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09-12 投稿



gabbling 发音

英:[ˈɡæblɪŋ]  美:[ˈɡæblɪŋ]

英:  美:

gabbling 中文意思翻译



gabbling 词性/词形变化,gabbling变形

名词: gabbler |动词过去式: gabbled |动词第三人称单数: gabbles |动词现在分词: gabbling |动词过去分词: gabbled |

gabbling 相似词语短语

1、gobbling ─── 狼吞虎咽地吃(gobble的现在分词)

2、jabbling ─── 喋喋不休

3、gambling ─── n.赌博;投机;v.赌博;打赌(gamble的ing形式);n.(Gambling)人名;(英)甘布林

4、grabbling ─── vi.搜索;爬;匍匐;vt.抓住

5、dabbling ─── v.涉足;嬉水;(鸭子等水鸟)水中啄食(dabble的现在分词);n.涉足;偶尔吸毒的行为

6、gabling ─── n.三角墙,山墙;(坡顶墙的)三角形建筑部分;三角形顶棚;三角形饰物;n.(Gable)(美、英、法、加拿大)加布勒(人名)

7、babbling ─── n.胡说;婴儿发出的咿哑声;adj.胡说的;v.含糊不清地说(babble的现在分词)

8、garbling ─── v.对……断章取义;(使)错乱(garble的现在分词)

9、gabbing ─── v.空谈,闲聊,啰嗦,唠叨;n.谈话,唠叨;口才;(操纵阀上起临时连接作用的)钩或V形开口槽;n.(Gab)(美、俄、奥)加布(人名)

gabbling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Listen to those children gabbling away. ─── 听那些孩子叽哩咕噜地说个没完。

2、The guests in the dining room were gabbling away when the clock struck ten ─── 时钟已敲十点,餐室里的客人们还叽哩咕噜地谈个不停。

3、Someone on the radio was gabbling away in a foreign language. ─── 收音机里有人在用外语叽里呱啦地讲话。

4、He spent his time gabbling away in bars. ─── 他把时间花在酒吧里没完没了地说废话。

5、He was gabbling nonsense. ─── 他在叽里咕噜说废话。

6、They could hear him bumping about and gabbling, “Oh, where is it?? Where did I put it? ─── 他们可以听到他翻来倒去的声音,喋喋不休地说着“啊,在哪呢?我放在哪了?”

7、When we were gabbling round them, mother came in. ─── 大哥就用母亲的柳篮把它们捉回了家。

8、A skein of duck came across, gabbling softly to themselves ─── 一群鸭子走过来,相互轻轻地低声而鸣。

9、Their gabbling was feverish--things said to quiet their own minds. ─── 他们狂热地喋喋不休--说的话是为了使自己的头脑安静下来。

10、The clerk was gabbling over the indictment. ─── 书记官在喃喃诵读起诉状。

11、They were gabbling on about the past. ─── 他们谈论着过去,声音显得急促而含混不清。

12、The guests in the dining room were gabbling away when the clock struck ten. ─── 时钟已敲十点,餐室里的客人们还叽哩咕噜地谈个不停。

13、What on earth are you gabbling about? ─── 你到底在咕噜些什么?

14、He was gabbling nonsense. ─── 他在叽里咕噜说废话。

15、There is a legend saying that geese have betrayed him with their gabbling when he tried to hide in a stall as he was to be appointed bishop. ─── 曾有段时间,想尽办法要退学,至少弄个休学之类,均未果,一是爸爸妈妈觉得挺可惜,二是朋友质疑我退学之后怎么养活自己。

16、Already an excited voice was gabbling from the telescreen, but even as it started it was almost drowned by a roar of cheering from outside. ─── 电幕已经开始播放,广播员的声音极其兴奋,但是刚一开始,就几乎被外面的欢呼声所淹没了。

17、Crowding together they strapped and buckled their satchels, all gabbling gaily: ─── 他们挤作一团,勒上书包的皮带,扣紧了,全都快活地吵嚷起来:

18、blithering (or blathering) idiot; jabbering children; gabbling housewives; a babbling hospital inmate. ─── 胡说八道的疯子;胡说八道的孩子;胡说八道的主妇;胡说八道的住院者。

19、"What's that you are gabbling about there? ─── “你们在胡说什么?”

20、You should know that a man of practice, the most needs is a tranquil place.A lot of people gabbling at your home spoil your stable, tranquil and peaceful heart.How could you practice? ─── 要知道修行人最着重闲静处,一堆人在家里七嘴八舌的,你沉稳,安宁,祥和之心就没了,那还谈什么修行?

21、They were gabbling on about the past. ─── 他们喋喋不休地谈论过去。

22、To complete his strange appearance, Captain Flint sat perched upon his shoulder and gabbling odds and ends of purposeless sea-talk. ─── 我腰间拴着一条绳子,顺从地跟在厨子后面。

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