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09-12 投稿



evangelistic 发音

英:[ɪˌvændʒəˈlɪstɪk]  美:[ɪˌvændʒəˈlɪstɪk]

英:  美:

evangelistic 中文意思翻译



evangelistic 网络释义

adj. 福音传道者的;福音书作者的

evangelistic 词性/词形变化,evangelistic变形

副词: evangelistically |形容词: evan-gelistic |

evangelistic 相似词语短语

1、evangeliaria ─── 福音派的

2、evangelisation ─── 传福音

3、evangelists ─── n.福音传道者;圣经新约福音书的作者

4、evangeliser ─── 传福音

5、evangelist ─── n.福音传道者;圣经新约福音书的作者

6、evangelistary ─── n.四《福音书》之一

7、evangelise ─── vt.传教;宣讲福音(等于evangelize);vi.传教;宣讲福音(等于evangelize)

8、evangelised ─── v.传教;宣讲福音(evangelise的过去式和过去分词,等于evangelize)

9、evangelic ─── adj.福音传道的;福音的

evangelistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Restoration of the Evangelist to equip the saints to “preach” the gospel! ─── 恢复传道者来装备圣徒出去传福音!

2、5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. ─── 5你却要凡事谨慎,忍受苦难,做传道的工夫,尽你的职分。

3、The words preach, preacher, and evangelist are never used of women in the New Testament. ─── “传道”、“传道人”和“传福音者”这些词在新约中从未用于女人身上。

4、With a great Evangelist leading the charge, firms can be proactive, trendsetting, and highly valued for their ideas. ─── 她发挥稳定,是切实工作和带来利益的关键。

5、A strong evangelistic thrust began in the city and a continuous teaching ministry started in the church. ─── 他们在该城大力开展福音工作,在教会里面也继续进行教导事工。

6、The software giant's “technical evangelist”, Mr Scoble has become the best-known example of a corporate blogger. ─── 作为这一软件巨头的“技术专员”,斯考伯先生已经成为企业博客最知名的典范。

7、Then Daniel turned evangelistic. ─── 但以理还苦口婆心地劝王相信神。

8、She was one of the pillars of the church, a powerful evangelist and very widely known. ─── 她是一位远近闻名,颇有影响的福音传道士,是教会的一根顶梁柱。

9、work of God in the world is primarily evangelistic. ─── 上帝在这个世界的首要工作就是福音化。

10、Pray for the Evangelistic Movie Event on this coming Saturday (8/12). ─── 为8/12(本周六)在本堂举行的福音电影聚会祷告。

11、evangelistic zeal ─── 传道者的热情

12、The Froom waters were clear as the pure River of Life shown to the Evangelist, rapid as the shadow of a cloud, with pebbly shallows that prattled to the sky all day long. ─── 佛卢姆河的流水却是清澈的,就像那位福音教徒看见的那条生命河一样纯净,流得也快,就像一片浮云的阴影,流过铺满卵石的浅滩,还整天对着天空喃喃絮语。

13、Praise God for the life of pioneering evangelist Ding Limei, born in Shandong on Oct. 2,1871, and for those who do itinerant evangelism in China today. Rom. 10:15 ─── 开荒福音传道人丁立美于1871年10月2日出生在山东。为丁立美一生有美好的见证赞美主,也为今日在中国巡迴布道的传道人赞美主。罗10:15

14、His evangelistic tours included South Africa and Asia . He also visited the United States and Canada several times. ─── 他的布道之旅包括了南非和亚洲。他也曾数次访问了美国和加拿大。

15、Laurence Moroney is a Senior Technical Evangelist who is specializing in XAML-based application delivery. ─── Laurence Moroney是一名专门从事基于XAML的应用程序交付的高级技术专家。

16、North began to cash in on his celebrity last May 2,the day after his official retirement from the Marine Corps,when he was the graduation speaker at TV evangelist Jerry Falwell's Liberty University in Lynchburg,VA. ─── 去年5月2日,诺思正式从海军陆战队退休的次日,在弗吉尼亚州林奇堡电视布道尔家福尔维尔所办的自由大学毕业典礼演讲时,开始利用他的名人身份。

17、On the next day we left and came to Caesarea, and entering the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, we stayed with him. ─── 徒21:8第二天、我们离开那里、来到该撒利亚.就进了传福音的腓利家里、和他同住.他是那七个执事里的一个。

18、These meetings, and the evangelistic campaigns in cities led by men like Charles Finney, changed the face of American society. ─── 这些的聚会,以及在城市中由布道家如查尔士。芬尼(CharlesFinney)所带领的布道会,改变了美国社会的面貌。

19、The church that ceases to be evangelistic will soon cease to be evangelical. ─── 传福音是整体教会持续不断的任务,这可不是教会少数会友的特殊嗜好。

20、After all, the man whose horse trots a mile in a minute does not carry the most important messages;he is not an evangelist, nor does he come round eating locusts and wild honey. ─── 总之一句话,骑着马,一分钟跑一英里的人决不会携带最重要的消息,他不是一个福音教徒,他跑来跑去也不是为了吃蝗虫和野蜜。

21、Conduct evangelistic meetings in different institutions during festive periods as to spread Gospel to every prisoner. ─── 在惩教及感化机构举行节期性全院布道会,让每位被囚者得闻福音。

22、It is very easy to confuse this Philip with Philip the deacon and evangelist in the book of Acts. ─── 我们很容易将这位腓力,与使徒行传记载的那位执事和传道人腓利混淆。

23、Pray for BAC s short-term mission team for their upcoming trip to Panama City. Pray for fruit for their evangelistic efforts. ─── 巴拿马短宣:感谢父神恩领整体的筹备,请为当地侨胞聆听福音的心怀,以及短宣队的平安而祷告。

24、The steeple of Evangelist church in the city of Bistrita in Romania's Transylvania region burns after fire broke out in the 700-year-old building. ─── 在罗马尼亚比斯特里察市(特兰西瓦尼亚地区),福音教会的塔尖在燃烧,当这700岁高龄的建筑发生火警后。

25、In the villages a wedding frequently doubles as an evangelistic meeting. ─── 在农村,福音聚会的次数还不及婚礼举办次数的一半。

26、I know there are evangelistic fans out there ready to try and tell me that my lack of class shows my failure to support the team. ─── 我知道很多诲人不倦的球迷已经开始准备告诉我,我如此没有格调的表现作为球迷并不称职。

27、When you hear the word evangelist, what kind of a person comes to mind? ─── 当你听到传教士这几个字时,脑海里会浮现甚麽样的人物呢?

28、To lead the lost sheep to God through community services and evangelistic efforts. ─── 基督教角声布道团是一个结合社会关怀及布道,领回圈外的羊。

29、the erudite Hirst in The Voyage Out has the forename St John recalling the evangelist whose opening line was ‘In the beginning was the Word’. ─── 他在小说中的开场白为:“语言是世界的初始”。

30、David Hoy (who performed as Dr.Faust) was a wonderful man who started out wanting to be an evangelist but turned to the world of magic and mentalism instead. ─── 大卫大平底船(谁执行了作为浮士德博士)是开始想要是福音传教士的一个美妙的人,但是转向魔术和精神论世界。

31、But Mr Kolakowski's distaste for communism did not make him an evangelist for free-market liberalism: he was too inquisitive, sceptical and irreverent to support any particular doctrine strongly. ─── 但柯拉柯夫斯基对共产主义的厌恶并未令他成为一名崇尚自由市场的自由主义狂热传道者:他过于好奇、满腹猜疑、又不带敬畏之心,因此绝不会坚定地支持某种特定的学说。

32、Last year, however, a group was able to hold an open-air evangelistic meeting without interference. ─── 感谢神,去年有一大型福音聚会顺利在此举行,没有受到干扰。

33、Luke the Evangelist gives a vivid account of all who came there to receive the baptism of repentance: soldiers, prostitutes, tax collectors, people of all occupational strata. ─── 圣史路加生动地细数了来受洗并寻求赦罪的人:军人、妓女、税吏、以及从事其它各行各业的群众。

34、Industrial Evangelistic Fellowship Ltd. ─── 工业福音团契

35、* The evangelist maintained that an angry deity would exact retribution from the sinners. ─── *保持的传播者,一个愤怒的神将报复的罪人。

36、We remember all those who are engaged in learning Chinese and their evangelistic efforts.We pray, too, for the seeds they are sowing in the hearts of their contacts. ─── 我们记念所有为福音的缘故,正积极学习华文华语的人,也求主让他们能够成功的在所接触的人心中播下福音的种子。

37、Betsy Weber is Chief Evangelist at Okemos-based TechSmith Corporation, and collaborates with customers, industry experts, and technologists all over the world. ─── Betsy Weber是TechSmith Corporation(总部在Okemos)的首席宣传官,她负责协调全球的客户、业界专家和技术人员。

38、The Evangelist is actually the opposite of The Theoretician. ─── 传教士实际上就是理论家的反面。

39、But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry. ─── 你却要凡事谨慎,忍受苦难,作传道的工夫,尽你的职分。

40、"They are everywhere," said Karl Weaver, a wireless evangelist and mobile device specialist for the Chinese handset ecosystem. ─── “它们无处不在,”卡尔.韦弗,一名研究中国手机生态体系的无线移动设备和传播专家说道。

41、Jobs learned a long time ago that a leader must be a company evangelist and brand spokesperson. ─── 乔布期从很早以前就知道,一个领导人必须是该公司的品牌发言人。

42、We reach 3800 children in School Evangelist Events, 1900 were counseled for salvation. ─── 12月份的学校及教会布道会中,我们一共接三千八百多位儿童,超过一千九百人接受救恩。

43、Church membership multiplied several times during the first five decades of the nineteenth century; there is some evidence that large evangelistic meetings produced this amazing growth. ─── 在十九世纪的前五十年中教会的成员增加了许多倍;有一些证据显示大形的布道会产生了这个惊人的成长。

44、d. Keeping the evangelistic edge on our current ministries. ─── 保持现有事工所含传福音的优势。

45、In May, we had the privilege of serving many churches in Hong Kong through leading worship services, worship training events, worship concerts, and evangelistic events. ─── 五月的时候,我们有机会到香港透过敬拜聚会、布道会及培训服事当地的教会。

46、He had a job as an assistant evangelist in the mining village of Borinage in Belgium but realized an artistic drive which was to motivate him unceasingly until his death 10years later. ─── 在比利时的波里纳日的采煤村他有一份做福音传道者助手的工作,可他感受到一种艺术的冲动,这种冲动持续不断地激励着他直到十年后去世。

47、Pray for 2007 GTA Dr. Stephen Tong Evangelistic Rallies will hold from Sept 14~16. ─── 为9/14~9/16举行的唐崇荣布道大会代祷,求神兴起多伦多的福音工作。

48、For the Eucharist, too, was a "call to commitment", an "evangelistic" act. ─── 至于圣餐,也是一个“对奉献的呼唤”、一个“福音传道者的”行动。

49、By God’s grace, we came out from the turbulent and difficult period of the eighties stronger, with greater ministries development and striving more vigorously in our evangelistic efforts. ─── 但藉著神的恩典,我们不但渡过这场风暴,更能在疾风中茁壮成长,事工更大的扩展,为福音工作更不遗馀力。

50、Told by one evangelist who preached the gospel in Africa, during the time he always felt the pressure of tight finance. ─── 一个曾经在非洲传福音的传教士讲过这样一个故事,当他在非洲传教时,经常会遇到经济上的困难。

51、They were part of his evangelistic team. ─── 他们是他宣教队伍的成员。

52、KJV] But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. ─── [新译]你却要凡事谨慎,忍受磨难、传福音者的工作,完成你的职务。

53、Pray for the safety of the two event venues.May God protect and cover them with His atoning blood, let the four evangelistic meetings and the two workshops proceed smoothly without interferences. ─── 十一]为所使用的两个场地及安全祷告,求主用宝血遮盖,使四场福音与专题讲座能不受打扰地顺利进行.

54、Saint Matthew The Evangelist ─── 圣马太

55、Campus Chinese Evangelistic Meeting August 4-5, 7-9 pm at UM St. Paul Campus. August 6, Sun., 10:45 at T4C. Invitation flyers are by the welcome table. ─── T4C东亚短宣队感谢会众的祷告及支持,并将于本周三(7/26)晚上7:00在教会交谊厅分享短宣经历,欢迎弟兄姊妹参加。

56、As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. ─── 你却要凡事谨慎,忍受苦难,作传道的工夫,尽你的职分。

57、Due to influenza virus burst out during Easter Holiday in April, all primary schools and preschools suspended classes which caused 11 Easter Evangelistic Events to cancel. ─── 今年的复活节前夕,一场流感病毒,叫所有小学及幼稚园全面停课。

58、Pray for the Evangelistic Movie Event on 3/4 & 3/5. ─── 为聘请粤语堂教牧同工祷告,求上帝打发祂的工人来帮助我们。

59、But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. ─── 你却要凡事谨慎、忍受苦难、作传道的工夫、尽你的职份。

60、The Evangelist is outspoken, knows an awful lot about software development, but performs very little actual programming. ─── 传教士总是直来直去,对软件开发很了解,但却很少真正的去编码。

61、You should limit your time at work so as to maximize evangelistic efforts. ─── 你需要限制工作的时间,最大化的传福音;

62、Batu Pahat is having their Year-End Spiritual Meeting &Evangelistic Service on the 19th Nov (Sunday). ─── 巴株巴辖将于11月19日(星期天)举开年终灵恩布道会.

63、A salute to evangelist a 27-million-dollar museum tracing his journey from a farm boy to befriending every US president since Harry Truman. ─── 向福音布道家比利.葛培理致敬,一座造价2700万美元的博物馆记录了他如何从一名农家男孩成长为自哈瑞.杜鲁门以来每一届美国总统的朋友。

64、Philip THE EVANGELIST, SAINT ─── 圣腓力(传福音者)

65、North began to cash in on his celebrity last May 2, the day after his official retirement from the Marine Corps, when he was the graduation speaker at TV evangelist Jerry Falwell's Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. ─── 去年5月2日诺思正式从海军陆战队退休的次日,在弗吉尼亚州林奇堡电视布道尔家福尔维尔所办的自由大学毕业典礼演讲时,开始利用他的名人身份。

66、Outside the lab, Ivins's neighbors, friends and pastor say, he played the piano every Sunday at what he jokingly called "the hippie Mass" in the school hall at St.John the Evangelist. ─── 在实验室之外,埃文斯的邻居们,朋友们,教区牧师都说,他每个星期天都去圣约翰福音教区的学校礼堂弹钢琴,他戏称那是“嬉皮士弥撒”;

67、expert in and evangelist for Oracle DBA product set. Take the...experience in IT infrastructure of Oracle DBA in consulting company... ─── 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:100-499人经验要求:5-10年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历

68、Responsibilities: 1. Be the recognized expert in and evangelist for Cisco Network product set. 2. Take the lead role in...... ... ─── 公司名称:日立信息系统(上海)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-7-11

69、Pray for the coworkers in the Evangelistic Rallies' Preparatory Committee, that the Lord will bless them and keep them in their health, spirit, families and service in their respective churches. ─── 五]为布道会中筹备会的众同工祷告,求主保守他们的身体,心灵,家庭与所服事的教会.

70、It displays an arresting, monochrome portrait of the Evangelist Luke, filling almost the whole page (see above). ─── 它是一幅引人注目的福音书作者路加的单色肖像,几乎占据了整个书页(见上图)。

71、The first shall say to Sion: Behold they are here, and to Jerusalem I will give an evangelist. ─── 只有我是第一位给熙雍报告过这事,给耶路撒冷遣发了一位报告喜讯的。

72、Mark (THE EVANGELIST), SAINT ─── 圣马可(传福音的)

73、In the most cutting of his satires Elmer Gantry, published in 1927, Lewis criticizes false religion, drawing the wrath of living evangelist like Billy Sunday. ─── 刘易斯在其最尖刻的讽刺作品1927年出版的《埃尔默?甘特里》中,批判了虚伪的宗教,从而使当时的布道者如比利?森戴等大为恼火。

74、The angel told the evangelist's evangel to a gang of fanged gangling gangsters. ─── 天使把福音传道者的佳音传给一伙有毒牙的瘦长匪徒。

75、Let us pray for the mighty working of the Holy Spirit as all of these evangelistic films are shown as an outreach of the Gospel . ─── 愿圣灵亲自动工,使用每一项为传福音而作的影片节目,让更多人藉此接触主的真理,得享救恩的福乐。

76、peacetime Week 6, on the morning of every gathering Thursday night youth gathering, Zhou 5 nights is Witnesses, Saturday night is Evangelistic, usually at night there will be Bible. ─── 很明显的福音堂,平时周6、日上午都有聚会,周四晚是青年聚会,周5晚是见证会,周六晚是布道会,平时晚上也有查经会。

77、Matthew (THE EVANGELIST), SAINT ─── 圣马太(传教者)

78、Christianity in Egypt owes its formal introduction to St.Mark the Evangelist. ─── 埃及的基督教是归功于福音传道者圣马可的正式引入。

79、an evangelistic meeting/crusade ─── 布道会

80、His evangelistic tours included South Africa and Asia. ─── 他的布道之旅包括了南非和亚洲。

81、an evangelist who conducts services on television. ─── 在电视或广播上讲仪式的传道者。

82、He peddled his theories of excellence with the exuberance and evangelistic zeal of a 19th-century cough-syrup salesman. ─── 他传播着他的日益蓬勃的精湛理论和19世纪止咳糖浆的销售员般的热情。

83、A strong evangelistic thrust began in the city and a continuous teaching ministry started in the church. ─── 他们在该城大力开展福音工作,在教会里面也继续进行教导事工。

84、Responsibilities: 1. Be the recognized expert in and evangelist for Oracle DBA product set. 2. Take the lead role in se...... ... ─── 公司名称:日立信息系统(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-24

85、Evangelist isn't simply a job title, it's a way of life. ─── 传道士不仅是一个职位,而且是一种生活方式。

86、The testimonies of ex-television addicts often have the evangelistic overtones of stories heard at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. ─── 据以前的电视瘾君子的讲述,经常有一些在酒鬼的匿名会上听到的福音传道者的暗示。

87、Your secular career is valid, but should be seen primarily in light of its strategic evangelistic value. ─── 你世俗的工作是正当的,但是应该从传福音战略的价值来看;

88、converted to Christianity by a fervent American evangelist ─── 受虔诚的美国布道家感化而皈依基督教

89、A middle aged couple is watching TV when a TV Evangelist comes on and promises to heal the sick. ─── 一对中年夫妻正在看电视。突然,一个电视传道士出现了,并许诺帮观众治好病。

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