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08-09 投稿


plainness 发音


英:  美:

plainness 中文意思翻译



plainness 词性/词形变化,plainness变形

形容词最高级: plainest |形容词比较级: plainer |副词: plainly |名词: plainness |

plainness 反义词

fancy | fanciful | patterned | complicated |cheer

plainness 同义词

sound off | obviously | lucid | pronounced | ingenuous | sheer | humble | kick | understandable | plain stitch | flatland | audible | patent | expanse | apparently | flat | manifest | literal |homely | unornamented | blunt | unattractive | marked | definite | modest | plainly | unmixed | simple | visible | straightforward | valley | prairie | quetch | apparent | delta | discernible | unmingled | manifestly | knit stitch | legible | obvious | kvetch | spare | knit | lowland | unsightly | unpatterned | comprehensible | easy | complain | evidently | swamp | aboveboard | clear | pure | floodplain | champaign | evident | unembellished | unmistakable | ordinary | patently | field | distinct | utter | rustic | ugly | unvarnished | tableland | bare

plainness 相似词语短语

1、glairiness ─── 光泽

2、plaintless ─── 赤裸裸的

3、planless ─── adj.无计划的;无系统的;没用脑筋的

4、plainest ─── 最朴素的;最清楚的;最平常的

5、braininess ─── n.博学;聪明;机智

6、fainness ─── 费恩尼斯

7、planeness ─── n.平面度;平整度

8、placidness ─── n.平静

9、vainness ─── n.无益;徒然;自负

plainness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her soul seemed to soar over the plain Aileen inhabited. ─── 她的灵魂仿佛在爱玲居住地的上空翱翔。

2、He was argumentative, loud and just plain rude. We bit our tongues the entire weekend to keep from telling him where to go! ─── 他好争论,大嗓门并且毫无礼貌。整个周末我们强忍住未向他下逐客令。

3、How do you prefer bread, plain or toast? ─── 你喜欢怎么样的面包,烤的还是不烤的?

4、A cryptographic system in which units of plain text of regular length, usually letters, are arbitrarily transposed or substituted according to a predetermined code. ─── 密码一种密码系统,其中固定长度的明文里的单元,通常为字母,被任意倒置或按事先确定的符号系统替换

5、If you wanted me to go why didn't you say so in plain English instead of making vague hints? ─── 你想叫我走,为什麽拐弯抹角而不直说?

6、Do not store connection strings as plain text. ─── 不要以纯文本形式存储连接字符串。

7、The plain stretches up to the base of the mountain. ─── 平原一直延伸到山脚下。

8、His devotion to music is plain to see. ─── 他对音乐的挚爱是显而易见的。

9、The doctor had spoken with so much plainness that she was convinced to modify her treatment. ─── 医生讲得如此坦率,她被说服修改她的治疗方案。

10、The plain water quality is very poor. ─── 原水质很差。

11、The plain continued as far as the eye could reach. ─── 平原一望无边。

12、He set an example of plain living. ─── 他树立了艰苦朴素的榜样。

13、Their dress was plain and dull in colouring. ─── 他们的衣服朴素,颜色单调。

14、Don't tell me you can't see where you've painted over the frame and onto the window, it's as plain as a pikestaff. ─── 不要告诉我你不知道你把油漆刷过了架子,而刷到了窗户上,那不是明摆着的么。

15、The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her if she is pretty and to someone else if she is plain. ─── 对待女性的唯一方法是:假使她长得漂后就追,若是长得不怎么样就追别的。

16、His plainness is just stupid! ─── 他的坦白简直太愚蠢了!

17、Never mind the tortuous explanation; tell me in plain English, are you coming or not? ─── 别转弯抹角地解释了,直率地告诉我,你来不来?

18、Do you prefer milk chocolate or plain (chocolate)? ─── 你喜欢牛奶巧克力还是纯巧克力?

19、Do you want ruled paper or plain? ─── 你要有格的纸还是白纸?

20、He lisped at first,in future times speak plain. ─── 他开始口齿不清,后来言语滔滔。

21、A simple life is one of plainness , in which profit is discarded, cleverness abandoned, selfishness eliminated, and desires reduced. ─── 简单的生命是一种单纯,在其中,利益被抛开,机智被舍弃,自私被丢除,欲望被减少。

22、How do I switch between plain text mode and HTML? ─── 如何在纯文本模式和HTML之间切换?

23、Ma said of course she got it. It was as plain as a pikestaff. ─── 妈妈说她当然了解这事。这件事再清楚也不过了。

24、Opposing armies joined battle on the plain. ─── 两军在平原上相遇作战

25、of these houses discourages many prospective buyers. ─── 这些房子很难看,使许多潜在的买主望而却步。

26、Hills swell gradually from the plain. ─── 山渐渐从平原隆起。

27、To be plain with you, I know nothing about it. ─── 坦白对你讲,我对此一无所知。

28、Answer with a plain "yes" if you agree with me. ─── 如果你同意我的意见,就明白地回答“是”。

29、He had the idea of shooting them against a complete plain white background. ─── 他有个主意,以纯白为背景给他们拍摄。

30、He set us an example of plain living. ─── 他为我们树立了简朴生活的榜样。

31、An extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland, especially the large tract or plain of central North America. ─── 大草原多为广阔而无树木的平坦或起伏的草原区域,尤指北美洲中部的大平原

32、He's as plain as a pikestaff, poor boy, and keenly aware of it. ─── 可怜的孩子,他相貌平平,而且有自知之明。

33、The wind whipped across the plain. ─── 大风扫过平原。

34、There is no more money do I make myself plain? ─── 再也没钱了--我的意思清楚吗?

35、The tanks were manoeuvrering about on the plain. ─── 坦克在平原上调动。

36、His political career was not all plain sailing. ─── 他的仕途并非一帆风顺。

37、She is really plain but takes a very good picture. ─── 她长相平平,但却很上相。

38、He made it plain that he did not like me. ─── 他很明白地说他不喜欢我。

39、But the author, luckily for his readers, laces the sweet plainness of his stories with a sense of the absurd and the frightening. ─── 但是值得读者庆幸的是,作者在平淡的故事中加入了荒诞和恐怖感。

40、She was plain, spiteful, and surly. ─── 她相貌平常,为人刁恶,性情乖戾。

41、His eyes traveled over the plain. ─── 他的眼睛扫视平原。

42、Don't use all that technical lingo try and explain in plain English. ─── 别尽用那种专门术语,用普通的词语解释吧。

43、A web object can be a web page(or part thereof), an image, plain file, a directory, a Java applet, or CGI script. ─── 一个Web对象可以是一个网页(或其中的部分)、一幅图象、纯文本文件、一个目录,一个Java小程序或CGI手稿。

44、Handful plain and skinned peanuts, roughly crushed. ─── 一把花生,去皮,大致弄碎。

45、the vanity of mrs . hurstwood caused her to keep her person rather showily arrayed , but to hurstwood this was much better than plainness. ─── 赫太太爱虚荣,所以总是打扮得花枝招展的。赫斯渥认为,这总比朴素无华要好得多。

46、They set an example of plain living. ─── 他树立了简朴生活。

47、How could he lead such a plain life? ─── 他如何能过着如此朴素的生活?

48、You should speak to the little child in plain English. ─── 你应该用简单的英语与小孩交谈。

49、From a rather plain child she had grown into a beautiful woman. ─── 她从一个相貌平平的女孩成长为一个漂亮的妇人

50、The plain fact is that nobody really knows. ─── 事实很明显,没有人真正了解。

51、He made plain that he had no intention to resign. ─── 他明白表示他无意辞职。

52、The Afghan Hound is an aristocrat, his whole appearance one of dignity and aloofness with no trace of plainness or coarseness. ─── 阿富汗猎犬属于贵族犬,整体感觉是高贵而孤傲,没有一丝平凡或粗陋的迹象。

53、Sediment deposited by flowing water, as in a riverbed, flood plain, or delta. ─── 冲积层河床、洪水淹没的平原或三角洲中的流水淤积所产生的沉积层

54、The army debouched from the mountains into a wide plain. ─── 军队从山里开出,进入宽阔平原。

55、A little ornament can break the plainness. ─── 少许点缀,就打破平淡。

56、Giving way to a stretch of plain. ─── 出现了一片平原。

57、Her life is nothing but plain sailing. ─── 她的生活真是一帆风顺。

58、You must live up to hard work and plain living. ─── 你必须按艰苦朴素的标准去生活。

59、Why couldn't I make it plain to others? ─── 为什么我不能使别人也明白这一点呢?

60、The plain fact of the matter is that the man lied . ─── 事实表明那个人撒了谎。

61、Lower Coastal Plain Research Station- Kinston, N.C. ─── 下滨海平原研究站。

62、A plain necklace was her only adornment. ─── 她身上的饰物就只有一串简单的项链。

63、He made it plain that we should leave. ─── 他明确表示要我们离开。

64、The walls were plain and unadorned. ─── 墙壁朴素无华。

65、There was an elegant plainness in this small house. ─── 这小屋子里有一种高雅的朴素。

66、Some are pretty,but many would be considered plain. ─── 她们中有些挺漂亮,但多数相貌平平。

67、The foothills began as gentle rolls in the plain. ─── 大平原上起初地势偶尔有些平缓的起伏。

68、His failure is as plain as plain can be. ─── 他的失败是再明白不过了。

69、The plainness of these houses discourages many prospective buyers. ─── 这些房子很难看,使许多潜在的买主望而却步。

70、For an hour they moved along vast desolated plain. ─── 他们在一片满目荒败的广漠平野上行驶了足有一个钟头。

71、It was just plain stupid to give him your address. ─── 你把你的地址告诉他,真是太傻了。

72、Will you let me openly ask you a plain question? ─── 你可否容我坦率地问你一个简单的问题?

73、The east, that they found a plain in the land. ─── 地遇见一片平原、就住在那里。

74、There was, however, a plainness and simplicity about her costume which bore with it a suggestion of limited means. ─── 但是她的服饰透射出的朴素与简单,表明她财力有限。

75、It is laid down in plain terms that any boat fishing off the coast will be apprehended. ─── 任何船只在这一带沿海捕鱼都将被扣留,这是明文规定的。

76、His articulation is not plain enough to understand. ─── 他的发音不清楚,不易听懂。

77、How do I use plain text mode in Outlook Express? ─── 如何在Outlook Express中使用纯文本模式?

78、Plain dealing is praised more than practised. ─── 光明磊落人人夸,身体力行有几人?

79、She always dressed in plain black silk. ─── 她总是身穿黑色的无花纹的丝绸服装。

80、Export Database to CSV format in plain text format. ─── 出口数据库到在普通文本格式的CSV格式。

81、Right at the center of this evil plain there yawns a very wide, deep well, whose structure. ─── 在这邪恶的场所的正中,一口极广极深的井张着大口。

82、A plain, coarse, usually woolen cloth made of homespun yarn. ─── 土布普通的、粗制的,家织物做成的布

83、He is a man of plainness. ─── 他是一个直率的人。

84、She seems very plain but he dotes on her, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ─── 她看上去相貌平平,但他非常爱她,情人眼中出西施。

85、The plain was infected with malaria. ─── 在此平原上,疟疾流行。

86、She told us in plain English exactly how bad the situation was. ─── 她直截了当地告诉了我们形势是多么的严峻。

87、Should he have been a plain, unambitious man? ─── 他本该做一个平平凡凡、胸无大志的人么?

88、Will you get me a quite plain parasol? ─── 你替我买把小阳伞行吗?要素底子的。

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