tonic 发音
英:[ˈtɑːnɪk] 美:[ˈtɒnɪk]
英: 美:
tonic 中文意思翻译
tonic 短语词组
1、hematic tonic ─── [医] 补血剂
2、nervine tonic ─── [医] 健神经剂
3、tonic convulsion ─── [医] 强直性惊厥
4、intestinal tonic ─── [医] 健肠剂
5、blood tonic ─── [化] 补血药
6、general tonic ─── [医] 全身强壮剂
7、stomachic tonic ─── [医] 健胃剂
8、Aitken's tonic pill ─── [医] 艾特肯氏补丸(含还原铁、硫酸奎宁、士的宁和三氧化二砷)
9、gin and tonic ─── 金汤力
10、hair tonic ─── [化] 生发油
11、stato-tonic reflex ─── [医] 静位紧张反射
12、gin-and-tonic ─── 琴酒补剂;杜松子酒补剂
13、tonic contraction ─── [医] 紧张性收缩, 强直性收缩
14、tonic control ─── [医] 肌紧张控制
15、digestive tonic ─── [医] 助消化剂
16、labyrinthine tonic reflexes ─── [医] 迷路紧张反射
17、tonic accent ─── 声调重音
18、bitter tonic ─── [医] 苦补剂, 苦味健胃剂
19、cardiac tonic ─── [化] 治疗心功能不全药; 强心药 ─── [医] 强心剂
tonic 词性/词形变化,tonic变形
tonic 同义词
accented | soda | shot in the arm |stimulant | quinine water | keynote | tonal | bracing | refreshful | pop | tonic water | medicine | fresh | boost | soda pop | medical | refresher | soda water | pick-me-up | bracer | energizer | fillip | brisk | refreshing | restorative
tonic 常用词组
hair tonic ─── 生发油
tonic wine ─── 滋补酒
tonic water ─── 开胃水;奎宁水
tonic 反义词
tonic 相似词语短语
1、sonic ─── adj.音速的;声音的;音波的
2、tunic ─── n.束腰外衣;被膜
3、tonics ─── 补养药
4、toxic ─── adj.有毒的;中毒的
5、topic ─── n.主题(等于theme);题目;一般规则;总论
6、toric ─── adj.环面的,环形圆纹曲面的;复曲面的
7、Ionic ─── adj.爱奥尼亚柱式的(柱头两边有涡卷饰);爱奥尼亚人的;爱奥尼亚的;爱奥尼亚群岛的;n.爱奥尼亚语;爱奥尼亚柱式
8、conic ─── adj.圆锥的;圆锥形的;n.圆锥截面(等于conicsection);n.(Conic)人名;(法)科尼克
9、atonic ─── adj.清音的;无重音的;弛缓的;无活力的;n.清音;无重音的词
tonic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Pemberton originally thought of his drink as a medical tonic . ─── Pemberton本来想把他的饮料当做医学用的滋补品。
2、The salesman proclaimed that his tonic would cure all ills . ─── 售货员宣称他的滋补品将治愈所有的病。
3、Here is your gin and tonic, sir, that will be RMB15. ─── 先生,这是您要的杜松子酒,十五元。
4、A key or scale in which G is the tonic. ─── G调音阶以G调为主音调的音键或音阶
5、Designating a cadence or chord progression from the dominant to the tonic at the end of a phrase or piece of music. ─── 完全终止的在乐章或乐曲结尾指出由第五音到主音的和声或和弦的
6、The third tone in a diatonic musical scale, determining the major or minor quality of the tonic chord. ─── 中音大小音调中的第三音阶,其决定注音和弦的主音色或次音色
7、Gin and tonic You can have it all but how much do you want it? ─── 你可以一饮而尽但要喝多少杯才够?
8、Your encouragement was a real tonic for me. ─── 你的鼓励使我精神振奋。
9、It was used as an anti-infectous, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent and as a tonic. ─── 它用来对抗传染病,对抗煸动,防腐,而且还可以用作收剑剂和进补剂。
10、A key or scale in which B is the tonic. ─── B键,B阶以B音为主音调的琴键或音阶
11、Your cheering was a real tonic for our team. ─── 你们的喝采加油真的使我队精神振奋。
12、When should be stomachic tonic being taken? ─── 健胃药应该在什么时候服?
13、Chinese wolfberry is an excellent tonic. ─── 枸杞是滋补佳品。
14、The relationship between fixed-doh and concept of tonic solfa has long been a hard nut in piano vamping teaching. ─── 固定唱名与首调概念的关系问题,一直是钢琴即兴伴奏教学中的难题。
15、gin and tonic You can have it all but how much do you want it? ─── 你可以一饮而尽但要喝多少杯才够
16、Used medicinally as a tonic. ─── 作为一剂补药医学使用。
17、Cold and ugliness were a good tonic for relaxed sensibilities. ─── 对清心寡欲的人来说,寒冷和凄凉的景象正是一剂良药。
18、His friend bought him some tonic alcohol at the drugstore. ─── 他朋友从药店为他买来了补酒。
19、Some hair tonic will be good to your hair. ─── 搽一点护发素对您的头发有好处。
20、Top up with tonic water , add the mint sprigs and serve immediately. ─── 最后用奎宁水续杯,用薄荷叶进行装饰,即可饮用。
21、Like a cure-all tonic prescribed by a travelling rural huckster, gold somehow seems to be good for nearly everything that ails us. ─── 就像行走乡里的江湖郎中开出的十全大补汤,不知何故,黄金似乎与我们的几乎所有问题都对症。
22、Harry, could you do the honours?Tom and Angela both want gin and tonic. ─── 哈里,能劳驾你吗?汤姆和安杰拉都想要掺奎宁水的杜松子酒。
23、Angela: Would you get me another gin and tonic? ─── 安吉拉:你能再给我来一杯杜松子酒吗?
24、have a gin and tonic, please. ─── 一杯加奎宁水的杜松子酒。
25、A key or scale in which E is the tonic. ─── E调音阶以E调为主音调的音键或音阶
26、The tonic pitch is played as a drone that runs throughout the performance. ─── 主音音高作为一种低音调奏出,在整个演奏中贯穿始终。
27、We have a facial mask, moisturizing lotion, eye-cream and tonic. ─── 包括面膜、分乳霜、霜及爽肤水。
28、Fresh air is the Best tonic for Body and mind. ─── 新鲜空气是促进人们身心健康的最佳补晶。
29、Actually you have not taken any panacea and the tonic. ─── 其实你没有吃过什么灵丹妙药和补品。
30、I could use a gin and tonic. ─── 我可以喝杜松子酒。
31、Tonic jelly prepared from ginseng is the Best speciality for winter. ─── 人参补膏,冬令佳品。
32、Sea air is Nature's best tonic for mind and body. ─── 海上的空气是大自然赋予的对人们身心的最佳补品。
33、She ordered a large vodka and tonic from a passing waiter. ─── 她向经过她身旁的服务员要了一大杯加了奎宁水的伏特加酒。
34、Country air is a good tonic. ─── 乡村的空气对身体很有益处。
35、I say, it's high time you got a tonic, you're as yellow as a guinea. ─── 我看你应该吃点补药了,你的肤色这么黄。
36、A key or scale in which A is the tonic. ─── A调音阶以A调为主音调的音键或音阶
37、The weekend break was just the tonic I needed. ─── 周末休息正是我所需要的养精蓄锐的机会。
38、At the time, coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic, and Pemberton's sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol. ─── 当时,古柯叶提取物混合酒是一个常见的滋补品,潘伯顿的甜酒则可以绕过当地禁止售酒的法律。
39、The salesman proclaimed that his tonic would cure all diseases. ─── 推销员宣称他的滋补品将治愈所有的病。
40、I' ll have a gin and tonic, ie with tonic water. ─── 我要一杯掺奎宁水的杜松子酒.
41、She steeped the tonic in the yellow millet wine. ─── 她把这补品泡进了黄酒里。
42、The tonic cannot be too greasy, or else it will not easy to digest and absorb. ─── 补药不可太滋腻,否则容易难消化、难吸收;
43、She had rid herself of every remnant of that tonic wildness. ─── 在她身上,那种健康的野性已荡然无存。
44、I do it! I have come up with a new hair tonic! ─── 我做到了!我发现了新滋发剂!
45、Angela: Gin and tonic, please. ─── 安吉拉:请来一杯杜松子酒。
46、A tonic water, fruit juice or a ginger ale perhaps? ─── 一杯奎宁水枵果子汁,还是姜汁酒?
47、Gin and tonic or amaretto sours? ─── |杜松子酒还是苦杏酒?
48、Dunhuang oasis River tonic by the party. ─── 敦煌绿洲由党河滋补。
49、Ginseng is well known for its tonic effect. ─── 人参是滋补身体的名药。
50、I danced with him for hours in a haze of vodka and tonic. ─── 在伏特加和兴奋剂的迷惑下,我和他跳了几个小时的舞。
51、It's not only an excellent tonic for preventing illness but can also clear up colds, catarrh, viruses and fever. ─── 它不仅是预防疾病的良好滋补食品,还能治疗感冒、鼻黏膜炎、各种病毒和发烧。
52、I did it! I have come up with a new hair tonic ! ─── 我做到了! 我发现了新滋发剂!
53、Well, please bring us a whisky soda and a gin with tonic water. ─── 好,请给我们一杯威士忌苏打和一杯金酒汤力克。
54、Subdominant, submediant and tonic together form the subdominant triad. ─── 下属音,下中音和主音共同构成下属音三和弦。
55、You look run-down;you need a tonic. ─── 你看上去有点虚弱, 你需要吃点滋补品。
56、This shop has for sale every kind of tonic that helps stimulate appetite and digestion. ─── 各种开胃消食的补品,本店应有尽有。
57、A key or scale in which the tone of C is the tonic. ─── c调音阶以c调为主音的音键或音阶
58、They drank the tonic air there. ─── 他们尽情呼吸那里的新鲜空气。
59、In general, there was not tonic inhibitory effect on the release of ADH. ─── 平时缺乏对抗利尿激素释放的紧张性抑制作用;
60、I did it! I have come up with a new hair tonic! ─── 我做到了!我发现了新滋发剂!
61、Won't you have a gin and tonic with me? ─── 你不和我一起喝奎宁杜松子酒吗?
62、Diaphoretic, astringent, tonic, and stimulant. ─── 作为发汗剤,收涩剤,补剤,刺激剤用。
63、Do you have any skin tonic cream? ─── 你们有护肤营养霜吗?
64、His personal buoyancy and vigour were a tonic. ─── 他本人非常乐观,精力也很充沛,令人感到鼓舞。
65、The salesman proclaimed that his tonic would cure all ills. ─── 售货员宣称他的滋补品将治愈所有的
66、"Warm" or "cool" tonic foods are strongly recommended. ─── “温性”与“凉性”食物受到大力推荐。
67、The exhilarating ripple of her voice was a wild tonic in the rain. ─── 她那悠扬的嗓音在雨中听了使人陶醉。
68、The tonic is carried inside the listener's head. ─── 主音一直在听者头脑中回旋。
69、Some hair tonic is good for the scalp and it prevents dandruff. ─── 来点护发素对头皮有益,可以防止生头皮屑。
70、Your cheeringwas a real tonic for our team. ─── 你们的喝彩加油真的使我队精神振奋。
71、I think you ought to start taking that tonic again. ─── 我想你应该重新开始吃那种补药。
72、Will not you have a gin and tonic with me? ─── 你不如和我一起喝奎宁杜松子酒吗?
73、It can also be put in essential liquid or tonic lotion while be used. ─── 本品也可加入精华素、爽肤水中溶解使用。
74、I'll have a gin and tonic please, but go easy on the tonic. ─── 我想喝一杯杜子酒和汽水混合的饮料,不过汽水少些。
75、I rather fancy a gin and tonic. ─── 我想来一杯杜松子滋补酒。
76、To spend dusk on the banks of the Cam is a tonic for one's soul. ─── 在康河边上过一个黄昏是一服灵魂的补剂。
77、When Edward had done that he thought he would try a gin and tonic. He did, reading some book or other the while. ─── 做完之后,爱德华想喝点儿奎宁杜松子酒。他一边喝,一边翻看一些书籍之类的读物。
78、This tonic, strengthening the loins and invigorating the kidney, is the first choice for the nephrotics. ─── 本补膏健肾壮腰,肾亏病人的首选补品。
79、She had rid herself of every remnant of that tonic wildness. ─── 在她身上,那种健康的野性已荡然无存。
80、In tonal music it is next in importance to the tonic. ─── 在调性音乐中,其是仅次于主音的重要调。
81、Dangshen important tonic for the drug. ─── 党参为重要的滋补药品。
82、This tonic jelly shows concern for your longevity. ─── 延年益寿,本大补膏给您的关怀!
83、A key or scale in which D is the tonic. ─── D键,D阶以D音为主调音的琴键或音阶
84、The doctor gave me a special tonic. ─── 医生给我开了一种特殊的补药。
85、A key or scale in which F is the tonic. ─── 发F音的键以F音为主调音的琴键或音阶
86、Gin is usually drunk with tonic water or fruit juice. ─── 杜松子酒通常与碳酸奎宁水或果汁一起喝。
87、Do you want any hair cream or tonic, sir? ─── 先生,要用发膏或护发素吗?
88、To be taken orally can use as cathartic, stomachic tonic. ─── 内服可用作泻药、健胃药等。
89、The main traditional uses for patchouli were as a tonic. Patchouli has also been used as a stimulant and as an antiseptic. ─── 广霍香精油主要的传统的用法是作一种滋补品。广霍香也被用作兴奋剂和防腐剂。
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