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09-12 投稿



dishwasher 发音

英:['dɪʃwɒʃə]  美:['dɪʃwɔʃɚ]

英:  美:

dishwasher 中文意思翻译



dishwasher 词性/词形变化,dishwasher变形


dishwasher 短语词组

1、dishwasher not draining ─── 洗碗机不排水

2、dishwasher sound sleep ─── 洗碗机酣睡

3、dishwasher repair ─── 洗碗机维修

4、dishwasher detergent ─── [化] 洗碟机用洗涤剂

5、dishwasher sale ─── 洗碗机销售

6、miele dishwasher heater relay miele ─── 洗碗机加热器继电器

7、microwave safe dishwasher safe ─── 微波安全洗碗机安全

8、average salary of dishwasher ─── 洗碗机平均工资

9、dishwasher cleaner ─── 洗碗机清洁剂

10、empty the dishwasher ─── 清空洗碗机

11、drawer dishwasher ─── 抽屉洗碗机

12、dishwasher soap ─── 洗碗机肥皂

13、diplomat dishwasher manual ─── 外交官洗碗机手册

14、portable dishwasher ─── 便携式洗碗机

15、whirlpool dishwasher ─── 惠而浦洗碗机

16、bisque dishwasher ─── 洗碗机

17、dishwasher wanted ─── 需要洗碗机

18、dishwasher parts ─── 洗碗机配件

19、potatoes in dishwasher ─── 洗碗机里的土豆

dishwasher 相似词语短语

1、dishdashas ─── 迪什达沙

2、dishdasha ─── 至踝衬衫

3、whitewasher ─── n.粉刷匠(whitewash名词形式)

4、wish-washes ─── 愿望洗涤

5、dishwasherproof ─── 洗碗机

6、dishwater ─── n.洗碗水;洗碟的水;(美)味道蹩脚的汤

7、dishwashers ─── n.洗碗机(dishwasher的复数)

8、dishware ─── n.餐具;碟;盆

9、swasher ─── 抽油机

dishwasher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Rather than spend hours at the kitchen sink, I'd prefer to buy a dishwasher . ─── 与其在厨房洗涤槽旁浪费几个小时,我宁可去买一台洗碟机。

2、Like a lot of folks, I've got a lot on my plate without trying to make sure the dishwasher liquid is in a biodegradable container. ─── 就象很多人一样,我在我的盘子里装了许多吃的,不去管他洗碗液是否可降解。

3、Heater may be turned on when dishwasher is in use for maximum economy of operation. Designed specifically for under-counter use to save valuable floor space. ─── 在洗碗机运转时才打开电热水加热器,在电能消耗上最经济实惠。可以安装在台面下,充分利用有限的空间。

4、Laura: I really like it! It dispenses ice and water in the door. I've always wantedone like that. And you know, I like that dishwasher too. It's also on sale. ─── 劳拉:我非常喜欢它!在冰箱门处可以分开放冰块和水。我一直想要这样的一款。你知道,我也喜欢那台洗碗机。它也正在打折。

5、And you know, I like that dishwasher too. ─── 你知道,我也喜欢那台洗碗机。

6、17 Restacking the dishwasher after you've done it. ─── 17在你洗完后又在洗碗机里堆满碗。

7、In Japan, Diancilu with dishwasher, garbage disposal machines listed as the kitchen of the new family "Triratna," coverage over 80%. ─── 在日本,电磁炉与洗碗机、垃圾处理机并列,成为家庭中的厨电新“三宝”,普及率超过80%。

8、The kitchen has a modern oven and dishwasher. ─── 厨房里配备有现代化的烤箱和洗碗机。

9、to load/stack the dishwasher ─── 将碗碟放在/码在洗碟机里

10、Harmful chemicals constantly escape into the air in a home from the dishwasher, the toilet, and the shower. ─── 从家庭使用的污水,洗手间和淋浴中释放出来的有害化学物质在整个房间中。

11、We've had the dishwasher for three years.(= we have still got it. ─── 我们买这个洗碗机有三年了。(现在还在使用。)

12、There's a very nice kitchen with a dishwasher, ─── 厨房很不错,有洗碗机、

13、In addition, you'll want to make sure that food doesn't come off one dish and then stick to another, or accumulate in the bottom of your dishwasher. ─── 另外,您要确保粮食不产一碟,然后再坚持,或积聚在底部你洗碗机.

14、A microwave oven and a dishwasher are domestic appliances. ─── 微波炉和洗碗机是家用电器。

15、He spent the whole evening repairing a dishwasher . ─── 他花了整个晚上来修理洗碗机。

16、"Rather than spending hour at the kitchen sink, I 'd prefer to Buy a dishwasher . " ─── 与其在厨房洗涤槽浪费几个小时,我宁可去买一台洗碟机。

17、Empty dishwasher and put dishes away. ─── 将洗好的碗碟从洗碗机中拿出并归置好。

18、Honey, would you please put the dishes in the dishwasher? ─── 亲爱的,你能把碗碟放进洗碗机里吗?

19、The island is equipped with two refrigerated drawers and two dishwasher drawers on either side of the prep sink. ─── 中心地带是配备有两个冷藏柜和分列于抽屉两侧的两个洗碗机。

20、Recycling companies report that some people put their used tins in the dishwasher: that's a bit extreme and a waste of energy. A good rinse should be enough. ─── 回收公司报导说有人把用过的罐头听放到洗碗机里:这有点太过分了,而且浪费能源。冲洗干净就可以了。

21、Install a high efficiency dishwasher machine. ─── 安装一个高效率洗碗机机器。

22、Research for washing principle of home ultrasonic dishwasher ─── 家用超声波洗碗机洗涤机理的试验研究

23、We bought a dishwasher to make life easier. ─── 为使生活轻松些我们买了一台洗碗机。

24、The kitchen had structural sex adjust, somes new kitchen area is large, have two stove, two freezer, two cistern and two dishwasher. ─── 厨房进行了结构性的调整,新厨房面积大些,有两个炉子,两个冰箱,两个水池和两套洗碗机。

25、"I thought it was the dishwasher, " she said, before she heard of the change in formulas. ─── “我开始以为那是因为洗碗机的原因,”在她听说了配方改变的消息之前。

26、Germany Meiko Basket Conveyor Dishwasher ─── 德国迈科输送式洗碗机

27、When Mandela speaks at banquets, he makes a point of going into the kitchen and shaking hands with every dishwasher and busboy. ─── 当曼德拉到宴会中发表演说时,他一定不忘到厨房和每一位洗碗工和杂役握手。

28、To pay for his schooling, he worked as a cook, dishwasher, laundryman, and housekeeper. ─── 为了支付学费,他当过厨师、洗碗工、洗衣工和管家等等。

29、The rubber toys can go in the dishwasher with the food pans, the cloth and fuzzy ones go in the laundry with the whelping box pad in order to keep them clean. ─── 为保持清洁,橡胶玩具可以与锅一起放在洗碗机里洗,毛绒玩具可以跟幼崽箱垫一起放到洗衣机里洗。

30、If they want to be treated like an adult, let them show you that they can operate the oven safely, empty the dishwasher and fill the washing machine,” says Rhodes. ─── 如果他们想让自己被看作承认,那么让他们演示下如何安全使用烤箱、清空洗碗机以及给洗衣机住满水。”

31、Finally researchers have come up with a reason other than pure laziness for why teenagers can't shower and brush their teeth or unload the dishwasher and wipe down the counter. ─── 为什麽青少年无法淋浴后接著把牙刷好,或拿出洗碗机里的碗盘后顺手把流理台清理乾净,研究人员终于找出一个除了纯属懒惰之外的理由。

32、The probe did not focus on whether the dishwasher fungi had been any threat to health. ─── 此项研究调查的焦点并非是这些真菌是否已对人类健康造成威胁。

33、If you know ahead of time that he leaves his dirty clothes all over the apartment and has an aversion to emptying the dishwasher, you won't be as up in arms about these things when you live together. ─── 他喜欢把脏衣服丢得满屋都是,也懒得去清理满满当当的洗碗机,如果你事前就知道这些情况,那么同居后你就会明白无须在这些问题上浪费唇舌了。

34、Service the electric dishwasher ─── 修理电动洗碗机

35、Recommended installation when regulator is used to control flow through the booster heater to dishwasher. ─── 当调节阀用于控制通过辅助加热器到洗碗机的水流时,建议安装此阀门。

36、Additionally I feel, there still is a very important thing in the kitchen is dishwasher. ─── 另外我觉得,厨房里还有一件很重要的东西就是洗碗机。

37、49.The kitchen is full of electrical appliance, eg. a washing machine, dishwasher, liquidizer, etc. ─── 厨房里有各种电器,如洗衣机、洗碗机、果汁机等。

38、He hired a battery of staff to help him with the daily chores, including a scullion (dishwasher), a laundress and a shoeblack (someone who cleans shoes). ─── 当时达尔文雇了很多人帮他打理日常事务,其中包括厨房佣人(洗碗工),洗衣女工和擦鞋匠。

39、You must allow standing space in front of the dishwasher for unloading. ─── 你必须让站在门前的空间供洗碗机卸载。

40、There is a pile of washing up wait to is put into the dishwasher. ─── 一堆准备放在洗碗机中清洗的碗碟。

41、Consumer Product Household Laundry and Dishwasher Water Inlet Hose ─── 家用洗衣机和洗碗机用注水软管

42、From time immemorial, women have been able to breast-feed, bake bread, unload the dishwasher, help with Latin homework and call the plumber simultaneously. ─── 从远古时代开始,女人们就能够同时完成哺乳、烤面包、洗碗、帮助孩子做拉丁文作业以及打电话叫水管工等多项工作。

43、Add about 1/4 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid to a cup of lukewarm water. Don't use the detergent you use in your dishwasher or any detergent that contains bleach or lanolin. ─── 在一杯温水中,加入1/4汤勺的洗洁精。不要使用洗盘机里使用的清洁剂或任何含漂白剂或羊脂的清洁剂。

44、The platen washing machine that buys, dishwasher is to go up catchment means, and the floor drain that of obligate of kitchen, toilet is next catchment. ─── 买来的滚筒洗衣机、洗碗机是上排水方式,而厨房、卫生间预留的则是下排水的地漏。

45、Consumer Product Household Laundry and Dishwasher Drain Hose ─── 家用洗衣机和洗碗机用排水软管

46、You also have perfect cooking facilities and a dishwasher. ─── 您还可以享用烹饪设备和洗碗机。

47、A similar pattern occurred to washing machine and dishwasher. ─── 冰箱和洗碗机也都出现了类似状态。

48、Let me to dishwash after dinner. ─── 吃完晚饭以后让我来帮你洗碗。

49、Save for a bigger wash when using washing machine and dishwasher and cut down the rinse cycle ─── 使用洗衣机或洗碗机时,可以集衣物或碗碟一次过洗濯

50、You use the dishwasher as a dish rack. ─── 你把洗碗机当作碗架使用。

51、Jon, there are cobwebs in your dishwasher. ─── 你的洗碗机上已经结了蜘蛛网了。

52、He grew up in Iowa, and before the age of 19 had worked as a hay-baler, butcher, roofer, dishwasher, forklift operator, and supermarket-deli potato-salad-maker (he also served a mean coleslaw). ─── 他在爱荷华州长大,在19岁之前已当了,屠夫,修理屋顶的人,洗碗工,叉车操作员,和超市的马铃薯沙拉厨师(他也凉拌卷心菜)。

53、The refrigerator is huge and there's a disposal and a dishwasher. ─── 冰箱很大,有垃圾粉碎机,还有洗碗机。

54、Can you help me load the dishwasher? ─── 你帮我把碗碟放进洗碗机里好吗?

55、Dorothy : We've already bought an oven, a washing machine, a dishwasher, and a refrigerator. We don't have much money left, do we? ─── 多萝西:我们已经买了微波炉,洗衣机,洗碗机和冰箱。我们没有留下多少钱,我们?

56、"Rather than spending hour at the kitchen sink , I 'd prefer to buy a dishwasher . " ─── 与其在厨房洗涤槽浪费几个小时,我宁可去买一台洗碟机。

57、They have a dishwasher, but say it doesn't clean the pots very well. ─── 他们有一个洗碗机,但说它不能把这些瓶子洗干净。

58、Their new model of dishwasher is a great water and energy saver. ─── 他们的新款洗碗机能大量节水节能。

59、Kitchen was upgraded with granite countertop, new dishwasher and range hood in 2007. ─── 厨房里有在2007年升级的花岗岩台面,新洗碗机和吸油烟机。

60、Sir, the dishwasher is not working, should I call an electrician to repair it? ─── 先生,洗碗机坏了,我应否叫个电器技师来修理它?

61、If installed dishwasher already, configured alexipharmic ark again, implementation rinse one continuous line serves, can make integral kitchen is used rise more convenient. ─── 假如既设置了洗碗机,又配置了消毒柜,实现洗刷一条龙服务,则可以使整体厨房使用起来更方便。

62、Do not use dishwasher or steam sterilizer. ─── 不要使用洗碗机和蒸汽灭菌。

63、Angel Brush may also be washed in your dishwasher. ─── 天使刷也可在您的洗碗机清洗。

64、Item must be dishwasher safe ─── 产品必须适用于洗碗机

65、Ana Pablo, who works as a dishwasher at a restaurant, said her brother was advised to take pulque for his diabetes. ─── 在餐厅当洗碗工的安娜:帕波洛表示,就有人建议她患有糖尿病的弟弟饮用普尔奇酒。

66、Made of tempered glass, our teapot is dishwasher safe. ─── 制成钢化玻璃,我们是茶壶洗碗机安全。

67、Use dishwasher powder and rinse aid. ─── 使用洗碗粉和过水增亮剂。

68、The dishwasher slots neatly between the cupboards. ─── 洗碗机刚好可以放在两个碗橱之间。

69、She settled on Dishwasher as the best appliance-inspired name of all.Then her sister gave her a black Manx cat about a year later. ─── "她确定在洗碗机,然后她的妹妹给了她一只黑色马恩猫(大约一年以后)。

70、A: Honey, would you please put the dishes in the dishwasher? ─── 亲爱的,你能把碗碟放进洗碗机里吗?

71、This was the happiest moment of my life and my Electrolux dishwasher will always hold a special place in my heart. ─── 这是我一生中最幸福的时刻,我的伊莱克斯洗碗机总是在我心里占据着特别位置。

72、Mr. Martino's dishwasher was leaking! ─── 原来Martino先生家的洗碗机漏水了!

73、If you have a large family or do a lot of entertaining, you may feel like you are always filling, running, and emptying the dishwasher. ─── 如果你有一个大家族或做应酬,你喜欢你总是气,跑、排空的洗碗机.

74、Run your dishwasher during the early evening (rather than after everyone has gone to bed). ─── 傍晚转动你的洗碗机(而不是等所有人都已上床睡觉)。

75、You have never used your dishwasher. ─── 你从不使用你的洗碗机。

76、service the electric dishwasher. ─── 修理电动洗碗机。

77、Free frigidaire dishwasher with the purchase of 12 or more Schrock cabinets in any "select" or "deluxe" door style! A $279 value. ─── 只要购买12件或12件以上思克诺"选择"系列或"豪华"系列橱柜,您就可免费获得一个价值279美元的洗碗机。

78、The Application of Multi-task System Computation Deriving from the Single-chip Machine in the Dishwasher ─── 单片机多任务系统的算法在洗碗机中的应用

79、We bought a dishwasher to make life easier. ─── 为使生活轻松些我们买了一台洗碗机。

80、He spent the whole evening repairing a dishwasher. ─── *他花了整个晚上来修理洗碗机。

81、You may think that having a dishwasher is just a lazy way out of doing the dishes, but using your dishwasher not only saves you the time and chore of dishwashing, it also uses far less water than washing your dishes by hand. ─── 你以为只是一个拥有洗碗机出路懒做的菜,但是你用你的洗碗机不仅节省时间和零工餐具、它也是以少用水冲洗比你菜的手.

82、Yasui proudly points to an electric dishwasher, perhaps the only one of its kind in this battle-scarred Afghan province. ─── Yasui不无自豪地指着一架电动洗碗机,也许这是这个惨遭战火蹂躏的阿富汗省份里唯一的一台洗碗机了。

83、Thanks to the invention of dishwasher, making washing-up no longer a nightmare for housewives. ─── 多亏有洗碗机的发明,让饭后洗碗工作不再是家庭主妇的梦魇。

84、The repairman's gone to service the broken dishwasher. ─── 修理工已去维修一台坏的洗碗机了。

85、5.We've plumbed in the dishwasher. ─── 我们已给洗碟机接上水管了.

86、Second, in the rising processes of television, vacuum cleaner and dishwasher, there appeared static situations. ─── 其次,电视、吸尘器、冰箱、洗碗机的增长过程中皆出现了静止状态。

87、We bought the dishwasher on credit. ─── 我们赊购了一台洗碗机。

88、The dishwasher releases more chlorine into the air than any other water source in the house, besides the shower. ─── 在房间内和其他水源比较来说,洗碗机是包括淋浴方式以内更多地释放出氯。

89、They have two television sets, four air-conditioners, a microwave, a dishwasher, a washing machine and three computers.They also have high-speed Internet access. ─── 他们有两台电视,四台空调,微波炉、洗碗机、洗衣机以及三台电脑和宽带。





1. 确保洗碗机已经关闭并且断开电源。安全第一,操作之前必须确保没有电源供应。

2. 打开洗碗机的门,确保内部为空。移除任何还在洗碗机内部的物品。

3. 在洗碗机底部,通常位于洗碗机底部前面一侧或门只关上一半的位置,找到并打开洗碗机的过滤器或滤网(Filter或Filter Assembly)。

4. 根据具体型号和设计,过滤器可能有旋转、拉出或按下等方式打开。按照产品手册或说明书上的指示进行操作。有些滤网是固定在摆杆上的,只需按下并转动该摆杆即可打开滤网。

5. 当过滤器或滤网打开后,您就可以直接观察和进入DW的内部,例如清理过滤器、检查喷淋臂、清除堵塞物等。


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