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09-12 投稿



depletion 发音

英:[dɪ'pliːʃn]  美:[dɪ'pliʃən]

英:  美:

depletion 中文意思翻译



depletion 词性/词形变化,depletion变形

动词过去式: depleted |形容词: depletable |动词现在分词: depleting |动词过去分词: depleted |动词第三人称单数: depletes |

depletion 短语词组

1、allowance for depletion ─── [经] 备抵折耗

2、depletion field-effect transiontor ─── [电] 空虚场效晶体管

3、depletion reserve ─── [经] 折耗(耗减)准备

4、depletion layer ─── [计] 耗尽层

5、address depletion ─── [计] 地址消耗

6、depletion-layer transistor ─── [电] 空虚层晶体管

7、accumulated depletion ─── [经] 累计耗竭, 累计储量递减

8、depletion response ─── [医] 减液反应

9、cost of depletion assets ─── [经] 递(折)耗资产成本

10、depletion assets ─── [经] 递(折)耗资产

11、buffer depletion ─── [计] 缓冲器耗尽

12、depletion expense ─── [经] 折耗费用

13、depletion accounting ─── [经] 折耗会计

14、depletion stage ─── [经] 折耗(耗减)阶段

15、depletion-mode field-effect transistor ─── [电] 接面闸极场效晶体管

16、depletion-layer rectification ─── [电] 空虚层整流

17、depletion region ─── [电] 空虚区

18、depletion-layer capacitance ─── [电] 空虚层电容量

19、depletion for wasting assets ─── [经] 递耗资产折耗

depletion 相似词语短语

1、repletion ─── n.充满,饱满;饱食

2、depiction ─── n.描写,叙述

3、depletions ─── n.消耗;损耗;放血

4、deletion ─── n.删除;[遗]缺失;删除部分

5、deletions ─── n.删除;[遗]缺失;删除部分

6、impletion ─── n.充满,充实物

7、depleting ─── v.用尽,耗尽;使减少(deplete的ing形式)

8、depletive ─── adj.使干涸的;减少血液的

9、depilation ─── n.脱毛

depletion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Only when environmental deterioration or resource depletion translates into economic decline do we seem to notice the problem. ─── 只有当环境恶化或资源的枯竭导致经济衰退时,我们似乎才注意到这个问题。

2、Before us there are great tasks as: conquest of depletion, depletion of the whole planet, peaceful exploitation of nuclear energy and so on. ─── 在我们面前摆着巨大的任务:征服沙漠、全球消除污染、和平开发核能等等。

3、The relationship of K depletion in rhizosphere soil of wheat and H+ excretion from the roots was als o discussed. ─── 小麦根际钾的变化与根系分泌H+能力有一定的关系。

4、Farmers should rotate crops every season to prevent depletion of the soil. ─── 农夫每季应该要轮耕,以免耗尽土壤。

5、Alkalosis and potassium depletion may be pronounced. ─── 可能有碱中毒和缺钾。

6、In your fuel depletion can see when Decheshaoban. ─── 在你燃料耗尽的时候看看能得多少分。

7、The chromium depletion at a low-energy boundary segment introduced by twin emission into a random boundary was smaller than that of the original random boundary. ─── 在大角度晶界上形成的局部的低能晶界的贫铬程度明显低于原来的大角度晶界的贫铬程度。

8、The Clean Air Act of 1970, the year the EPA was established, was even more robust, and subsequent amendments in 1977 and 1990 addressed ozone depletion and acid rain. ─── 1970年,也是环保署成立之年,颁布的空气洁净法令更加强健,而随后在1977和1990年的修订中则把臭氧和酸雨问题也提了出来。

9、Ozone depletion seems to be leaving us more vulnerable to damage from ultraviolet (UV) radiation. ─── 臭氧的损耗似乎使我们更容易受到紫外线辐射的伤害。

10、In modern agriculture, mineral depletion of soils is a major concern, since harvesting crops interrupts the recycling of nutrients back to the soil. ─── 在现代农业中,土壤的矿物损耗是一个主要的问题,因为收割农作物会中断养分的循环,使其无法重新回到土壤中。

11、Using the endowment, discoveries, and consumption data, model the depletion or degradation of the commodity over a long horizon using resource modeling principles. ─── 利用资源模型化原则,使用蕴藏量,已发现储量,每年消费额的数据,建立一个世界范围的日常消耗或退化的模型。

12、The depletion of Mb in the cases of SCD and AMI suggests the occurrence of myocardium ischemia/reperfusion injury. ─── Mb在SCD和AMI心肌中缺染表明早期心肌缺血和/或再灌注损伤的发生。

13、Preventive measures, including avoiding volume depletion and femoral arterial/venous puncture, are essential in managing these patients. ─── 为了避免这种有潜在致命性危险的合并症,我们应当采取适当的预防措施,如避免脱水及股动/静脉穿刺等。

14、An issue with starbase sentry guns not resuming aggression if restocked with ammo after depletion has been fixed. ─── 修正了当母星岗哨炮弹药用尽重新填入弹药后,岗哨炮不会继续攻击的错误。

15、Physicists confirmed the basic idea that natural fission reactions were responsible for the depletion in uranium 235 at Oklo quite soon after the anomalous uranium was discovered. ─── 发现欧克陆铀235的含量短少后,物理学家很快就确认其原因是自然的核分裂反应。

16、Experts warn that the Northern Hemisphere faces equally disastrous ozone depletion. ─── 专家们提出警告:北半球的臭氧层也同样面临枯竭的问题。

17、These effects include fuel depletion, power density, moderator density variation, control rod insertion, xenon transients and samarium transients, etc. ─── 在CSIM-3中可以考虑压水堆中所有重要的局部反馈效应,包括燃料燃耗、功率密度、慢化剂密度变化、控制棒的插入以及裂变产物氙和钐瞬态等。

18、Depletion of soil nitrogen frequently leads to reduced concentrations of soluble amino and amides. ─── 土壤氮素的减少常常导致可溶性氨基酸和酰胺浓度的降低。

19、C-Vcurve of Ag/Si3N4 /InP MIS structure shows accumulation. depletion and in-versionregions. ─── C-V测量表明Ag/Si3N4/InPMIS结构可以实现载流子的堆积、耗尽和反型。

20、Although public attention has recently focused on the depletion of oil resources, the depletion of underground water resources poses a far greater threat to our future. ─── 尽管近期公众的注意力都集中在石油资源的枯竭上,但地下水资源的枯竭是对我们未来的一个更大的威胁。

21、Spring Road, he cultivated a frivolous summer mania, Summer's manic energy depletion in the autumn, the autumn leaves painted eyeful of that decline to weather the decline. ─── 他却道春的轻浮培养了夏的狂躁,夏的狂躁耗尽了秋的能量,因此满眼秋风落叶描绘了那走向衰败的没落气象。

22、Unlike some environmental issues,rain forest depletion has fortunately received significant public and media attention. ─── 与环境的一些其他问题不同,热带雨林的减少已经幸运地引起了公众与媒体的高度重视。

23、While the furniture industry of China is becoming the center of furniture production in the world, it faces vast resource depletion and environment pollution. ─── 中国家具业在成为世界家具制造中心的同时,也直面着大量资源消耗和环境污染的问题。

24、Only when environmental deterioration or resource depletion translates into economic decline do we seem to notice the problem. ─── 只有当环境恶化或资源的枯竭导致经济衰退时,我们似乎才注意到这个问题。

25、But it has also led to the rapid depletion of resources that China cannot import, such as clean air and water. ─── 但这也导致了一些中国不能进口资源的匮乏,例如清洁空气与水资源。

26、In order to filial piety, in order to imperial glory, in order to win a Qichu of St. Paul's standing, the depletion of a brilliant young woman! ─── 为了孝,为了圣旨的荣光,为了博得一座牌坊凄楚的站立,耗尽了一个女人灿烂的青春!

27、In Fe replete cells, p21CIP1/WAF1 was degraded in an ubiquitin-dependent manner, while after Fe depletion, ubiquitin-independent proteasomal degradation occurred. ─── WAF1蛋白的降解在细胞在铁缺乏时是由泛素介导的,而在铁缺乏后期则由泛素依赖的蛋白酶体介导。

28、Filling-mining technique should be accepted to mine lode gold because of its advantages of low depletion rate and lost rate. ─── 岩金作为贵金属矿床,提倡使用损失率、贫化率低的充填采矿法开采。

29、So, yes, production of a commodity can rise to dizzying heights and drop meteorically but resource depletion isn’t the only explanation for the drop in production. ─── 因此说是,一种产品的产量可以极快地上升到极高点,也可以像流星似的急速下降。但是,资源减少并不是其产量下降的唯一解释。

30、Economically and technically, the wind is a preferred alternative energy in the current days because of the depletion of mineral resources and deteriorating environment. ─── 在当前矿山能源面临枯竭、环境日益恶化的情况下,无论从经济上获知技术上都是以下功能可以首选的替代能源。

31、Just as a depletion in the state coffers was an early sign that Ireland's boom was ending, healthier revenues augur well for recovery. ─── 一如国库几乎亏空显示爱尔兰的经济繁荣已经面临尾声,表现更为良好的税收也预示着复苏的开始。

32、Just as serious is the depletion of the aquifers on which farmers depend. ─── 农民们脚下的含水层损耗同样严重。

33、The physicochemical characteristics of slags of Flash Smelting Furnace and of Depletion Electric Furnace have been investigated. ─── 本文研究了工业闪速炉渣和贫化电炉渣的物理化学性质。采用目测变温法测定了二者的熔点;

34、Under normal circumstances, plants should be promptly cut Canhua Wisteria to avoid nutrient depletion. ─── 一般情况下,盆栽紫藤应及时剪去残花,避免营养消耗。

35、Excessive population of an area to the point of overcrowding, depletion of natural resources, or environmental deterioration. ─── 人口过剩由于地区内人口过剩而引起的过度拥挤、自然资源枯竭或环境恶化

36、But to look at the data on global warming, biological diversity, marine depletion and deforestation and still say things are generally getting better takes a willful blindness. ─── 可是鲁姆伯克故意无视全球变暖、生物多样性、海洋损耗、森林采伐等方面的资料,仍然声称总的来说环境问题有所好转。

37、Schmidt FE Jr,MacDoland MJ,Murphy CO,et al.Leukocyte depletion of blood cardioplegia attenuates reperfusion injury.Ann Thorac Surg 1996, 62:1691-1693. ─── 冯国清秦晓晨等.黄芪对大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤的防护作用.中药药理与临床,:.

38、After the ingestion of an overdose there is some danger of dehydration and electrolyte depletion due to excessive diuresis. ─── 后,摄入过量是有一定的危险性脱水及电解质耗竭因过度利尿。

39、They can not enjoy the beauty and benefit from every moment, but become weak because of depletion. ─── 他们无法享受每一刻的美丽和益处,却因为殚精竭虑而变得脆弱。

40、Some expenses such as depreciation expense, amortization expense and depletion expense are non-cash expenses. ─── 像折旧费用、摊销费用、递耗费用之类的费用属于非现金费用。

41、The Pliocene sediments are characterized by larger variations of Ce anomaly and more significant Eu depletion than the Quaternary sediments. ─── 岩芯中上新统沉积物中Ce异常变化大,而Eu亏损相对第四系沉积物更显著。

42、How to reduce Zn depletion in galvanizing by dipping is a problem concerned by production factory. ─── 如何降低热浸镀过程中锌的消耗是生产厂很关心的课题。

43、Rituximab therapy resulted in complete tissue B-cell depletion and rapid peripheral B-cell depletion. ─── 利妥昔治疗能够导致组织B细胞的完全清除并能快速清除外周血的B细胞。

44、In vitro,STR enzymatic assay was measured indirectly by fluorimetrically detecting depletion of tryptamine feeding on secologanin in the reaction mixture. ─── STR体外酶活性分析采用间接荧光法检测色胺在反应体系的消耗.

45、This finding, they say, suggests that testosterone depletion in aging men may be a risk factor for AD by promoting accumulation of Aa in the brain. ─── 他们说,这项发现表明在老年人中存在的睾酮缺失可能会成为阿尔次海默病的危险因子之一,因为它可以提高大脑中的aa蓄积。

46、For ozone depletion, we don't use Freon -discharging products. ─── 对臭氧层破坏,我们不用要氟利昂的产品。

47、At the outset of the study, the obese patients had the same type of depletion of Bacteroidetes and relatie enhancement of Firmicutes as the obese mice. ─── 在研究的最初阶段,肥胖症患者与肥胖小鼠一样都存在拟杆菌门的减少和厚壁菌门的相对增加。

48、no legal limits, as there are for cod and haddock, on the size of monkfish that can be caught, a circumstance that contributes to their depletion through overfishing. ─── 像对鳕鱼和黑线鳕那样,法律没有限制对安康鱼的捕捞,这种情况导致了过度捕捞,从而导致了它们的枯竭。

49、Some 17 percent are overexploited, 7 percent are depleted and 1 percent are recovering from depletion. ─── 17%为过度捕捞,7%逐渐减少;1%从原先耗尽的状况中稍稍恢复。

50、Diuretics can cause depletion of the blood volume and so impair placental blood flow and fetal growth. ─── 利尿剂可能会引起贫血从而损害胎盘血流和胎儿发育。

51、Cell depletion can be fixed in three main ways. ─── 修理细胞消耗有三个主要方法。

52、AUG depletion may be an indication that upstream AUG can probably disturb the translation initiation of bacteria and archaea. ─── AUG的缺失表明在起始密码子上游的AUG很可能会对基因的翻译起始产生影响。

53、The depletion of MGMT by O6-benzylguanine(O6-BG) significantly increased the cytotoxicity of TMZ in resitant cell lines. ─── MGMT抑制剂O6-BG可明显增加TMZ对耐药系的细胞毒作用。

54、Just as a depletion in the state coffers was an early sign that Ireland's boom was ending, healthier revenues augur well for recovery. ─── 一如国库几乎亏空显示爱尔兰的经济繁荣已经面临尾声,表现更为良好的税收也预示着复苏的开始。

55、You haven't been well these days, with the depletion fire syndrome going up. You'd better have some Chinese medicine to nurse your health. ─── 你最近身体不好,虚火上升,要吃点中药调理一下。

56、With gram-negative organisms, depletion of the lipopolysaccharide layer with EDTA greatly facilitates TO uptake. ─── 对革兰氏阴性的生物体,用EDTA损耗多脂糖层很容易促进TO上调。

57、they find could provide clues to what might happen worldwide if ozone depletion continues. ─── 如果臭氧的损耗继续下去,他们的发现能为全世界可能发生的情况提供线索。

58、It is environmentally friendly with an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) of zero. ─── 与环境有关地它对臭氧稀薄化潜能 (ODP) 感到友好零。

59、This depletion will occur at the rate of $4 per ton as the coal is removed from the mine. ─── 当煤被开采出矿场时,损耗将以4美元/吨的比率发生。

60、Depletion of maternal BRG1 did not affect global levels of histone acetylation, whereas dimethyl-H3K4 levels were reduced. ─── BRG1蛋白的缺失没有影响组蛋白乙酰化的整体水平,但是二甲基H3K4的水平有所降低。

61、During acute tryptophan depletion, subjects drank the same drink without the addition of tryptophan. ─── 在急性色氨酸缺失期,受试者饮用不加色氨酸的其他成分相同的饮料。

62、When nutrients have been depleted, addition of adequate fertilizers can reverse the trend of soil organic matter depletion. ─── 养分耗竭后,施用足量肥料能逆转土壤有机质耗竭的趋势。

63、Their REE distribution patterns showing depletion in LREE and the REE abundances are similar to those of the Alps type meta peridotites. ─── REE分布模式为LREE亏损型,REE含量小于或等于2.5倍球粒陨石,类似于阿尔卑斯型变质橄榄岩,显示榆树沟的变质橄榄岩是原始地幔岩部分熔融萃取出玄武岩后的残留物。

64、Often estimated with production models and plays an important role in evaluating the sustainability of different harvest levels and the capacity to recover after depletion. ─── 在评估不同收获水平的持续性与消耗之后恢复的能力方面,时常和生产模型估计而且扮演重要角色。

65、Liquid dropout naturally occurs with reservoir depletion below the dewpoint,which differs from dry gas.It is unresolved to account for the effect of condensate on deliverability. ─── 凝析油的析出是凝析气藏衰竭过程中普遍存在的现象,此现象是凝析气与干气最本质的区别,但如何考虑凝析油的影响仍然是一个未曾得到圆满解决的难题。

66、Hickory Woodlot comes into play tapped with two depletion counters on it.tap, Remove a depletion counter from Hickory Woodlot: Add two green mana to your mana pool. ─── 山胡桃植林地须横置进场,且上面有两个消耗指示物。横置,自山胡桃植林地上移去一个消耗指示物:加两点绿色魔法力到你的魔法力池中。

67、Difficulty of job of billabong of depletion of numbers and pressure are quite great. ─── 减员分流工作难度和压力都相当大。

68、Both weight loss and earnings growth are limited by the available fat. Its depletion leaves your body craving food and your customers craving nourishment. ─── 减肥和收益增长都受制于脂肪的多寡。脂肪没了,你的身体就会对食物产生欲望,你的客户就会呼唤营养。

69、When other factors such as land subsidence and compaction, groundwater depletion, and natural climate variation are considered. ─── 将其他因素考虑在内,如土地下陷压紧,地下水枯竭,气候的自然变化。

70、Dithiothreitol (DTT)could prevent the GSH depletion induced by AAP and completely antagonize the AAP-induced elevat-ion of [Ca~(2+)]c. ─── 二巯基苏糖醇(DTT)5mmol/L可使加AAP后,细胞内GSH仍维持较高水平,[Ca~(2+)f]c升高几乎被完全拮抗。

71、Whey protein concentrate has been shown to represent an effective and safe cysteine donor for GSH replenishment during GSH depletion in immune deficiency states. ─── 乳浆蛋白浓缩物已被证实是一种有效的和安全的半胱氨酸供体,可以补充免疫缺陷状态时谷胱甘肽的不足。

72、EEPROM memory saves important battery data in true nonvolatile memory that is unaffected by severe battery depletion, accidental shorts or ESD events. ─── EEPROM作为一种真正的非易失存储器保存一些电池的重要数据,不会受到电池严重损耗、偶然短路或ESD事件的影响。

73、The paper is of important instructive importance to reduce loss and depletion by sublevel caving method without sill pilla... ─── 并对今后无底柱分段崩落法降低损失贫化具有重要的指导意义。

74、Another way to prevent the depletion of lipids is to add them just after the yeast inoculation in the form of yeast hulls. ─── 另一种方式,以防止它们消耗脂肪是刚刚加入酵母接种的形式酵母船体。

75、The endothelium pachynsis and local smooth muscle depletion was found because of the smooth muscle translation to subendothlial layer. ─── 中膜还发现散在细胞坏死,尤其是靠近内弹力板处的坏死物向内膜排入,加剧了内膜的损害。

76、Therefore, in order to build a clean use of the natural recyclable system, or when the depletion of resources, environmental destruction, human nature is bound to perish! ─── 因此,要建立一个清洁可循环利用的自然体系统,否则当资源耗尽,环境破坏,自然体人将必然灭亡!

77、The subjects were ealuated during a phase of acute tryptophan depletion and a phase of acute tryptophan increase. ─── 对所有受试者在色氨酸急性缺失期和色氨酸急性增加期进行评估。

78、The sunken fontanel usually due to the depletion of body fluid caused by vomiting and/or diarrhea[4]. ─── 1.4“/”斜线号(virgule or slant)如: 囟门突然凹陷常由于吐泻伤津。

79、Ozone layer depletion and aerosol pollution have aninfluence on the solar ultraviolet radistion reachingthe ground. ─── 对北京地区臭氧层损耗和气溶胶污染对紫外辐射量变化的影响进行了计算。

80、Dr. Joye said there's so much gas leaking into the Gulf that we might be looking at severe oxygen depletion in Gulf water. ─── 乔伊博士说,大量甲烷气体泄露可能会造成墨西哥湾水域严重缺氧。

81、Certain symmetry in the allocation of gain material leads to depletion of odd longitudinal modes that, in turn, increases the tunability range of the microlaser. ─── 增益材料放置的对称性导致奇数阶纵模的损耗,从而增加了微激光器的调谐范围。

82、On carb depletion days, Garry recommends that bodybuilders still get 20% of their calories from carbohydrates. ─── 在加州枯竭天草拟建议健美就有20%的热量来自碳水化合物。

83、Can stratospheric temperature trends be attributed to ozone depletion? ─── 平流层温度趋势能被归因于臭氧减少吗?

84、Other countries took measures to prevent depletion of their precious dollar supplies. ─── 其它国家都采取措施防止耗尽他们宝贵的美元储备。

85、The ozone depletion is created by CFCs pollutants from human activities.And this causes more UV-B radiation which is harmful to marine species. ─── 人类活动产生的氟氯烃等化合物对大气的污染造成臭氧损耗,引起地面紫外辐射(UV-B)增加,进而造成对生物的有害影响。

86、Arctic Ocean sea ice volume: What explains its recent depletion? ─── 北冰洋的海冰量:怎样解释近期的减少?

87、These are serious problems because air pollution can affect our respiratory system and ozone depletion can cause skin cancer on us. ─── 因为空气污染会损害呼吸器性能并且臭氧层破坏会导致皮肤癌,这些是深刻的问题。

88、Ozone-layer depletion above the Arctic is not as extensive as expected because of unusually warm weather. ─── 因为不正常的暖气候,北极上空臭氧层消耗的范围并不像我们预期的那么大。

89、The zircons we studied were depleted in oxygen 18 relative to the mantle, and such depletion occurs only if the crystals formed from rocks that interacted with rain or snow. ─── 因为相较于地函,我们所研究的锆石,氧18含量偏低,而这种情形只有可能是晶体的母岩曾经和雨水或雪发生交互作用。







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