claudius ─── 马蒂亚斯·克劳迪斯

15、matthias beller ─── 马蒂亚斯贝勒

16、matthias reims ─── 马蒂亚斯·兰斯

17、Matthias' rules ─── [电] 马赛厄斯法则

18、matthias reim ─── 马蒂亚斯·雷姆

Matthias 相似词语短语

1、materials ─── n.[材]材料;材质(material的复数);材料科学;材料费

2、battalias ─── 巴特别名

3、hatterias ─── 哈特里亚

4、matties ─── n.玛蒂(女子名);马提(男子名)

5、mattins ─── n.晨祷;现通常在黎明朗诵赞美歌

6、mattoids ─── n.半疯子;精神病边缘者

7、matachins ─── 匹配

8、Matthias ─── n.马提亚(耶稣受洗时所得诸使徒之一)

9、matachinas ─── 马塔金

Matthias 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wherefore he sent Posidonius, and Theodotius, and Matthias before to pre- sent and receive the right hands. ─── 于是派颇息多尼、特奥多托和玛塔提雅去与犹太人商议和谈。

2、And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias; and he was counted with the eleven apostles. ─── 26于是众人为他们摇签,摇出马提亚来,他就和十一位使徒同列。

3、And they put forward two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. ─── 于是,大家推选两个人,就是约瑟(别号巴撒巴,又名犹士都)和马提亚。

4、Afterwards, Matthias Kessler, apparently the new strong man on the team, told Olaf Ludwig that the team had decided to ride the Tour, and how it would ride the Tour. ─── 当被问及兰蒂斯是否可以在明年卫冕时,勒布兰表示:“当然可以,现在我们已经没有了阿姆斯特朗,也没有了乌尔里希,只有克罗登还在。”

5、Stavros G. Memtsoudis, Peter Rosenberger, and J. Matthias Walz Critical Care Issues in the Patient After Major Joint Replacement ─── 大关节置换术后的注意事项

6、Altman;Kenneth F.Schulz;David Moher;Matthias Egger;Frank Davidoff;Diana Elbourne;Peter C.Gtzsch;Thomas Lang; ─── 报告随机对照试验的CONSORT声明修订版:说明与详述(三) Douglas G.

7、Golden age in more senses than one: Matthias assembled one of Europe's finest libraries, second in size only to the Vatican's. ─── 之所以称之为黄金时代,这里面有更多的含义:马提亚斯建造了欧洲其中一个最壮观的图书馆,其规模仅次于梵蒂冈的。

8、“There is a certain accord with government to keep our core workforce intact for as long as possible,” says Matthias Wissmann of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). ─── “尽可能长时间地保住我们的核心劳动力,这无疑是业界和政府的共识。”德国汽车工业协会的MatthiasWissmann表示。

9、“Foreign banks have more or less retreated from Germany,” says Matthias Wissmann of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). ─── 德国汽车工业联合会(VDA)的MatthiasWissmann说:“国外的银行差不多都从德国撤出了。”

10、Franz Beckenbauer, Bobby Moore, Gaetano Scirea, Laurent Blanc, Matthias Sammer, Ruud Krol, Franco Baresi, Paolo Maldini and Daniel Passarella are some of the best ever sweepers in football history. ─── 根据一些小叮当的看法,以及清道夫的看法。这个位置已经彻底的消失了,而不是过时了。虽然某些中场,某些后卫依稀还偶尔露出一些清道夫的旧模样,但形神具散了。

11、And they made selection of two, Joseph, named Barsabbas, whose other name was Justus, and Matthias. ─── 23于是选举两个人、就是那叫作巴撒巴又称呼犹士都的约瑟、和马提亚。

12、Matthias Flacius ─── 弗喇秋

13、And they drew lots for them, and the lot fell to Matthias;and he was added to the eleven apostles. ─── 徒1:26于是众人为他们摇签、摇出马提亚来.他就和十一个使徒同列。

14、Since Matthias joined IBM in 1986, he has worked on a variety of projects, focusing on the architecture of workflow systems and Web services. ─── 自从1986年加入IBM以来,Matthias一直在从事各种专案的研究,重点是工作流程和Web服务的架构。

15、Is speed of integration really a success factor of mergers and acquisitions? An analysis of the role of internal and external relatedness By: Homburg, Christian; Bucerius, Matthias. ─── 整合速度是否真正是并购的成功因素?

16、Georg Matthias Bose's party trick involved electrifying ladies then persuading unsuspecting gentlemen to kiss them. ─── 乔格·马蒂亚斯·波色的派对把戏:让女士们的身上带上静电,然后怂恿毫无戒备的男士去亲吻她们。

17、"Cultivated vegetables work better together than biovegetables, "said Matthias Meinharter, who plays a leek violin. ─── “天然种植的蔬菜比生物培植的蔬菜更适合用来演奏,”用韭葱小提琴演奏的马赛厄斯曼哈特说。

18、After all, when Matthias settled on Beatrice, a Neapolitan, to be his bride, it took her three months to get to him along roads infested with highwaymen and Turkish raiders. ─── 最终,当马提亚斯决定取比阿特丽斯(那不勒斯人,他的未婚妻)之时,其未婚妻在路上竟在车匪路霸与土耳其强盗滋生的路上坎坎坷坷地行进了3个月之久。

19、That's why she invited Matthias Marshall, the infamous Earl of Colchester, to her home in Upper Stickleford. ─── 因此她邀请恶名昭彰的柯契斯伯爵马麦修到她位在司提郡的家来。

20、The Eleven Apostles chose Matthias to replace Judas as one of the twelve Apostles. ─── 剩下的十一位使徒选出马提亚代替犹大当十二使徒之一。

21、And they proposed two, Joseph, called Barsabbas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. ─── 23于是他们推举两个人,就是那称为巴撒巴,又名犹士都的约瑟,和马提亚,

22、two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. ─── 两个人,就是那叫作巴撒巴又称呼犹士都的约瑟,和马提亚。

23、6) German weightlifter Matthias Steiner kisses a picture of his late wife Susann on the gold medal podium, choking back tears over the promise he made to her that he would keep their Olympic dream. ─── 德国举重运动员马蒂亚斯-施泰纳在领奖台上亲吻亡妻苏姗娜的照片,含泪感叹他终于实现了对妻子的承诺:永不放弃奥运梦想。

24、And they put forward two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was also called Justus, and Matthias. ─── 于是选举两个人,就是那叫做巴撒巴,又称呼犹士都的约瑟,和马提亚。

25、The 26-year-old Matthias said excitingly “She gave me the courage and strength. ─── 他说:“我所有的期盼就是苏珊在今天可以看到我的成功。

26、Minimum Anesthetic Concentration of Sevoflurane with Different Xenon Concentrations in Swine Klaus E. Hecker, Jan H. Baumert, Nicola Horn, Matthias Reyle-Hahn, Nicole Heussen, and Rolf Rossaint ─── 混合不同浓度氙气后七氟醚对猪的最小麻醉浓度

27、So they put forward two men, Joseph called Barsabbas (who was also called Justus), and Matthias. ─── 徒1:23于是选举两个人、就是那叫作巴撒巴又称呼犹士都的约瑟、和马提亚。

28、Matthias Cohnen in a Thursday presentation at the 2006 RSNA meeting. ─── 从初诊平扫CT到CT灌注扫描的进一步检查,总剂量可能难以评估。

29、Matthias Ihle; ─── 作者:喻钧;

30、Matthias' rules ─── [电] 马赛厄斯法则

31、28. Together, Matthias, Butts, Sharf, and Danch have brought integrity to our manufacturing system . ─── 马赛厄斯、巴茨、沙夫、多希这几个人共同使我们的生产系统走上了正轨。

32、It was invented by students Matthias Hahnen and Robert Doerr for a project at the University of Saarbruecken in southwest Germany. ─── 这是德国西南部萨尔布吕肯大学的学生哈南与多尔为学校一项研究计划而发明的。

33、Reinberg, Matthias Boeckl, Pedro M. ─── 放大图片 创作者: Georg W.

34、In his Cellular Health Series book, Cancer, Matthias Rath, M. ─── 在他的细胞的健康系列书里,癌症,马赛厄斯围墙,M.

35、Castren, Matthias Alexander ─── 卡斯特伦

36、With his powerful build and the swath of silver in his midnight dark hair, Matthias was more than magnificent. ─── 体格魁武强壮、黑发上有道银丝的麦修怎是一个帅字所能形容?

37、Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles. ─── 于是众人为他们摇签,摇出马提亚来。他就和十一个使徒同列。

38、Unlike most such museums, "we're not pointing people towards a certain message, " says Matthias Rogg, the director. ─── 不像大多数同类的博物馆,“我们不是在向人们指出特定的信息,”博物馆的负责人MatthiasRogg说。

39、Acts 1:23 And they proposed two, Joseph, called Barsabbas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. ─── 徒一23于是他们推举两个人,就是那称为巴撒巴,又名犹士都的约瑟,和马提亚,

40、He already has three sons: Matthias (28), a racing driver, Lukas (30), Matthias' manager, and 27-year-old Christoph. ─── 他已经有三个儿子:马蒂亚斯(28),一名赛车手,尔斯基(30岁),马蒂亚斯'经理,和27岁的克里斯托.

41、Unlike most such museums, “we’re not pointing people towards a certain message, ” says Matthias Rogg, the director. ─── 与大多数类似博物馆不同的是,“我们并不去引导人们获得某些信息”,馆长Matthias Rogg如是说;

42、Matthias rs rules ─── 马赛厄斯定则

43、Schleiden, Matthias Jakob(1804-81) German botanist. ─── 施莱登:德国植物学家。

44、German weightlifter Matthias Steiner kisses a picture of his late wife Susann on the gold medal podium, choking back tears over the promise he made to her that he would keep their Olympic dream. ─── 乌塞恩?博尔特打破男子100米世界纪录。博尔特之前已经是该项目的世界纪录保持者,在鸟巢数万观众的见证下,他跑出了9秒69的成绩。

45、Bavarian Universities Bavarian Research Universities and Universities of Applied Science Dr. Matthias HADESBECK ─── 巴伐利亚州高等院校巴伐利亚州的研究型大学和应用科学大学

46、Cannavaro is the third defender in 30 years to win - Matthias Sammer won the award in 1996 and Franz Beckenbauer in 1976. ─── 卡纳瓦罗是30年来第三位当选欧洲足球先生的后卫,此前的两位是1996年的马蒂亚斯·萨默尔(德国)和1976年的弗兰兹·贝肯鲍尔(德国)。

47、And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. ─── 于是选举两个人、就是那叫作巴撒巴又称呼犹士都的约瑟、和马提亚。

48、Cultivated vegetables work better together than biovegetables,” said Matthias Meinharter, who plays a leek violin. ─── 天然种植的蔬菜比生物培植的蔬菜更适合用来演奏,”用韭葱小提琴演奏的马赛厄斯曼哈特说。

49、And they drew lots for them, and the lot fell to Matthias; and he was added to the eleven apostles. ─── 于是众人为他们摇签、摇出马提亚来.他就和十一个使徒同列。

50、Matthias Yao Chih ─── 姚智

51、And they put it to the decision of chance, and the decision was given for Matthias, and he was numbered with the eleven Apostles. ─── 于是众人为他们摇签,摇出马提亚来。他就和十一个使徒同列。

52、Matthias Schwab;Ulrich Klotz; ─── 作者 辛华雯;

53、A team at the Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany, led by Matthias Rosenberger, has transformed the usefulness of the test by feeding its results into high-capacity computers. ─── 在德国开姆尼斯技术大学,由马地亚斯·卢森博格领导的研究团队把测试的结果输入高能的计算机以改变测试的有效性。

54、St. Matthias Fantail ─── n. 马休扇尾鹟

55、And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias, and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. ─── 于是众人为他们摇签,摇出马提亚来;他就和十一个使徒同列。

56、How did Sister Matthia and the others cheat time? ─── 随着时间的推移,一些实验人员用大脑扫描仪替代脑电波。

57、So they proposed two men: Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias. ─── 23于是选举两个人,就是那叫做巴撒巴,又称呼犹士都的约瑟,和马提亚。

58、26 And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias; and he was counted with the eleven apostles. ─── 徒一26于是众人为他们摇签,摇出马提亚来,他就和十一位使徒同列。

59、Team: Matthias Wolff (Main Designer) with Meng Yan. ─── 团队:马蒂亚斯沃尔夫(主设计师与孟押嗯)。

60、A post-mortem of Sister Matthia's brain revealed no signs of excessive ageing. ─── 很多人都做到了,很多人似乎更警觉和注意力更集中。

61、Last week, in a victory for both medicine and free speech, Matthias Rath dropped his libel suit against the Guardian. ─── 上周,马蒂亚斯·拉特撤回了他对《卫报》的诽谤起诉,这一事件是医学界和言论自由的双重胜利。

62、Matthias Volz ─── 福尔茨

63、Bremmer and Matthias Leeks, this is a performance that will re-awaken your love for the old masters. ─── 对于那些没有接触该古老传说的传统演绎的人们,这将会在他们心中培养一种熟悉感,而这些古来的传说在这样喧嚣的现代世界里很难获得广泛响应。

64、Matthias, known as the “Raven King”, reigned from 1458 to 1490. ─── 马提亚斯被世人称作“贪婪国王”,于1458年至1490年期间统治着匈牙利。

65、"(China) is an important market for us, " Chief Executive Matthias Mueller told Reuters Insider on the sidelines of the Detroit Auto Show. ─── “中国对我们而言是非常重要的一个市场。”CEO穆勒在底特律车展上对路透Insider的记者说到。

66、Are Women Really More Talkative than Men? by Matthias R.Mehl, Simine Vazire, Nairn Ramfrez-Esparza, Richard B.Slatcher, James W. ─── 注二:亚利桑那大学心理学者 Matthias Mehl 联同德州大学一组心理学家的研究。

67、Acts 1:26 And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias; and he was counted with the eleven apostles. ─── 徒一26于是众人为他们摇签,摇出马提亚来,他就和十一位使徒同列。

68、Matthias Ⅰ Corvinus ─── 马提亚一世(1443-90),匈牙利国王

69、And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. ─── 23于是选举两个人,就是那叫作巴撒巴又称呼犹士都的约瑟,和马提亚。

70、Unlike most such museums, "we're not pointing people towards a certain message," says Matthias Rogg, the director. ─── 不像大多数同类的博物馆,“我们不是在向人们指出特定的信息,”博物馆的负责人Matthias Rogg说。

71、Friedman and Matthias Felleisen. ─── 作者声明: Daniel P.

72、German weightlifter Matthias Steiner kisses a picture of his late wife Susann on the gold medal podium choking back tears over the promise he made to her that he would keep their Olympic dream. ─── 德国举重运动员马蒂亚斯?施泰纳在金牌领奖台上亲吻了他已故妻子苏姗娜的照片。在回忆起他曾对她许诺要参加奥运会的梦想时,他的双眼饱含了泪水。

73、And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias; ─── 26于是众人为他们摇签,摇出马提亚来。

74、Matthias Behr ─── 贝尔

75、Moskowitz, Sebastiano Porretta, Matthias Silcher ; ─── 题名其余部分: Howard R.

76、Additional features have been contributed by the community, for instance Xegl (Dave Airlie, Adam Jackson, John Smirl) and XVideo (Matthias Hopf). ─── 社区贡献了一些附加的特性,比如Xegl(Dave Airlie, Adam Jackson, John Smirl)和XVideo (Matthias Hopf).

77、The rapid growth of the Russian market is what prompted Unilever to launch its executive education programme this year, says Matthias Jost, Unilever's HR director for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. ─── “这是一个高速增长的市场,”约斯特表示,“我总是说我们管理着一个大陆,而不是一个国家。”

78、Matthias Erzberger ─── 马梯厄斯·埃茨贝格

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