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09-12 投稿


contrives 发音

英:[kənˈtraɪvz]  美:[kənˈtraɪvz]

英:  美:

contrives 中文意思翻译



contrives 短语词组

1、contrives meaning ─── 捏造意义

2、Contrives Referenced Correction of Trajectories ─── 轨迹参照校正

3、Contrives Referenced Correction of ─── 参照校正

contrives 词性/词形变化,contrives变形

动词过去式: contrived |动词第三人称单数: contrives |动词过去分词: contrived |动词现在分词: contriving |名词: contriver |

contrives 相似词语短语

1、connives ─── vi.共谋;纵容;默许

2、contrivances ─── n.发明;发明物;想出的办法;计谋

3、contriver ─── n.发明者;创制者;筹划者

4、conceives ─── vt.怀孕;构思;以为;持有;vi.怀孕;设想;考虑

5、contrists ─── 对比度

6、contrived ─── adj.人为的;做作的;不自然的

7、contrite ─── adj.悔悟了的;后悔的;悔罪的

8、convives ─── n.共桌用餐的人

9、contrive ─── vt.设计;发明;图谋;vi.谋划;设法做到

contrives 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I know information from some foreign contrives, I know a lot of knowledge from foreign contrives, I know a lot of cultures that I want to know very much. ─── 我学到了许多有关于其他国家的知识,许多我想知道的国外文化。

2、309.The striver contrives to derive that privacy can't be deprived. ─── 奋斗者想方设法推导得出隐私(权)不可剥夺.

3、This paper proposes a kind of method that can preserve integrity constraints in data mapping,contrives a mechanism(DAPPIC)of generating constraints-preserving publishing rules. ─── 提出一种在数据映射方式下保持完整性约束的数据发布方法,设计了一套保持完整性约束的数据发布规则生成机制DAPPIC。

4、Raising a storm to bring his brother - the usurper of his dukedom - along with his royal entourage, to the island, Prospero contrives his revenge. ─── 普洛士帕罗用魔力掀起一阵暴风雨,把他那阴谋篡位的弟弟和他的随员一起刮到岛上来,以完成他的复仇大计。

5、To propose a model that contrives individual behavior as been driven by internal cognitive-affective processing system consisting of four hierarchical sub-systems, i. ─── 提出的模型认为,个体的行为是由其大脑中的认知-情感神经网络决定的,它包括自己、他人、环境和行为动机四个层次化的子系统。

6、Our Research contrives various rolls of cold forming steel.We developed the most up-to-date process and serve our customers the most economical and the most profitable production. ─── 本所研制的各种冷弯型钢轧辊模具,采用先进的工艺技术,为客户提供最经济、最合理的生产手段。

7、striver contrives to derive that privacy cant be deprived. ─── 奋斗者想方设法推导得出隐私(权)不可剥夺。

8、Nobody notices his messy article.He never contest and dispute with others.He freely contrives some principles that he think they are right himself. ─── 没有人会注意,自己也不需要去跟别人竞争,不需要跟别人辩论、争长道短,就这样自由自在地酝酿出一些别出心裁的道理。

9、She contrives plots to prevent you from putting the book down, writes dialogue so well that you hear her characters in your ear. ─── 她在小说中设计的情节让你拿起书就放不下,撰写的对话也绘声绘色,让你觉得仿佛能听到书中人物在耳边讲话。

10、with which he contrives to maintain himself among the woods, in such a condition as makes him formidable both to the Duke of Burgundy and the Bishop of Liege. ─── 依靠这支军队他已设法在森林里站住脚,有能力使勃艮第公爵和列日主教都感到畏惧。

11、Contrives Referenced Correction of Trajectories ─── 相关发射的弹道修正

12、The striver contrives to derive that privacy can‘t be deprived. ─── 奋斗者想方设法推导得出隐私(权)不可剥夺。

13、The striver contrives to derive that privacy can"t be deprived. ─── 奋斗者想方设法推导得出隐私(权)不可剥夺。

14、However, because of varieties of reasons and causes, you cannot do that.Maybe the society has maliciously contrives a snare, which you unconsciously and willingly leap into. ─── 也许社会就是这样给他们设好了陷阱,让他们不知不觉地,而且是心甘情愿的钻进去。

15、Mark always contrives to work his work experience into the conversation. ─── 马克总是想办法把他的工作经验插到谈话中去。

16、309. The striver contrives to derive that privacy can't be deprived. ─── 奋斗者想方设法推导得出隐私不可剥夺.

17、Today Honma contrives for you to fight for thousands of miles. ─── 今有瀚马为你出某策略,远战千里。

18、Chance contrives better than we ourselves. ─── 机遇往往出人意料;人算不如天算。

19、Based on all of these, the paper contrives Gov-SecureMail function model, and expatiates how use Visual C++ to actualize this system. ─── 在此基础上,设计了Gov-SecureMail的功能模块,并就如何用Visual C++实现该系统进行了阐述。

20、So I contriv'd to burn some wood here, as I had seen done in England, under turf, till it became chark, or dry coal; and then putting the fire out, I preserv'd the coal to carry home; ─── 因此,我计划按照我在英国看到的办法,拿一些木头放在草皮泥层下烧,把木头烧成木炭,熄火后再把木炭带回家。

21、devises, or constructs something. ─── 设计,或建造某物的人。

22、finally, contrives independent RC pulsegenerator by handing relaxation circuit RC and transistor pulse generatortogether, and completes the design of this device. ─── 完成了对新方法专用脉冲电源的设计。

23、contrives to derive that privacy can't be deprived. ─── 奋斗者想方设法推导得出隐私不可剥夺。

24、They are unlike mankind who contrives plenty of novel things to live a life at his wills. ─── 牠们绝不会像人类那样,总是找藉口编造出一大堆新颖玩意,随自己的意识生活。

25、He contrives in private to discover the mystery. ─── 杰克的好奇心油然而生,他暗自决定要一探究竟。

26、And even to those sterile spots to which Nature has denied beauty, she yet contrives to dispense her smiles. ─── 甚至对那些大自然不给予美饰的贫瘠地区,她也以笑容相待。

27、And even to those sterile spots to which Nature has denied beauty, she yet contrives to dispense her smiles. ─── 甚至对那些大自然不给予美饰的贫瘠地区,她也以笑容相待。

28、In view of the deficiency in anti-theft measures for WTGs and the operational characteristics of wind farms,this paper contrives a scheme for WTG theftproof system to improve the security of WTGs. ─── 针对现有风电机组防盗措施不足的问题及风电场运行的特点,提出风电机组防盗系统的设想,以解决风电场风电机组设备存在的防盗问题。

29、Without charisma, she contrives to shine. ─── 她设法做到没有非凡的领导力也能光芒四射。

30、The striver contrives to derive that privacy can' t be deprived. ─── 奋斗者想方设法推导得出隐私(权)不可剥夺。

31、Mark always contrives to work his work experience into the conversation ─── 马克总是想办法把他的工作经验插到谈话中去。

32、His salary in one year contrives to about 5 digits. ─── 他一年的薪金达到五位数。

33、In order to validate the feasibility of this project ,this paper contrives a few principles experiments and gives forth an algorithm suite . ─── 本文为了验证该方案的可行性,设计了几个原理实验,并提出了一套算法。

34、But how she contrives it without reflecting on the character of her own father, who had himself two wives, I know not. ─── 但是,我不晓得她怎么能这样想,这岂不有损于她自己父亲的人格,因为他就有过两个妻子。

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