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hayward 发音

英:['heiwəd]  美:['heiwəd]

英:  美:

hayward 中文意思翻译




hayward 网络释义

n. 看管市镇的家畜围篱管理员n. (Hayward)人名;(英)海沃德

hayward 短语词组

1、lee hayward ─── 李海沃德

2、gordon hayward ─── 戈登·海沃德

3、hayward holdings ─── 海沃德控股公司

4、hayward gordon ─── 海沃德·戈登

5、francesca hayward ─── 弗朗西丝卡·海沃德

hayward 相似词语短语

1、Hayward ─── n.看管市镇的家畜围篱管理员;n.(Hayward)人名;(英)海沃德

2、wayward ─── adj.任性的;不规则的;刚愎的

3、hayband ─── n.型芯用草绳

4、award ─── n.奖;(收入的)增加;(赔偿)裁定额;(毕业证书等的)授予;奖学金;v.把(某物)授予(某人);把(合同、佣金)给(人、组织);n.(Award)(美)艾华尔德(人名)

5、headward ─── adj.朝头部的;向头的;adv.向头

6、naywards ─── 纳沃兹。

7、nayward ─── 内向的

8、haywards ─── n.看管市镇的家畜围篱管理员;n.(Hayward)人名;(英)海沃德

9、adward ─── n.爱德华(男子名)

hayward 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A double-difference earthquake location algorithm: method and application to the Northern Hayward fault California ─── 双差地震定位算法:方法和在加州北海沃德断层上的应用

2、Analysts said the results results reflected the impact of cuts and operational improvements under chief executive Tony Hayward. ─── 分析师们表示,上述业绩体现了英国石油首席执行官唐熙华(TonyHayward)推行的成本削减和运营改进措施的影响力。

3、Luckily for us, it was Sir John Hayward, author of a Shakespeare-influenced history of Richard II, who was thrown in the Tower and interrogated when treason was the cry. ─── 贝特的书中,通过独一无二的精确的笔触、广泛的历史人物文学知识向读者指出:英国是一条长河,途中诸多细流涓涓流过。

4、Hayward and Miliang 1 have better integrated traits in cultivars of A. deliciosa.Hayward has larger fruit, sweet/sour taste, high yield and long shelf life, but weak resistance to wind. ─── 美味猕猴桃品种中海沃德、米良1的综合性状较好,海沃德品种果个大而美观,风味酸甜,丰产,货架期长,但生长季前期抗风力较弱;

5、, the McCormick House is located three blocks from fishing and boating on Hayward Lake. ─── 豪华型 酒店 - 海沃 : Set in Wisconsin's Northwoods in the city of Hayward, Wis.

6、Last month, the confidence of businesses about increasing their order books in the next few months rose at the fastest rate for 13 years, according to accountants BDO Stoy Hayward. ─── 根据柏德浩会计事务所所言,上月关于未来数月订单增加的企业信心以13年来最快的速度上升。

7、Susan Hayward ─── 苏珊·海华,美国电影演员,凭借《我要活下去!》一片荣获1958-1959年度第31届奥斯卡最佳女主角奖

8、I conduct the broad masses of fruit Qinmei domestic customers, Yate, Hayward and other high-quality kiwifruit. ─── 我果行为广大国内客户提供秦美、亚特、海沃德等优质猕猴桃。

9、While in China, Hayward would fly 52 low-level combat missions over southeastern China, French Indo-China and the South China Sea. ─── 在中国时, 海沃德在中国东南部, 法属印度支那和南海上空飞行了52次超低飞行战斗任务。

10、Johnson is a Microsoft software engineer, and his wife in Fremont and Hayward each bought a house. ─── 约翰逊是微软的一名软件工程师,他和妻子在弗里蒙特和海沃德各买了一套房子。

11、Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious. ─── 没有爱,一个人可能会误入歧途,也会变得残忍而凶狠。

12、Bernanke's optimism that the economic recovery will begin next year is not shared for the UK by accountancy firm BDO Stoy Hayward. ─── 伯南克那种相信经济复苏将于明年开始的乐观情绪,并没有传染给英国柏德豪会计师事务所,它对英国经济的看法依然悲观。

13、Then Hayward went to London to read for the bar ─── 接着海沃为了取得律师职位,便上伦敦念书去了。

14、Alker, Hayward R. Jr., and Thomas J. Biersteker. "The Dialectics of World Order: Notes for a Future Archeologist of International Savoir Faire." International Studies Quarterly 28 (1984): 121-42. ─── “世界秩序的辩证:给未来将挖掘国际关系专业知识学者的备忘录”。《国际研究季刊》,第28期(1984年):页121-142。

15、Communicates with other Hayward manufacturing facilities on various topics, such as industrial engineering changes and changes to improve product quality. ─── 15对于工业工程革新及产品质量提高方面的问题与公司其他工厂的人员保持沟通。

16、Through fever-induced flashbacks,sh recounts the story of his life to his devoted but neglected wife Helen(Susan Hayward)who tends his wounds and tries desperately to restore his will to live. ─── 在巴黎他遇到美丽善良的辛西亚,但是两人结婚后,哈里却不愿过安稳的日子,要四处漂泊增长识,最后辛西亚只好黯然离去。

17、Through fever-induced flashbacks, he recounts the story of his life to his devoted but neglected wife Helen (Susan Hayward) who tends his wounds and tries desperately to restore his will to live. ─── 在巴黎他遇到美丽善良的辛西亚,但是两人结婚后,哈里却不愿过安稳的日子,要四处漂泊增长见识,最后辛西亚只好黯然离去。

18、Hayward remains the chief executive of BP. ─── 海沃德仍是英国石油公司的首席执行官。

19、Hayward started at BP as a rig geologist in 1982. ─── 沃德作为一名钻探地质学家于1982年加入了BP。

20、Hayward has been in business over 80 years and has manufacturing operations in USA, Canada and Europe. ─── 亨沃公司拥有超过80年的行业历史,工厂分布在美国,加拿大及欧洲。

21、Mr Hayward told BBC television yesterday that the company hoped to have the additional system operational by next weekend. ─── 唐熙华昨日向英国广播公司(BBC)电视台表示,公司希望另一个系统下周就可以开始作业。

22、Hayward grab bucket ─── 海沃德抓斗

23、Love plays a pivotal role on out life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious. ─── 在我们最初的人生道路上,我们的父母给予了我们无条件的关爱,他们教会我们判断正确与错误、好与坏。

24、Hayward Susan ─── 苏珊·海沃德

25、Hayward found him stupid. ─── 海沃德认为他蠢头蠢脑。

26、Waldhauser, F., and W.L.Ellsworth, 2000.A double-difference earthquake location algorithm: method and application to the northern Hayward fault, California.Bull.Seism.Soc.Am., 90, 1353-1368. ─── 詹忠翰,2002.利用双差分地震定位演算法重新定位过去十年台湾中、大型地震之馀震,国立中央大学地球物理研究所硕士论文,108页。

27、The content of this page is from the HAYWARD port or HAYWARD customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自HAYWARD港口或HAYWARD海关的进出口公司目录;

28、Some two-fifths are foreign-owned, according to a survey by BDO Stoy Hayward, an accounting firm, and EEF, a manufacturers' association. ─── 根据会计公司BDOStoyHayward以及制造业联盟EEF的调查,有大约五分之二的企业由外国人拥有。

29、and contributions to many catalogues for exhibitions at the Tate, the Hayward Gallery, the Courtauld Gallery and the Museedd'Art Moderne, Paris. ─── 作者资料:Martin Gayford 著名评论家,Chief European Art Critic for Bloomberg. 大著包括 The Penguin Book of Art Writing (果然很大作);

30、Victor E.W. Hayward ─── 海维德(1908-),英国人,来华传教士。

31、So I was intrigued when I learned that Davis Instruments, a company based in Hayward, Calif. ─── 精确来说,是翻到一周气温观测和预报与平均高低温比较表的那一页。

32、The Hayward Sunset club sponsors a free weekly clinic run by Rotarian doctors in the Fremont, California, area for Afghan immigrants without medical insurance. ─── 黑沃德日落扶轮社在没有医疗保险之阿富汗移民聚集的加州佛瑞蒙,举办每周义诊。

33、The changes of antioxidation system and their relations in kiwifruit during rooting culture in vitro were studied with the tissue cultured "Hayward" shoots. ─── 摘要以美味猕猴桃品种海沃德组培苗为试材,研究了生根过程中抗氧化系统的变化规律及其相互关系。

34、The reason for this “quiet revolution”, as Tony Hayward, the boss of BP, recently described it, is a drilling technique known as “hydraulic fracturing. ─── BP的老板,托尼海沃德最近将这一变化称为“静悄悄的革命”,而其产生的原因是名为“液压分裂”的钻探技术。

35、VOICE: On our next program, let's continue our discussion with Dr. Hayward. ─── 在我们的下一个节目里,让我们继续和黑沃德博士进行讨论.

36、Hayward could still talk delightfully about books ─── 海沃德还是很能谈笑风生地谈论书籍的。

37、Hayward Howard on International Trade Co., Ltd. is a steel trading enterprises, the Shanghai Metal Structure Industry Association group members. ─── 上海沃华国际贸易有限公司是一家钢铁贸易企业,上海市金属结构行业协会团体会员。

38、as Hayward points out, "We can't prepare a medicine against cosmic rays. ─── 如果若干癌基因被激活,细胞无力排除也就演变成了癌细胞。

39、Hayward Tyler Ltd is celebrating 100 years since designing the first submersible electric motor. ─── 海伍得泰勒有限公司即将举行潜水式电动机百年庆典。

40、.There is such a sentence on the wall of Hayward’s library: The investment future person will be, will be loyal to the reality person. ─── 在哈佛大学图书馆的墙壁上有这样一条校训:投资未来的人是忠于现实的人。

41、2.And BDO Stoy Hayward, an accounting firm, thinks that in 2008 the number of British businesses becoming insolvent will go up by 9%, to a five-year high. ─── 柏德豪会计师事务所认为,2008年英国破产的企业数量将会增长9%,是五年来的新高。

42、Hayward orange peel ─── 海沃德四颚板抓斗

43、"Would you build a dam across the San Andreas or the Hayward fault? ─── 天文学家怀疑在这个双星中的一颗恒星的周围正在形成一颗岩质的类地行星。

44、The NMC argues that the nursing code guarantees patients' right to privacy, and that Ms Hayward violated it. ─── NMC方面表示护士守则中规定了对病人隐私权的保护,而海沃德女士违反了该条例。

45、Mr Hayward was appointed with a mission to be a different kind of leader from his ambitious, visionary predecessor. ─── 唐熙华在上任时身怀一项使命:作为领导,他必须有别于野心勃勃、富有远见的前任。

46、The Real Devil by Alan Hayward ─── 真正的魔鬼

47、Hayward, Victor E.W. ─── 海维德

48、The individual taxpayer has borne the brunt of Labour's tax policies, according to a report by accountancy firm BDO Stoy Hayward released to coincide with "tax freedom day." ─── 根据柏德豪会计事务所于税务自由日当天发行的报告显示,独立纳税人首当其冲受工党税务政府影响。

49、Chief executive Tony Hayward said the firm expected the global economic recovery to be "long and drawn out" . ─── 首席执行官Tonyhayward表示,该公司预期全球经济复苏是“漫长的”。

50、California State University, Hayward----An Introduction to California State University Hayward's Programs Offered in China and the USA ─── 加州大学系统--加州州立大学课程在美国和中国开设

51、Also worrisome is the Hayward Fault, running through densely populated cities near San Francisco Bay, and the San Jacinto Fault running through the middle of San Bernardino, east of Los Angeles. ─── 还令人担忧的是,海沃德断层,贯穿于人口稠密的城市附近的旧金山湾,和圣杰森托故障运行,通过中圣贝纳迪诺,洛杉矶以东。

52、Performance of introduced kiwifruit 'Hayward' and techniques for its culture ─── 海沃德猕猴桃的引种表现及栽培技术

53、Hayward Tyler has been BHEL's primary supplier of glandless motor pumps for boiler circulating pump duties for the last 20 years, the company says. ─── 据该公司称,Hayward Tyler,作为锅炉循环泵无密封垫电动泵的提供者已经有20年的历史了。此工程完成之后,Hayward Tyler装置在此大陆的安装总数将会超过120。

54、Evaluation of the New Clone Mutated from Actinidia deliciosa cv. Hayward ─── 美味猕猴桃新品种皖翠生物学特性研究

55、He wrote his letter to Hayward all the same. ─── 他果然给海沃德写了信。

56、British reader Stuart Langton reads Churchill's quips and Hayward's narrative with clarity and precision.Both are delivered in a steady rhythm and even, thoughtful pacing. ─── 但是,作者已经把这些事情的大概情节和分析的理论说清楚了,大家一定也已经明白其中的道理了。

57、4. 段五 Luckily for us, it was Sir John Hayward, author of a Shakespeare-influenced history of Richard II, who was thrown in the Tower and interrogated when treason was the cry. ─── 莎士比亚辗转城乡的生活说来话长,轶事迭出,贝特先生用精确的笔触、广泛的历史人物文学知识替读者细细梳理,令全书出彩。

58、Hayward R S,Noltie D B and Wang N.1997.Use of compensatory growth to double hybrid sunfish growth rates[J].Trans Am Fish Soc.,126:3 l 6-322. ─── 吴立新,董双林.2000.水产动物继饥饿或营养不足后的补偿生长研究进展[J].应用生态学报,11(6):943-946.

59、Mr. Hayward said he didn't think his job was on the line over the disaster but said "that, of course, might change. " ─── 海沃德先生说他认为自己的工作并没有就因此而遭受灾难,但他表示当然会有所改变。

60、For forty-eight hours, Hayward lived in an agony of indecision. ─── 海沃德足足有四十八小时坐卧不安,拿不定主意。

61、The Hayward exhibition has been curated by the artist Bernard Luthi. ─── 海沃德展览会是由艺术家伯纳德·卢西组织的。

62、Matthew Rothery, of Kinleigh Folkard & Hayward, says: “They can be particularly useful when a property comes up on a desirable road where it is rare to see properties for sale. ─── 马修罗瑟里,海沃德说: “当机会来临时,他们非常有价值,这是销售业很罕见的前景。

63、According to the survey of analysts and investors conducted on behalf of BDO Stoy Hayward, 40% of respondents had anxieties about the market dominance of the Big Four accountancy firms. ─── 近日,一份研究报告表明,面对诺大的审计服务供给市场,投资者却缺少选择。对此,投资者感到担忧。

64、Hayward Unified School District - Alameda County district office location and contact numbers. Highlights school news and educational resources. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

65、Tony Hayward, BP chief executive, yesterday said oil supply was exceeding current energy demand. ─── 今年2月,油价曾跌至每桶32.70美元的四年低位,致使财富从产油国向石油消费国转移。

66、Mr Hayward accepts that this makes the company a prime hunting ground for rival agencies. ─── 海沃德承认,这让该公司变成了竞争对手挖人的首选场所。

67、Hayward was extremely anxious to be right. ─── 海沃德极其渴望表示出自己正确的见解。

68、Waldhause F,Ellsworth W L.A double difference earthquake location algorithm:Method and application to the Northern Hayward Fault,California[J].Bull Seism Soc Amer,2000,90(6):1353. ─── 杨智娴,陈运泰,郑月军,等.双差地震定位法在我国中西部地区地震精确定位中的应用[J].中国科学,2003,33(增刊):129.

69、Hayward looks at the much-studied Winston Churchill in a way nobody has before. ─── 美国在操控世界经济的过程中怎么玩弄阴谋手段?

70、Dr. Wall is currently professor of Communications and Human Relations at Bakersfield College. In 1992 he receive the prestigious Hayward Award for teaching Excellence in California Community Colleges. ─── 禾博士现职贝克尔斯菲大学传意及人文关系学系教授,1992年他任教加州社区大学时获颁发杰出教师奖。

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