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09-03 投稿


alchemical 发音


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alchemical 中文意思翻译



alchemical 网络释义

adj. 炼金术的

alchemical 短语词组

1、alchemical account ─── 炼金术帐户

2、alchemical symbols ─── 炼金术符号

3、alchemical records ─── 炼金术记录

4、alchemical arrays ─── 炼金术阵列

5、alchemical reaction ─── 炼金术反应

6、alchemical priest ─── 炼金术牧师

7、alchemical onyx ─── 炼金术玛瑙

8、alchemical timeless ─── 炼金术永恒

9、alchemical base ─── 炼金术碱

10、alchemical transformation ─── 炼金术转化

11、alchemical symbol ─── 炼金术符号

12、alchemical hydra osrs ─── 炼金术水螅

13、alchemical derivatives ─── 炼金术衍生物

14、alchemical mutation ─── 炼金术突变

alchemical 相似词语短语

1、alchemically ─── adv.炼丹术地;炼金术地

2、biochemical ─── adj.生物化学的

3、nonchemical ─── 非化学的

4、agrichemical ─── 农用化学制品的;用农产品制得的化学品的;农用化学制品;用农产品制得的化学品

5、chemical ─── n.化学制品,化学药品;adj.化学的

6、alchemistical ─── adj.炼金术的;炼金术士的

7、alchemic ─── adj.炼金术的

8、geochemical ─── adj.地球化学的

9、agrochemical ─── n.农用化学品;adj.农用化学品的

alchemical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From this, in the process of transformation, the true, creative binaries emerge and begin their interaction designed to bring about the alchemical union. ─── 从这里,在转化的历程当中,真相,创造性的二元显现出来,然后开始他们的交互作用,有计划地带来了炼金术的结合。

2、Every batch of cement used in the initial construction of the tube stations were personally inspected by one of them, ensuring that a very specific alchemical mixture was being used. ─── 使用于地铁车站的每炉混土都要由经他们当中一人亲自检查,以保证特定的炼金混合剂已经使用。

3、The alchemist conjures a manifestation of the alchemical principal of vitriol. ─── 炼金术士借助炼金术将硫酸固化成型。

4、Egypt is generally recognized as the mother of the chemical and alchemical arts, but unfortunately her monuments and literature have left little of the early records that explain these arts. ─── 一般认为埃及是化学和炼金术文科母亲,但遗憾的是解释这些文科的早期记录所剩无几。

5、Great Work, the: The alchemical operation of transforming the Promethean into a mortal. ─── 宏构:以炼金术将活尸转化为人类的技术。

6、Alchemical theories were not stupid. ─── 炼金术的理论并不愚蠢。

7、The powerful magic of Alchemical Consciousness can be summed up with the truth of “As above so Below, As the Inner, So the Outer”. ─── 这个意识炼金术的强大魔法,可以用“在下如在上,在外如在内”这个真理作为总结。

8、Azoth is often associated with the alchemical principle of coagulation. ─── 水银通常与炼金术中的凝结原理有关。

9、Flux is associated with alchemical dissolution and disintegration. ─── 暗火与炼金术中的熔解与裂解原理有关。

10、Vitriol: The alchemical substance that purifies a Promethean for the transition to Mortality. Vitriol is produced by the Azoth when the Promethean completes a milestone on the Pilgrimage. ─── 硫酸:能够净化活尸,使其转变成人类的炼金术物质。硫酸是当活尸完成朝圣的里程碑时,由水银所制造的产物。

11、The consummation of the magnum opus; regeneration; the phoenix was often used in signs over chemist's shops`because of its alchemical associations. ─── 圆满成功的杰作;再生;凤凰时常因为它的炼金术的联系被用在化学品的商店药品标签上。

12、Promethean: A being animated by Azoth as a result of a unique alchemical process. The Promethean's body always comes from a dismembered and reassembled corpse (or corpses). ─── 活尸:藉由独特的炼金术手段以水银为能源活化的生物。活尸的躯体通常由肢解的尸体(们)组合而成。

13、alchemical reaction ─── 炼金术反应

14、Some throngs formalize their bond into an alchemical pact. ─── 部分团体会立下炼金术契约。

15、alchemical pact: A mystical bond between members of a throng, allowing them to mitigate some of the drawbacks of Promethean existence. ─── 炼金术契约:尸群成员之间的神秘契约,可以缓解一些活尸的缺陷。

16、Sith alchemical experimentations further mutated the Massassi, turning them into dark side-wielding savages. ─── 西斯的炼金实验后来将马沙西人变成强大的黑暗战士。

17、The more you do this exercise, the more Alchemical light your body will hold. ─── 你越常做这练习,你的身体就会充满越多炼金术之光。

18、Azoth is often associated with the alchemical principle of coagulation. ─── 水银通常与炼金术中的凝结原理有关。

19、Great Work, the: The alchemical operation of transforming the Promethean into a mortal. ─── 宏构:以炼金术将活尸转化为人类的技术。

20、alchemical effects tend to be less potent than comparable magical items are typically cheap to produce. here are some recent alchemical inventions that adventurers of all kinds might find useful. ─── 炼金物品不如功能类似的魔法物品有效,但造价远远便宜。这里列出了一些新的炼金发明,任何冒险者都会在其中找到可用之物。

21、Words have alchemical power. When we speak, we are conducting an alchemical ceremony. ─── 语言有炼金术师的力量。当我们说话,我们就开始了一场炼金术的仪式。

22、Then I promise you I shall look into these alchemical whims. ─── 那么我答应你我会仔细看看这些奇特的想法的。

23、These lectures were given in an old wooden chemistry hall and entitled 'Analytic work alchemical opus'. ─── 这些演讲在一栋老旧的木造建筑堤化学馆,标题是:「鍊金术著作的分析研究」。

24、The pursuit of this state gave rise to a vast body of Taoist alchemical and other esoteric techniques and lore. ─── 这种状态的追求引起了一连窜的道教身体炼金术和其他深奥教导与学问。

25、Then I promise you I shall look into these alchemical whims. ─── 那么我答应你我会仔细看看这些奇特的想法的.

26、Brand: A body mark made by Pyros signifying a Promethean's membership in an alchemical pact. ─── 烙印:活尸身上以圣火标记的烙印,代表其为某契约的成员。

27、Crackle Powder:this alchemical powder creates a loud crackling noise,like a broomstick breaking,whenever it is jostled or struck.a single packet covers 5-foot-radius area; ─── 噼啪粉:这种炼金术粉末被挤压敲打时能产生破竹般的爆裂声。一包这样的粉末可以覆盖五英尺半径的地面,这需要一个整轮动作。

28、Jung's dreams in 1925-6 and thereafter frequently found him in ancient houses surrounded by alchemical codices of great beauty and mystery. ─── 容格的梦在1925年,其后他经常发现自己在围绕在炼金术法律里面的古代房间里,十分美丽和神秘。

29、alchemical pact: A mystical bond between members of a throng, allowing them to mitigate some of the drawbacks of Promethean existence. ─── 炼金术契约:尸群成员之间的神秘契约,可以缓解一些活尸的缺陷。

30、The powerful magic of Alchemical Consciousness can be summed up with the truth of "As above so Below, As the Inner, So the Outer" . ─── 这个意识炼金术的强大魔法,可以用“在下如在上,在外如在内”这个真理作为总结。

31、It is the process of our Alchemical evolution toward light. ─── 这是我们朝向光演化的炼金术进化过程。

32、Whether using standard technology, alchemical formulae, or a combination of both, these Mods can cause effects within any of the damage types. ─── 不管是否使用标准的技术或者魔法,或者二者结合,这些插件可以获得任何伤害类型的效果。

33、The earliest mention of explosives are to be found in the alchemical writings of the first half of the seventeenth century. ─── 最早提及炸药的是十七世纪上半叶炼金术的著作。

34、The misty quality in the upper fraction, slightly disguising the olive is already part of the alchemical process. ─── 上层的迷濛色特质就是要将橄榄绿偷偷的隐藏起来,而这也是转化过程的一部份。

35、They are similar to the hobo marks used in America during the 20th century, but are more complex and replete with alchemical symbols. ─── 这种文字有点像是美国20世纪的流民用的符号,但是更加复杂并且参杂着炼金符号。

36、They consist of twelve tablets of emerald green, formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation. ─── 它们由十二块翡翠绿玉片所组成,,通过炼金术变形产生的物质形成。

37、We saw Firebomb as more of a physical magic.Like concocting some alchemical recipe in a skull and hurling that, and it explodes. ─── 这正是一个很好的例子,证明了艺术和设计如何能完美的合作,通过重复修改来让技能变的更酷。

38、I help him find exotic spell components and alchemical books from time to time. ─── 我一直在帮助他找寻异国的法术原料以及鍊金术方面的书藉。

39、throng: A group of Prometheans who team up for a task or who travel together on the Pilgrimage. Some throngs formalize their bond into an alchemical pact. ─── 尸群:一群为了完成特定任务或同行朝圣而组成的活尸团体。部分团体会立下炼金术契约。

40、Special Items and Alchemical Substances ─── 特殊物品和炼金术物品

41、Jung's dreams in 1925-6 and thereafter frequently found him in ancient houses surrounded by alchemical codices of great beauty and mystery. ─── 容格的梦在1925年,其后他经常发现自己在围绕在炼金术法律里面的古代房间里,十分美丽和神秘。

42、The alchemists were marginized at the same time, which was fulfilled through interaction between alchemical elements and the social as well as culture circumstances of this time. ─── 在炼金术初步发展的过程中,炼金术士经历了被边缘化的过程,这一过程是在12、13世纪社会文化环境的作用下实现的。

43、Great Work, the: The alchemical operation of transforming the Promethean into a mortal. Its stages and procedures are the milestones of the Pilgrimage, guided by the discipline of the Refinements. ─── 宏构:以炼金术将活尸转化为人类的技术。其阶段与步骤为朝圣的里程碑,并以精炼规则引导。

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