autocrat 发音
英:['ɔːtəkræt] 美:['ɔtəkræt]
英: 美:
autocrat 中文意思翻译
autocrat 网络释义
n. 独裁者,专制君主;独断独行的人
autocrat 词性/词形变化,autocrat变形
副词: autocratically |形容词: autocratic |
autocrat 相似词语短语
1、automat ─── n.自动售货机;[自]自动机;自动贩卖式餐馆
2、autograft ─── n.[外科]自身移植物,[外科]自体移植术
3、aristocrat ─── n.贵族
4、Eurocrat ─── n.欧洲共同市场的官员或职员;欧洲经济共同体的官员
5、autocrats ─── n.独裁者,专制君主;独断独行的人
6、autocar ─── n.汽车
7、autocracy ─── n.独裁政治;专制政治;独裁政府;独裁统治的国家
8、plutocrat ─── n.财阀;富豪
9、autocratic ─── adj.专制的;独裁的,专横的
autocrat 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Washington could have used his military stature and his enormous popularity to become an autocrat; yet, he refused to do so. ─── 华盛顿本可利用他的军事威望以及极高的社会众望变成独裁君主,但他拒绝这么做。
2、He was an accomplished politician and a crafty autocrat ─── 他是个有造诣的政治家,也是个狡黠的独裁者。
3、Mugabe, 84, has been in power since independence in 1980 and went from being praised as a liberator to being vilified as an autocrat. ─── 84岁的穆加贝自津1980年独立以来一直在位,因其解放津巴布韦而广受赞誉,同时也因其独裁统治受到谴责。
4、He then left the Academy and spent the next three years in Asia Minor, devoting most of his attention to scientific studies.He became a friend of a local autocrat, Hermias, whose niece he married. ─── 他在那里潜心科学研究,与当地的一位专制君王赫米艾斯结为朋友,并娶该国王的侄女为妻。
5、Autocrat of the Breakfast Table ─── 早餐桌上的独裁者;早餐桌上的霸主
6、He was an accomplished politician and a crafty autocrat. ─── 他是个杰出的政治家,也是个狡黠的独裁者。
7、An autocrat prefers his subjects to be automatons ,rather than intelligent human beings. ─── 独裁者希望他的国民都是自动调节器,像智能机器人。
8、An autocrat prefers his subjects to be automatons, rather than intelligent human beings. ─── 独裁者希望他的人民都是机器一样的人,而不是聪明人。
9、Despite scandal, the autocrat still dominates the DPJ. ─── 虽然出了这样的丑闻,小泽仍是专制掌控着民主党。
10、The autocrat strove in vain to deal with the situation. ─── 那个独裁者努力应付这个情况,却徒劳无功。
11、Announcer: Now they're all lined up, they start as soon as they can quiet Autocrat; ─── 讲解员:现在参赛马匹已各就各位,比赛随时开始,只等“独裁者”安静下来。
12、You might be sent to a country with an autocrat for a ruler. ─── 制服很干净,但远谈不上前卫。
13、And Mr Yanukovich would be stuck with precisely the label that he has worked so hard to shed: that of a neo-Soviet autocrat. ─── 而亚努斯科奇先生则要被迫接受这个他努力想摆脱的称号——新苏维埃独裁者。
14、He married the impetuosity of youth with the clear vision and ruthless determination of a more seasoned autocrat. ─── 他兼具年轻人的急躁和老练统治者的敏锐观察力与无情决心。
15、It would be difficult enough for a pro-American autocrat with robust financial and military backing to do what the United States is asking. ─── 那么那些拥有大量财力和军队北京的亲美派独裁者也很难再依照美国的意思行事了。
16、When Sengir Autocrat comes into play, put three 0/1 black Serf creature tokens into play. ─── 当辛格氏独裁者进场时,将三个0/1黑色农奴衍生物放置进场。
17、It is a cunning device to supersede the aristocracy, and make the king sole and absolute autocrat ─── 这是一种要把贵族政治一笔勾销,而把国王变成唯一、绝对的专制统制者的狡猾诡计。
18、Zeus was not an autocrat by any standards ─── 宙斯绝不是一位独裁者。
19、cultural autocrat ─── 文化专制
20、This monument to the dead autocrat (he ruled Taiwan from 1949 to his death in 1975), which opened in 1980 in a sprawling 25-hectare plaza, includes a grand concert hall at the other end of the square. ─── 这座纪念堂是为了纪念蒋介石这位已逝的台湾独裁者(他从1949年开始统治台湾,直到1975年去世)而兴建的,1980年对公众开放,加上广场另一端的大型音乐厅,占地共25公顷。
21、The power to make decisions has remained an absolute one, though the autocrat could exercise the power every day whereas the whole population do so only once in four years. ─── 尽管一人做主所行使的做主权力天天都存在,而全民做主则只是四年行使一次权力,但所行使的权力也是绝对的。
22、When Sengir Autocrat leaves play, remove all Serf tokens from the game. ─── 当辛格氏独裁者离场时,将所有农奴衍生物移出游戏。
23、Putin’s is a new and subtler game: he is the autocrat who calls on the widow of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. ─── 同这样的人打交道,需要高超的政治技艺,而我们现有的政治家还远远达不到这个水平。
24、But his popularity in the countryside was matched by growing criticism in the cities, where activists and intellectuals portrayed him as an autocrat masquerading as a democrat. ─── 他在乡下固然民望很高,却饱受都会活跃分子和知识分子抗议,这些人认为,他是假民主之名行专制独裁之实。
25、Instead of sounding like a Tsar, high above the crowd, he's beginning to sound like just another nervous autocrat. ─── 听上去倒不象一个高高在上的沙皇,而是听上去象另一个恐慌中的专制君主。
26、SADC's leaders, especially its younger ones, are increasingly loth to see their region dragged down by an ageing autocrat. ─── 南共体的领导人们,尤其是少壮派,看到自己的地区被一个老朽的独裁者拖得疲惫不堪,对他越来越深恶痛绝。
27、Emperor Nero was an autocrat . ─── 尼禄皇帝是一个专制独裁者。
28、Republican in title he was, but an autocrat at heart ─── 他名义上是共和主义者,但内里却是个专制君主。
29、Nevertheless, I have no liking at all for Caesar the autocrat and Columbus the adventurer. ─── 然而枭雄如恺撒,冒险家如哥伦布,却又离我的爱好十分之远.
30、It's the kind of thing that gives an Iranian autocrat bad dreams. ─── 这种事对这个伊朗独裁者来说,是个恶梦。
31、a corporate autocrat ─── 某一团体的独断专行者
32、My Client’s the Autocrat. ─── 我的客户是独裁者。)
33、Compared with the sovereign's sovereignty before the social revolution era, the principle of the majority is obviously much better with its abolition of the arbitrariness of the autocrat. ─── 较之社会革命时代以前的“君王主权”,人民多数的原则有很明显的优点:人民主权废除了专制者的专断。
34、It's another autocrat,” he concluded, with a victorious smile. ─── 这是第二位主宰。”他说完之后,露出得胜的微笑。
35、She wrote a lot of books that exposed the avarice of the authoritarian .the autocracy of the autocrat and the falsity of the autonomy. ─── 她写了许多书,暴露了权力主义者的贪婪,独裁者的独裁政体和自治权的虚伪。
36、of the nature of or relating to an autocrat ─── 属于或关于独裁者本性
37、The nobles tried to limit the powers of the autocrat without success ─── 贵族企图限制专制君主的权力,但没有成功。
38、of the nature of or relating to an autocrat. ─── 属于或关于独裁者本性。
39、It seems to me that you talk like a great autocrat ─── 你说话活象个专制的暴君。
40、Here, excitement never entered in, voices were never raised, everyone deferred gently to the opinions of others, and, in the end, the black grizzled autocrat in the kitchen had his way. ─── 这里从来闻不到带刺激性的味道,人人都尊重别人的意见。 说话也是细声细气的,结果就使得厨房里那个黑灰头发的独裁者发号施令起来。
41、An autocrat prefers his subjects to be automatons , rather than intelligent human beings. ─── 独裁者希望他的人民都是机器人,而不是聪明人。
42、The emperor was an autocrat, answerable to none, like a Hellenistic monarch. But he was a Christian ruler of a Christian state ─── 如希腊化时期的君主一样,皇帝是个没有商量余地的独裁者,但他是一位基督教国家的基督教统治者。
43、He was an accomplished politician and a crafty autocrat . ─── 他是个有造诣的政治家,也是个狡黠的独裁者。
44、e.g. The autocrat was replaced by a ruler responsible to the people. ─── 那独裁者被一位对人民负责的统治者取代了。
45、autocrat; dictator ─── 独裁者
46、After all, Saddam was exactly the kind of secularist autocrat that al Qaeda despised. ─── 里面的十几条结论中,有的说布什在某一问题上的言论不受当时情报支持;
47、If you are an autocrat but want to run a system of sham democracy, it is a boon if the opposition is divided. ─── 如果你是一个独裁统治者,又想实行一套伪民主政策,把反对派划分出来则不失为一条上策。
48、They could prove to be a headache for Mr Putin if he wishes to rule once again as an unchallenged autocrat. ─── 如果普京想再以一种唯我独尊的独裁者面目统治俄罗斯,他们可能会成为一个让普京头疼的群体。
49、The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table ─── n. 《早餐桌上的霸主》,奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯(Oliver Wendell Holmes)著
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