inconspicuous 发音
英:[ɪnkən'spɪkjʊəs] 美:['ɪnkən'spɪkjʊəs]
英: 美:
inconspicuous 中文意思翻译
inconspicuous 网络释义
adj. 不显眼的;不引人注意的;(花)不显著的
inconspicuous 短语词组
1、inconspicuous catfish wow ─── 不起眼的鲶鱼哇
2、inconspicuous nucleoli ─── 不明显核仁
3、inconspicuous rick roll ─── 不引人注意的瑞克·罗尔
4、inconspicuous consumption ─── 隐性消费
5、inconspicuous bush osrs ─── 不显眼的灌木OSR
6、inconspicuous examples ─── 不引人注意的例子
7、inconspicuous definition ─── 不明显的定义
8、inconspicuous synonym ─── 不显眼的同义词
inconspicuous 同义词
unobtrusive | low-key | unapparent | unassuming | quiet |unseen | obscure | modest | invisible | unnoticed | discreet | unremarkable | ordinary
inconspicuous 反义词
inconspicuous 词性/词形变化,inconspicuous变形
名词: inconspicuousness |副词: in-conspicuously |
inconspicuous 相似词语短语
1、conspicuous ─── adj.显著的;显而易见的
2、inconspicuously ─── adv.难以觉察地;不显著地
3、inconcinnous ─── 不协调的
4、incontiguous ─── 不可数的
5、inconspicuousness ─── 难以觉察
6、incongruous ─── adj.不协调的;不一致的;不和谐的
7、conspicuously ─── adv.显著地,明显地;超群地,惹人注目地
8、inconscious ─── adj.无意识的(等于unconscious)
9、transpicuous ─── adj.透明的;明白易懂的;清晰的
inconspicuous 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The inconspicuous recipient site at sides of the toe is a favorable indication in term of concealing hyperpigmentation. ─── 为避免明显的植皮色素沉积,使用于足趾侧面应是一个较好的适应症。
2、Meanwhile, he was full of desire for possession and control, but in such a novel pressed in inconspicuous corners. ─── 同时,他又充满了占有和控制的欲望,只是在这样一本小说里被压制到并不起眼的角落。
3、He is described by officials as “completely inconspicuous” and had entered an apprenticeship programme, an attainment that eludes many disaffected young men. ─── 他被校方看作是个完全不起眼的孩子,已加入了学徒计划,该计划招收了很多学校不愿意接受的有叛逆心理的青年。
4、Polychasium with inconspicuous main axis; ─── 多歧聚伞花序有不显眼的主轴;
5、Results All skin tissue defects have been successfully repaired. Half a year later, the incisions were inconspicuous. ─── 结果所有皮肤软组织缺损均获得满意修复,随访半年,手术切口痕迹纤细。
6、1 Panicle usually similar to spike or capitulum; stem absent or solitary, stout, with dense leaves and large bracts, nodes inconspicuous. ─── 圆锥花序通常类似于穗状花序或小头状花序;茎无的或单生,粗壮,具紧密的叶和大的苞片,节不明显。(2
7、Leaves leathery, oblong or elliptic, 8-15 cm long, 3.5-8 cm wide, apex obtuse, entire or denticulate near apex, lateral veins inconspicuous; petiole 1.5-2.5 cm long. ─── 叶革质,长圆形或椭圆形,长8-15厘米,宽3.5-8厘米,先端钝圆,基部楔形,全缘或近先端有小齿,侧脉不明显;叶柄长1.5-2.5厘米。
8、Even when there is inconspicuous signs of carpal bone injury, cautious physical examination and various imaging studies should be able to provide correct diagnosis. ─── 因此我们认为:对腕关节受伤的早期诊断及积极治疗,方能减少日后的手功能障碍;
9、Any of several plants of the genus Pachysandra, especially the evergreen P. terminalis native to Japan, having toothed leaves and inconspicuous white unisexual flowers. ─── 富贵草这一种类的任一种植物富贵草属尤指长青的富贵草属产自日本,有齿形叶子和不起眼的雌雄异体的花
10、Its fruits to the heap is so inconspicuous, but totally send their dedication to us, do not have even one nuclear, and some are fresh sweet flesh. ─── 它在水果堆里是那么地不起眼,可是却把自己完完全全地奉献给我们,连一个核都没有,有的全是清爽甘甜的果肉。
11、For thirty years He has lived a completely inconspicuous life as a manual laborer. ─── 在三十年之久的时光里,完全度著毫不起眼的日子,从事木匠手艺为生。
12、Leaves leathery, oblong or elliptic, 815 cm long, 3.58 cm wide, apex obtuse, entire or denticulate near apex, lateral veins inconspicuous; petiole 1.52.5 cm long. ─── 叶革质,长圆形或椭圆形,长815厘米,宽3.58厘米,先端钝圆,基部楔形,全缘或近先端有小齿,侧脉不明显;叶柄长1.52.5厘米。
13、Leaves leathery, oblong or elliptic, 8-15 cm long, 3.5-8 cm wide, apex obtuse, entire or denticulate near apex, lateral veins inconspicuous; ─── 叶革质,长圆形或椭圆形,长8-15厘米,宽3.5-8厘米,先端钝圆,基部楔形,全缘或近先端有小齿,侧脉不明显;
14、any of various trees of the genus Celtis having inconspicuous flowers and small berrylike fruits. ─── 各种各样朴属树的任意一种,有不显著的花和浆果状的小果实。
15、Find an inconspicuous area to test, such as the lower rear quarter panel of your car's fender or inside the door jamb. ─── 找一个不显眼的地方进行测试,像车后部的1/4部分或门柱旁。
16、widely distributed Old World perennial naturalized in North America having finely hairy leaves and inconspicuous white fragrant flowers. ─── 多年生广布于旧世界的植物,引入美国,精致的被毛叶子,开不显著有香味的白花。
17、Hypanthium tubular-campanulate to campanulate, squamose, glabrous or pubescent, apex truncate or inconspicuous. ─── 托杯管状钟状的到钟状,具鳞片,无毛或被短柔毛,先端截形或者不显眼。
18、But in the early 17th century, the inconspicuous appearance of the equipment could lead to absolute chaos beyond our imagination. ─── 但在17世纪初期,这种外表不起眼的设备所能引发的混乱绝对超乎我们想象。
19、These phenomena are : a decentralized goal , inconspicuous key points, an abnormal attitude of criticism, few participants but more onlookers, etc. ─── 批评的态度不正常;参战者少, 旁观者众;学术管理机构、学术行政领导对有学术道德问题的学者态度暧昧。
20、Branches gray, slightly ridged and furrowed, subglabrous, lenticels inconspicuous. ─── 分枝灰色,稍具脊并且棱槽,近无毛,不明显的皮孔。
21、Under some derived sufficient conditions, the ripple response in the sampled-data systems will be very inconspicuous. ─── 只要满足所推导的充分条件,取样资料系统中的涟波响应将微乎其微。
22、he pushed the string through an inconspicuous hole. ─── 他把线穿进了一个不显眼的洞里。
23、I t also explains why the scientific associations are inconspicuous, low-standing and insignificant in society. ─── 分析了科协学会系统目前社会形象模糊、地位较低、作用发挥不明显等问题产生的背景与原因。
24、You are no genius, have no brilliant gifts, and are inconspicuous for any special faculty. Mediocrity is the law of your existence. ─── 因为你旣不是一个天才,又没有显着的恩赐,又没有特别的技能。
25、The homicidal cases of thallium poisoning are much inconspicuous,which have brought quite difficulty to crack a criminal case and delayed treatment of the victims due to unclear diagnosis. ─── 利用铊盐投毒隐匿性强,给案件的侦破带来很大难度,同时也因诊断不及时而耽误治疗。
26、Please try to be inconspicuous about this. Do NOT tell her what you're doing. If she had any idea it would make her very comfortable. ─── 一定要不经意的做这些判读,不能明显。不要告诉她你正在做什么。如果她对这些有任何想法,将会令她很不舒服。
27、Orifice ring absent or inconspicuous (rarely formed by papillae, but not as a contiguous ring); calyx tube 2-5 cm, slightly or not at all constricted at throat. ─── 孔环无或不明显(很少通过乳突形,但不是作为一枚邻接的环);萼筒2-5厘米,稍或完全不缢缩的在喉部。(34
28、The incisions should be chosen along the cleavage lines or in the inconspicuous area, such as the nasolabial fold or submandibular region. ─── 但颈部扩张的皮肤横径较大,单纯推进,不但浪费颈部皮肤,且外形不美观。
29、Petiole to 0.4 cm wide; apical internodes of rhizome inconspicuous, or plants not rhizomatous. ─── 叶柄到0.4厘米宽;顶端根状茎节间不明显,或植株不根状茎。(6
30、Widely distributed low-growing Eurasian herb having narrow leaves and inconspicuous green flowers. ─── 广泛分布的低矮的欧亚草本植物有狭窄的叶子和不显著的绿花。
31、hypanthium campanulate-funnelform to subglobular, 8-ribbed, ribs conspicuous or inconspicuous. ─── 托杯钟状到近球形漏斗状,8肋,肋骨显眼或者不显眼。
32、The meeting place used by an inconspicuous controlling group. ─── 密室被某些不引人注意的控制集团使用的会见地点
33、Small trees or shrubs; leaves leathery or subleathery, rarely thickly papery; veins on adaxial surface inconspicuous. ─── 小乔木或灌木;叶革质的或近革质,很少厚纸质;在不明显正面上的脉。(3
34、The gap between sucess and failure too inconspicuous to realize it, even we can not sense that we are right there. ─── 1失败与成功的界线如此微妙,我们跨过它时极少察觉,以至我们往往意识不到自己就处在这条线上。
35、Twigs rounded, densely or sparsely glandular setose and hispidulous, glabrescent;bud scales inconspicuous. ─── 小枝密被圆形具刚毛的或疏生腺体和具短硬毛,后脱落;
36、Rhizome inconspicuous, root slender, brown; rays less than 10. ─── 不明显的根状茎,纤细的根,棕色;伞辐少于10。
37、Place you palm downward and make an inconspicuous waving gesture, which will produce instant and satisfying results. ─── 手掌向下,做一个不显眼的手势,会产生立竿见影的效果。
38、Not undesirably noticeable or blatant; inconspicuous. ─── 不突出的没有让人生厌的引人注意或炫耀的;不显眼的
39、Fruit follicles dark brownish black, ca. 6 mm in diam., oil glands inconspicuous, apex beaked. ─── 蓇葖果深棕黑色,直径约6毫米,油腺体不明显,先端具喙。
40、He realised the danger of envy, and preferred a Spartan form of existence, putting all the emphasis on inconspicuous but very ready and very hard cash. ─── 他知道遭人嫉妒是危险的,所以情愿采取斯巴达式的生活,而把全副精力用在钱财上。
41、an inconspicuous act of bravery ─── 不引人注意的英勇行为
42、Stem inconspicuous or short-caulescent, base clothed with fibrous remnant sheaths. ─── 具茎茎不明显的或短,基部被纤维状残余覆盖。
43、You had little ambition.You would be fully satisfied if you could walk on this inconspicuous road to your heart's content in this temporary moment. ─── 你的野心很小,只要能在这个短暂片刻,尽兴地走在这条不起眼的道路,就心满意足。
44、The following spring, his mother from a neighbor to cut branches inconspicuous cents, in the yard of the corner edge. ─── 第二年春天,母亲从邻居家剪来一只毫不起眼的树枝,种在院子里的墙角边。
45、Leaf blade ovate to ovate-elliptic, adaxially shiny, reticulate veins inconspicuous adaxially, base shallowly cordate to broadly cuneate, margin strongly recurved. ─── 叶片卵形的到卵形椭圆形,正面发亮,正面的网脉不明显,基部浅心形到宽楔形,边缘强烈下弯。
46、An inconspicuous urban underclass lives in squalor. ─── 在这个肮脏破败的地方居住着不为人注意的城市下层阶级。
47、Is for equipment many birds, are easily frightened by bright colours so make sure you wear inconspicuous clothing for nature appreciation activities such as bird watching. ─── 代表equipment,即装备许多雀鸟都容易被鲜艳的颜色吓倒,所以在进行如观鸟等欣赏大自然的活动时,请穿上颜色不显眼的衣服。
48、We collected at a set of tables on a darkened side of the canteen, trying to be at least a little inconspicuous, and laid on, tasting each other's selections indiscriminately. ─── 我们在食堂不太亮的地方找了拼了几张桌子坐下来,想低调些,互相品尝各自的选择。
49、You can eliminate the folds not functioned as decoration with steam iron, however, before doing that you should test on an inconspicuous area first. ─── 您可以使用蒸汽熨斗除去沙发织物上的非装饰性褶皱,但应该在织物上一个不显眼的位置先试验一下。
50、Adult fish are very dusky overall except with spotted caudal fin and pale yellowed pectoral fins and very inconspicuous vertical thin bars on body. ─── 成鱼全身乌黑,尾鳍有斑点,胸鳍淡黄色,身上有极浅淡的幼条纹。
51、The goal with the head, shoulders, and hands at this point is to remain as tight and inconspicuous as possible. ─── 这个时候的头部、肩部和手部都要尽可能保持一种难以觉察的绷紧。
52、any of various small mouselike rodents of the family Cricetidae esp. of genus Microtus having a stout short-tailed body and inconspicuous ears and inhabiting fields or meadows. ─── 各种形似老鼠的小型啮齿动物,短尾、身体矮壮,耳朵不太显眼,居住在田野或草地。
53、Ovary coniform;style inconspicuous; ─── 子房锥状花柱不明显;
54、Leaves green, with inconspicuous veins, strigillose, sessile to shortly petiolate; ─── 叶绿色,不明显的具脉,,无梗兑一具短叶柄;
55、foreground' inconspicuous position ─── 不显著的位置幕后
56、Any of several dioecious vines of the closely related genera Cocculus and Menispermum,having inconspicuous flowers and red or blackish fruit. ─── 大谷盗一种小的黑色甲壳虫(大谷盗谷盗属),,其幼虫和成虫对贮藏的谷物均会造成毁坏
57、I will not rely entirely upon "totally reliable" spells that can be neutralized by relatively inconspicuous talisman. ─── 我不会依赖可以被不引人注目的护身符所抵销的万无一失的魔法.
58、Test color-fastness and material compatibility in an inconspicuous place before use. Do not overwet the carpet. ─── 使用前在不显眼处测试不褪色性及材料相容性。不要令地毯过湿。
59、A little before the time for the funeral cortege to arrive at the church there appeared at one of its subsidiary entrances a woman in black, heavily veiled, who took a seat in an inconspicuous corner. ─── 出殡的仪仗还没有到礼拜堂,有个带厚面幕的黑衣妇人就从边门进礼拜堂去,在一隐僻的角落里坐下了。
60、Constitutionalism is one kind of constitutional order which results from lots of factors including conspicuous, subtle and inconspicuous ones that play the part concertedly. ─── 宪政是一种立宪秩序,任何秩序的形成都是无数醒目与不那么醒目以及不醒目的因素共同作用的结果,而且常常是不醒目的因素蕴涵着无穷的契机与能量。
61、It was as if Mandarin had risen from an inconspicuous corner of the campus to take cent restage at the brightly-lit hall. The performance lasted only a few hours but it was no doubt a small breakthrough. ─── 华语似乎从校园边缘极不起眼的角落,走上了灯火光明的大学礼堂的舞台,虽然这是短短的几个小时,但这不失为一个小小的突破。
62、It was an ideally inconspicuous car for Keycase ─── 对奇开匙来说,这是一辆理想的不太显眼的汽车。
63、Stem usually inconspicuous, rarely to 7 cm, branched at base. ─── 不明显的茎通常,很少在7厘米,在基部分枝。
64、Leaves more or less leathery, glossy, rectangular-lanceolate, 8-14 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide, apex narrowly acuminate, margin very sparsely serrate or subentire, lateral veins 5-7, inconspicuous, slender; petiole 5-8 mm long. ─── 叶近革质,有光泽,长方披针形,长8-14厘米,宽1.5-3厘米,先端窄渐尖,边缘有极浅疏锯齿或近全缘,侧脉5-7,细弱不显;叶柄长5-8毫米。
65、Nutlets 2-3 mm, finely tuberculate, with very short glochids on margin of inconspicuous disc, without glochids on margin of well-developed disc. ─── 小坚果2-3毫米,具细瘤,带有非常短钩毛在不显眼的光碟的边上,没有在发育良好光碟的边上的钩毛。(3
66、The complicate anatomy at this location makes the clinical manifestation inconspicuous, hampers the correct diagnosis, and toughens the surgical approach. ─── 侧咽间隙的解剖位置复杂,临床症状不明显且缺乏特性,而侧咽肿瘤病理的多样性也使得术前诊断不易,导致手术处理方式的多样化及高困难度。
67、Additionally an inconspicuous, linear-filiform remnant of the lower floret is often present. ─── 另外一不明显,线形更降低小花残余在通常宿存。
68、he pushed the string through an inconspicuous hole; the invisible man. ─── 他把线穿进了一个不显眼的洞里;不出名的人。
69、(6) epigastria mass and so on.Possibly, these symptoms are inconspicuous, non-specific... ─── (6)上腹部肿块等,症状多隐匿,无特异性且可长期存在,易误诊、漏诊。
70、inconspicuous Class 3 restoration ─── 不明显的3类修复
71、While she was busy choosing the biggest and the ripest, I moved to an inconspicuous corner where the green apples were piled up. ─── 我则逗留在顶边上的柜台,那儿不起眼地堆着我一个冬天未见的青苹果。
72、C.The Assyrian people survived the loss of their state, and they remained mostly inconspicuous for the next 600 years. ─── 亚述人丧失了他们的城邦却生存了下来,他们毫不引人注意的残存了以后的600年。
73、He will drag her off to parties, and she spends the whole evening trying to look inconspicuous in some corner. ─── 他要把她拉到宴会上去,她整个晚上都试图躲在不显眼的角落。
74、follicles dark blackish brown when dry, 0.5-1.5 cm in diam., rugulose, oil glands inconspicuous, apex beaked. ─── 蓇葖果干燥时深黑棕色,直径0.5-1.5厘米,微皱,油腺点不明显,先端具喙。
75、I thought to myself, you wait and see, come next spring, magnolia blossoms, and you will be into a small inconspicuous a! ─── 我心想,你们等着瞧吧,明年春天来了,玉兰花开了,你们就会成一株株不起眼的小花了!
76、Account receivable issue concern enterprise amount of bad account, concern enterprise interest high or low prices of cost, actually the latter is more important than the former in actual life, but inconspicuous. ─── 应收账款问题不仅关系企业坏账的多少,而且关系到企业利息成本的高低,现实生活中其实后者比前者更加重要,但并不引人注目。
77、We always tend to think that our expenditures are reasonable; as a matter of fact, it is exactly those inconspicuous and innocuous expenses that lead us into liability. ─── 我们总以为自己的支出是很合理的,其实恰恰是不起眼的开支让我们陷于债务。
78、Experiments showed that the results were desirable under the circumstance of fraction characters being inconspicuous in target region and background region. ─── 实验表明在目标和背景的一般分形特徵差异不明显的情况下,此方法仍能获得很好的分割效果。
79、keep a low profile, try to be inconspicuous. ─── 保持不引人注意的形象,使不被注意。
80、It was his wont to sit this way in every theatre--to make his personality as inconspicuous as possible where it would be no advantage to him to have it otherwise. ─── 在每个戏院他都习惯这么坐法,尽量不要引人注目,如果太暴露了对自己没有好处的话。
81、Like Dohturov, he was one of those inconspicuous cogwheels, which, moving without creaking or rattling, make up the most essential part of the machine. ─── 他就像多赫图罗夫一样,是一个不声不响、常被人们忽略的小齿轮,但是这个齿轮却是机器的最主要的部件。
82、She tried to look as inconspicuous as possible. ─── 她尽量不露声色以免引人注意。
83、While most parents, teachers and clinicians would react to an adolescent using drugs or getting drunk, they may easily overlook teenagers who are engaging in inconspicuous behaviors. ─── 虽然大多数家长、教师和临床医生会对青少年吸毒或醉酒作出反应,但他们很容易忽视那些行为不起眼的青少年。
84、tendrils bifurcate.Leaves pedately 5-foliolate, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, veins brownish when dry, veinlets inconspicuous. ─── 卷须二叉叶鸟足状具5小叶,椭圆状披针形的椭圆形或,带褐色的脉干燥时,细脉不明显。
85、Even so, it was clear that Martin's earlier, inconspicuous life would never be the same again. ─── 尽管如此,马丁早期那种默默无闻的生活,显然一去不复返了。
86、two-year-old branches glabrous or sparsely scurfy-tomentose, lenticels small and inconspicuous; ─── 两年老枝无毛或疏生具鳞屑被绒毛,皮孔小和不明显;
87、They were not deterred by the poverty of this birth.They trusted that God could work in such a small, inconspicuous way, not with great pomp and dazzling spectacle, but quite simply and in obscurity. ─── 孩子的清寒相没有让他们心起疑窦,反而让他们深信天主在这里悄然无声地行事,全然没有大张旗鼓地宣扬。
88、Arrested male orangutans are apparently inconspicuous enough to be spared a certain amount of social stress. ─── 发育迟滞的雄性红毛猩猩,表面上并不碍眼,因而免去了一些社会压力。
89、I'll try to be as inconspicuous as possible. ─── 我会尽量不惹人注意的。
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