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09-12 投稿


footy 发音

英:[ˈfʊti]  美:[ˈfʊti]

英:  美:

footy 中文意思翻译




footy 短语词组

1、footy headlines ─── 足音标题

2、footy byte ─── 英尺字节

3、footy sleeper ─── 脚枕

4、footy heads ─── 足智多谋

5、footy soccer ─── 足球

6、footy bite ─── 足咬

footy 词性/词形变化,footy变形


footy 相似词语短语

1、foot ─── n.脚;英尺;步调;末尾;vi.步行;跳舞;总计;vt.支付;给……换底;n.(Foot)人名;(英)富特

2、rooty ─── adj.根似的;多根的

3、foody ─── 美食

4、foots ─── n.沉淀物;渣滓;油滓;v.步行;结算(foot的三单形式)

5、forty ─── n.四十;adj.四十的;四十个的

6、footsy ─── n.(在桌下)与某人脚碰脚调情,脚挨脚爱抚;(与某人)勾结,狼狈为奸(等于footsie)

7、hooty ─── 胡闹

8、booty ─── 战利品

9、cooty ─── 库蒂

footy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A lot of websites have very good resource and policy advantage, also have not plan the capital of redound is devoted, but these websites are in China the part in network media, it is footy. ─── 很多网站都有很好的资源和政策优势,也有不计回报的资金投入,但这些网站在中国网络媒体中的角色,都是无足轻重的。

2、I'd take my wife dancing. And go and play "footy" with my son. ─── 我会带我妻子去跳舞,然后陪我儿子踢足球。

3、Sean's friends too, who, like me, aren't your typical English "footy" supporters. ─── 肖恩的朋友和我一样,都不是你们那样标准的英国“草根”支持者。

4、Feminine figure, after marriage, the man to loving her really, become transparent and invisible and footy. ─── 女人的身材,在婚后,对真爱她的男人而言,则变得透明隐形且无足轻重。

5、As those of you who are into your footy know, there is no one set size for a pitch in football, just rules for each competition and league for minimum and maximum dimensions. ─── 至于你们这些人都变成你的俱乐部都知道,世上没有一套大小的一个足球场,在足球,公正的规则为每竞争与联盟的最低和最高层面。

6、PI : We just decided to start a club and try to get some of the minority group kids involved in footy. ─── 皮嘉铭:我们的想法就是组建一支俱乐部,带领一些少数族裔的孩子参与足球运动。

7、Overall its the best footy game out there by a country mile up to now. Roll on October for the release. ─── 但不论如何这是款好游戏,让我们一起期待10月份的发售吧!!

8、A kind of person thinks, marriedFemaleCan have palace neck phlogistic, its both neither affects the job not to affect the life again, footy, cure and do not treat same. ─── 一种人认为,结了婚的女性都会有宫颈炎,它既不影响工作又不影响生活,无足轻重,治疗与不治疗都一样。

9、”Rabbit laughed triumphantly, as if he had just won the footy finals on his own or something. ─── 慢着,等等,他们从哪里把我带走的?那些人都穿着白大褂。我不想跟他们走。

10、I'd take my wife dancing. And go and play "footy" with my son. ─── 我会带我妻子去跳舞,然后陪我儿子踢足球。

11、And just the imperial widow of gone husband to someone else character is footy. ─── 而刚刚死去丈夫的皇帝遗孀对其他人而言无足轻重。

12、Research shows that cricket is the most popular sports in Australia but footy has the largest number of fans. ─── 据调查显示,板球是澳洲最多人玩的运动,但澳式足球却是最受澳洲人所关注的体育项目。

13、Translators had been footy for a long time in China as well as in other countries. ─── 长期以来,无论是中国还是外国,译者一直处于无足轻重的地位。

14、We decided to go and fetch some of the others and have a game of footy. ─── 令我觉得很诧异的是,我一点也不觉得难过或者痛苦,只是表现出怪怪的麻木。

15、Seeing photos of Joe's kids with the footy we sent over and reading their presentations on AFL, really slammed home the idea of a global learning community. ─── 这个回忆本身很简单,不过作为新博主,这是我真正了解和学生一起写博到底是怎么回事。

16、I mechanism becomes a footy clerk now, and musical instrument made dress business at the go into business two years ago. ─── 我现在机关做一名无足轻重的办事员,而琴于两年前下海做起了服装生意。

17、"But to know that the favourite reasons are based around going to the pub or the footy with their mates may ruffle some feathers." ─── “但是如果这些谎言是为了要去泡酒吧或者和他们的伙伴踢足球,那么就会引起一些不快的麻烦了。”

18、Rugby, soccer and footy are all rough games and can lead to serious injuries. ─── 橄榄球,足球和澳大利亚式橄榄球都是剧烈运动会导致严重的受伤。

19、A few users think his QQ date is footy probably, also do not have QQ show, also do not have Q money. ─── 一些用户或许认为自己的QQ号无足轻重,也没QQ秀,也没Q币。

20、Another day, another batch of exclusive images of new football boots from Footy Boots ! ─── 又一天,又一批专用图像新的足球鞋,承担一切从靴子!

21、I managed a smile at the Norwood footy flag draped over Lee's coffin. ─── 当诺伍德足球队旗盖上李的棺材时我努力使自己挤出一个笑容。

22、However, the quality beyond the product appears footy however in a few places, even go from bad to worse. ─── 然而,产品以外的质量在一些地方却显得无足轻重,甚至每况愈下。

23、He's, I would say, your typical Aussie bloke, you know what they are like. (laughs) Likes their beer, likes their mates, and likes their footy?.So yeah, he's not a bad catch. ─── 我可以这样说,他是一个典型的澳洲男人,你知道他们是什么样(笑)喜欢喝酒,喜欢同伴,喜欢足球。

24、The less influential factor is temperature.Flowrate of carrier gas has a footy factor on Hg removal rate. ─── 热解时间对脱汞效果影响最大,热解温度次之,载气流速的影响很小。

25、"If dig the 20 people of our company center, so I tell you, microsoft can become a footy company. ─── “假如把我们公司顶尖的20人挖走,那么我告诉你,微软会变成一家无足轻重的公司。”

26、On May 15, 500 friends and family attended Lee's funeral.I managed a smile at the Norwood footy flag draped over Lee's coffin. ─── 五月15日,500朋友和家人参加了李的葬礼,在诺五德旗子的一脚覆盖在李的棺材上,我尽力笑着面对。

27、Then one night he came home home from footy practice looking pale.' I collapsed,' he mumbled. Alarm bells started ringing as I helped him onto the lounge. ─── 接下来的一天晚上,他脸色苍白地回到家里,“我受不了了,”他痛苦地说。我把他扶到休息室后,打了急救电话。

28、All civilians were eminent due to their power not because of thier literary talent .As a scholar in officialdom, they were footy ,either . ─── 文官之显赫,在官而不在文,他们作为文人的一面,在官场也是无足观的。

29、essendon which is my favorite footy team in australia. ─── 哪些是你最喜欢的运动/队伍?

30、Do not know you to feel those who affect Morpheus quality is the things such as bed, mattess, is the pillow footy? ─── 不知你是不是觉得影响睡眠质量的是床铺、床垫等用品,枕头无足轻重?

31、When u were a young lad play in footy in the park who did u pretend to be? ─── 当你是一名年轻球员在公园里踢球时,你最想模仿谁?。

32、The promotion of footy is also the result of the support of a large team of silent volunteers. ─── 推动澳式足球,背后亦有一群义工支持,安排派票及进场事宜,使我们能好好的服务社区。

33、This kind looks seem footy small shadow, let us between little that tacit understanding former days and sweetness, make a person disconsolate like the happiness of the within sight but beyond reach. ─── 这种看似无足轻重的小阴影,让我们之间少了往日的那份默契和甜蜜,就像可望而不可及的幸福一样让人惆怅。

34、In April, we got some free tickets for our readers so that we could experience the footy game live. ─── 四月时,本刊向读者派发足球比赛门票,让读者能现场体验足球比赛的热闹。

35、Because we were going to see the footy, Lex bought a “kangaroo's” scarf and a hat, it looked funny when Lex wearing it. ─── 因为我们有要去看澳式橄榄球,雷克斯就有买”袋鼠队”的围巾和毛帽,雷克斯戴起来很好笑.

36、I agree with the bit about property damage and littering, but "warm and generous" and "talking nicely" at a footy game? ─── 我也反对破坏公物和乱扔垃圾,但要让人们在足球赛上做到”热情大方“、”谈吐礼貌“?

37、Many newly arrived migrants will soon find that Footy is the favorite topic of the local Aussies and once you join their footy chat, you're in. ─── 不少华人移民到澳洲,与本地人接触时,话题总不离开澳式足球,只要一谈到足球,人和人的隔膜就很容易打破。

38、Moreover, some Chinese parents might experience difficulty in communicating with their kids, but very often once they start a conversation about footy with children, they can easily break the ice. ─── 亦有很多华人父母,平常很少和子女沟通,但和子女一谈到足球,则好像话题很多。

39、It can only bring one the pain when showing off some footy skills by fool ways. ─── 用一些愚蠢的方法来证明自己的一些无足轻重的技能,只能给自己带来难堪。

40、I go to school by bike/car/busI go to school on footI take bus to schoolI drive/walk/run/jogging to school... ─── 我坐公共汽车去书店,路过了邮局和医院,看见了红绿灯,等了一会,又路过了电影院,来到了书店。

41、Joe132> When u were a young lad playin footy in the park who did u pretend to be? ─── 当你是一名年轻球员在公园里踢球时,你最想模仿谁?

42、Footy is the game well loved by our younger generation.The free tickets encourage parents going together with their children to participate in the game. ─── 澳式足球是我们下一代所喜爱运动,免费球票,鼓励了不少读者尝试与孩子一起去参观足球比赛。

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