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08-26 投稿



erythematous 发音

英:[[ˌerɪ'θi:mətəs]]  美:[[ˌerɪ'θi:mətəs]]

英:  美:

erythematous 中文意思翻译



erythematous 短语词组

1、erythematous eruption ─── [医] 红斑疹

2、erythematoUS syphilid ─── [医] 红斑性梅毒疹, 梅毒斑

3、papulo-erythematous ─── [医] 丘疹性红斑的

4、erythematous stomatitis ─── [医] 红斑性口炎

5、erythematous tonsillitis ─── [医] 红斑性扁桃体炎, 急性卡他性扁桃体炎

6、erythematous-edematous reaction ─── [医] 红斑水肿性反应, 福谢氏反应

erythematous 词性/词形变化,erythematous变形

形容词: erythematous |

erythematous 相似词语短语

1、ecthymatous ─── 湿疣

2、erythematic ─── 红斑

3、erysipelatous ─── adj.丹毒的

4、erythema ─── n.[皮肤]红斑,红疹

5、exanthematous ─── 发疹的;疹的

6、eczematous ─── adj.湿疹的

7、empyematous ─── 脓杆菌属

8、edematous ─── adj.水肿的;浮肿的

9、epitheliomatous ─── 上皮瘤

erythematous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The cervix in women with cervicitis is usually erythematous and friable with a mucopurulent discharge. ─── 患宫颈炎的患者,宫颈通常充血、质脆伴有黏液浓性分泌物。

2、Physical examination reveals greasy scaling on the scalp and erythema with yellowish scales in the nasolabial creases. ─── 体检显示出油腻缩放的头皮和红斑与黄表的鼻唇沟折痕。

3、One of her sisters died of systemic lupus erythema(SLE), which is a systemic disease involving the immuno-system and causing multiple organ dysfunction. ─── 她的一个堂姐死于系统性红斑狼疮。这种病是一种累及免疫系统的全身性疾病。

4、But arrived in May, light color floor appeared suddenly a few erythema, a few subsequently months, the erythema on the floor still spreads gradually. ─── 可是到了5月,浅色地板忽然出现了几块红斑,随后的几个月,地板上的红斑还渐渐蔓延开来。

5、Erythema grew on two tactics ancon, how to do? ─── 两手肘上长了红斑,怎么办?

6、recurrent circinate erythematous psoriasis ─── 复发性环状红斑性银屑病

7、The erythematous eruption was present all over his body. ─── 全身出现红斑疹。

8、The main side effects were erythema, purities and hyperpigmentation, but still tolerable. ─── 主要不良反应为红斑、瘙痒和色素沉着,患者均能耐受。

9、In either case, sunlight exposure accentuates this erythematous rash.A small number (5 to 10%) of DLE patients go on to develop SLE (usually the DLE patients with a positive ANA). ─── 两者暴晒于阳光下都可以加速红斑的产生.一小部分DLE患者大约(5-10%)发展成SLE.(通常DLE患者抗核抗体为阳性).

10、Minimal erythema dose (MED) for both UVA and UVB were tested. Bivariate correlation analysis of all PMLE patients did not show a positive correlation between MED--UVA and MED-UVB as in the healthy controls. ─── 分别测定其对UVA和UVB的最小红斑量(MED),双变量相关分析示在PMLE及其五个亚型中缺乏正常对照组中存在的正性相关关系。

11、erythema annulare angioneuroticum ─── (拉)血管神经性环形红斑

12、The erythematous eruption was present all over his body. ─── 全身出现红斑疹。

13、The cervix has been opened to reveal an endocervical canal leading to the lower uterine segment at the right that has an erythematous appearance extending to the cervical os consistent with chronic inflammation. ─── 宫颈被剖开以示子宫颈内管(右)与子宫下段相连,一直到宫颈外口呈红斑状外观,符合慢性炎症特征。

14、Keywords Children Systemic lupus erythematous (SLE) Anemia; ─── 儿童;系统性红斑狼疮;贫血;

15、Eruption of grouped vesicles on an erythematous ground ─── 在红斑状范围内出现成群泡样出疹

16、The small erythema that does not have self-conscious symptom is first, what apophysis turns into after is callous, broken finally;burst;ulcerate;fester, erosion, form ulcer. ─── 初为无自觉症状的小红斑,以后变为隆起之硬结,最后破溃、糜烂,形成溃疡。

17、Local signs of wound infection consist of pain and tderness, swelling, warmth, and erythema. ─── 伤口感染的局部征象是疼痛,压痛,肿胀,发热,以及红斑。

18、A 4-year-old girl presented with generalized papules, erythema, desquamation, subcutaneous nodules around large joints, as well as a 3-year-history of progressive eye damage. ─── 患儿女,4岁,全身皮肤弥漫性丘疹、红斑、脱屑,大关节处皮下结节伴进行性眼损害3年。

19、GLM with Hyperprolactinemia is very common.There is one patient even with arthritis and nodosum erythema, it supports that GLM, just like rheumatism, are autoimmune diseases. ─── GLM合并高泌乳素血症十分常见,有一例合并膝关节炎和结节性红斑,这更加支持GLM与风湿病一样,同属于自身免疫性疾病。

20、Burn erythema of multiple sites of upper limb ─── 上肢多部位灼红斑

21、The fluorescence of erythematous type and foliaceous type was most prominent in the superficial layer of epidermis. ─── 红斑型及落叶型的荧光以表皮浅层最为明显。

22、Herpes zoster ophthalmicus presents with an erythematous, macular rash around the eye of the affected dermatome and does not cross midline. ─── 带状疱疹性眼病表现为眼周受累皮肤的红色斑疹,且病灶不跨过正中线。

23、Why on my body often ineffable the erythema since its second? ─── 为什么我身上老是莫名其秒起红斑?

24、A larger ulcer and several adjacent smaller ones with surrounding erythema appear at the left of center. ─── 图中央左侧可见一个大溃疡和红斑周围几个相邻的小溃疡。

25、Other specified erythematous condition ─── 其他特指皮肤变色状况

26、A 50-year-old man presented with forgetfulness and severe memory disturbance after suffering multiple oral and genital aphthous ulcers with erythema nodosum. ─── 一位50岁的男子,因结节性红斑出现多发性生殖器口疮性溃疡后,表现出健忘和严重的记忆障碍。

27、erythema gyratum atrophicans transiens neonatale ─── (拉)新生儿一过性萎缩性回状红斑

28、Colonoscopic views of less severe UC are seen below, with friable, erythematous mucosa with reduced haustral folds. ─── 可见到并不严重的溃疡性结肠炎的结肠镜检图,易碎的红斑粘膜,伴结肠带减少。

29、Burn erythema of female genitalia ─── 女性生殖器灼红斑

30、Most common adverse reactions (more than 25 percent) observed in these studies were pyrexia, headache, neutropenia, fatigue, anorexia, injection site erythema, and vomiting. ─── 25%的患儿需要药物减量。导致减量的最常见不良反应是贫血、中性粒细胞减少及体重减轻。

31、We present the case of a 13-year-old girl who had PCG with an erythematous congestive plaque on the anterior maxillary gingiva for 4 years. ─── 我们目前的情况,这个13岁的女孩谁曾与一个红色的前4年上颌牙龈充血牌匾盈科。

32、Cold erythema associated with cold agglutinins ─── 与冷凝集素相关的冷红斑

33、We report a case of an a melanotic desmoplastic malignant melanoma that presented as an erythematous nodular tumor. ─── 我们报告一例无增生的恶性黑色素瘤是作为一个红斑结节性肿瘤。

34、Cutaneous examination reealed a diffuse, macular, erythematous rash that inoled the back, arms, and legs but spared the hands and feet. ─── 弥漫的红斑状的皮疹分布在背部,手臂和腿部,但手部和足部未见。

35、syndrome reticular erythematous mucinosis ─── REM综合征, 网状红斑性粘蛋白病

36、Burn erythema of forehead and cheek ─── 前额和颊灼红斑

37、Discrete, annular, scaly, erythematous patches and plaques at photo-exposed areas are typical cutaneous lesions of neonatal lupus erythematosus. ─── 它是一种可以影响到胎儿全身许多器官及系统的疾病。

38、External examination revealed erythema, warmth, eyelid edema, marked proptosis, conjunctival chemosis and complete ophthalmoplegia in the right eye. ─── 外眼检查发现右眼红、热、眼睑肿胀、明显凸眼、结膜水肿以及完全眼肌瘫痪。

39、Such ascular abnormalities as facial pallor and white dermographism common accompany skin atopy, the authors explain, and some patients hae pronounced erythematosus maculae or reticulated erythema on the palms. ─── 作者解释说,特应性皮炎患者常伴有面部苍白和白色皮肤划痕征等皮肤血管异常,一些患者掌部常有典型的红斑狼疮斑疹或网状红斑。

40、Erythema nodosum (EN) (red nodules) is an inflammation of the fat cells under the skin (panniculitis). ─── 什么是'结节性红斑-红色炎性结节皮肤'?

41、On the contrary, the condition of the remaining 4 patients with cutanesus mucormycosis, who presented mainly with indurated erythematous patch, progressed slowly, and 2 patients were cured. ─── 4例以浸润性红斑为主要表现的皮肤毛霉病患者病情进展慢,有2例已治愈;

42、congenital telangiectastic erythema ─── 先天性毛细血管扩张性红斑

43、Why to have on the body seem to have erythema, rush cool particularly apparent, return meeting desquamate? What reason be? ─── 为什么身上有好像有红斑,冲完凉特别明显的,还会脱皮的?是什么原因?

44、Congenital telangiectatic erythema syndrome ─── 先天性毛细血管扩张性红斑综合征

45、The various diseases that affect the human skin may present similar symptoms and signs, such as pruritus and erythema. ─── 人类所罹患的各种皮肤病可以有相似的症状和体征,如瘙痒和红斑。

46、second-degree erythematous dose ─── 二级红斑剂量

47、The clinical manifestations included erythema, erosion and white patch in the oral cavity and the tongue, and ingestion of the pharynx. ─── 主要表现为口腔粘膜及舌部红斑、烂、斑和咽部充血。

48、first-degree erythematous dose(1D) ─── 一级红斑剂量

49、Erythematous plaques of pinta ─── 品他病红斑

50、The disease since erythema of polymorphous and oozy sex is urgent, see more at young, with erosion scab of haemorrhage, blood is its feature. ─── 多形渗出性红斑起病急,多见于青年人,以糜烂出血、血痂为其特征。

51、Here the gastric mucosa has been lost, or ulcerated.A larger ulcer and several adjacent smaller ones with surrounding erythema appear at the left of center. ─── 如图所示,胃粘膜破溃或消失,左中部一片红斑围着一个大溃疡和邻近的几个小溃疡。

52、Speckles, age spot, sun-induced freckles and so on Red blood streak, bottlenose, erythema ... ─── 发布者:瑞华所在地:北京海淀区行业:医药、保养职位:外销员工作年限:

53、He developed a pruritic erythematous maculopapular rash on his lower extremities. ─── 他的下肢出现瘙痒性红色斑丘疹。

54、Physical examination was normal except for the generalized skin rash presenting with erythematous macules . ─── 身体物理检查除了全身红疹之外,其馀均正常。

55、What calls erythema oozy sex gastritis? ─── 什么叫红斑渗出性胃炎?

56、Cold erythema associated with hemolysins ─── 与溶血素相关的冷红斑

57、Does erythema grow on tortoise body how? ─── 乌龟身上长红斑怎么了?

58、Cross-polarized diffuse reflectance imaging and erythema index measured by reflectance spectra can measure the color of PWS skin. ─── 其中,评价病变颜色的方法有正交偏振漫反射成像系统、红斑指数评价法;

59、Parvovirus B19 usually infects children and causes a wide spectrum of clinical complications ranging from mild,self-limiting infectious erythema to fatal cytopenias. ─── 人微小病毒B19经常感染儿童,临床表现复杂,轻者表现为自限性的传染性红斑,重者可因血细胞减少而导致患儿死亡。

60、Main effects: Improving the Sensitive situation caused by makeups or The environmental stimuli, solving red, hot and erythema problems, nourishing sensitive skin. ─── 主要功效:可改善因化妆品,外环境刺激所致的敏感状况,改善发红,灼热,红斑,强化肌肤素质,有效的滋养,镇静,修复敏感脆弱之肌肤。

61、In either case, sunlight exposure accentuates this erythematous rash. ─── 在两种病变中,日光照射部位都能加重红色皮疹。

62、endoscopic view below, there are rounded, erythematous ulcerations of the lower esophagus. ─── 胃镜检查图,食管下部有圆的溃疡红斑。

63、He presented with persis tent fever,multiple erythema nodosum,joint pain,and bi lateral pneumopathy. ─── 临床表现为持续性发热、全身关节疼痛、躯干和四肢出现红斑结节及双肺纵隔病变。

64、Grouped vesicles on an erythematous base occurring unilaterally are indicative of herpes zoster.It is a common early or initial manifestation of HIV infection. ─── 单侧发生的红斑基底上的群集水疱是带状疱疹的指征,也常是HIV感染的早期表现。

65、third-degree erythematous dose ─── 三级红斑剂量

66、Gluteofemoral Erythema of Pregnancy: A new Dermatosis of Pregnancy? ─── 妊娠股臀红斑:一种新的妊娠皮肤病?

67、A 27-year-old female presented with several annular plaques on the upper back for one month.Other dermatologic findings revealed erythematous plaques with mild scaling on the scalp. ─── 一27岁女性在上背部出现数个环形的板块约一个月,其他皮肤表现还包括了头皮上一红色具有脱屑性的板块。

68、Application site reactions in the fentanyl group (6.3%) were mild to moderately severe in all but one case.Mild erythema occurred in 53.8% of patients at 24 hours and resolved within four weeks. ─── 吩坦尼组中,几乎只有一位病例的使用部位产生轻度到稍微严重的反应(6.3%),有53.8%的病患在24小时产生轻微的红斑而在四星期内复原。

69、Herpes zoster ophthalmicus presents with an erythematous, macular rash around the eye of the affected dermatome and does not cross midline. ─── 疱疹性眼病表现为眼周受累皮肤的红色斑疹,且病灶不跨过正中线。

70、Breast: Skin retractions, masses (mobile, fixed), erythema,axillary or supraclavicular node enlargement. ─── 乳房:皮肤皱缩,肿块(活动,固定),红斑,腋窝及锁骨上淋巴结肿大

71、Edema and erythema result. ─── 发生水肿及红斑。

72、How can polymorphous erythema just effect a radical cure? Be agog! ! ! ─── 多形红斑怎么才能根治?急切!!!

73、Frequently, early in the disease, the skin is discolored by a marked erythema. ─── 常在疾病早期,皮肤因有明显的红疹而变色。

74、Most commonly, these lesions are erythematous papules or plaques distributed symmetrically on extensor surfaces. ─── 最常见的,这些病变是红色丘疹或斑块上对称分布伸肌表面。

75、A 31-year-old female presented with a 2-3 day history of pruritic symmetric erythematous papules on both axillas, popliteal fossa, buttocks and groins. ─── 患者女,31岁,因右侧腋下红斑、丘疹伴瘙痒3天,左侧腋窝、双侧腹股沟、腘窝和臀部对称性红斑、丘疹伴瘙痒2天来就诊。

76、By March 7, the rash had worsened, with umbilicated lesions with an erythematous base, mostly on the hands, forearms, neck, chest, face, and knees, encompassing 50% of the keratinized skin. ─── 3月7日皮疹加重,红斑基础上的脐状皮损主要在双手、双前臂、颈、胸、面和双膝,包绕角质化皮肤的50%。

77、The typ e of erythema multiforme was the most common type in the drug eruptions,then urticaria type. ─── 多形红斑型药疹是最常见的药疹类型,其次是荨麻疹型等。

78、Distorted or erythematous tympanic membranes suggest otitis media. ─── 发烧或上呼吸道感染反映提示中耳炎可能。

79、Malignant erythema prompts a bad prognosis. ─── 恶性红斑提示预后不良。

80、Burn erythema of multiple sites of lower limb ─── 下肢多部位灼红斑

81、Faery has a few to be aimed at the facial product protecting skin of the erythema after basking in technically, insist to use period of time to be able to get effective slow. ─── 仙子有一些专门针对晒后红斑的面部护肤产品,坚持使用一段时间可以得到有效的舒缓。

82、A 35-year-old woman presented with a friable nodule that bled easily and had peripheral erythema on the upper chest wall. ─── 另一名35岁女性病患,在前胸有一个脆弱且易流血的结节,并在其周围有红斑。

83、Inside about 10 hours, this area occurrence blister, have all round spend erythema gently. ─── 大约10小时内,此区域出现水疱,周围有轻度红斑。

84、Cumulatie erythema and skin scaling as well as patient-reported burning, itching, and stinging were significantly less with clindamycin-tretinoin than with 0.1% tretinoin microsphere gel (P not gien). ─── 与0.1%维甲酸微球凝胶相比,采用克林霉素-维甲酸治疗的患者其累积性红斑及皮肤脱皮情况与患者自述的灼热、痒及刺痛感都明显减少(未给出P值)。

85、Be like insulin of long-term intramuscular injection, can appear local skin scleroma, erythema is affected even. ─── 如长期肌肉注射胰岛素,就会出现局部皮肤硬结、红斑甚至感染。

86、Expression of ringworm of the body is erythema papula, blister, show cricoid or coin shape. ─── 体癣表现为红斑丘疹、水疱,呈环状或钱币状。

87、Burn erythema of multiple specified sites ─── 多处特指部位灼红斑

88、Major effects are erythema and ulceration of the skin. ─── 主要的病徵是皮肤红肿,溃疡及坏死。

89、Acute attacks are characterized by severe pain, swelling, and erythema of the joint. ─── 急性发作是以剧痛、肿胀与关节红斑为特征。

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