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08-10 投稿


practitioner 发音

英:[prækˈtɪʃənər]  美:[prækˈtɪʃənə(r)]

英:  美:

practitioner 中文意思翻译



practitioner 常用词组

general practitioner ─── 全科医师;普通医师

medical practitioner ─── [医]医师,开业医师

nurse practitioner ─── 护理师,护师;执业护师,开业护士

practitioner 短语词组

1、nurse practitioner ─── [医]从业护士:见nurseclinician

2、private practitioner ─── [医] 开业医师

3、nurse-practitioner ─── 护理师, ─── 护师;执业 ─── 护师, 开业 ─── 护士

4、chirology practitioner ─── 中医师

5、general practitioner ─── 普通医师, ─── 普通医生开业医生

6、medical practitioner ─── [医] 医师

7、insolvency practitioner ─── 破产执行人

8、dental practitioner ─── [医]牙科开业医师

9、gengral practitioner ─── [医] 普通医师

10、family practitioner ─── [医]家庭开业医师, 家庭医生

11、regular practitioner ─── [法] 挂牌律师

12、legal practitioner ─── [法] 开业律师

practitioner 词性/词形变化,practitioner变形


practitioner 相似词语短语

1、traditioner ─── 传统的

2、auditioner ─── n.听力,听觉;试听(audition的变形)

3、partitioner ─── n.瓜分者,分割者

4、malpractitioner ─── n.玩忽职守;不法行为;治疗不当(malpractice的变形)

5、petitioner ─── n.请愿人;诉愿人;(英)离婚案原告

6、coalitioner ─── n.联合;结合,合并(coalition的变形)

7、actioner ─── n.动作片;情节剧

8、practitioners ─── n.实践者;开业者;实习者(practitioner的复数)

9、partitioned ─── adj.分割的;分区的;分段的;vt.划分(partition的过去分词);[数]分割;把…分成部分

practitioner 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But I am just a simple trader and practitioner of the arts. ─── 但我仅仅只是个小店老板,做一些小买卖。

2、"Takenori" martial arts practitioner ethical norms and moral codes of conduct combined. ─── “武德”是武术伦理规范与习武者道德行为准则的总和。

3、In order to be qualified as an excellent medicine practitioner, I went all the way to study hard, therefore I had a fruitful college experience. ─── 为了成为一名出色的医疗从业者,我尽了一切努力来刻苦学习,所以我的大学经历是硕果累累的。

4、How to Become a Bodhisattva : An eloquent summary of the practitioner's path from the development of Bodhicitta to Buddhahood by Yogi Chen. ─── 如何成为菩萨:陈上师所写有关行者如何在菩提道上发展菩提心直至成佛的概要。

5、Meditation with silence and fasting for one day may give a change in your daily life and for some yoga practitioner's. ─── 一天的静默冥想和断食能给您的身体带来一种特别的感受和变化,令自己的身心更加健康。

6、Crain's Chicago Business recognized her as the foremost practitioner of the Suminagashi art form and one of the region's finest leaders in the field. ─── 克雷恩芝加哥商业杂志认为她是烟灰墨绘画最重要的艺术实践者和这一领域世界最杰出的领先人物。

7、The quality of the smears, both LBC and CS, depends mainly on practitioner dexterity. ─── 二者的制片质量都决定于操作者的熟练程度。

8、In today NLP Practitioner Training, we are discussing whether someone can be too confident. ─── 在今天的NLP课程上,我们讨论是否有人会过于自信。

9、In this way you need not fear working with your alter upon others if you are a healing practitioner. ─── 以这个方式,你不用害怕用你的疗愈圣坛治疗别人,如果你是一个疗愈从业者的话。

10、Martin, F. "The Art of LEGO Design." The Robotics Practitioner: The Journal for Robot Builders 1, no. 2 (1995). ─── 乐高设计的艺术〉,《机器人学实验者:机器人建造者杂志1》,第2期(1995)。

11、Pressman, R. S., Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991. ─── 参考文献1.吴仁和,林信惠,系统分析与设计:理论与实务应用,智胜文化,2002。

12、People admire somebody who projects himself as a practitioner and abominate anybody who projects himself as a doctrinaire. ─── 从行为上表现自己,自得人佩服;从口头上表现自己,徒讨人厌恶。

13、He is a medical practitioner. ─── 他是一位开业医生。

14、But the infinite space just of network media is the obstacle that manacles practitioner concentration content. ─── 但网络媒体的无限空间恰恰是束缚从业者精选内容的障碍。

15、A practitioner shall wear the chest card for inspection when working. ─── 从业人员工作时应当佩带胸卡以备检查。

16、Why must religious practitioner do a test on his brain wave? ─── 为什麽修行者要检测脑波?为什麽要在这上面大做文章?

17、A practitioner shall have food hygiene general knowledge and knowledge of food laws and regulations. ─── 从业人员应当具备食品卫生常识和食品法律、法规知识。

18、I would have to say, however, that despite its comprehensiveness, it should not replace consultations with a medical practitioner. ─── 然而我不得不说,尽管它很全面,但它还是不能代替一个职业医生的会诊。

19、As a leading OD practitioner in China, GYP provides practical solutions for local management to better realize their global potential. ─── 作为中国先进的OD推动者,GYP为本土管理人员提供实用的解决方案,帮助他们更好地发挥他们的国际潜力。

20、If you are a karate practitioner you might have been practicing this for years. ─── 如果你是一个空手道套路的练习者,你可能已经练习这个动作很多年了。

21、So they are continually mixing things. The practitioner of one art tries to produce effects that are proper to another art. ─── 于是他们经常把不同的事物拉扯在一起。一种艺术的实践者总是尽量用另外一种艺术制造出某种效果。

22、Magistrates must have been a legal practitioner of at least five years standing (ANZSCO Skill Level 1). ─── 裁判官要有5年以上作为法律从业者的经验(ANZSCO1级水平)。

23、Difficulties should contact their general practitioner or Community Health Centre. ─── 士应该先联络普通科医生或社区健康中心。

24、During this time the true practitioner of the Way must disassociate himself from undesirable elements as a means of elevating his spiritual character. ─── 在这个过程中,真正向道的修行人,一定不会同流合污,修为自必更上层楼。

25、So in judicial area,it is not intolerable that the practitioner digress from the malapropos statute law moderatel... ─── 因此,司法实践中司法者合理地违背或游离于某些不合时宜的程序性规范之外就成为可以理解的事情了。

26、A painting offered to Master by a Togo practitioner. ─── 多哥同修献给师父的画。

27、They should then be able to refer you to the appropriate type of practitioner, whether it be your GP, dentist, or optician. ─── 然后他们应当能够介绍你去见合适科别的执业医生,不管是你的全科医师、牙医还是配镜师。

28、Inform and encourage components and practitioner sites to implement applicable National Patient Safety Goals and Requirements. ─── 告知并鼓励基层医疗院所层级设定适当的病人安全目标与要求。

29、Medical Practitioner fees including consultations. ─── 医生费用包括诊症费用。

30、"Prithee, friend, leave me alone with my patient," said the practitioner . ─── “朋友,请让我和我的病人单独呆一会儿,”那医生说道。

31、In the first case, the practitioner isn't comfortable with his own status, facility, appearance, proposal, or company. ─── 在第一种情况下,谈判者对自己的地位,设备,外表,提议或公司感到不如意。

32、Gannett has always been a devoted practitioner of the art. ─── 甘厄特一向是这种艺术的一个虔诚的实践者。

33、With a supple and healthy body the practitioner can readily practice meditation without the distraction of aches and pains. ─── 具备轻快和健康身体的练习者可以准备练习冥想,没有被疼痛分心的问题。

34、You need a family doctor, so you select a general practitioner (GP) and phone to find out if he is accepting new patients. ─── 你需要一位家庭医生,就选了一位普通科医生,打电话去问问他是否接纳新病人。

35、The practitioner begged God to return and asked what he could do to have Hirm come back again. ─── 他恳求上帝再度出现,并问上帝他该怎么做,上帝才会再来。

36、If you have a disability, consult both with their medical practitioner and their yoga teacher to assess any dangers or difficulties which may occur. ─── 如果您有些身体上的残障,请同时与您的医生和瑜伽导师咨询一下,以便正确估计在做瑜伽时会有多少的危险和困难出现。

37、If you are not practitioner then it' s even more difficult to transform the negative emotions. ─── 如果你不是一名修行者,想转化这些负面情绪将更加困难。

38、Henry James (1843-1916) is one of the greatest novelists in American literature, an outstanding theorist and practitioner of fiction as well. ─── 亨利·詹姆斯(1843-1916)是美国文学史上一位杰出的小说家、文学评论家。

39、A batch of moneybags will appear again in practitioner of domestic network game. ─── 国内网络游戏从业者中又将出现一批富翁。

40、So, the practitioner has to be more careful with vedana, citta and dhamma as objects. ─── 因此修行者如果以受、心、法为所缘修行就要更注意了。

41、Before his being diagnosed as a cancer patient, he was an optimistic and health scholar, educator and practitioner in medicine. ─── 在被诊断为癌症病患前,他是个乐观而健康的学者,教育家和医生。

42、If they do feel down in the though, they are also more likely to turn to a general practitioner rather than family for help. ─── 如果他们确实感到抑郁,他们也更倾向于向普通科医师而不是家人求助。

43、Besides, it is not likely that the law lost a great practitioner when Tschaikovsky bade it farewell. ─── 何况柴可夫斯基向法律告别似乎并未使法律界失去一位了不起的从业者。

44、If this regulation can be carried out by cogent and effective ground, to what be being meant practitioner of short message advertisement? ─── 假如这个规定能被切实有效地执行,对短信广告从业者而言意味着什么?

45、"Given up on by the doctors, " as he would later claim, he took his troubles to a Battle Creek Christian Science practitioner. ─── “被医生们放弃了,”随后当他这么发出声明时,波斯特把他的麻烦带给了一个巴特尔克里克基督教科学实践者。

46、Measuring the levels of C-peptide can give a practitioner an idea of the viable beta cell mass. ─── 在实践中,可以通过测量C肽的水平来估计处于工作状态的贝塔细胞的数量。

47、When in doubt, consult your physician and/or a qualified and trained aromatherapy practitioner. ─── 如有疑问,请向医生或合格的受过训练的芳疗师请教。

48、Training qualified general practitioner is a key for development of community health service. ─── 培养合格的全科医生是我国社区卫生事业发展的关键。

49、I quickly called the delivery brother and asked him to find another fellow practitioner to help him with the Celestial Clothes. ─── 于是赶紧打电话给载公物的师兄,另请别的同修帮忙运送。

50、She was a medical practitioner before she entered politics. ─── 从政前她是个开业医生。

51、The Medical Practitioner Band IV consultation benefit now includes some anesthetist consultations. ─── 一些麻醉师被包括在等级IV的医生会诊保障内。

52、Hearing about it from Goro, Mataichi looks for help from Iwata, the president of the regional medical practitioner association. ─── 又一知道后,决定请地区医师公会会长岩田帮忙。

53、No previous theorist or practitioner of war has ever denied that this is the policy a weak army fighting a strong army must adopt in the initial stage of a war. ─── 从前的军事理论家和实际家也无不承认这是弱军对强军作战时在战争开始阶段必须采取的方针。

54、At Columbia, he was trained as a nurse practitioner. ─── 在哥伦比亚,他被训练成一名执业护士。

55、Know occupation post content working , the character working and the call for to practitioner quality. ─── 了解职业岗位的工作内容、工作性质和对从业者素质的要求。

56、CB: Well I am not so much a theorist as a practitioner who reflects on his practice. ─── 伯恩斯坦:与其称我为理论家,不如说我是一个对自己的作品进行反思的实践者。

57、If they do feel down in the dumps though, they are also more likely to turn to a general practitioner rather than family for help. ─── 如果他们确实感到抑郁,他们也更倾向于向普通科医师而不是家人求助。

58、If you feel your present practitioner isn't listening to your concerns, however, seek a second or third opinion. ─── 如果你现在的一声不听从你的建议,无论怎样,寻找第二个或者第三个候选办法。

59、What are competencies, and what competencies must the WLP practitioner demonstrate to be successful in today's dynamic work settings? ─── 什么是WLP能力?要在当今动态的工作环境中取得成功,WLP从业者必须具备什么样的能力?

60、It is very dangerous to use the powers of the subconscious which may become uncontrollable and torture the practitioner and Sadhaka. ─── 利用集体潜意识的力量是十分危险的,一旦失去控制,施术者会饱受伤害。

61、Entrepreneur is the exponential and practitioner of market innovation, and the deciding factor of market process as well. ─── 企业家是市场创新的倡导者和实现者,是市场过程的决定因素。

62、During Misogi breathing, the practitioner comfortably sits seiza (on one's knees) or cross-legged, with spine erect. ─── 呼吸法用来把身体和精神方面的意识集中在丹田。

63、FSD Lab focused on practitioner need as a critical component of success. ─── 制作中心针对医护人员的需要,并发展与其他医护专业合作,成为伙伴。

64、A patient's first point of contact with the NHS is usually their general practitioner (GP). ─── 一位患者通过NHS的首次约诊通常是他们的全科医生。

65、Once a spiritual practitioner has heard this Sound, he is beyond the grasp of the Maya King, and is free and liberated. ─── 修行的人听到那个声音以后,魔王的手就抓不到他,从那天就自由解脱了,意思是这样子。

66、If you were a Wing Chun practitioner and have a good chance to throw a haymaker like an overhand right or heavy hook, why not? ─── 一想到咏春的打法可能会想到是二字拑马埋睁摊手问手摆椿,等人揼埋黎才摊打或以黐手形式摸摸下咁打才是真咏春?

67、You are only an economist, practitioner of the dismal science. ─── 你 只 不 过 是 个 经 济 学 家 , 那 种 差 劲 科 学 的 研 究 者 。

68、What kind of Wushu state a Wushu practitioner has determines what kind of Wushu life the practitioner will have. ─── 具有什么样的武术境界,将会拥有什么样的武术人生。

69、Liu Bang, the first emperor of Han Dynasty, was the first practitioner of the Learning about the Emperor Huang and Lao Tsu. ─── 刘邦作为汉代的第一任皇帝,也是汉代黄老之学的首推者。

70、The way I see it ,no Wing Chun or Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do practitioner can afford to be without a mook jong! ─── 在我看来,他花费的这些精力不是任何一个咏春或者振藩截拳道练习者可以付得起,如果他缺少一个木人桩。

71、If you are suffering from any eye problems consult a contact lens practitioner before wearing contact lenses. ─── 如眼睛有任何疾病,请询问眼科医生再佩戴隐形眼镜.

72、What are outputs, and how does the WLP practitioner demonstrate these outputs to be successful? ─── WLP的产出是什么?WLP从业者如何阐明这些产出是成功有效的?

73、A practitioner of Giving ought to give whatever is available to whoever may come, for a giving based on indiscrimination is true giving paramita. ─── 夫行施者不应分别,随其所有来即与之,是即名为檀波罗蜜。

74、Describe a conflict you observed between a health care practitioner and a patient. What did you get out of that experience? ─── 叙述一下你看过的医病冲突你有从中得到什麽启示吗?

75、V.In principle, a private clinic may not hire other medical practitioner. ─── 五、个体诊所原则上不得聘用其他执业医师。

76、She appeared very interested because through her daughter she had seen the extraordinary effect of the magnetic field of a spiritual practitioner! ─── 她听了之后,显得很有兴趣,因为透过她女儿,她已经体会到修行人的磁场的确不同凡响!

77、A practitioner, priest, or priestess of voodoo. ─── 伏都教徒一个伏都教的法师、修士或修女

78、As an advocator and practitioner of the public library, he bought and collected books and provided reading chances for each person. ─── 作为一个公共图书馆的倡导者和实践者,他买书、藏书,并为每一个人提供阅读的机会。

79、As a dietary supplement for children, one chewable tablet once daily with a meal or as recommended by your health care practitioner. ─── 作为儿童的日常补充,一天一片随餐或是按照健康专家的推荐。

80、But the 30-year-old snowboarder is an avid practitioner and fan of the growing sport. ─── 但是这位30岁的滑雪爱好者正是这种日渐流行的运动的狂热的追随者。

81、In fact, they are prescribed and they're given at a certain level, a dosage that is understood by a practitioner who's been trained. ─── 事实上,它们是处方药,需按一定的剂量配给——一个经过训练的医生所能理解的剂量。

82、The general practitioner diagnosed the illness of the baby as pneumonia. ─── 全科医生把小儿的病诊断为肺炎。

83、He is an unqualified practitioner of law. ─── 他是个无资格的律师。

84、A practitioner of artistic or philosophic realism. ─── 唯实论者,实在主义者艺术或哲学唯实论或实在论的实践者

85、The life of a spiritual practitioner is fulfilling and interesting, but it is really no fun when ordeals arise! ─── 修行生活充实有趣,但考验来的时候却一点儿都不好玩!

86、Among them, research is listed as the least important dimension for an entry-level practitioner. ─── 不同专业的专家之意见显示结果相似,但仍有差异。

87、In English teaching, the teacher is the beautiful disseminator, the student is the beautiful practitioner. ─── 在英语教学中,教师是美的传播者,学生是美的实践者。

88、They joined up with a pediatrician, a family practitioner, and an obstetrician. ─── 他们和一个儿科医生、一个家族从业人员和一个产科医生一起参加。

89、Over the next few years, I studied with Dr. Bandler in London and New York and earned a license as a Master Practitioner of NLP. ─── 在接下来的几年里,我在伦敦和纽约与Bandler博士一起学习,并最终获得了NLP硕士学位。


GP是General Practitioner的缩写,意为“全科医生”。在很多国家,GP是最初的医疗服务提供者,也被称为家庭医生。GP通常具有广泛的医疗知识和技能,能够为患者提供诊断、治疗、预防和健康教育等服务。







而在赛车领域中,GP则代表Grand Prix,即大奖赛,是一种重要的赛车锦标赛,具有广泛的参赛者和观众群体。


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