autocracies 发音
英:[ɔːˈtɒkrəsiz] 美:[ɔˈtɑkrəsiz]
英: 美:
autocracies 中文意思翻译
autocracies 词性/词形变化,autocracies变形
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autocracies 短语词组
1、autocracies today ─── 今天的专制
2、autocracies def ─── 专制
3、autocracies list ─── 专制列表
4、autocracies countries ─── 专制国家
autocracies 相似词语短语
1、adhocracies ─── n.无固定结构的管理方式或组织;临时委员会组织;灵活组织机构
2、plantocracies ─── 大庄园主阶级
3、auto racing ─── 赛车
4、autographies ─── n.笔迹;亲笔;原纸石版印刷术
5、aristocracies ─── n.贵族;贵族统治;上层社会;贵族政治
6、doulocracies ─── 双重种族
7、dulocracies ─── n.奴隶统治
8、plutocracies ─── n.富豪统治,富豪统治集团
9、hagiocracies ─── n.圣徒政治;圣徒政治的政府
autocracies 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Sometimes autocracies give way peaceably to democratic regimes, and sometimes bloody revolutions are necessary. ─── 有时候,独裁政府会和平让位与民主政权,而有时候流血革命是不可避免的。
2、For three centuries, international law, with its strictures against interference in the internal affairs of nations, has tended to protect autocracies. ─── 三个世纪以来,国际法一向不容许对别国内政的干涉,现在看来这成了对集权政权的保护伞。
3、She did persuade herself that there were no autocracies save that of Prussia. ─── 她自己深信,除了普鲁士以外,世界上哪儿都没有独裁政府了。
4、If autocracies have their own set of beliefs, they also have their own set of interests. ─── 如果承认集权制度有其自己的信仰,那么他们自然也有着自己的价值观。
5、Thus Russia and China could form an axis of autocracies, united by their dislike of political liberalism. ─── 因此,对政治自由主义的共同反感,可能会让俄罗斯与中国结合在一起,组成威权政体轴心。
6、No. Autocracies , mainly in East Asia, may seem to have made their countries prosperous. ─── 错。专制制度,特别是东亚的专制制度,也许看上去让它们的国家更繁荣。
7、But autocracies need pay it no heed whatsoever. ─── 然而对于独裁政权来说,却没有什么东西值得其关注。
8、But autocracies suffer setbacks too, and usually for one overwhelming reason. ─── 但是独裁同样遭受挫折,并且总归因于一点。
9、Autocracies, mainly in East Asia, may seem to have made their countries prosperous. ─── 今年中国正准备超越日本成为世界第二大经济体。
10、Unfortunately for China, Russia, and other autocracies, this is one area where there is no great transatlantic divide. ─── 对中国、俄罗斯及其他集权制国家来说,太平洋天堑也帮不上他们的忙了。
11、In the long term aren't autocracies much more risky for investors than democracies? ─── 从长远来看,独裁政权对于投资者来说难道不是比民主政权危险得多吗?
12、Obviously not the preferences or stability of most people living under those autocracies. ─── 他们所指的显然不是大部分生活在独裁统治下的人民的偏好和稳定。
13、Whether on average democracies are more conducive than autocracies to economic growth is far from well established. ─── 民主是否一般说来比专制更有利于经济增长?目前下定论为时尚早。
14、But the rulers of China and Russia, like the rulers of autocracies in the past, do possess a set of beliefs that guides them in both domestic and foreign policy. ─── 然而现实情况是,和历史上无数独裁者一样,中国和俄罗斯的领导者在处理国内外事务时有着一整套信念。
15、Yet the Middle East is an outlier: in spite of a fall in their number, it is now the only region in which autocracies outnumber democracies. ─── 然而中东是个例外:尽管独裁政体数量有所下降,但它目前仍是世界上唯一独裁政体数量超过民主政体数量的地区。
16、She did persuade herself that there were no autocracies save that of Prussia. ─── 她自己深信,除了普鲁士以外,世界上哪儿都没有独裁政府了。
17、"And its challenge is welcomed by autocracies which are a lot less successful, for example, dictatorships in Africa," he said. ─── “这一挑战被很多不太成功的独裁政府所欢迎,例如,在非洲的专制国家。”他说。
18、Even when you look at autocracies credited with economic success, you find two interesting facts. ─── 就算是在将经济上的成功归功于专制体制,你也会发现两个有意思的现象。
19、Autocracies, which are much praised for their decisiveness, and for guaranteeing "law and order", are paper tigers. ─── 那些自予保证所谓的“法律和秩序”的独裁者们其实都是孤芳自赏的纸老虎。
20、The power and the durability of these autocracies will shape the international system in profound ways. ─── 这两个集权政府的力量与持久性无疑将对国际力量体系的形成产生深远的影响。
21、For all their growing wealth and influence, the twenty-first-century autocracies remain a minority in the world. ─── 民主化的俄罗斯,甚至戈尔巴乔夫时期的民主化苏联都与北约组织保持着良好的关系,与其邻国也算交好。
22、Today the autocrats pursue foreign policies aimed at making the world safe, if not for all autocracies, then at least for their own. ─── 今天,集权政体制订外交政策时,如果不是为保护集权制度考虑,至少也是出于自身安全考虑。
23、But, as in all autocracies, they are acutely nervous about the future. ─── 然而,就像在所有的独裁国家一样,他们对未来感到极为不安。
24、The many smaller nations around the world were at least as likely to model themselves on the autocracies as on the democracies. ─── 进入20世纪后半期,民主制度才开始在世界范围内广泛传播;
25、Rent-seeking is broader than Public Choice in that it applies to autocracies as well as democracies and, therefore, is not directly concerned with collective decision-making. ─── 竞租理论的范畴事实上大过了公共选择理论,因为它可以同时套用在独裁制度或民主制度上,也因此它并不完全是针对集体决策的研究。
26、Instead there is suspicion and growing hostility, and the well-grounded view on the part of the autocracies that the democracies, whatever they say, would welcome their overthrow. ─── 无论民主制国家如何声称,对集权制国家都是欲推翻之而后快的,在集权制国家看来这一观点非常站得住脚。
27、Autocracies can function perfectly well without news, but democracies cannot. ─── 独裁国家没有新闻业,可以依旧运转;民主国家却不行。
28、The autocracies of Russia and China have figured out how to permit open economic activity while suppressing political activity. ─── 俄罗斯与中国的集权制度表明,一方面允许经济的活动性,一方面在政治上实行高压政策,是可以做到的。
29、This was exposed most blatantly in the war over Kosovo, which divided the democratic West from both Russia and China, and from many other nonEuropean autocracies. ─── 在科索沃战争期间,这一问题暴露无遗。民主主义下的西方社会在科索沃问题上与中俄及其他欧洲以外的集权制国家各行其是。
30、The most damning criticism of McCain’s plan is that it would launch a new Cold War between states labelled democracies and autocracies. ─── 可能引发新的冷战对麦凯恩的计划最强烈的批评,是它会在贴上民主和独裁标签的国家之间引发一场新的冷战。
31、Mr McCain highlights his tough stance on Russia and autocracies around the world. ─── 麦凯恩则强调对俄罗斯采取强硬立场,并在全球采取专制手段。
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