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08-01 投稿


imagination 发音

英:[ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n]  美:[ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

imagination 中文意思翻译



imagination 短语词组

1、color imagination ─── 色彩想象

2、draw on imagination ─── 杜撰,编造

3、few people have the imagination ─── 很少有人有想象力

4、captured the imagination ─── 引人遐想

5、soaring imagination ─── 丰富的想象,深远的想象

6、capture the imagination of ─── 引起…的想象

7、fire the imagination of ─── 激起…的想象,引起…的轰动

8、different imagination ─── 不同的想象力

9、capture your imagination ─── 抓住你的想象力

10、defy imagination ─── 难以想象

11、a deep imagination ─── 深刻的想象力

12、a leap of imagination ─── 想象力的飞跃

13、expand imagination ─── 拓展想象力

14、imagination training ─── 想象训练

15、few people have the imagination for reality ─── 很少有人对现实有想象力

16、imagination image ─── [网络] 想象表象;视觉影像

17、work up the imagination of ─── 引起…的想象

18、develop ones imagination ─── 发展想象力

19、captured my imagination ─── 抓住了我的想象力

imagination 常用词组

capture the imagination of ─── 激发...的想象力

just my imagination ─── 只是幻觉;只是我的幻想

imagination 词性/词形变化,imagination变形


imagination 特殊用法

1、passive imagination ─── 被动想象

2、scientific imagination ─── 科学幻想

3、creative imagination ─── 创造性想象

imagination 相似词语短语

1、imaginational ─── adj.幻想的;想像的

2、invagination ─── n.[胚]内陷,[胚]凹入;反折处;入鞘

3、emargination ─── n.尖端微凹;边缘有凹痕

4、imaginative ─── adj.富于想象的;有创造力的

5、imaginations ─── n.[心理]想象力;空想;幻想物

6、marination ─── 浸泡

7、margination ─── n.着边(炎症初期白细胞附集于血管壁)

8、evagination ─── n.外翻;外翻部分

9、pagination ─── n.标记页数;页码

imagination 习惯用语

1、beyond(all) imagination ─── (完全)出乎意料地

2、have a good imagination ─── 想象力好[差]; [谑]很会[不会]说谎

3、draw on (one's) imagination ─── 杜撰, 编造

4、have a poor imagination ─── 想象力好[差]; [谑]很会[不会]说谎

imagination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He has a facile imagination in writing. ─── 他写文章才思敏捷。

2、A small spark was enough to kindle Lily's imagination. ─── 一星光花足以点燃莉丽的全部想象力。

3、Our imagination was quickened by his story. ─── 他的故事激发了我们的想像力。

4、His imagination seems to have dried up. ─── 他的想象力好像是已经枯竭了。

5、Her haunted imagination gave her no peace. ─── 她那斩不断的思绪使她不得安宁。

6、Jimmy does not have a scrap of imagination. ─── 吉米一点想像力也没有。

7、The difficulties are all in your imagination. ─── 困难全是你脑里想像出来的东西。

8、What an imagination you have, Ali! ─── 你真会想象!

9、There's not much scope for imagination in this job. ─── 做这项工作发挥想像力的机会不太多。

10、But the bigger issue is imagination and willpower. ─── 但更重要的是想象力和意志力。

11、The imagination of man is naturally sublime. ─── 人类的想像当然是非凡的。

12、Suffer thy imagination to permit it. ─── 你爱怎么想就怎么想吧。

13、A sketch can stimulate one's own imagination. ─── 图形能促进一个人的想象力。

14、His imagination seems to havc dried up. ─── 他的想象力好象已经枯竭了。

15、She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. ─── 她是一位富于耐心和象想力的生气勃勃年轻妇女。

16、He said he would leave it to the "imagination" what that measure might be. ─── 至于重大举措意味着什么,他表示将留给外界自行“想象”。

17、He combines creative imagination with true scholarliness. ─── 他兼有创造性的想象力和真正的学者风范。

18、Lacking in imagination and spirit; dull. ─── 乏味的缺乏想象力和灵感的;无趣的

19、He has a lively imagination. ─── 他有丰富的想象力。

20、His thought is beyond the reach of my imagination. ─── 他的思想不是我所能想像得到的。

21、He combines creative imagination and true scholarship. ─── 他同时具有创造性想象力和真正的治学谨严学风。

22、Her pains are mostly pure imagination. ─── 她的疼痛多半是纯粹想像出来的东西。

23、He was really almost reaching out in imagination. ─── 他几乎已经在舒展他的想象力。

24、He is a writer of rich imagination. ─── 他是一个富有想像力的作家。

25、His work displays a woeful lack of imagination. ─── 他的作品令人遗憾地显示出缺乏想像力。

26、Her imagination took wing. ─── 她发挥了海阔天空的想象。

27、He is famous for the fertility of his imagination. ─── 他因为想象力丰富而著名。

28、Q: Surely, perception is not imagination! ─── 可以肯定,感知决非想像!

29、You have a very creative imagination. ─── 你具有创造性的想象力。

30、When facts fail, they draw on imagination. ─── 事实不充分时,他们就凭空杜撰。

31、She had imagination enough to be moody. ─── 她越想心情越感到忧郁。

32、He gave free rein to his imagination. ─── 他纵情想像。

33、By no stretch of the imagination could you call him ambitious. ─── 不管你怎麽想,也不能说他存有野心。

34、His imagination played round that queer idea. ─── 他老是想着那个怪念头。

35、She always has a morbid imagination. ─── 她总在做病态的想像。

36、His work of art may produce an effect on our imagination. ─── 他的艺术作品可以对我们的想象力产生效果。

37、Give free rein to your imagination. ─── 你可以完全自由地运用你的想像力。

38、His later stories are not interesting because of their poverty of imagination. ─── 他后来写的故事因为缺乏想像力而枯燥乏味。

39、You may be expansive in your imagination and plans. ─── 你可以在计划跟想像的时候是过度的。

40、Why he did it was beyond my imagination. ─── 他那样做的原因我无法想象。

41、Don't let your imagination run away with you. ─── 休要异想天开。

42、It is not so busy as your imagination. ─── 它不像你想象的那么容易.

43、The young writer as I was beginning to be in Guyana, those intellectual and social currents I refer to kept shaping my imagination. ─── 我在圭亚那开始成为青年作家之时,我前面提及的思想与社会潮流不断塑造我的想像力。

44、A fertile imagination; a fertile source of new ideas. ─── 丰富的想象力; 新思想的丰富源泉

45、However, with just a wee bit of imagination. ─── 不过这需要你有一点想象的空间。

46、Her imagination is too powerful. ─── 她的想象力太丰富。

47、His imagination resemble the wing of an ostrich. it enabled him to run, though not to soar. ─── 他的想象力有类于鸵鸟的翅膀—虽未可以飞翔,犹可使他奔驰。

48、He do not know the true story, so he draw on his imagination. ─── 他不知道事情的真相,于是乎就凭空捏造了。

49、The inveteracy of people's prejudices is out of your imagination. ─── 人们偏见的根深蒂固远远超出了你的想象。

50、What if I have zero creativity or imagination? ─── 如果我的创造力或想象为零,该怎么办?

51、His heart swells, and his imagination fires. ─── 他心潮起伏,浮想联翩。

52、Adventure stories fired his imagination. ─── 冒险小说激发起他的想像力。

53、A realm of imagination or fantasy. ─── 仙境,幻境想象或幻想的王国

54、Good literature quickens the imagination . ─── 好的文学作品能激发想象力。

55、Stories of adventure fire Tom's imagination. ─── 冒险故事激发了汤姆的想象力。

56、Vesper Lynd: Even accountants have imagination. ─── 会计师也有想像力。

57、She would have summoned forth his imagination. ─── 她也许会取得他的谅解。

58、That child has a very active imagination. ─── 那个小孩想象力十分丰富。

59、So often the sustained self-command and absolute composure of the stranger destroyed the idea which began to arise in her imagination. ─── 而这位陌生人的矜持和极端镇静的态度却一次又一次地粉碎了她的想象。

60、Leonardo has become the product of the collective imagination. ─── 列奥纳多已成为集体想像力的产物。

61、She allowed her imagination full play . ─── 她让她的想象力尽量发挥。

62、He drew on his bold imagination in composing music. ─── 他凭借自由驰骋的想像力作曲。

63、Her bad health is a product of her imagination. ─── 她的病是她想像出来的。

64、The children have rich imagination. ─── 孩子们有丰富的想象力

65、His imagination transformed shadows into monsters. ─── 他把影子想像成了怪物。

66、The distance of a light year boggles the imagination. ─── 一光年的距离大得令人难以想象。

67、Your desire to excel is beyond your imagination. ─── 你想要变得优秀的那种欲望(念头)会超乎你的想象.

68、Children often have active imagination. ─── 孩子们常常有丰富的想象力。

69、His stories opened up new worlds of the imagination. ─── 他的小说开拓了想像力新天地。

70、She has an active imagination. ─── 她有灵活的想象力。

71、Calder's art appeals to the imagination. ─── 卡得的艺术充满了想像力。

72、The world is as vast as your imagination. ─── 世界和你想象的一样广阔。

73、It seems that this particular half is the seat of emotions, imagination, and the sense of space. ─── 看起来,这半边脑子是主管情感、想象力和空间感的。

74、His works show an uncreative imagination. ─── 他的作品缺乏创造性的想像力。

75、I took him to counseling when he was a child, but the therapist simply said Quentin had an active imagination and would grow out of it. ─── 他还是个小孩的时候,我带他去看过心里咨询医生,但那个临床医学家只是简单的说昆廷只是很富有想象,他长大后就会好的。

76、He has a wonderful reach of imagination. ─── 他具有很丰富的想像力。

77、Perhaps this is only my imagination. ─── 也许,这只是我的凭空想象。

78、He is fertile of imagination. ─── 他想像力很丰富。

79、He is indebted to his memory for his jest and to his imagination for his fact. ─── 他的诙谐有赖于记忆力,而其事实则有来于想象力。

80、You didn't really see a ghost, it's only imagination. ─── 你并没有真地看见鬼,这仅仅是幻象。

81、His writing lacks imagination. ─── 他的作品缺乏想象。

82、Just a figment of the imagination. ─── 只不过是虚构出来的事

83、Imagination Such similar ruins can only provide me with a brilliant imagination. ─── 《遐想》像很多类似这样的废墟,只能给我提供曾经辉煌的遐想。

84、Her talk captured (ie gripped and stimulated) the imagination of the whole class. ─── 她的谈话吸引了全班的同学,激发了他们的想像力。

85、A darker imagination is at work in this story of betrayed love and revenge. Strong meat and very good. ─── 在这篇爱情背叛和复仇的故事中,表现了阴森可怖的想像力,真是刺激,棒极了。

86、Her imagination tends to run away with her. ─── 她的想像力如脱缰之马难以驾驭。

87、Existing in imagination only; imaginary. ─── 出于空想的只存在于想象中的;想象的

88、His imagination quickened immediately. ─── 他的想像力立即活跃起来。

89、His imagination paints himself hovering in the sky. ─── 他想像自己在天空飞翔。

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