shale 发音
英:[ʃeɪl] 美:[ʃel]
英: 美:
shale 中文意思翻译
shale 短语词组
1、lean oil shale ─── [经] 贫油页岩
2、carbon shale ─── [建] 碳页岩
3、shale retorting ─── [化] 页岩干馏
4、oilbearing shale ─── [经] 含油页岩
5、shale naphtha ─── [医] 页岩精, 页岩石脑油
6、crude shale oil ─── [建] 粗页岩油
7、Marcellus shale ─── 玛西拉页岩
8、alum shale ─── [化] 明矾页岩
9、shale oil ─── [化] 页岩油
10、kerogen shale ─── [化] 油页岩 ─── [经] 油母页岩
11、carbonaceous shale ─── [化] 碳质页岩
12、bituminous shale ─── [机] 沥青页岩
13、clay shale ─── [化] 粘土页岩
14、shale spirit ─── [化] 页岩汽油
15、oil-shale n. ─── [油气] 油页岩
16、humic shale ─── [网络] 腐殖质页岩
17、shale tar ─── [化] 页岩焦油
18、oil shale ─── [化] 油页岩
19、shale wax ─── [化] 页岩石蜡
shale 词性/词形变化,shale变形
形容词: shaley |
shale 相似词语短语
1、shade ─── n.树荫;阴影;阴凉处;遮阳物;(照片等的)明暗度;少量、些微;细微的差别;vt.使阴暗;使渐变;为…遮阳;使阴郁;掩盖;vi.(颜色、色彩等)渐变;n.(Shade)人名;(英、德)谢德
2、shalm ─── 芦管
3、shake ─── vt.动摇;摇动;震动;握手;vi.动摇;摇动;发抖;n.摇动;哆嗦
4、scale ─── n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;数值范围;vi.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;改变大小;vt.测量;攀登;刮鳞;依比例决定;n.(Scale)(意)斯卡莱(人名)
5、shall ─── aux.应;会;将;必须
6、shaley ─── 页岩
7、shales ─── n.[岩]页岩(shale的复数)
8、sale ─── n.销售;出售;拍卖;销售额;廉价出售;n.(Sale)人名;(意、塞、瑞典)萨莱;(英、萨摩)塞尔;(法)萨尔
9、hale ─── adj.矍铄的(尤指老人);强壮的;v.猛拉;迫使;n.(Hale)(美)哈勒(人名)
shale 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、MS ahead fluid is composed of micromolecule polymer,surfare activity agent,shale stability agent, micro silicon and weighting material. ─── MS前置液,是由高分子聚合物、表面活性剂、页岩稳定剂、微硅或加重剂(隔离液使用)组成。
2、With the consideration of various factors affecting on the screening effect,a screening model for drilling fluid shale shaker had been established. ─── 在综合考虑有关参数对钻井筛筛分影响的基础上,建立了钻井筛的筛分模型,给出影响钻井筛处理量有关因素之间的定量关系;
3、Before two years average person is to disdain to use shale at indoor, because its are coarse with cheap. ─── 前两年一般人是不屑于把页岩用于室内的,因其粗糙与廉价。
4、When shale fractures develop, they also appear as relative high pressure and drillability.T... ─── 当泥岩裂缝发育时,这种地层同样表现出相对压力高和可钻性的特点。
5、The oil shale on the surface show opening foliation, abundant pore volume and low density because of less overburden pressure. ─── 地表油页岩由于覆压减小等影响,页理张开、孔隙增加、密度减小。
6、Can you make this shale shaker work? ─── 你能使这台振动筛工作吗?
7、In multi-storey buildings, concrete blocks, Meiganshi shale Duokongzhuan, Fui Sha slabs, construction Zhatu sinter slabs are rapidly developed. ─── 在多层建筑中,混凝土砌块、煤矸石页岩多孔砖、灰沙砖、建筑渣土烧结砖正在迅速发展起来。
8、In situ deposits are dark shale with horizontal bedding. ─── 原地沉积为水平层理发育的暗色泥板岩。
9、The exploration for shale fracture oil and gas reservoir in Dongpu Depression is still in preliminary stage. ─── 东濮凹陷泥岩裂缝油气藏还处在勘探初级阶段,泥岩裂缝油气藏一般属自生自储型。
10、The Burgess Shale fossil site, well known for its fossil remains of soft-bodied marine animals, is also found there. ─── 在这里的伯吉斯谢尔化石遗址里也有发现海洋软体动物的化石。
11、In the pale light of the tunnel, 30-foot fossil traces of lycopsid gleam slickly in the shale roof like alligator skins. ─── 它们看起来像一棵棵巨型的芦笋。在隧道内黯淡的灯光下,页岩顶部30英尺长的石松化石遗迹就像鳄鱼皮般发出柔滑的光亮。
12、Huge fields of gas sheel shale are believed to lie under the Appalachian Mountains, Michigan and south central Statesthe south-central states. ─── 大家深信在阿巴拉其亚山脉,密西根和南部各州地下埋藏着大量含天然气的页岩。
13、Dominated by Gaopengling fault,an ore controlling fault,in the northern margin of the basin,the thickness of the oil shale gradually incr... ─── 受其影响油页岩从西南向东北方向厚度逐渐增大,后期受北西向断裂破坏,油页岩层产生较大落差。
14、The age equivalence of fossils found in the sandstone and the shale is thus demonstrated. ─── 发现于砂岩和页岩中化石的等时性就这样得到证明了。
15、Combustion experiments on Huadian oil shale samples have been carried out in a non-isothermal thermogravimetric analyzer(TGA). ─── 利用热重分析仪在非等温条件下对桦甸油页岩进行了燃烧试验。
16、One of the big potential winners is China, which has at least two shale pilot projects exploring for oil and gas. ─── 潜在的最大赢家是中国。该国至少在进行两个探查页岩油气的试点项目。
17、VOICE: Isn't the Burgess Shale in Canada, in the province of British Columbia [kuh-LUM-bee-uh]? ─── 伯基斯页岩是在加拿大的英属哥伦比亚省的境内吧?
18、In Estonia three types of shale tar have been used as alternatives to anthracene oil or carbolineum. ─── 在爱沙尼亚,已有三种页岩焦油用作蒽油或氯化蒽油的替换物。
19、The experiment results show that conductance of laminated and dispersed shaly sands may be treated as parallel conductance between laminated shale and dispersed shaly sands. ─── 实验结果表明,混合泥质砂岩导电可以看作是层状泥质和分散泥质砂岩并联导电的结果。
20、Fissured Clay Shale," ISRM Regional Symposium on Sedimentary Rock Engineering, pp. ─── 徐松圻(1998)"含水及碳酸钙对软岩性质之影响,"1998岩盘工程研讨会
21、Four undercompaction zones are divided on the undercompaction curves of shale in the Eogene system of De Nan depression. ─── 德南洼陷下第三系泥岩欠压实曲线可划分四个欠压实带;
22、Thin layers of sandy shale, and carbonaceous fragments are locally present. ─── 局部出现砂质页岩薄层和碳质碎屑。
23、Indeed, the rush for shale assets in Europe has been led by many of the big firms that at first overlooked unconventional gas in America. ─── 事实上,在欧洲的页岩资产热潮中起主导作用的正是一度忽视美国非常规天然气的大公司。
24、In Luojia area of Shengli Oilfield tectonic fissures are developed mainly in shale fracture reservoirs and they are closely related with faults. ─── 实例分析表明,该套泥岩裂缝储层勘探方法取得了良好的效果,在泥岩裂缝油气藏定量检测方面获得了重要进展。
25、The Lower Jurassic lithology at the Dameigou section of Qaidam Basin is characterized by fine-siltstone interbedded with carbargilite and shale. ─── 不同时期和地区的化石与岩相分布特征反映侏罗纪沉积中心由西向东迁移。
26、After aging,the plasticity index of the plasticized mixed row material,most of which is silty shale,can be greatly improved. ─── 以粉砂质页岩为主要原材料,经塑化剂作用下的陈化处理,可显著改善粉砂质页岩烧结砖混合料的塑性指数。
27、The overmatured and graphitized organic matter of the black shale series in rich uranium ore areas provides favou... ─── 富铀矿区黑色岩系中过成熟及石墨化的有机(炭)质,为铀的水成(淋积)成矿提供了优越的环境。
28、Sequence V is Miocene swamp variegated silt, mudstone interbedded by coaly shale and coal seam. The Oligocene middle grain silt probably deposited in the bottom. ─── 层序V,为中新统沼泽相的杂色砂泥岩夹炭质页岩、煤层,往下可能还含有少量渐新统中细砂岩。
29、This paper is aimed at studying the origin and application of low gamma shale of Wenmi oilfield,Turpan-Hami basin. ─── 以吐哈盆地温米油田为例,探讨了低伽马泥岩的成因机理及其应用意义。
30、Its applicability might be questioned on the grounds that carbonaceous shale is not known to occur near any of these deposits. ─── 其实用性是有疑问的,因为还不知道在上述矿床附近存在着碳质片岩。
31、Application:PG roll crusher is mainly used for the crushing of brittle mines and rocks of medium or lower rigidity like sinter,coke,slg,shale,lineston. ─── 对辊破碎机适用于在水泥,化工,电力,冶金,建材,耐火材料等工业部门破碎中等硬度的物料,如石灰石,炉渣,焦碳,煤等物料的中碎,细碎作业。
32、They drill down to the shale, then go sideways and inject high-pressure water, sand or other material into the rock. ─── 他们钻孔一直钻到页岩,然后在旁边向页岩中注入高压的水、沙和其他材料。
33、Then,the effects of formation water resistivity,Calcium and shale content and mediumgrain size on reservoir resistivity are analysed. ─── 在此基础上,分析了地层水电阻率、钙质含量、泥质含量和粒度中值对储层电阻率的影响并进行了校正。
34、In Oct 2007, we just signed a Shale Gas Joint Study Agreement with Petro China. ─── 在2007年十月公司与中石油鉴定了页岩气联合研究协议。
35、Kapeng syderolite deposit is large,occurred in purple clayey ferruginous mudstone and grey-green clayey shale of Lower Silurian series. ─── 卡棚大型紫砂陶土矿主要赋存于志留系下统紫红色粘土质含铁泥岩和灰绿色粘土质页岩中,分上下2个含矿岩系,4个矿层。
36、Jo, Shellian(1998)Stratigraphic correlation of talu shale in the Paishatun and its vicinity area. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 32, 165-185. ─── 周学良(1998)白沙屯及其附近地区打鹿页岩之地层对比。台湾石油地质,第32号,第165-185页。
37、In the stone coal layer and the overlying black shale, there is a pyrite layer. ─── 在石煤层或其上部的碳质页岩中含黄铁矿层。
38、Theoretical and in situ investigations in Estonian oil shale mines showed that their results are close to the modeling results. ─── 在爱沙尼亚油页岩矿山的现场研究表明,其研究结果与模型的理论计算结果十分接近。
39、The cuttings collected from the shale shaker should be cleaned before fluorescence analysis. ─── 从震动筛捞取的岩屑洗净后再作荧光分析。
40、Siebrits E,and Elbel J L.Refracture Reorientation Enhances Gas Production in Barnett Shale Tight Gas Wells[J].SPE,63030,2000. ─── 刘洪,赵金洲,胡永全,等.重复压裂造新缝力学机理研究[J].天然气工业,2004(12).
41、A shale formation with sandstone interbedded is also a potential oil bearing formation. ─── 以泥岩为主,夹砂岩的地层也可能是油气层。
42、Surfactants used in drilling include foamer,emulsitter,shale inhibitor,lubricant etc. ─── 在钻井中,表面活性剂用作起泡剂、乳化剂、页岩抑制剂、润滑剂等;
43、The Burgess Shale formation also has fossils of many extinct representatives of modern animal groups. ─── 伯吉斯页岩地层中也有许多代表着现代动物群中已经灭绝的物种的化石。
44、Because some strata are carbonaceous shale, the result of geophysical work was infected. ─── 因部分地层中含有碳质板岩,对地球物理工作的结果产生了一定的影响。
45、The Dawan Formation built up of alternating bioclastic limestone and shale belongs to the inner shelf subfacies. ─── 大湾组的生物碎屑灰岩与页岩互层属于内陆棚亚相。
46、Lots of resources occurred in coal measures which associated with coal including oil shale,coalbed methane,anthraxolite,stone coal and oil. ─── 含煤岩系中赋存有可供利用的油页岩、煤层气、碳沥青、石煤、石油等资源,这些能源矿产与煤有成因关系,往往伴生或共生。
47、The original commentary is about typical technologies for oil shale retorting. ─── 介绍了当今世界典型的油页岩干馏技术。
48、The ES Compact Shale Shaker is designed for volumes from 185 to 5,650 LPM of through put. ─── ES系列小型振动筛的设计排量为185至5,650升/分。
49、Expect Shale to have its own mailing lists in the months ahead as it begins to move toward being an independent project of its own. ─── 预期在几个月后,当Shale开始成为独立的项目时,它也会有它自己的邮件列表。
50、Examples of common clastic sedimentary rocks include siliciclastic rocks such as conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and shale. ─── 常见的碎屑沉积岩的实例有硅质碎屑岩,如砾岩、砂岩、粉砂岩和页岩。
51、Negative coefficients occur where there is a downward decrease in velocity and density: for example, at the top of an over pressured shale diapir. ─── 只有当速度和密度向下减少时,例如在超压页岩穿刺体的顶部,反射系数才会出现负值。
52、Wall stabilization of highly inclined shale boreholes is important to drill a well successfully. ─── 大斜度井泥页岩的井壁稳定对油气井的正常钻井十分重要。
53、More ammonium sulphate solution is being recovered in the process of dis- tiUing shale oil. ─── 在提炼油页岩的过程中回收的硫酸氨液比过去多了。
54、The principal direction of small-scale movement is from a shale or clay to a sandstone or other permeable bed. ─── 小范围运动主要从页岩或粘土岩向砂岩或其他渗透性地层中运动。
55、Gas shale exploration is being done mainly by small to medium sized companies. ─── 天然气页岩勘探目前主要由小中型公司进行。
56、The Missouri River and its tributaries have cut deep paths through underlying sandstone and shale, fracturing the open country. ─── 密苏里河及其支流的道道深壑穿过地下的砂岩和页岩,使这个空旷的田野断裂。
57、Touke sandstone and shale stratum. This stratum has a very soft, loose structure, and this is why the badlands terrain is especially well developed here. ─── 左镇乡的地层主要为头嵙山层之砂岩与页岩所构成,由于地质特别松软,恶地形也特别发达。
58、Coal and oil shale occur alternatively and cyclically in the Paleogene Huangxian faulted Basin. ─── 古近纪的黄县断陷盆地中,煤与油页岩交互发育,呈旋回式出现。
59、Foam cementing is commonly used for cementing in a shale gas well, while perforation after casing set is often for well completion. ─── 页岩气固井主要采用泡沫水泥固井技术,完井方式以套管固井后射孔完井为主。
60、Abnormally high CO2 content is unigue only in shale diapirs.And the higher evolution of diapir is , the higher CO2 content would be. ─── 异常高的CO_2为泥拱带所独有,并且泥拱演化序列越高泥拱帽CO_2含量越高,断块越小CO_2含量越高,越是靠近断层CO_2含量越高。
61、A very common sedimentary rock is called shale, which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed. ─── 一块极普通的沉积岩叫页岩,这种页岩质地松软,很明显是通过海底沉积作用形成的。
62、Two-parameter model for predicting the decrement of compressing strength of hydrated shale based on surface area to volume ratio and CEC is setted up. ─── 建立了基于泥页岩比表面积和CEC的预测泥页岩水化后抗压强度衰减量的双参数模型。
63、It also introduces the development survey of shale oil industry,analyses primarily the technologies of shale distillation abroad. ─── 同时,也介绍了国外页岩干馏工艺的发展概况,并对国外页岩干馏技术做了初步的分析。
64、It is pointed out that there are abundant resources of oil shale which accompany coal in Tanshan ,Guyuan , Ningxia ,West-China. ─── 前人及我们最近的研究结果表明:宁夏固原炭山地区存在大量的与煤伴生的油页岩资源。
65、The black graptolite shale facies indicate a deep-water, half enclosed and anoxic sedimentary environment. ─── 中奥陶世黑色的笔石页岩为典型的半封闭缺氧的深水沉积环境,反映了海水逐步加深,水体也变得相对宁静。
66、This file allows you to customize how the Shale starter application builds and ensure it is set up for your environment. ─── 通过这个文件可以定制如何构建Shalestarter应用程序,并确保该应用程序适合您的环境设置。
67、This study examines the utilization of light ceramsite shale concrete in the old bridge paving renovation works.This study consists of three steps. ─── 因此,研究陶粒轻集料页岩混凝土在旧桥的桥面铺装层翻修改造工程的应用技术,具有重大的工程应用价值。
68、In order to increase sieving efficiency of drilling fluid shale shaker, a new complex track shale shaker was put forward. ─── 为了提高钻井液振动筛的工作效率,设计了一种复合轨迹振动筛。
69、It also introduces the development survey of shale oil industry, analyses primarily the technologies of shale distillation abroad. ─── 同时,也介绍了国外页岩干馏工艺的发展概况,并对国外页岩干馏技术做了初步的分析。
70、More ammonium sulphate solution is being recovered in the process of distilling oil shale. ─── 在提炼油页岩的过程中回收的硫酸铵液比过去多了。
71、Chou, J.-T.(1965) Petrographic study of the protoquartzite in the Talu Shale in the Tiehchenshan-Tunghsiao structure of Miaoli. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 4, 241-259. ─── 周瑞炖(1965)苗栗铁砧山通霄构造打鹿页岩内副石英砂岩岩石学之研究。台湾石油地质,第4号,第241-259页。
72、Its applicability might be questioned on the grounds that carbonaceous shale is not known to occur near any of these deposits. ─── 其实用性是有疑问的,因为还不知道在上述矿床附近存在着碳质片岩。
73、The sea receded, and as the former seabed became a desert, the wind began to plane away the sandstone and shale above the bones. ─── 海水褪去,海床沦为沙漠,狂风卷走砂岩和页岩。
74、A metamorphic rock, intermediate between shale and slate, that does not possess true slaty cleavage. ─── 厚层泥岩一种变质岩,在页岩与板岩之间,不具备真正的板块解理
75、At the conference the status-quo and development trend of China HPI industry were discussed, including development and utilization of oil shale. ─── 会议探讨了中国炼油工业的现状和发展趋势,包括油页岩的开发利用;
76、A method by which Static spontaneous potential (SSP)is obtained in thin layer, high shale content, water flooded reservoir is proposed throug. ─── 为提高水淹地层混合地层水电阻率计算精度,从自然电位产生机理角度出发,提出了薄层、高含泥、水淹储层的静自然电位的求取方法。
77、We must find economical methods for extracting oil from shale. ─── 我们必须找到从页岩中采油的经济方法。
78、The aim of determining water inflow in oil shale is to provide information for casing damage evaluation in the process of oilfield development. ─── 判断油页岩是否进水的主要目的是为油田开发过程中评价套损情况提供信息。
79、Xiaoheba Group distributed in the southeast region, mainly shale and siltstone folder a small amount of limestone. ─── 小河坝组分布于川东南地区,主要为粉砂岩与页岩夹少量生物灰岩。
80、North America has vast deposits of shale. ─── 北美有大量油页岩沉积。
81、Above the Red wall come alternating layers of red sandstone and shale 1,000 feet thick, then comes the next pale-blue layer. ─── 在“红墙”的上方,是红色的沙岩和1000英尺厚的页岩交替层,然后是浅蓝色的沙岩层,最上层是淡黄色的石灰石。
82、The shale beds in between generally deform plastically. ─── 夹在其中的页岩层通常是塑性变形。
83、Soil structure is brown loam over red/yellow clay with underlying shale. ─── 土壤结构为咖啡色壤土覆盖红/黄黏土,基底为页岩。
84、The contents of sand,shale or carbonate in complex formations can be obtained from logs of Elemental Capture Spectroscopy Sonde (ECS). ─── 元素俘获谱测井(ECS)利用定量测得的钙等多种元素的含量,计算岩石的碳酸盐岩含量,进而进行岩性识别和地层对比;
85、During the stabilized foam drilling in shale formation,an inhibitive is often added into the circulating fluid to prevent wellbore collapsing and stick. ─── 在泥页岩地层进行稳定泡沫钻井施工时,为防止地层坍塌和卡钻,通常在循环流体中要加入抑制剂。
86、In seismic behavior confined shale brick masonry wall can be a good substitute for confined clay brick masonry wall. ─── 在抗震性能上页岩砖完全可以取代粘土砖作为约束砌体墙的砌筑材料。
87、Crumillospongia biporosa are found in Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Biota and Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale Biota, too. ─── biporosa的牛蹄塘生物群下部层位低于澄江生物群,贵州遵义松林可能是C.
88、Fossil formations like the Burgess Shale show that evolution cannot always be thought of as a slow progression. ─── 像波基斯页岩这样的化石层表明进化不应该总被看作是一个缓慢的过程。
89、Study on making light weight shale brick using agricultural waste-straw etc. ─── 利用农业秸杆等废料制作轻质页岩砖的研究。
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