doubtlessly 发音
英:[ˈdaʊtlɪslɪ] 美:[ˈdaʊtlɪsli]
英: 美:
doubtlessly 中文意思翻译
doubtlessly 短语词组
1、doubtlessly synonym ─── 毫无疑问是同义词
2、doubtlessly undoubtedly ─── 毫无疑问
3、doubtlessly usage ─── 毫无疑问的用法
4、doubtlessly definition ─── 毫无疑问,定义
5、doubtlessly in a sentence ─── 毫无疑问,在一句话里
doubtlessly 相似词语短语
1、faultlessly ─── adv.无缺点地,完美地
2、dauntlessly ─── 无畏地;勇敢地
3、costlessly ─── 无价
4、footlessly ─── 无脚的
5、countlessly ─── 无数地;不计其数
6、boundlessly ─── adv.无限地;无穷地
7、doubtless ─── adv.无疑地,肯定地;大概;adj.无疑的,确定的
8、bootlessly ─── 徒劳的
9、fruitlessly ─── adv.无益地,徒劳地
doubtlessly 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Doubtless you are the people, and wisdom will die with you! ─── 2你们真是子民哪,你们死亡,智慧也就灭没了。
2、She is doubtless my best friend. ─── 她无疑是我最好的朋友。
3、If he gets it again, Lampard, just like Bould, will doubtless be aware as he gets changed underneath the main stand. ─── 假如再次得到嘘声,兰帕德无疑会意识到,自己需要在球迷面前有所表现了。
4、Because it speaks for the morals of mankind's that thousand a hundred years, is a huge challenge doubtless. ─── 因为它对于人类那千百年的道德来讲,无疑是一个巨大的挑战。
5、In a deteriorating writing age, Yu Hua's writing doubtlessly expands the scope of literature, enriches the dimension of literary thinking, and defends the dignity of literature. ─── 在“世风日下”的写作年代,余华的书写无疑拓展了文学表现的纬度和丰富了文学思考的向度,并捍卫了文学的尊严。
6、Two Frenchmen on horseback, doubtless adjutants, were galloping on the hill. ─── 两名骑马的法国人大概是副官,他们从山上疾驰而过。
7、But this would doubtless be an exaggeration. ─── 不过这无疑会是一种夸张。
8、Doubtlessly it will take off most of your time. ─── 它无疑将离开大多数您的时间。
9、She screamed and shouted, too, with a terrific volume of sound, which, doubtless, caused the hearts of the fugitives to quake within them. ─── 她尖呼高叫,其音量之骇人,无疑会使这些逃跑的孩子心儿狂跳不止。
10、"Doubtless you wish to make me appear a very eccentric character. ─── “您当然希望我是一个非常怪僻的人物。
11、In fact, you'll doubtlessly have a hard time finding someone who tried Snowboarding and was afterwards disappointed with the experience. ─── 实际上我们很难找到一个人尝试了单板后感到很失望的。
12、It will doubtless be the trickiest challenge facing any central banker. ─── 它无疑地将是任何央行所面对最难处理的挑战。
13、In the era when the scripture of the late Qing dynasty went towards the end, doubtlessly Wang Kaiyun's dilemma in the explanations of disaster played a dissolving role. ─── 在晚清经学走向终结的时代,王闿运的“两难”灾异观无疑对此具有消解作用。
14、Many will doubtless be thrown into panic should a disaster strike. ─── 如有大难临头,很多人会惊慌失措。
15、He would doubtless disapprove of what Kelly was doing. ─── 他不会赞同凯利做的事。
16、Medieval folks doubtless had the brainpower to go to the moon, he notes. ─── 他指出,中世纪的人拥有的脑力,足以登陆月球,应无庸议。
17、But on the contrary I said Chen Qingyang was a whore, doubtlessly. ─── 但是我偏说,陈清扬就是破鞋,而且这一点毋庸置疑。
18、The debtor is doubtless in double troubles. ─── 借债者很可能处在双重困难中。翅膀,侧楼。
19、On the other hand, within the size above of the 3,30, to add functions will be doubtlessly a feat. ─── 另一方面, 在大小上面的3,30 之内, 增加作用无疑地将是技艺。
20、Now, gentlemen, doubtless from time to time there will be some complaints that we are pushing people too hard. ─── 各位,毫无疑问,有时会听到人抱怨说,咱们把别人逼得太紧了。
21、China will doubtless insist that the Americans can hardly complain. ─── 中国必然会将坚称美国毫无抱怨的立场。
22、It's somewhat like a mindless man endowed with power will doubtlessly be a misfortune for both himself and other people. ─── 如同一个头脑不健全的人,如果碰巧有了很大的蛮力,那么,无论是对于他本人还是对于他人,都不是一件幸事。
23、It tastes insipid yet a slow sipping will doubtless yield a wee bit of sweetness. ─── 它极淡极淡,但若细细啜饮,却也能尝出一丁点儿的甜味来。
24、He fancied that these two forms were looking at the sea; doubtless these strange grave-diggers had heard his cry. ─── 他觉得这两个人是在往大海里张望,这两个古怪的掘墓人肯定已听到了他的喊叫声。
25、You doubtlessly already know that one individual learns more quickly than another, and that what one learns can be used more profitably by him than what is learned by another. ─── 众所周知,有人学东西比别人快得多,有人能把学到的东西比别人更有效地加以利用。
26、They were, doubtless, good men, just and sage. ─── 不消说,他们都是为人圣洁、主持正义的好人。
27、These hurdles will doubtless fall once a few Indian start-ups make it big. ─── 一旦一些印度风险公司做大后,这些障碍将就会降临,这是毋庸质疑的。
28、If I were ever given the choice to choose someone to fall in love and marry, doubtlessly it would be her, her name was Ge Qing. ─── 如果非让我选择个恋爱结婚的人。我想我无疑的会选择她。她叫葛清。
29、One man who will doubtlessly be happy to hear of the Gunners' injury handicaps is under-fire Newcastle coach Sam Allardyce. ─── 一个人现在无疑会非常高兴听到枪手受伤的消息,那就是锋线减员的纽卡斯尔主教练山姆.阿勒戴斯。
30、Three factors doubtlessly motivated nations to enter into the 1948 agreement. ─── 促使一些国家加入关贸总协定的无疑有下列三个因系。
31、Othello. Why did I marry? This honest creature doubtless Sees and knows more, much more, than he unfolds. ─── 奥瑟罗我为什麽要结婚呢?这个诚实的汉子所看到、所知道的事情,一定比他向我宣布出来的多得多。
32、Professional senior surveyors are most suitable personnel but the employing expense will be doubtlessly high. ─── 业务精良的高级验船师当然是最佳的人选,不过费用会很高。
33、Only the very rich could afford them; doubtlessly, many men and women lived, grew, and died without knowing, except by hearsay, whether he or she was beautiful or ugly. ─── 只有非常富的人才能买得起,无疑,许多男人和女人从出生、长大直到死亡,除了听别人说起外,不知道自己是美是丑。
34、By the plaudits he received, it was doubtless worthy of his fame. ─── 从他所得到的喝彩来看,它肯定是同他的声誉相符的。
35、Doubtless he was the strongest. ─── 他无疑是最强有力的。
36、It is doubtless that Diao Chan grave s discovery in ChengDu is not fabricated. ─── 他认为历史上应该有貂蝉其人的存在。
37、You are doubtless quite right to adhere to him, indubitably, he adhered to you. ─── 你和她合得很不坏,不消说,他也和你合得来。
38、It has plural values, among which the constitutionalist value doubtlessly occupies the most important position. ─── 宪法诉讼的价值是多元的,在宪法诉讼的价值体系中,宪法诉讼的宪政价值无疑具有最为重要的地位。
39、HAVING campaigned in poetry, Barack Obama doubtlessly expected to govern in prose. ─── 在竞选中,巴拉克.奥巴马作出了美好承诺。 毋庸置疑,他也期望在实践中良好地管理国家。
40、His colleagues looked at him, and doubtless pitied his prospects, blighted under the perfumed breath of a woman. ─── 他的同僚们望着他,对他那被一个女人的芬芳的气息所打破的好景感到有些怜悯。
41、Being generous in spirit is doubtlessly encouraged, but it is also crucial to be somewhat selfish with our use of time. ─── 同理,对企业来说成功与知识两者中即有密切的关连,一个学习型组织获利的可能性就相对较高。
42、But you are doubtless aware that an irrevocable L/C gives us the additional protection of the banker's guarantee. ─── 不过毫无疑问的是你们明白开立不可撤销的信用证会使我们得到银行的保护。
43、They were doubtlessly the animating principle of many hours that superficially seemed vacant . ─── 在表面看来无所事事的许多时刻中,它们无疑是活跃的因素。
44、It had struck her, doubtless, that it might seem ungracious upon her part to be indifferent to a prize which had cost so much to win. ─── 咱们大家都该互相庆贺啊。可惜那一个没有被咱们活捉,那也没有办法。福尔摩斯,亏得你下手在先,不然会遭到他的毒手呢。”
45、Doubtless, although less evident, Monte Cristo's joy was not less intense. ─── 基督山心里的喜悦虽然没有这样明显地表达出来,但也不弱于她。
46、"Doubtless you are the people, and wisdom will die with you! ─── 你们真是子民哪,你们死亡,智慧也就灭没了。
47、"Doubtless; but there is no occasion to divide the honors of my discovery with him. ─── “当然可以,不过,何必要把我发现的功劳让别人来分享呢。
48、As for the manager, doubtless he will be off to spend some well-earned quality time with his family and his dog. ─── 对于教练,无疑的,他会和他的家人和小狗一起享受这完全该得的一段家庭时间。
49、It is doubtless that he has mistaken my intention. ─── 他无疑误解了我的意思。
50、Last week Rio said that it was considering a rights issue, but that would doubtless need to be deeply discounted. ─── 上周,力拓表示正在考虑一项増股方案,但是增发的股份无疑会大幅折价发行。
51、If the grain of millet beneath the millstone had thoughts, it would, doubtless, think that same thing which Jean Valjean thought. ─── 假使磨盘底下的黍粒有思维的能力,它所想的也许就是冉阿让所想的了。
52、Whether you like it hot or cold, in a bag or bowl, breakfast is doubtlessly the most important meal of the day. ─── 不管你喜欢冷的还是热的,袋装还是盒装,早餐无疑都是一天中最重要的一餐。
53、They would not go out doubtless because of the shining light. ─── 他们不可能出门了,因为灯还开着呢!
54、Doubtlessly, foundation education reform in the beginning of 21 century pushed the problem to the stage. ─── 21世纪初的基础教育课程改革无疑把学生的非智力素质培养问题推到了前台。
55、That she was angry is doubtless. ─── 她生气是无疑的。
56、At an early age, they were marked for life, ending up, doubtlessly, as clerks or store managers, systems analysts or consultants. ─── 小小年纪,他们就已被打上生活的烙印,以后无疑会成为职员、经营商、系统分析员或是咨询人员。
57、At first, I hesitated, not wanting to disturb the labors of someone whose time was so valuable and who was doubtlessly so busy. ─── 一开始我有些迟疑,因为我不太想去打扰一位必定很忙碌,时间又十分珍贵制琴师的工作。
58、No, no, doubtless he was deceived, and it was but one of those dreams that forerun death! ─── 不,不!他无疑地是错了,这只是那些飘浮在死亡之门前的梦幻罢了。
59、Peppino walked with a firm step, doubtless aware of what awaited him. ─── 单单看到这一幕情景,弗兰兹就觉得他的那两条腿已在发抖了。
60、Their frequent quarrels have doubtlessly become a matter of common knowledge in the district. ─── 他俩经常吵架失和的事情在这个地区无疑已经变得尽人皆知了。
61、If Napoleon had lived 20 centuries ealier, he would doubtless have been apotheosized. ─── 如果拿破仑早生2000年,他无疑会被奉为神明。
62、If I were forced to agree with one of the two opinions, I, doubtlessly, stand by the idea that? ─── 如果我必须要选择一个观点的话,毫无疑问,我支持?
63、"I will say he had doubtless given you the plan of this house, in the hope the count would kill you. ─── “我要说,这座房子的图样无疑是他给你的,希望伯爵杀死你。
64、Doubtless he'll be bringing his guitar, as usual. ─── 他很可能跟平常一样会带吉他来。
65、The earthlings are doubtlessly in the inherent desire of wanting the output to exceed the income,which is the drive of all advancements. ─── 1世人莫不怀着一种与生俱来的欲望,要把支出超过收入,此乃一切进步的动力。
66、But some of it is doubtlessly that Wall Street is, all of a sudden, suffering a bit, and like so many Americans, they blame the president. ─── 不容置疑地,突然处在艰难时期的华尔街也会像许多美国人一样指责总统,这也是部分原因。
67、Doubtless the future is influenced by the past, but even the past is not without its contradictions. ─── 将来无疑会受过去的影响,然而过去本身也不是没有矛盾的。
68、But many left-wing friends never forgave his apostasy, doubtless reinforcing his inclination to keep the outside world at a safe distance. ─── 但许多左翼的朋友却永远不原谅他的“变节”,这无疑更坚定了他与外界保持一定距离的决心。
69、Floodlights will light the track, but the atmosphere will doubtless be highly charged, even by Formula 1 standards. ─── 到正式比赛时,赛道的照明将被全部点亮。毫无疑问,那时的赛道气氛会被推向极点。
70、But doubtless an excuse for another bear rally will show up before long. ─── 但毫无疑问,用不了多久,另一次熊市反弹的理由就会出现。
71、In archives, museums and other cultural heritage institutions, the debate on Open Access will doubtlessly intensify. ─── 在档案馆、博物馆和其他文化遗产机构间,对开放近用的争论,无疑地将愈来愈热烈。
72、"Azure seven merlets, or, placed bender," said he. "These are, doubtless, your family arms? ─── “七只浅蓝色的燕子,”他说,“这无疑是您的家族纹章吧?
73、At the end of 2005 there remained hundreds of such farms across the area, and the sheer numbers doubtless have contributed to poor river water quality. ─── 到2005年底为止,区内仍有数百个禽畜农场。单看数目也可想像它们对河溪水质造成的负荷。
74、Marketers as well as politicians have doubtless helped to distort the meaning of the Dream. ─── 商人和政治家们一样,无疑助长了对美国梦含义的歪曲。
75、If bin Laden really is dying, the news would doubtless be greeted with some ambivalence. ─── 如果拉登真的快玩完了,毫无疑问一些矛盾心理将在舆论中产生。
76、Queen Elizabeth II, was, historians will doubtlessly record, the woman who helped restore the majesty of the throne. ─── 伊丽莎白帮助恢复了王权的威严,毫无疑问,这一点讲被历史学家载入史册。
77、Urban Beijing appears unaffected, doubtless to the relief of officials who are acutely sensitive to instability in the capital. ─── 北京市区似乎并未受到影响,毫无疑问这让担心首都燃油供给可能引起社会动荡的政府官员松了口气。
78、If I be not an apostle unto others, yet doubtless I am to you: for the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord. ─── 假若在别人我不是使徒,在你们我总是使徒。因为你们在主里正是我作使徒的印证。
79、New research from within the central bank doubtless bolstered the case too. ─── 中央银行内部的新研究毫无疑问也在支持这种看法。
80、Doubtless he'll be bringing his guitar,as usual. ─── 他很可能跟平常一样会带吉他来.
81、A year or two ago, he would doubtlessly have clients lining up at his door, but with China's changing economic picture such opportunity may be less certain. ─── 在一、两年前,他的客户毫无疑问地已经在他的公司门前排起了长队,但随着中国经济形势的变化,是否还能有这样的机会或许存在变数。
82、For UBS, the Swiss would also doubtless want a foreign buyer to decamp to Switzerland, a big barrier to a deal. ─── 对此瑞士银行受限更大,瑞士毫无疑问想要一位外国买家帮助他们撤回瑞士本土。
83、To some, worries about nitrogen will doubtless seem to be no more than the latest environmental bandwagon. ─── 对某些人来说,氮问题的忧心程度无疑是赶不上最新的环保时尚潮流(减碳运动)。
84、Reasonable struction of population is doubtlessly what a nation should pay attention to (take care). ─── 人口的合理的结构,毫无疑问,是一个国家应该重视的。
85、Doubtlessly he paid a price for that too, but if he had not felt that misery he could never have created the works he did. ─── 毫无疑问,他也为此付出了代价,但是如果不经受这样的痛苦,他就决不可能创造出这样的作品。
86、Even then, they still tend to view themselves as doubtlessly superior to their associates, and gravitate towards positions of authority. ─── 即使这样,他们仍然倾向于把自己视为远远高出于其合作者的优越种族,并且是自贬身份来领导这群废物的。
87、Even then, there will doubtless be some awkward compromises needed to get the legislation through. ─── 即使到那时,要想通过法案,奥巴马必然还要做出一些艰苦的妥协。
88、The only solid and lasting peace between a man and his wife is doubtless a separation. ─── 夫妻之间唯一巩固而又持久的和平,无疑地是分手。
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