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09-12 投稿



hedger 发音

英:[ˈhedʒər]  美:[ˈhedʒə(r)]

英:  美:

hedger 中文意思翻译




hedger 词性/词形变化,hedger变形


hedger 短语词组

1、hedger's cataract ─── [医] 篱工内障

hedger 相似词语短语

1、kedger ─── n.小锚(等于kedge)

2、hedge ─── n.树篱;防止损失的手段;模糊措辞;障碍;v.用树篱笆围住;避免作正面答复;避免损失;限制;n.(Hedge)(美、英、加、澳、印、法)赫奇(人名)

3、heder ─── n.课外初级宗教课;犹太儿童语言宗教学校(同cheder);n.(Heder)(巴、美、墨等)海德尔(人名)

4、hedgier ─── 树篱

5、hedges ─── n.[建]树篱;模糊限制语(hedge的复数);障碍;v.阻碍(hedge的第三人称单数)

6、edger ─── n.磨边机;轧边机;刨边机;n.(Edger)人名;(塞拉)埃杰尔

7、Ledger ─── n.总账,分户总账;[会计]分类账;账簿;底账;(手脚架上的)横木;n.(Ledger)人名;(英)莱杰

8、hedged ─── v.用树篱笆把……围住;围住;限制,修正;避免作明确决定;保护(投资、投资者)免遭损失(hedge的过去式及过去分词)

9、headgear ─── n.帽子;马首挽具;[矿业]井架;牙齿矫正器

hedger 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、method can be used to transfer market risks and expose the stock package of the hedger and partial profit related to market to the market risk. ─── 采用这种对冲方法,可转移市场风险,仅使对冲者股票组合与市场有关的部分收益暴露于市场风险当中。

2、Then, at a later date, before the futures hedger would take a second position. ─── 然后,在近期某一日,保值者通过做一相反的交易。

3、I have already mentioned the labour of the hedger and ditcher, of the builder of walls or dykes. ─── 我已提及了筑篱、挖沟、砌墙或建防护栏的劳动。

4、The probability of the great loss is controlled by the right deflection distributing of hedging returns.Then the great loss risk of hedger is avoided. ─── 通过偏度约束控制了当收益分布向右偏料时的重大损失发生的概率,解决了套保者遭受重大损失的问题。

5、"There is no reason why a hedger or a speculator needs to trade physical delivery contracts if financially settled contracts are available at the same price," he contends in testimony. ─── 他在证词中争辩道:“如果市场上有相同价格的金融结算合同,那么对于对冲者或投机者来说,就没有理由为什么需要进行实物交割的贸易合同交易。”

6、"Anybody that starts off as a hedger becomes a gambler and I have taken too many losses from hedging, so I don't do it anymore, " he says. ─── 他表示:“任何一个最初以对冲为动机的人,最终都会变成一个赌徒。我在对冲上损失了太多的钱,因此我不会再这么做了。”

7、futures contracts is shorter than the hedging period, the hedger has to use two or more futures contracts overlap to hedging for the spot. ─── 现货价格相关性强的期货品种,而无法有效进行套期保值的问题。

8、At the super high speed grinding machine, which is developed by Hunan University, this paper carries on the experimental study of AE about two kinds of engineering ceramic materials: PSZ and Al_2O_3, in HEDG. ─── 在湖南大学自己研制的超高速磨削实验台上,对PSZ和Al_2O_3两种工程陶瓷材料进行高效深磨声发射实验研究。

9、hedger cataract ─── 篱工内障, 棘刺性角膜混浊

10、The method can be used to transfer market risks and expose the stock package of the hedger and partial profit related to market to the market risk. ─── 采用这种对冲方法,可转移市场风险,仅使对冲者股票组合与市场有关的部分收益暴露于市场风险当中。

11、At the same time, affected by Chinese traditional thought, Hedger's thought has what meaning for Chinese aesthetics? ─── 同时,海德格尔作为一位深受中国思想影响的西方思想家,他的思想对于中国美学又有什么样的意义?

12、A good speculator can rattle off the latest prices, but a good hedger will quote you the latest premiums of faraway contracts over the nearby ones. ─── 优秀的投机者能背出市场的最新价,但是优秀的对冲者能背出最新的远期合约比近期合约溢价多少。

13、a traditional view of truth in hedger ' s view and its limitation ─── 从海德格尔的视界看传统真理观的主要缺陷

14、" "I don't mind if I do," said Hedger Luxellian; ─── ‘好吧,我不在意,’筑篱人卢克西廉回道;

15、right on the dollar - owning $ right here is not the soundest strategyin the book. best to hedger with some of the heavy stuff? ─── 您要发布帖子的论坛是一个新闻组论坛。如果在此论坛发帖,互联网上的所有人都可以看到您的电子邮件地址。

16、hedger's cataract ─── [医] 篱工内障

17、the hedger would either buy or sell futures as the first position. ─── 可通过买进或卖出期货合约来建立第一个期货市场头寸.

18、Depending upon a hedger's cash market situation, ─── 套期保值者根据自己在现货市场的处境

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