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09-01 投稿


Augustinianism 中文意思翻译



Augustinianism 相似词语短语

1、Christianism ─── n.基督教义;基督教精神

2、Augustinians ─── 会士

3、Australianism ─── n.澳大利亚民族精神

4、Erastianism ─── n.国家全能论;国家至上主义

5、Augustinism ─── 奥古斯丁主义,

6、Augustinianism ─── 奥古斯丁主义

7、Arminianism ─── n.荷兰神学家阿米纽派教义

8、Augustinian ─── adj.圣奥古斯丁(学说)的;奥古斯丁会的;n.奥古斯丁修会会士;圣奥古斯丁学说的信奉者

9、predestinarianism ─── n.命定论;宿命论

Augustinianism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、By the help of the Byzantines, Plato came to he known, not only in Neoplatonic and Augustinian versions, but at first hand. ─── 哥白尼立日中心之说,而宇宙为之扩大。所谓君士坦丁大帝册封诏,学者证为数百年前赝物,儒林腾笑,教廷威信堕地。

2、Augustinian Order ─── 奥斯定会

3、Gregor Mendel, an Augustinian monk in the monastery at Brunn, Austria, is known as the "father of genetics. ─── 孟德尔,众所周知的遗传学之父,是一名修道士。

4、however, other theories, such as the older Augustinian hypothesis, continue to hold sway with some Biblical scholars. ─── 然而,其他理论,例如是更加古老的奥古斯丁假设,持续地使一些圣经学者摇摆不定。

5、Augustinian Time and Robert Penn Warren's Poetry ─── 论奥古斯丁时间观与罗伯特·潘·沃伦的诗歌创作

6、An Augustinian monk and later abbot at the Abbey of St. ─── 孟德尔是奥古斯丁修会的修士,后来在布尔诺市的圣汤玛斯修道院担任院长;该地原属奥匈帝国,如今是捷克共和国的一部份。

7、Such a view entails for Aikman an “Augustinian sense of restraint, justice, and order in the wielding of state power。” ─── 如此的的世界观在爱克曼看来就是“奥古斯丁式的克制,公正,和秩序的行使国家权力”。

8、A monk or friar belonging to any of the Augustinian orders. ─── 圣奥古斯丁修会成员属于圣 奥古斯丁修会的修道士及教士

9、The Chinese Augustinian teach, speaking the amenability filial piety. ─── 中国人信奉儒教, 讲顺从孝顺。

10、a monk or friar belonging to any of the Augustinian orders ─── 属于圣·奥古斯丁修会的修道士及教士

11、The Roman Catholic Church has dozens of monastic orders, including the Benedictine, Franciscan, Jesuit, Carmelite, Trappist, Augustinian, and Knights Templar. ─── 罗马天主教会下属的修会团体就达十余个,包括本笃会,圣芳济会,耶稣会,卡迈尔会,特拉普会,奥古斯丁会以及圣殿奇士团等.

12、Finally their ashes were collected for relics by Augustinian monks. ─── 最后他们的骨灰被奥古斯丁的僧侣作为文物保留。

14、His position is impressively Augustinian, if a bit limp: there are “powerful intellectual arguments” for it, but not yet. ─── 人们对博格达诺奥古斯丁教义的立场印象深刻,即使这种立场并不坚定,对于这一点,有很有力的证据。

15、 双语使用场景

16、On the other hand, he explores the life-giving and poetic contents of Augustinian time, i.e., to bestow them on the people and things in his poems through their experiences of time. ─── 另一方面挖掘奥古斯丁时间的生命和诗学内涵,通过对时间的体验,将时间的心灵和生命的属性赋予诗歌中的人和物。

17、The abbey's exhibition shop covers some of the costs in ways the modest Augustinian friar could never have imagined: Mendel pencils, notepads, cups and even a brand of Mendel beer. ─── 修道院的展览礼品店负担了部份的经费,其中所采用的方式,是那位有节制的奥古斯丁修会修士绝对想像不到的,像是孟德尔牌铅笔、笔记本、杯子,甚至还有一种孟德尔牌啤酒。

18、With the coronation of Charlemagne the Holy Roman Empire of western Europe came into being The Pope clearly thought of the power of Church and Emperor in Augustinian terms. ─── 查理曼加冕后,西欧神圣的罗马帝国略具雏形。 很明显,教皇想到的是奥古斯丁时期教会和皇帝的权力。

19、The first basic error of the "new theology" stemmed from the old Augustinian doctrine of original sin. ─── “新神学”的第一项基本错误是起源于奥古斯丁原罪论的古老教义。

20、It argues that the foundation of Augustinian theology is a synchronization of Platonic idealism and Christian faith. ─── 哈佛大学硕士、耶鲁大学顽士、在读博士。研究方向:宗教学、东西方比较文化。

21、Once the fuse had been lit, however, the church made a fatal error: she allowed the Augustinian Order, to which Luther belonged, to deal with the problem as if it were a minor local difficulty. ─── 然而,一旦导火线被点燃,教会犯了一个致命性的错误:他们把此事件看为是微不足道之地方性的事件,而让路德所属的奥古斯丁社团去处理。

22、He became an Augustinian monk and practised such asceticism that his health was impaired ─── 他成为奥古斯丁时期的修士,他实行苦行主义以致身体受到了伤害。

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