superseded 发音
英:[ˌsuːpəˈsiːdɪd] 美:[ˌsuːpərˈsiːdɪd]
英: 美:
superseded 中文意思翻译
superseded 词性/词形变化,superseded变形
动词过去式: superseded |动词过去分词: superseded |名词: superseder |动词现在分词: superseding |动词第三人称单数: supersedes |
superseded 短语词组
1、superseded definition ─── 被取代的定义
2、superseded suretyship riders ─── [经] 替代担保附加条款
3、superseded definition law ─── 替代定义法
4、superseded meaning ─── 取代的含义
5、superseded define ─── 被取代的定义
6、superseded updates ─── 取代的更新
7、superseded by ─── 被取代
8、superseded to ─── 取代为
9、superseded return ─── 替代退货
10、superseded t ─── 取代t
11、superseded defined ─── 被取代的定义
superseded 常用词组
be superseded by ─── 为…取代
superseded 相似词语短语
1、supercede ─── vt.取代,替代(同supersede)
2、supersedere ─── 替代者
3、supersede ─── vt.取代,代替;紧接着……而到来;vi.推迟行动
4、supersedes ─── 接替
5、superseder ─── 替代者
6、supersedeas ─── n.中止执行令状
7、supersexes ─── n.[遗]超性
8、superadded ─── vt.添加;再加上
9、superceded ─── vt.取代,替代(同supersede)
superseded 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、However, it may be argued that while autonomy constitutes a prima facie ethical principle, in certain circumstances it may be superseded by other principles. ─── 不过,也可以这样说,当自主性成为“当然的道德准则”时,在一定情况下,它是可以被其他原则超越的。
2、Chinese dynasty(1271-1368) established by the Mongolian ruler Kublai Khan at Peking(Beijing). It was superseded by the Ming dynasty. ─── 元朝由蒙古统治者忽必烈汗在北京建立的一个中国王朝(1271-1368年),它被明朝取代
3、Both Bronze and Brass were widely used in ancient Greece. Pewter plates and tankards were made in the Middle Ages and remained popular until they were superseded by cheaper earthenware and porcelain in the 18th century. ─── 古希腊人则广泛使用青铜和黄铜。中世纪出现了白蜡盘和白蜡杯,一直流行到18世纪才被比较便宜的陶器和瓷器代替。
4、But they must never meet, or the music relationship would be superseded by something too realistic, too material to make a further friendship possible. ─── 但他们必须永不见面,否则音乐的关系就会被某种太现实、太物质的东西所代替,友谊也就不可能继续下去。
5、Superseded Controls and Components by Function ─── 按功能列出的被取代控件和组件
6、an antisocial personality disorder; capable of violent acts without guilt feelings ('psychopathic personality' was once widely used but has now been superseded by 'sociopathic personality' to indicate the social aspects of the disorder). ─── 一种反社会的心理障碍。
7、The real cost approach has been largely superseded by the opportunity cost approach to international trade. ─── 实际成本说已基本上为国际贸易的机会成本说所取代。
8、So-called labor-intensive estate uses a lot a labor element under the condition that labor element can't be superseded, or superseding cost is too high in the world. ─── 所谓劳动力密集型产业,是在世界范围内仍无法用非劳动力要素替代或替代成本过高,仍必须大量使用劳动力要素的产业。
9、By the time the EPA had implemented such a ruling, Congress would probably have superseded it with a new law. ─── 等到环保局执行这样一个裁决的时候,国会很可能已经用新的法令来替代这个裁决了。
10、When this happens, the debugger displays a "Stale Code Warning" dialog box, and the superseded code continues to execute until the function in question finishes and is called again. ─── 发生这种情况时,调试器将显示一个“陈旧代码警告”对话框,而取代代码将继续执行,直到上述函数完成并被重新调用为止。
11、"By the late 4th century BC, armed deck soldiers had become so important in naval warfare that it was superseded by heavier ships." ─── 在公元前4世纪末期,装甲兵在海战中很重要,因此该船被更重的船取代。
12、The Standard Oil Trust of 1879 was superseded by the Trust Agreement of 1882. ─── 1879年的美孚石油托拉斯,由1882年的托拉斯协定所取代。
13、superseded by ─── 为
14、It is predicable that the many records established by Michael Jackson will not be easily superseded in a short time. ─── 可预期的是,麦可杰克森所缔造的许多纪录一时之间是不会被超越的。
15、Almost nothing has superseded the Olympics as a political priority in China. ─── 在一个以政治为先的国家,奥林匹克几乎是无可替代的。
16、Their map has since been superseded by photographic atlases. ─── 他们的地图自此被照相地图集取代了。
17、It was the sign of the regeneration of the human race. It superseded the Gross. ─── 它是人类复兴的象征,取代了十字架的地位。
18、We will begin with the Western Hemisphere, as here this stage was never superseded before the European conquest. ─── 我们先从西大陆说起,因为在这里,在被欧洲人征服以前,不论什么地方,都还没有越过这个阶段。
19、Will factory workers be entirely superseded by machines one day? ─── 工人将来能完全由机器取代吗?
20、At the center of our marriage had been a love that superseded even our own. ─── 在我们婚姻的中心有一种爱,它甚至取代了我们自身。
21、Any double or redouble is superseded by a subsequent legal bid. ─── 任何加倍或再加倍被接续合法实质叫牌取代。
22、the confidant can't be superseded by your wife and ladylove,for she is the needs for your soul. ─── 妻子和情人都代替不了红颜知己,那是心灵的需要。
23、In country districts,remote from towns or large villages,the industry of the pedlar is not yet wholly superseded. ─── 在乡下,每月来一次的货郎,比一年举行一两次的集市更受欢迎。
24、Previous advice to use the invariant culture in a comparison operation that is used to make a security decision has been superseded. ─── 对于用于做出安全决策的比较操作,以前使用固定区域性的建议已被取代。
25、On the case of report re-issued which original one can not be returned to CTT, the superseded report(s) should be invalid once this request is accepted; ─── 1 如申请重新发出之报告,而原报告因故不能归还中鼎检测技术有限公司,则原报告在本申请被接纳时将自动作废;
26、The only copies he had been able to lay hands on were old Delphin editions, because they were superseded, and therefore cheap. ─── 他弄到的几本书都是陈旧的德尔芬版,因为早已过时,由新版取而代之,所以不值钱。
27、The theory has been superseded by more recent research. ─── 这一理论已为新近的研究所取代。
28、Superseded again, he dropped back down the memory chute. ─── 尼莱吉哈奇再次跌回了记忆长河中。
29、The good sense of the community has seconded the efforts of the Legislature; and now, even in the country, the pentagonal construction has superseded every other. ─── 明智的公众支持赞成立法机关所做出的努力;现在,即便是在乡下,五角形建筑物已经完全取代了其他一切建筑。
30、Her love for God superseded her love for man and through the former, the latter was realized as well. ─── 她对神的爱取代了她对男人的爱,通过前者,后者也得到实现。
31、The voice of the people finally superseded the restoration trend of thought. ─── 人民的呼声终于战胜了复辟的思潮。
32、in more recent classifications superseded by the order Fucales. ─── 在最新的分类中,被岩藻纲(theorderFucales)替代。
33、A Chinese dynasty(1271-1368) established by the Mongolian ruler Kublai Khan at Peking(Beijing). It was superseded by the Ming dynasty. ─── 元朝由蒙古统治者忽必烈汗在北京建立的一个中国王朝(1271-1368年), 它被明朝取代
34、Merrell Dow Pharmaceutical, Inc., the court unanimously held that the Frye rule was incompatible with and had been superseded by the adoption of the Federal Rules. ─── Merrell Dow Pharmaceutical, Inc.一案中,法院全体一致的认为,Frye规则与联邦证据规则不能相容,且已经被后者的通过而取代。
35、The sailing ships were superseded by the steamships. ─── 帆船已被汽船所取代。
36、These have been superseded entirely by the more sensitive unstable meters. ─── 它们现在已经完全被更灵敏的不稳定型仪器所代替。
37、English: Only sent articles can be canceled or superseded. ─── 只有已发送的文章能被取消或替换。
38、He, poor wretch, has no other means of livelihood; and reform would leave him as a workman is now left when he is superseded by a machine. ─── 这些可怜的家伙无法从其他地方谋生计,一旦改革,他就好似如今被机器所取代了的工人。
39、Formal Logic Will not Be Superseded by Mathematical Logic ─── 数理逻辑不能取代形式逻辑
40、Keith was no longer governor, being superseded by Major Gordon. ─── 基思不再是总督,接任的是戈登少校。
41、In Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceutical, Inc., the court unanimously held that the Frye rule was incompatible with and had been superseded by the adoption of the Federal Rules. ─── 在Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceutical, Inc.一案中,法院全体一致的认为,Frye规则与联邦证据规则不能相容,且已经被后者的通过而取代。
42、Old impulses nust be superseded by new, the egoism of class society by the habit of thinking in terms of the collective. ─── 旧的动力必须有新的动力来代替,阶级社会的利己主义必须由为集体考虑的习惯来代替。
43、e.g. “ In our island the Latin appears never to have superseded the old Gaelic speech” (Macaulay). ─── “在我们的岛上古老的盖尔语似乎永远被拉丁语所取代”(麦考利)。
44、"In our island the Latin appears never to have superseded the old Gaelic speech" (Macaulay). ─── “在我们的岛上古老的盖尔语似乎永远被拉丁语所取代”(麦考利)。
45、The system of barter was superseded by the use of money. ─── 以物易物的制度被金钱的使用取代了。
46、be superseded in favour of ─── 为 ... 所取代
47、be superseded by ─── 为 ... 取代
48、in more recent classifications superseded by the order Fucales ─── 在最新的分类中,被岩藻纲(theorderFucales)替代
49、If it had been entirely superseded, it was removed unless some useful principle or piece of history was being illustrated. ─── 如果它已经完全落后了,就会被删除,除了表述一些有用的理论或者一段应用的历史。
50、He was superseded by a young girl for the post. ─── 一位年轻的姑娘取代了他的职位。
51、Kind of him not to call it "British Petroleum" , a superseded name that is back in somewhat chauvinistic usage (see chart 2). ─── 他稍微有点儿不称它为“不列颠石油”,这是一个代替的名称,带些早先沙文主义的用法(见表2)。
52、* Note: Patc?hes may be superseded; ─── * 注补丁程序可以被后来的版本 替换;
53、Cancel messages cannot be canceled or superseded. ─── 撤消消息不能被撤消或替换。
54、However, except for the elementary part, the system of Principia is no longer much used, having been largely superseded by set theory. ─── 然而,除了小学的一部分,该系统的原理不再是经常使用,已经在很大程度上取代了一套理论。
55、Governor Rockefeller,for whom Kissinger had worked for fourteen years,said," In our case the personal superseded everything else. ─── 基辛格曾为之工作过14年的洛克菲勒州长说:"就我们两人的关系来说,个人关系高于一切。
56、Reasonably accurate for the time, that is quite close to today's value of 149,597,870 km, determined by radar, which has now superseded transits and all other methods in accuracy. ─── 那个数值与今天雷达测定的149,597,870公里相当接近,就当时来说准确度很合理,雷达在精度上已经取代了凌日和其他所有方法。
57、Pewter plates and tankards were made in the Middle Ages and remained popular until they were superseded by cheaper earthenware and porcelain in the18 th century. ─── 中世纪出现了白蜡盘和白蜡杯,一直流行到18世纪才被比较便宜的陶器和瓷器代替。
58、effluent standards have superseded stream standards ─── 排放标准已代替了流淌标准。
59、I suppose our abstract thinking abilities will be substantially superseded by machines. ─── 我认为,我们的抽象思维能力将被机器充分的替代。
60、Executive orders made by one president can be superseded by a contrary executive order made by the next president. ─── 某位总统制定的行政命令可以被下任总统制定的与之相对应的行政命令取代。
61、and superseded,to a considerable extent,the previous efforts to limit the power of rules. ─── 在绝大程度上,这也超过了先前对限制法的权利所做的努力。
62、Permanent grass has a number of advantages over clean cultivation, the system it superseded. ─── 多年生牧草较之已被其取代的清耕有许多优越性。
63、In former classifications a division of Malacostraca; superseded by the orders Mysidacea and Euphausiacea. ─── 在以前的分类中是软甲亚纲的一个部;现在被糠虾目和鳞虾目取代。
64、Clinical nurse staff cannot be superseded in the actualization of the patients autonomy right. ─── 临床护理人员在病人自主权的实现中有不可替代的作用。
65、Will factory worker is entirely superseded by machine one day ─── 工人将来能完全由机器取代吗
66、The less the skill and exertion of strength implied in manual labour,in other words,the more modern industry becomes developed,the more is the labour of men superseded by that of women. ─── 手的操作所要求的技巧和气力越少,换句话说,现代工业越发达,男工也就越受到女工的排挤。
67、In a separate subsequent table, the superseded controls are listed with their recommended replacements. ─── 在随后的一个单独的表中,会将被取代的控件及推荐的替代控件同时列出。
68、for, in the universality forming the principle here, the percipient is directly aware of otherness, but aware of it as null and naught, as what is superseded. ─── 一方面,这诸多的差别属于那无差别的媒介,它们本身就是有普遍性的,它们只是自己与自己相关联,而不互相影响;
69、The less the skill and exertion of strength implied in manual labour, in other words, the more modern industry becomes developed, the more is the labour of men superseded by that of women. ─── 手的操作所要求的技巧和气力越少,换句话说,现代工业越发达,男工也就越受到女工和童工的排挤。
70、If it had been entirely superseded , it was removed unless some useful principle or piece of history was being illustrated. ─── 如果它已经完全落后了,就会被删除,除了表述一些有用的理论或者一段应用的历史。
71、Like all scientific ideas, the model may one day be superseded. ─── 和所有的科学观念一样,有一天这个模型也可能会给取代。
72、He hustled on his overcoat, and bustled about in a way that showed that an energetic fit had superseded the apathetic one. ─── 他披上大衣,那种匆忙的样子说明他跃跃欲试的心情已压倒了无动于衷的心情。
73、Biology A scientific name of an organism or of a taxonomic group that has been superseded by another name at the same rank. ─── 同物异名:被同等地位的其它名称代替的某种生物体或某分类群体的科学名称.
74、medieval weapon consisting of a spearhead attached to a long pole or pikestaff; superseded by the bayonet ─── 中世纪的武器,有尖锋附在长杆或枪柄上,后在被刺刀取代
75、Even if such a deal is eventually superseded by a broader one, it may already have caused long-term damage by allowing less efficient firms to become entrenched. ─── 即使这样的协议最终被更广泛的协议取代,它也可能通过让低效率的公司确立利益已经造成了长期的损害。
76、She superseded the old statue. ─── 她把那个旧的塑像扔掉了。
77、medieval weapon consisting of a spearhead attached to a long pole or pikestaff; superseded by the bayonet. ─── 中世纪的武器,有尖锋附在长杆或枪柄上,后在被刺刀取代。
78、Eventually these were superseded by "small clock", or French, hours, which split the day into two 12-hour periods commencing at midnight. ─── 最终,这些被“小钟”——即法语中说的小时取代了,它把一天分成两个12小时的时间段,从午夜开始。
79、The old system has been superseded. ─── 旧制度已过取代了。
80、DBG files have been superseded by PDB files, which are now more commonly used for debugging. ─── DBG文件已经由PDB文件替代,PDB文件现在更常用于调试。
81、If nuclear power superseded fossil power, we would run out of uranium in 4 years. ─── 如果我们以核能取代所有化石能源,铀将在4年内耗尽。
82、In our island the Latin appears never to have superseded the old Gaelic speech ─── 在我们的岛上古老的盖尔语似乎永远被拉丁语所取代
83、2.The graphs in Figure 9-21 are taken from the former AGMA Standard 218.01 which has been superseded by the two new standards: AGAM 2001-C95, Fundamental Rating. ─── 2. 在图 9-21 的曲线图从已经被二个新的标准替代的前 AGMA 标准 218.01 被带: AGAM 2001 C95 又基本的等级。
84、As telegraphy was superseded by other methods of telecommunication, Western Union diversified into teletypewriter services, money orders, and mailgrams. ─── 在电报逐渐被其他电信方法取代之际,该公司将业务分散,除电报和邮递电报外,还包括自动电传服务、私用线路出租及汇兑服务。
85、His job was superseded by a computer. ─── 他的工作被电脑所取代。
86、superseded suretyship riders ─── 替代担保附加条款
87、Deleted and Superseded FIIN List ─── 删去和替代的联邦物资识别编号清单
88、superseded industries ─── 接续产业
89、If you do not have enough Knowledge of the technology or application of powder coating system,you will have difficulty making high quality products and will be superseded in the near future. ─── 如果对粉末涂装系统技术或使用缺乏足够认识,生产不出高质量的产品,势必有被淘汰的一天。
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