attorneys 发音
英:[əˈtɜːniz] 美:[əˈtɜrniz]
英: 美:
attorneys 中文意思翻译
attorneys 词性/词形变化,attorneys变形
名词复数: attorneys |名词: attorneyship |
attorneys 短语词组
1、district attorneys ─── 美国地方检察官(略作D.A.)
2、state attorneys ( ─── 美)州检察官
3、defense attorneys ─── 被告律师辩护律师 ─── 被告辩护人
4、forgery attorneys ─── 伪造律师
5、brinich bertalan attorneys brinich bertalan ─── 律师
6、workmen compensation attorneys ─── 工人赔偿律师
7、attorneys general ─── 司法部长;首席检察官
attorneys 相似词语短语
1、attornment ─── n.转让;对一种法律关系的承认
2、attorney ─── n.律师;代理人;检察官
3、attones ─── 律师
4、attorns ─── v.承让;转让,让与;承认新地主
5、attorned ─── v.承让;转让,让与;承认新地主
6、attorneydom ─── 律师身份
7、attorneyship ─── n.代理权;代理人的职务;代理人的身份
8、attainers ─── 造诣者
9、attorneyism ─── 阿泰伊主义。
attorneys 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He said the attorneys haven't yet met their clients but contact to families has been initiated in recent days. ─── 他说,律师们尚未见到他们的当事人,但在最近几天里已同家人进行了接触。
2、Around the first four pillars are stalls all glittering with glassware and trinkets,and around the last three are oaken benches,worn smooth and shining by the breeches of the litigants and the gowns of the attorneys. ─── 头四根大柱的周围有几家店铺,闪烁着玻璃片和金属箔片的亮光;后三根大柱的周围摆着几条橡木长凳,被诉讼人的短裤和代理人的袍子已磨损了,磨光了。
3、Walter Mitty raised his hand briefly and the bickering attorneys were stilled. ─── 华尔脱·密蒂伸出手来轻轻一挥,吵吵嚷嚷的律师便不出声了。
4、The additional skills gained by in-house attorneys result from the dramatically different work environment of in-house and outside counsel. ─── 公司法务之所以能够获得额外的技能,缘于其与外部律师有着显著不同的工作环境。
5、Most of the U.S. attorneys are holdovers from Republican days. ─── 这些美国律师大部分都是共和党执政时期的留任者。
6、And both the corporate counsel and outside attorneys ranked mediation as the highest ranked alternative dispute resolution technique. ─── 公司内部律师和外部律师均将调解排在替代性争议解决方法的第一位。
7、He should be courteous, civil, and considerate of jurors, witnesses, and others in attendance upon the court, but should criticize and correct unprofessional conduct of attorneys. ─── 他应该讲礼貌有修养,对陪审员、证人和其他出庭人员应该殷勤周到,但对律师的不符合职业水准的行为要批评指正。
8、Appraisal fees are waived. Bank attorneys fees are charged at a preferential rate. ─── 不收员工的鑑价费,银行律师费以优惠价格收费。
9、Most individual indigent people facing charges used to defence use defense attorneys from state-founded state-funded public defender offices. ─── 大部分面临指控的贫困人群都请由国家资助的公立辩护律师事务所的辩护律师。
10、Midtown Jewish law firm seeks several attorneys with fluency in both English and Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese). ─── 中城犹太律师楼诚聘中英文流利之律师数名,经验不拘。
11、IPG is a firm of Chartered Patent Agents and European Patent Attorneys based in the United Kingdom. ─── IPG公司是英国注册专利代理公司,也是欧洲专利代理公司。
12、They offer help in hospitals, they bring food to shut-ins. They are childcare workers, executives, attorneys, stay-at-home moms, and your neighbors. ─── 她们在医院里帮忙,她们给卧病在家的人送去食物、她们是儿童护理者,是行政人员,是律师,是全职妈妈,是你的邻居。
13、Most indigent people facing charges use defence defense attorneys from the state-founded state-funded public defender offices, but . ─── 大多数面临指控的穷人使用来自政府资助的公共辩护机构的辩护人。
14、In testimony prepared for a Senate hearing, Alberto R.Gonzales offered a measured apology for mistakes in the dismissal of U.S. attorneys. ─── 在为参议院听证所准备的证词中冈萨雷斯为在解雇美国联邦检察官中所犯的错误做了措辞谨慎的道歉。
15、Closeted themselves with their attorneys. ─── 和他们的律师在密室里密谈
16、PAG &EPAG Patent Attorneys Group was established in 1993 year immediately after coming into effect of the laws protecting Intellectual Property (IP) in Belarus. ─── PAG &EPAG专利律师事务所于一九九三年在白俄罗斯成立,主要从事知识产权保护。
17、To refrain from the use of abusive, demeaning or humiliating language and opinions in oral or written communication with attorneys, parties, and witnesses. ─── 在与律师、当事人以及证人的口头或书面交流中避免辱骂性的、贬损性的或羞辱性的语言或意见.
18、A room in which a judge may consult privately with attorneys or hear cases not taken into court. ─── 内庭法官与检察官私下讨论或听取不必在法庭上审讯的案件的房间
19、Around the U.S., flabbergasted defense attorneys and their jailed clients cheered his move. ─── 在美国,那些哑然失色的辩护律师及其被收监的当事人为他的举动感到欢欣鼓舞。
20、With all the above prosecutorial problems, it would appear that defense attorneys would easily win every tax case . ─── 上文中提到公诉中的很多问题,这似乎显得辩护律师很轻易地就可以赢得官司。
21、Our attorneys have extensive experience in NIW applications. ─── 在过去的12年里,我们的律师已经成功处理了数千件NIW申请,积累了丰富的经验。
22、Consider including choice of law, venue selection, and attorneys fee clauses. ─── 可以在合同中加入准据法、审判地、律师费等条款。
23、Attorneys are ethically and legally bound to absolute confidentiality. ─── 律师在道德上和法律上都得绝对保守机密。
24、The officials in Colaktett Connecticut and Noelle Talley led North Carolina lead a group of state attorneys general who are seeking to make social networks safesafer. ─── 在康涅狄格州和北卡罗来纳州有州首席执行官组成的一个小组这样寻求让网络社区更安全。
25、Asked if there was internal disagreement on whether the losses were material, Mr.Stickler said Bank of America followed the advice of its securities attorneys. ─── 在问到对这个亏损额是否属于实质性亏损在内部有没有分歧时,斯蒂克勒说,美国银行听取了证券律师的意见。
26、He met with chemists pharmacists doctors attorneys and other experts of various stripes then he launched Melaleuca Inc. in September 1985. ─── 他遇到各种不同的化学家、药剂师、医生、代理人和其他的专家,然后他于1985年9月建立了美乐家公司。
27、One of the family's attorneys threw a celebratory uppercut. ─── 一位家族律师出了一记上勾拳以示庆祝。
28、He was in court today prosecutors questioned whether his attorneys have a potential conflict of interests . ─── 今天出庭时公诉人询问他的律师们是否有潜在的利益冲突。
29、Transcribe statements form insureds,type letters to attorneys,insureds,and other insurance companies. ─── 关于本站-网站导航-汇款方式-网站地图-下载声明-友情链接-会员登陆-会员注册-
30、Foley's attorneys have said the former lawmaker never had inappropriate sexual contact with a minor. ─── 福利的律师团称这位前立法者从未和未成年人有过不对的性接触。
31、A successful plaintiff in an discrimination suit may be able to secure fines, damages, injunctive relief (e. G., Reinstatement or orders preventing further discrimination) and attorneys fees. ─── 在歧视官司中胜诉的原告,可以得到罚款,赔偿金,禁止令(例如,复职或命令防止进一步的歧视)还有律师费。
32、Guarantor shall be liable for the full amount Buyer is required to repay plus costs, interest, attorneys fees and any and all expenses which Buyer paid or incurred in connection therewith. ─── 则担保人应负责支付买方必须偿付的全部金额及各种费用、利息、律师费,以及买方已支付的或已发生的一切相关开支。
33、Other attorneys attempting to appear in court on lawsuits Chen initiated were detained and forced to leave town. ─── 其他打算在陈光诚发起的诉讼案中出席法院审讯的律师被拘留或强制离开城镇。
34、Their advocacy is directed at other attorneys and their clients, rather than to judges and juries. ─── 他们的辩护是针对其他律师及其委托人的,而不是指向法官和陪审团的。
35、Culpepper said his attorneys were told by the Dolphins on July 16 that he would be released, and the veteran formally became a free agent July 17. ─── 卡皮普表示,7月16日海豚队告知他的律师,自己将被解雇,这名资深球员于7月17日成为一名自由球员。
36、"Very often, in-house and outside attorneys don't mean the same thing when they use the same words," he said. ─── “很多时候,企业法律顾问和外聘律师在使用同一个词的时候并不表达同一种意思,”他说。
37、Another important remedial issue relates to attorneys' fees. ─── 另外一项重要的法律补救问题与律师费有关。
38、Two attorneys went into a diner and ordered two drinks. Then they took out sandwiches from their briefcases and started to eat. ─── 两个律师走进一家餐馆点了两份饮料,然后他们从自己包里掏出三明治吃了起来。
39、A separate organization with a single owner. They tend to be small retail establishments and individual professional business such as those of dentists, physicians, and attorneys. ─── 个人独资企业:独立的、有一个所有者的企业。个人独资企业倾向于小规模的零售业和自由职业者,例如那些牙医、师、及律师。
40、Her attorneys claim there is no conclusive evidence that any murders took place. ─── 她的律师们声称没有任何发生过谋杀的确凿证据。
41、All senior patent attorneys of Berggren are authorized to represent their clients before the EPO. ─── 他们在电子、通讯、信息技术、自动化技术、化学、生物、造纸、机械、建筑方面具有丰富经验。
42、Two attorneys went into a diner and ordered two drinks. Then they brought out sandwiches from their briefcases and started to eat. ─── 两个律师走进一个餐厅要了两杯饮料,从手提箱中拿出三明治开始吃起来。
43、The Boulder Public Defender's Office says two of its attorneys are the only ones on the case. ─── 博尔德的刑事辩护律师事务所表示所里只有那两名律师符合案件的要求。
44、Attorneys who are members of law firms are better able to combine public office with a professional career. ─── 在律师事务所做事的律师,善于把公职与自己的事业配合起来。
45、Our working language is English. All attorneys of our firm are able to communicate with clients in English both orally and in written. ─── 万慧达观勤的律师能够熟练地运用英语在不同的文化氛围中与客户有效的交流和沟通。
46、According to recent figures from the American Bar Association, some 95 per cent of firms allow attorneys to work part-time, but only 3 per cent of lawyers actually do so. ─── 从美国律师协会最近公布的数据来看,大约95%的律师事务所允许其律师以兼职方式工作,但事实上只有3%的律师真的那么做了。
47、The disputing parties may authorize attorneys to defend their interests during the hearings of a case before the Arbitration Commission. ─── 双方当事人在仲裁委员会审理争议案件时,得委派代理人保护自己之利益。
48、To consider the legitimate calendaring conflicts of attorneys, parties, and witnesses in the administration of those matters before the court . ─── 在处理法院事务是考虑律师、当事人以及证人的合理的时间冲突.
49、She was seated at the prosecutor's table with five other young assistant districe attorneys who had been sworn in with her that morning. ─── 她和另外五个年轻的地区律师坐在公诉人席上。他们六人都是那天早上宣誓就职的。
50、Legal billing software created by an attorney for attorneys. ─── 合法收费软件为律师由一位律师创造了。
51、Attorneys are trying to establish the invalidity of his claim. ─── 律师正在试图证实他的控诉是不成立的。
52、His attorneys say the funds come from his recent earnings and from his wife's separate assets. ─── 他的律师说这些钱来自他最近的收入和他妻子的独立财产。
53、"We'll use contract attorneys instead because we get a better rate," said McClure, who requires pre-approval of any associates on her work. ─── McClure说“公司将转而使用合同律师,因为他们的费率较合适。”但是,被雇佣的律师必须经过McClure的预先批准。
54、Corporate attorneys negotiated the new contract. ─── 公司律师就新合同进行谈判。
55、Consider including choice of law, venue selection, and attorneys fee clauses. If your contract gets litigated, you might as well give your client some "ammunition" for the fight. ─── 可以在合同中加入所依据的法律、合同发生地、律师费等条款。有了这些条款,一旦合同引起诉讼,你就已经为你的客户打这场诉讼战准备好了一些“弹药”。
56、In-house attorneys have had to manage their companies' legal budgets and approve invoices received from firms. ─── 公司法务必须要管理公司的法律费用预算并审批外部法律服务费用。
57、I know most of the attorneys. ─── 大部分代理人我都认识。
58、The press started to pay attention to the issue in 2003, collecting anecdotes from attorneys and judges about what appeared to be a change in the behavior of jurors. ─── 2003年,新闻界开始注意这个问题,报导了从检察官与法官那儿听来的故事,显示陪审员的行为发生了变化。
59、Corporations hiring new staff attorneys or general counsel are finding no shortage of qualified applicants. ─── 公司在雇佣律师团队或法务总监时,发现具有资质的应聘者并不少见。
60、The majority of state boards employ an administrative staff including an executive officer, attorneys, investigators and licensing staff. ─── 多数州委员会雇佣行政人员包括执行官员、律师、调查人员和发照职员。
61、Additional, still asked 3 attorneys office, include outside the condition, churchyard and office of a professional law. ─── 另外,还请了3家律师事务所,包括境外、境内和一家专业法律事务所。
62、Didn't you hear me? There are no colored attorneys in South Africa! ─── 你没听到我说话吗?在南非根本没有有色人种的律师!
63、A group of state attorneys general discussed the deal in a one-hour conference call on Tuesday, said Peter Brantley, director of the Internet Archive. ─── 互联网档案馆主彼得布兰特丽任说,全美检察官协会于星期二召开了一个小时的电话会议,讨论了这个议案。
64、Two attorneys went into a diner and ordered two drinks. ─── 两个律师走进一家餐厅,要了两杯饮料。
65、These two California attorney say Karr hired them last week, the Boulder Public Defender's Office says two of its attorneys are the only ones on the case. ─── 加利福尼亚的两名律师称,上周卡尔已经雇了她们(作辩护律师);而博得尔公设抗辩律师署表示,他们的两名律师才是本案唯一的律师。
66、Zhang Jianzhong, one of Beijing s leading attorneys, was held incommunicado by police for over a month in 2002. ─── 北京一位有名的律师张建中于2002年被警察局拘留一个多月,不得与外界通信。
67、The managers said the bank's attorneys also are looking into the authenticity of insurance policies backing the PEMGroup-related products. ─── 他们说,该行的代理律师也在调查那些支持保盛丰相关产品的保单,以确定其真实性。
68、The Master of Laws in Taxation (LL.M.) Program (hereinafter the Program) is a directed independent study program specifically designed for practicing attorneys a... ─── 在税务硕士(LL.M.)计划(以下简称计划)是一个独立的研究计划针对具体实践,律师和其他法律学校的毕业生而设的法律。
69、Tell any suitor that your separate funds are just that, and that they are in a trust, invested independently by managers selected by your attorneys. ─── 告诉你选择的伴侣,你的基金只有这么多。而这些钱由你的律师选定的代理人投入到信托基金中了。
70、Senator Larry Craig's attorneys have filed papers to withdraw his guilty plea in an airport sex sting. ─── 参议员拉里克雷格的律师已经上诉:撤回之前拉里对于机场性丑闻的认罪陈述。
71、Some of these attorneys say they were booted out for political reasons. ─── 一些被解雇的检察官说,他们是由于政治原因被炒鱿鱼的。
72、Trial attorneys will generally have a better feel for how the facts, as well as a company's explanation of those facts, will play out in a courtroom. ─── 一般来说,有诉讼经验的人对相关事实以及公司对该事实的说明在法庭上的作用会有一个比较准确的判断。
73、For example, staff attorneys may be designated "counsel supporting the complaint" in a disciplinary proceeding and instructed to act as prosecutors presenting the case against the respondent. ─── 例如,职员辩护律师会被指定在惩戒诉讼里担任"支持指控的律师"及被指令充任检查官提起反对被告的诉讼。
74、And I've got to think of my youngsters at UCLA -- 30-some attorneys, 11 dentists and doctors, many, many teachers and other professions. ─── 讲到这里,我不由自主地想起我在加州大学洛杉矶分校的年青人——30来个律师,11个牙医和医生,很多很多的老师和其他职业。
75、Acted in the capacity of Administrative to the Claims Manager,typed letters to attorneys,insureds,etc. ─── 为了丰富课余生活,我加入了学院社团,成为一名记者,虽然职位很小,却使我学到许多课本上没有的知识。
76、In a process known as voir dire, the attorneys and/or the judge question potential jurors to determine whether they could render an unbiased opinion in the case. ─── 在一切照实陈述的过程中,律师或法官会通过询问陪审员来决定他们在本案件中是否有作出公正意见的能力。
77、Two attorneys went into a diner and ordered two drinks.Then they took out sandwiches from their briefcases and started to eat. ─── 两名律师来到一家餐厅,点了两份饮料,然后从皮包内拿出自己的三明治开始吃。
78、You will learn how to structure contracts by working with attorneys. ─── 与律师一起工作,你可以学习如何起草合同。
79、They were given a number to call, which was their "settlement information line", a call centre staffed by operators who, we are emphatically told, are "not attorneys". ─── 他们还随信附送了一家电话咨询中心的号码,说那是“问题处理热线”。在信中,他们特别强调,电话中心的工作人员“绝不是律师”。
80、Its firm has a highly skilled team of registered patent attorneys, registered patent agents, trademark and copyright attorneys, as well as technical writers and illustrators. ─── 公司拥有一支高技能的队伍,包括注册专利律师、注册专利代理人、商标和版权律师、技术文件撰写人员以及图解说明者。
81、In any action there shall be available injunctive relief or damages, with the prevailing party being awarded costs and attorneys' fees (including in-house counsel). ─── 在任何法律行动中,发生的法律协助与损害,胜方可获其成本和律师费用的赔偿(包括内部律师)。
82、ATTORNEYS make no such promises or guarantees. ─── 代理人并未做出任何这样的承诺或保证。
83、Two attorneys went into a restaurant and ordered two drinks. ─── 两个律师走进一个餐厅,要了两杯饮料.
84、Their attorneys, however, argued that immigration officials never should have been involved. ─── 但两人的律师主张移民局官员本来就不该插手。
85、Mahoney issued a tentative ruling Tuesday, but made it final Wednesday after hearing arguments from attorneys on both sides. ─── 他曾在周二做出初步裁定,但在听取了双方辩论后于周三作出了最后裁定。
86、Across the country, attorneys general have already begun indicting dozens of loan processors, mortgage brokers and bank officers. ─── 各州司法部长已经对一些贷款中介,典当行以及银行官员提起公诉。
87、Explain that your attorneys insist that a prenuptial agreement (which keeps your assets separate for all time) is a condition precedent of marriage. ─── 向对方解释:是你的律师坚持要办理婚前协议的(此协议将永久保护你的私人财产)那是结婚的先决条件。
88、Brenda Berg of Girl Scouts, Norma Burnett of Burnett Realty, Aida Dimejian of Century 21, Karen Jong of RMSM Patricia Kinaga of Jones-Day Attorneys. ─── 作为国内最大的应用软件和系统集成商之一,神州数码对此有着自己独特的理解,他们认为,印度软件发达真正的焦点在于项目管理。
89、He was in court today as prosecutors questioned whether his attorneys have a potential conflict of interest. ─── 今天在法庭内检举人质问他是否他的法律小组成员内部因兴趣不和而有冲突。
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