Lithuanian 发音
英:[ˌlɪθuˈeɪniən] 美:[ˌlɪθjuˈeɪniən]
英: 美:
Lithuanian 中文意思翻译
Lithuanian 词性/词形变化,Lithuanian变形
Lithuanian 短语词组
1、Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic ─── 立陶宛苏维埃社会主义共和国
2、Lithuanian monetary unit ─── [网络] 立陶宛货币单位
3、Lithuanian Football Cup ─── 立陶宛足球杯
4、Lithuanian-Polish Peacekeeping Battalion ─── 立陶宛-波兰维持和平营
Lithuanian 相似词语短语
1、callithumpian ─── (美国口语)胡乱敲打音乐会(或乐队)的
2、Lithuania ─── n.立陶宛
3、Athenian ─── adj.雅典的;雅典人的;n.雅典人
4、Lithuanian ─── adj.立陶宛的;立陶宛人的;立陶宛语的;n.立陶宛人;立陶宛语
5、iguanian ─── 鬣蜥
6、Michiganian ─── adj.密歇根州的;密歇根州人的;n.密歇根州人
7、Smithsonian ─── n.史密森尼(美国博物馆);史密森学会
8、Bathonian ─── n.巴通阶
9、Lithuanians ─── n.立陶宛人(lithuanian复数)
Lithuanian 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Lithuanian archers are especially recruited for their fine skill on the battlefield. ─── 这些弓箭兵由于作战技艺高超,被特别组建成军。
2、Lithuanian Social Democratic Party ─── 立陶宛社会民主党
3、Lithuanian Association of Landscape Architects, LALA ─── 立陶宛风景园林师协会
4、Lithuanian Alliance of Ethnic Minorities ─── 及政治性组织立陶宛少数民族联盟
5、The Lithuanian grass-snake deity and a symbol of fertility. ─── 萨勒蒂斯是立陶宛的草蛇女神和生殖力的象征。
6、Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture ─── 巴尔扎卡斯立陶宛文化博物馆
7、When that was lifted, the obstacle became Lithuanian demands for firmer terms concerning energy, judicial co-operation and Russia's treatment of countries such as Georgia. ─── 当禁令解除时,立陶宛要求在有关能源,司法合作以及俄罗斯对待诸如格鲁吉亚这样的国家方面达成更为紧密的协议。而这又成为了一个(欧盟与俄在合作伙伴关系上的)障碍。
8、the Slavic languages such as Russian, Lithuanian and Latvian; ─── 斯拉夫语族如俄语,波兰语,捷克语和塞尔维亚一克罗地亚语;
9、The research is oriented to Web based CRMs.One open source CRM system is modyfied and translated into the Lithuanian language. ─── 关于开放原始码契约,分析结果认为,该契约在缔结方式、契约内容、契约执行上,都有许多问题。
10、Perkunas, also known as the lightning god, is the patron god of weapon smithing and as such a small smithy is always found nearby ready to equip Lithuanian warriors with weaponry. ─── 佩尔孔纳为雷电之神,同时亦是武器工匠的守护神,因此圣坛附近多设立武器工坊,随时准备为战士们打造装备。
11、Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, scores of languages have rebounded, including Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Ukranian, and all the languages of what had been Soviet Asia. ─── 但自从苏联解体后,包括拉脱维亚语、爱沙尼亚语、立陶宛语、乌克兰语和所有苏维埃亚洲的语言在内各种语言都开始被人们所使用。
12、Our company is highly experienced in selling these products in Lithuanian market. ─── 我们公司在立陶宛市场上有很强的实力。
13、The Polish, Slovak, Slovenian, Estonian and Lithuanian embassies in Buenos Aires all report a growing number of enquiries and applications for passports. ─── 波兰、斯洛伐克、斯罗文尼亚、爱沙尼亚以及立陶宛等驻布宜诺斯艾利斯大使馆都报告称咨询和申请护照的人络绎不绝。
14、Lithuanian archers are able to lay fiendish stakes in front of them at the start of a battle. ─── 作战时,他们会在阵前设置拒马尖桩,令敌军骑兵望而生畏。
15、To the horror of eastern European governments, Mr Putin proposed linking Kaliningrad with the rest of Russia by a railway corridor drawn across Lithuanian territory. ─── 对东欧政府的恐惧,普京提出通过横跨立陶宛领土一条铁路走廊连接加里宁格勒和俄罗斯其他地方。
16、However, the lumbering supply train of thousands of wagons was now struggling through a wet Lithuanian autumn. ─── 然而,数千辆笨重的补给运输马车此时正在立陶宛潮湿泥泞的秋季中挣扎。
17、China's Lithuanian coach Jonas Kazlauskas agreed with Yao."Sun is very impressive on both ends. ─── 中国队的立陶宛籍主教练尤纳斯赞同姚明的看法。
18、These voids allow visitors to walk through openings in the wall “thus presupposing his presence in the most important times of Lithuanian history”. ─── 在这条墙内开敞的天井中穿行,就像穿越立陶宛历史上重要的时期。
19、Hailing from the large western region of Lithuania known as Samogitia, these Axemen are amongst the heaviest infantry units available to Lithuanian armies. ─── 这些斧兵多来自立陶宛西部萨莫吉希亚地区,在波罗的海一带以剽悍骁勇著称。
20、Lithuanian Social Democratic Party(LSDP) ─── 立陶宛社会民主党(LSDP)
21、the Slavic languages such as Russian, languages, Lithuanian and Latvian; ─── 斯拉夫语族如俄语、波兰语、捷克语和塞尔维亚一克罗地亚语;
22、Lithuanian fashion designers will make the contestants'clothes, ─── 立陶宛最优秀的时装设计师将为选手们设计服装
23、Lithuanian Radio and Television ─── 立陶宛广播与电视。
24、The Lithuanian parliament also sent an open letter to the United Nations. ─── 立陶宛议会也向联合国递交了一封公开信。
25、A Lithuanian held on suspicion of theft in an Arctic Norway jail slipped out of custody - literally - by stripping naked, smearing himself with vegetable oil and sliding through the prison bars, police said Wednesday. ─── 警方周三透露说,位于北极圈的一家挪威监狱里有名涉嫌偷盗的立陶宛裔人从监狱中“溜”了出来--他脱光衣服,用植物油涂满全身,顺监狱的栏杆“溜”了出去。
26、Lithuanian conversion to Catholicism added. ─── 添加了立陶宛转换为天主教的事件。
27、Nowadays the quantity of vehicles in the Lithuanian cities are growing very fast. ─── 为了研究获取更精确的结构和动态数据,有必要进一步提高解析度。
28、This small altar is dedicated to the worship of Dievas, the supreme god of the Lithuanian pantheon. ─── 这座精致圣坛献给大神迪瓦,立陶宛多神教体系中的最高主神。
29、of or relating to the branch of the Indo-European language family that contains Latvian,Lithuanian,and Old Prussian ─── 包括拉脱维亚、立陶宛和古普鲁士语在内的印欧语系的一个分支的或与之相关的
30、Lithuanian troops are often recruited by Polish nobles to serve in their armies. ─── 立陶宛部队通常于波兰军中服役。
31、Lithuanian language ─── 立陶宛语
32、Another Lithuanian, held as an accomplice in the same cell, also used the technique to try to slip out of a window of the Jail, but failed, apparently because he was too big. ─── 另一名立陶宛人和越狱者共处一个房间,也想要用这种方法从监狱的窗户逃出去,但是却失败了,因为他个头太大了。
33、According to the great Lithuanian poet Vladislovas Blinstrubas, her poetry overflows with wisdom. ─── 根据伟大的立陶宛诗人,菲拉得斯腊瓦斯。布林斯特巴斯的说法,她的诗词洋溢着聪明才智。
34、Founded in the11th century, it was a medieval trading post and a Lithuanian stronghold against the Teutonic Knights. ─── 于11世纪建立,中世纪时是一个贸易站,是立陶宛人对抗日尔曼骑士的据点。
35、The Lithuanian Philharmonic Orchestra played Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. ─── 立陶宛爱乐交响乐团演奏了贝多芬的《第九交响曲》。
36、Brave Lithuanian light infantry with poor defense and simple armor, but with powerful attack. They fight with axe and shield. ─── 素质:民兵类型:地方兵种立陶宛斧兵属于轻装部队,装备战斧和盾牌,极为骁勇善战,但防御力欠佳。
37、Mr.Cheney was eaking today (Thursday) in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, at a conference of Baltic and Black Sea states. ─── 切尼星期四在立陶宛首都维尔纽斯举行的一个波罗的海和黑海国家会议上发表讲话。
38、Language: Latvian replaced Russian as the official language in 1988. Russian and Lithuanian are also widely spoken. ─── 语言:原官方语言为俄语,1988年改为拉脱维亚语。通用俄语和立陶宛语。
39、It was meant to be a joke for a couple for whom Valinskas acted as matchmaker, but the court fined him 15,000 Lithuanian litas, which he delivered in a huge pile of small coins in a trailer. ─── 担任两人(新婚夫妇)媒人的瓦林斯卡司原本只是想开新人玩笑,但法院却判他15,000立陶宛立特的罚金,他事后用拖车载了一大堆硬币缴交。
40、The export of fish products consitutes 9% of all Lithuanian food export. ─── 水产品的出现占整个立陶宛食品出口的9%。
41、Born underwater at home, on July 9, 1994, in Mount Morris, Illinois, to the atheistic stay-at-home Lithuanian homemaker mother, and an American father, culinary arts instructor, chef and dietary manager. ─── 1994年7月9日生于(美国)伊利诺斯州莫里斯山的家中,水中(分娩)诞生。母亲是立陶宛人,无神论者,家庭主妇;父亲是美国人,担任过厨师、餐饮业经理、烹饪艺术讲师。
42、But now the Lithuanian authorities say that surnames such as Rodriguez and Sanchez are becoming increasingly common on the streets of Vilnius. ─── 而立陶宛当局说,在维尔纽斯的街上现在姓罗德里格兹和姓桑切斯的人越来越常见。
43、Zoya Shlakis, whose parents were Lithuanian and Russian, grew up in Shanghai. ─── 佐亚.什拉基斯的父母分别是立陶宛人和俄罗斯人。她在上海长大。
44、Land-hungry Russian peasants followed, as well as religious sectarians and Lithuanian and Swedish mercenaries. ─── 跟随其后的是宗教派系分子、立陶宛人、瑞典的雇佣兵,还有渴望土地的俄国农民。
45、Perkunas, as befits one of the most important gods in the Lithuanian pantheon is worshipped in many communities. ─── 佩尔孔纳为立陶宛多神教体系中重要主神,受到居民广泛膜拜,这座精致圣坛便是信徒们虔诚信念的集中体现。
46、Russian champion Semberas will miss the Lithuanian national team's FIFA World Cup qualifier against Spain tonight due to strained knee ligaments. ─── 同时他也将缺席拉脱维亚对西班牙的世界杯外围赛。
47、Recruited by Polish generals for their speed, and ferocity, Lithuanian light cavalry are armed with a bow and a sword. ─── 由于他们作战骁勇,来去如风,被波兰将领招至军中。
48、Hey, im Lithuanian guy very much interested in traveling so i want to learn some languages.Im in Norway now, trying to get a job here so i would like to learn some Norwegian. ─── 这里列出了最近加入的母语为立陶宛语的会员, 他们可以成为您的伙伴.想查看所有母语为立陶宛语的已注册会员, 请点击这里.逐个点击名字了解更多详情或者联系这位会员.
49、Language: Lithuanian is the official language, Polish and Russian are also widely spoken. ─── 语言:立陶宛语为官方语言。波兰语和俄语也通用。
50、But in 1980 few would have placed a bet on Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian teams appearing in international sport ever again. ─── 但是在1980年,谁也不会想到爱沙尼亚,拉脱维亚,立陶宛从此会一直出现在国际运动会上。
51、Yu Benzhou offers this one proposal the European Union in the talk that in Lithuanian capital Weierniusi holds. ─── 欧盟是于本周在立陶宛首都维尔纽斯举行的会谈中提出这一建议的。
52、The presence of immigrant populations has an effect (you can find Lithuanian restaurants in Chicago, if rarely anywhere else). ─── 移民人口的存在也有影响(在别的地方很少,但你可以在芝加哥找到立陶宛餐馆)。
53、1. Police in the Lithuanian city of Klaipeda were baffled to discover that a woman arrested for shoplifting last weekend had been registered as dead a month earlier. ─── 立陶宛城市克莱佩达的警方非常困惑的发现,上周末因为在商场偷窃而被逮捕的一名女子,竟然在一个月之前就被登记死亡了。
54、In final master work “Investment planning and analysis” there was analyzed and systemized conceptual and practical researches of investment analysis of Lithuanian and foreign authors. ─── 在企业追求持续获利永续经营时,人力资源是企业重要资产,人力资源发展以组织未来的发展为目标,而组织透过教育训练有效执行来提升员工的能力。
55、Lithuanian Airlines ─── 立陶宛航空,立陶宛航空公司
56、National Association of Lithuanian Photographers Lituanie ─── 立陶宛全国摄影家协会
57、One of their few real jobs was issuing passports, carried with pride by Lithuanian emigres, though seldom used in practice. ─── 他们真正能做的工作之一就是签发护照,立陶宛的政治流亡者们骄傲地持有这些护照,但实际上很少有什么用处。
58、According to the great Lithuanian poet Vladislovas Blinstrubas, her poetry overflows with wisdom."I doubt there has ever been a literary child genius of such maturity," Blinstrubas said. ─── 根据立陶宛大诗人伏迪罗瓦.布林初巴斯的说法,艾奇恩的诗洋溢智慧,他说:“我怀疑世间是否有象她一样写出如此成熟作品的天才儿童。”
59、Serving alongside their Lithuanian allies, Lettish Crossbowmen arrive on the battlefield wielding a wooden crossbow and wearing light armour. ─── 拉脱维亚弩兵与立陶宛军队并肩作战,身穿轻甲,使用木制军弩杀伤重装敌军。
60、A person of Lithuanian ancestry. ─── 立陶宛的祖先
61、Brave Lithuanian light infantry equipped with an axe and shield. Poor defensively but with a powerful attack. ─── 立陶宛斧兵属于轻装部队,装备战斧和盾牌,极为骁勇善战,但防御力欠佳。
63、Founded in the11th century, it was a medieval trading post and a Lithuanian stronghold against the Teutonic Knights. ─── 于11世纪建立,中世纪时是一个贸易站,是立陶宛人对抗日尔曼骑士的据点。
64、UEFA is taking a hard-line approach on sportsmanship and issued Lithuanian Saulius Mikoliunas a two-game ban for diving for a penalty against Scotland in September's Euro 2008 qualifier. ─── 欧足联在球员的运动员精神方面极为严厉。刚刚给立陶宛球员米科柳纳斯处以2场停赛的处罚,该名球员在9月对阵苏格兰的2008欧锦赛预选赛中假摔骗取点球。
65、Within weeks, she arrived in Holland -- only to find herself a prisoner in a brothel, sold by her friend to a Lithuanian gang. ─── 过了几个星期,她就来到了荷兰。却发现自己成了一个妓院里的囚犯。其实她的朋友把她卖给了一个立陶宛的家伙。
66、But the Lithuanian hopes to break the boundaries of sound and image, photographing street brawls. ─── 他说:“我一旦'听'到周围有什么有趣的事发生,我就会拿出自动相机来拍照。
67、They have javelins and short swords.Vulnerable to archers and best kept out of the front line of battle nevertheless these Lithuanian troops are very good ambushers . ─── 这些立陶宛标枪兵装备标枪和短剑,易受弓箭杀伤,且无法近战厮杀,但却是伏击作战的大师。
68、The Totenkopf Division was ordered to follow behind and mop up Red Army stragglers in Lithuanian forests. ─── “警察”师奉命跟随前进,肃清在立陶宛森林中的红军。
69、The second day of the Stankovic Continental Champions Cup was over.China had the first defeat of the cup game, Argentina and Lithuanian are the two team that have won both games. ─── 中国男篮迎来斯坦科维奇杯的第二个对手立陶宛,在姚明、李楠、杜锋缺阵的情况下,中国队66比68被立陶宛击败。
70、Lithuanian border guards have unearthed a three-kilometre (2-mile) pipeline for smuggling in moonshine liquor from neighbouring Belarus. ─── 立陶宛边境护卫队日前在与白俄罗斯相邻的边境地区挖掘出了一条3公里长专门用来走私伏特加酒的地下管道。
71、When foreign flags are used alongside the Lithuanian flag, the flags are sorted according to their countries' names in the Lithuanian language. ─── 至第二次世界大战期间,立陶宛被纳粹德国及苏联瓜分。而在苏联治下,更曾出现两面旗帜共用的情况。
72、Of or relating to the branch of the Indo-European language family that contains Latvian, Lithuanian, and Old Prussian. ─── 波罗的语的包括拉脱维亚、立陶宛和古普鲁士语在内的印欧语系的一个分支的或与之相关的
73、Last May, European Union absorb Poland, Czech, Slovakian, Hungary, Slovenia, Lithuanian, Latvia, Estonia, Cyprus, Malta (10 country) enter the alliance, make member states, increase from 15 original to 25; ─── 5月,欧盟吸收波兰、捷克、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、斯洛文尼亚、立陶宛、拉脱维亚、爱沙尼亚、塞浦路斯、马耳他10国入盟,使成员国从原来的15个增加至25个;
74、The purpose of the research was to make a summing- up of consumption of E.government instrumentality in the implementation of social ideas on Lithuanian local government level. ─── 由于农会系台湾地区组织体系最完整,会员人数最多,及最深入地方基层的人民团体。亦是具经济、社会、教育、政治等功能的多目标农民组织。
75、Hundreds of thousands of people have crowded into the centre of the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius. ─── 几十万人涌进了立陶宛首都维尔纽斯的中心。
76、Every simple man can be used in warfare. This warriors have javelins and short swords. If not pierced by arrow these Lithuanian soldiers are very good ambushers. ─── 素质:民兵类型:地方兵种参战不论贫富,即便平民亦可奋勇杀敌。这些立陶宛标枪兵装备标枪和短剑,易受弓箭杀伤,且无法近战厮杀,但却是伏击作战的大师。
77、She was beaten by the Polish and lithuanian gentry ─── 它败于波兰和立陶宛士绅。
78、Policy of Lithuanian labour market is analysed in the present work.Labour market is one of the main markets of the economic system. ─── 住宅社区为日常消费活动最频繁的地点,而在众多社区商店中,连锁便利商店具有时间、空间及商品便利性。
79、In May 2006 a police investigation at a premises in Brighton identified a Lithuanian woman who said she had been trafficked into the UK and forced to work as a prostitute. ─── 2006年5月,警方调查英国南部布赖顿的一处建筑物时,确认了一名立陶宛妇女的身份。据该妇女称,她被拐卖到英国,被迫做妓女卖淫。
80、After seeing Lithuanian Catholic prisoners fashion rosaries out of beads made from chewed bread, he asked them to make a similar chain for him, but with more beads. ─── 在看到立陶宛天主教囚犯用嚼过的面包做玫瑰经念珠后,他叫他们帮忙做另外一串给他,只是要更长更多的珠子。
82、When I started at Zalgiris, Lietuvos Rytas and the Lithuanian national team, those players were able to grow with me as a coach. ─── 当我在Zalgiris,LietuvosRytas和立陶宛国家队的时候,我们的队员都可以和我这个教练一起成长。
83、The company has sister partnerships in Czech, Slovakia and Hungary, moreover it distributes products to the Ukrainian, Russian, Byelorussian, Lithuanian, Estonian and Bulgarian market. ─── 同时,公司在捷克,斯洛伐克和匈牙利也有姊妹公司。此外,公司产品也面向乌克兰,俄罗斯,白俄罗斯,立陶宛,爱沙尼亚及保加利亚市场。
84、The personnel management in the Lithuanian public sector, including municipalities, is paid very little attention to. ─── 中文摘要 21世纪是经济挂帅时代,在此趋势下,知识管理成为组织获取、分享与转换知识的重要手段。
85、Top Lithuanian fashion designers will make the contestants' clothes and local dignitaries would sere as the judges, selecting a winner based on "beauty and elegance," alinskas said. ─── 瓦林斯卡说,立陶宛最优秀的时装设计师将为选手们设计服装,获胜者由当地名流根据“美丽及优雅”的标准选出。
86、Many brave Ruthenian archers join Lithuanian ranks.Those profesional soldiers are equipped with a bow and axe, for defence they have shield. ─── 素质:一般类型:早期专业部队亲许多鲁塞尼亚勇士加入立陶宛军中效力,这些职业士兵装备战弓利斧,并携有盾牌进行防御。
87、Lithuanian SSR ─── n. 立陶宛苏维埃社会主义共和国
88、But she does not seem to share the fervent Atlanticism usual among Lithuanian politicians. ─── 但是她好像不像惯常在立陶宛的政治家那样愿意分享热情的亚特兰大主义。
89、SC Lithuanian Radio and Television Centre ─── SC立陶宛广播电视中心
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