plume 发音
英:[pluːm] 美:[pluːm]
英: 美:
plume 中文意思翻译
plume 网络释义
vt. 用羽毛装饰n. 羽毛vi. 骚首弄姿n. (Plume)人名;(法)普吕姆;(西)普卢梅;(英)普卢姆
plume 词性/词形变化,plume变形
plume 短语词组
1、prince's-plume ─── [网络] 王子的羽毛
2、a plume of smoke ─── 一缕烟
3、plume thistle ─── [网络] 羽蓟
4、buoyant plume ─── 浮升烟羽
5、nom de plume n. ─── 笔名
6、electric plume ─── [电] 验电羽
7、nomde plume ─── 笔名
8、Prince-of-Wales plume ─── [网络] 威尔士王子羽毛
9、plume oneself ─── 自夸, ─── 自矜, ─── 自庆, 整理, 打扮
10、desert plume ─── 荒漠圆锥花
11、scarlet plume ─── [网络] 猩红的爱
12、plume-tipped ─── [网络] 羽绒
13、shear off sb.'s plume ─── 杀某人的威风
14、Ultra-Violet Plume Instrument ─── 超紫外线仪器
15、plume oneself as ─── 夸耀自己是…,自 ─── 夸是…
16、plume oneself on ─── 因…而自鸣得意;夸耀自己…
17、plume poppy ─── [网络] 羽毛罂粟
18、plume grass ─── 蔗茅
19、plume rise ─── 烟羽上升;缕上升
plume 常用词组
mantle plume ─── [地质]地幔柱
borrowed plumes ─── n. 借得的漂亮衣服装门面;靠别人得来的声望
smoke plume ─── 烟流,烟羽
plume 习惯用语
1、shear off sb.'s plume ─── 砍掉某人盔上的羽毛; 打下某人的威风
2、plume oneself on ─── 以...为荣
3、borrowed plumes ─── 借来的衣服; 空名
plume 相似词语短语
1、plums ─── n.李子,梅子(plum复数)
2、flume ─── n.水道;笕槽;引水槽;vt.用引水槽输送;用引水槽引;n.(Flume)人名;(德)弗卢梅
3、plum ─── n.李子;梅子;洋李;紫红色;adj.人所希望的;有利的;上等的;n.(Plum)人名;(德、西)普卢姆;(英)普拉姆
4、glume ─── n.[植]颖;颖片
5、plumb ─── vt.使垂直;探测,探索;n.垂直;铅锤;adv.恰恰,正;垂直地;vi.当管子工;adj.垂直的;n.(Plumb)人名;(英)普拉姆
6、plue ─── 高级
7、plump ─── adj.饱满的;胖乎乎的;v.(使)饱满而柔软;变圆,长胖;重重地放下;adv.突然(或重重)坠地;直接地;n.突然前冲;重重坠落;n.(Plump)(美、英)普伦普(人名)
8、plumed ─── adj.有羽毛的;羽毛状的;用羽毛装饰的;v.用羽毛装饰;华丽地打扮(plume的过去式和过去分词)
9、plumes ─── 羽状物
plume 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、From wastes of sand one smoke plume rises sheer, Past the long river the round sun sinks low. ─── “大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”
2、A black plume of smoke hung in the sky, and below it a cloud of plaster dust in which a crowd was already forming around the ruins . ─── 一团黑烟直冲云霄,靠地面的地方腾起大片的尘土,人群早把那片瓦砾团团围。
3、Exemplified by the Sanjiang Tethyan metallogenic domain,the present paper has briefly described characteristics of the mantle plume tectonics,and advanced the new viewpoint of "metallogenic system controlled by mantle tectonics". ─── 以三江特提斯成矿域为例,简述了幔柱构造特征,提出了“幔柱构造成矿体系”新观点。
4、Her hat was decorated with a plume. ─── 她帽子上装饰着羽毛。
5、The shako has the plate, cockade and plume at the front, which is fine although earlier these were to the left side. ─── 军帽上的羽饰和徽章都在前面,尽管在早期这些装饰都是在侧面的但是模型里这些细节还是表现的很好。
6、His face was fresh and rosy;his hat, with its white plume, was stuck on one side, showing his curled, pomaded hair, sprinkled with fine snow. ─── 他的面色红润,歪歪地戴着一顶饰以白羽的帽子,露出一绺绺抹了油的、撒满细雪的卷发。
7、The Pattern Recognition and computer prosessing of plume negtive is Applied in the study of Air-polution and Atmospheric Diffusion. ─── 在空气污染,大气扩散研究中首次应用了图象识别及计算机处理、并获得满意的结果。
8、The radiation of the missile plume is analyzed based on the thermal emissions from hot particles and the chemiluminescence reaction of CO+O. ─── 基于粒子热辐射和CO+O的化学荧光反应,分析了飞行器尾焰辐射机理,对消光系数、温度及化学荧光立体角能量等流场特性进行了讨论;
9、Direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method in combination with the variable soft sphere (VSS) model was used to simulate vacuum plume backflow of N2O4/MMH. ─── 为准确获得双组元姿控发动机的羽流及其反流特性,采用直接模拟蒙特卡罗(DSMC)方法结合可变软球(VSS)模型数值模拟以N2O4/MMH为推进剂的真空羽流。
10、The treatment capacity of the plume cleansing foul water treatment facilities designed by Xiamen GM International CO.,Ltd. was 300 td originally. ─── [摘要]厦门GM国际有限公司羽绒洗涤污水处理设施原设计处理能力300td
11、Their emplacement was closely correlated to up rising of mantle plume and asthenosphere. ─── 其成矿机理和环境是与地幔柱活动和深部软流圈(低速高导层)上隆密切相关。
12、"Well, if you think I'll marry you to pay for the bonnet, I won't," she said daringly and gave her head a saucy flirt that set the plume to bobbing. ─── "唔,要是你觉得我为了偿付那顶帽子便会嫁给你,那是不会的,"她大胆地说,同时俏皮地把头晃了晃,让帽子上的羽毛抖动起来。
13、A plume of smoke rises from Ashland Chemical Plant Wednesday June 4, 2008. ─── 6月4日,在美国加州北部,着火的阿什兰化工厂冒出滚滚浓烟。
14、Reflecting sunlight, the fuel dump plume begins on the west (right) side of the star field and expands as it slowly drifts eastward and fades during the time exposure, creating the wedge-shaped streak. ─── 反射阳光后,随着时间的推移,燃料箱开始从星场的西侧(右方)慢慢地向东漂移,形成了楔子状条纹。
15、A waving plume, moderately set, follows the line of the spine at the base. ─── 一挥手羽,中度规定,以下线的脊椎在该基地.
16、A reinvigorated plume showers ash (brown) onto the Patagonian landscape, the vegetation of which is rendered in red. ─── 一股火山复苏喷发出的火山灰(棕色)如暴雨般落在巴塔戈尼亚地面,红色显示的是植被。
17、Out in Epworth, there is a plume of smoke from burning tyres. ─── 在爱华市的街道上,一股黑烟从燃烧的轮胎上冉冉升起。
18、All that said, the creative impulse will ask the plume is not flat with YangGuo confession to? ─── 卉凡冲动地表示、要去问羽平莫非是想跟杨果告白?
19、Mammy's old sunbonnet, faded but clean, hung on its peg on the back porch and Scarlett put it on her head, remembering, as from another world, the bonnet with the curling green plume which Rhett had brought her from Paris. ─── 嬷嬷的那顶旧遮帽尽管褪色了但还干净,挂在后院走廊的钉子上,现在思嘉戴了它,一面恍若隔世地回想起瑞德从巴黎给她带来的那顶饰着弯弯翠羽的帽子来。
20、Petrogenesis of the basalts of Woniusi Formation at Baoshan area, Yunnan: Is it of mantle plume origin? ─── 云南保山卧牛寺组玄武岩成因:地幔柱活动的产物?
21、In a March 2008 flyby, Cassini dipped into the plume and detected not only water vapor but also methane, carbon dioxide, and other organic molecules. ─── 在2008年3月飞过土卫二的时候,卡西尼号穿过了羽状物,经过检测发现其中除了水蒸气外还有甲烷、二氧化碳和其它有机分子。
22、Flashbulbs popped and schoolgirls screamed as Ben Affleck appeared from behind a plume of smoke in the middle of the Tokyo Dome. ─── 伴随着噼啪你响的闪光灯和女孩的刺耳尖叫,本·阿弗雷克从东京Dome中心的一般烟雾后面出现在众人眼前。
23、A plume of smoke soared up suddenly from her father's chimney, the sight of which made her heart ache. ─── 一缕轻烟,从她父亲的烟囱里忽地冒出,她见了心里难过起来。
24、A plume of smoke rose from the chimney. ─── 从烟囱里冒出一缕轻烟。
25、There: bearskin cap and hackle plume. ─── 在那儿,戴着插有鸟颈毛的熊皮帽。
26、She stood back and viewed him with pride, thinking that even Jeb Stuart with his flaunting sash and plume could not look so dashing as her cavalier. ─── 也许永远不再回来了,时间快得像一股激流,现在已经太晚了。她突然踉踉跄跄地跑过客厅,跑进穿堂,一手抓住他的腰带。
27、Thus a volcano which forms on a moving plate above a plume will eventually move away from the rising column,which will then melt through at a new location and form another volcano,while the old volcano becomes extinct. ─── 因此,形成于一个地幔羽之上移动板块上的火山,最后会从上升的地慢柱的位置上移开。然后,地幔羽将在一个新的位置熔穿并形成另一座火山,而老的火山就变成死火山。
28、Thus a volcano which forms on a moving plate above a plume will eventually move away from the rising column, which will then melt through at a new location and form another volcano, while the old volcano becomes extinct. ─── 因此,形成于一个地幔羽之上移动板块上的火山,最后会从上升的地慢柱的位置上移开。 然后,地幔羽将在一个新的位置熔穿并形成另一座火山,而老的火山就变成死火山。
29、The significance of which changes with time. For instance, direct external exposure to the radioactive plume first affects us although it is transient. ─── 举例而言,来自辐射烟羽的外照射虽为时短暂,但却是最早及最直接的照射途径。
30、The research on infrared signal attenuation caused by solid motor exhaust plume is very important to detection and guidance of infrared signal. ─── 固体火箭发动机排气羽流对红外制导信号的衰减研究,对红外信号的探测与制导具有重要的理论和应用价值。
31、East Asian perennial herbs: plume poppy. ─── 东亚多年生草本植物的一个属;几种产于亚洲的博落回属的植物。
32、The people very much like the myna which is with good intention, because she has a body black feather, the people kindly are called her “black eyebrow coloring plume princess”. ─── 人们都很喜爱善解人意的八哥,因为她有一身黑色的羽毛,人们都亲切地叫她“黛翎公主”。
33、Before the radioactive plume arriving, if the emergency protective countermeasures could be implemented adequately, the avertable doses could be realized and the radiological hazards could be mitigated. ─── 如果在任何放射性释放到环境之前,应急措施能够充分实施,则可以实现完全的避免剂量,减轻事故后果。
34、In contrast, the SQZ is undergoing delamination and underplating to cause mass-energy recycling between crust and mantle, and around the Foping region a new plume is probably developing. ─── 与之相反,南秦岭正在经历拆沉-底侵的物质再循环作用,佛坪一带可能发育新的地幔柱;
35、Anna: Unless you use a nom de plume, of course. ─── 安娜:当然喽,除非你用笔名。
36、This paper shows the calculation by several plume rise formulas, i. e. Briggs, Holland, Moses and Carson, GB, Lucas, Concawe, Csnady, TVA and calm, with small, middle, large and very large chimneys. ─── moses和Carson,GB,Lucas. Concawe,Csnady,TVA和静风公式等.
37、Pacific puffin having a large yellow plume over each eye. ─── 北太平洋的海鹦,每只眼睛上方有一簇黄色的羽毛。
38、A pilot encountered an ash plume from the erupting Mount Galunggung in Java, Indonesia in 1982. ─── 一名飞行员在印度尼西亚的爪哇岛遇到了从喷发的加隆贡火山喷发出的火山灰羽。
39、Under the stable stage of fog episode, the process of absorption, desorption and acidification of fog droplets dropping through SO_2 plume were studied. ─── 在雾稳定的条件下,研究了雾滴穿过SO_2烟羽沉降到地面的过程中吸收、析解以及酸化等过程。
40、Other detail is also nicely done, with particular attention paid to the cords on the shako, which are flying around on those figures moving quickly, and in one case tucked around the plume to keep them out of the way - a common habit. ─── 其它细节也表现出色,特别值得注意的是兵人帽子上的装饰绳,随着兵人的动作很自然的飘动,有的兵人是将它盘在羽毛上的,这样避免它的飘动影响战斗。
41、The coastal waters of Cloudy Bay were diluted by river outflows, and appeared to plume offshore as a consequence of water within the Cook Strait Canyon up-welling into Clifford Bay and nearshore south of Cape Campbell. ─── 克劳迪湾(Cloudy Bay)沿岸水被河水冲淡,并由于库克海峡峡谷上升流进入克利福德湾(Clifford Bay)和开普. 坎贝尔(Cape Campbell)南部沿岸,使克劳迪湾的沿岸水向近岸呈羽状伸展。
42、Then, on May 13, 2006, Merapi spewed a gray plume of sulfurous smoke that resembled a flock of sheep leaving the crater. ─── 公元2006年5月13日,梅拉比火山喷出一道灰色的硫磺烟柱,好似一群绵羊从火山口冒出来。
43、Resembling a feather or plume. ─── 似羽毛的类似羽毛或大羽的
44、A plume of smoke. ─── 一缕烟
45、Turning the horse sharply, he leaped the ditch again and deferentially addressed the horseman in the white plume, apparently urging him to do the same. ─── 他猛然调转马头,又跳回水沟对面去了,他毕恭毕敬地把脸转向头戴白缨帽的骑士,和他谈话,显然想请他如法炮制一番。
46、A black plume of smoke hung in the sky, and below it a cloud of plaster dust in which a crowd was already forming around the ruins. ─── 一团黑烟直冲云霄,靠地面的地方腾起大片的尘土,人群早把那片瓦砾团团围
47、Additional analysis demonstrates the sensitivity of both variance and coefficient of variation of plume concentration to the various variances of hydraulic conductivity field. ─── 另外还分析了污染羽在各点的浓度变化方差和变异系数分别随渗透系数变异方差的变化状况。
48、It took him a long, puzzled moment before he realized that what he was seeing was smoke, a dense plume of it besmirching the pale, clean sky. ─── 他困惑了很长时间,才明白,他看见是烟,浓密地染黑了苍白明亮的天空。
49、When the base of the plume moved, the rest of the feather acted as if it were a spring pendulum -- a fairly standard physics equation. ─── 当羽毛的底座移动的时候,羽毛的其他部分会按照弹簧摆的运动方式来运动——这是个颇为标准的物理方程。
50、Two thirds of the building will be underground to minimize the impact on the local community and there will be no steam plume or chimneys. ─── 回收厂三分之二的建设将在地下,以减少对当地社区的影响,也就是将没有蒸汽柱或烟囱。
51、Sr and Pb isotopic compositions are identical to or similar to some ocean island basalts and mantle plume constituent. ─── Nd、Sr、Pb同位素组成与洋岛玄武岩和一些地幔柱组分相同或相近。
52、Plume of warm sunshine, a verdant wicker, dainty clusters of winter jasmine, constitute the most fascinating scenery of spring. ─── 一缕温暖的阳光,一条嫩绿的柳条,一簇娇艳的迎春花,构成了春天最迷人的风景。
53、N Pacific puffin having a large yellow plume over each eye. ─── 北太平洋的海鹦,每只眼睛上方有一簇黄色的羽毛。
54、After one last look, the stocky figure with the circuit of gold turns his back on the ruined city and its plume of smoke to face the sea. ─── 头戴金圈的结实男子朝特洛伊再投以最后一眼,然后背过声来,后面的废城朝向海洋飘起一缕轻烟。
55、Anna: if you used a nom de plume. ─── 安娜:如果你用笔名的话。
56、If a plume blows out and rises, it can sink the ship. ─── 如果羽状的烟雾窜出并且上升,将足以使船沉没。
57、Growing and harvesting cranberries in the Cape Cod cranberry marshes, locating plume discharges. ─── 在鳕鱼角蔓越莓池塘种植和采摘蔓越莓,确定喷流位置。
58、The male can be distinguished from the female by the scarlet plume on its head, but basilisks are usually magically rather than normally bred. ─── 分别雌雄蛇怪的方法是雄蛇怪的头顶有一撮猩红颜色的冠毛,不过蛇怪通常都是靠魔法而不是配种而繁殖出来的。
59、The natural history of the Hawaiian island chain clearly shows the movement of the Pacific plate over a fixed plume. ─── 夏威夷岛链的自然历史清楚地显示了太平洋板块在一个固定的羽流上的运动。
60、But if it had been following the odor plume, it would have come in from the other direction. ─── 但是如果我们跟踪这气味痕迹,它可能会来自另外一个方向。
61、Peacocks have beautiful plume. ─── 孔雀有漂亮的羽毛。
62、The Cassini spacecraft observed the way the plume dimmed starlight shining from behind as the probe zipped past Enceladus in 2005 and 2007. ─── 卡西尼号飞船在2005年和2007年迅速飞过土卫二时观测了透过羽状物的星星的闪烁光亮。
63、The pulses produced a plume of carbon vapor that settled as a thin layer on the vessel walls. ─── 产生的碳蒸气烟雾在容器壁上沉积成薄薄的一层。
64、Cleveland Volcano, located in the Aleutian Islands southwest of Alaska, failed to produce an eruption and the plume of ash detached from the volcano two hours after it had formed. ─── 克利夫兰火山位于阿拉斯加州西南部的阿留申群岛,这次喷发虽然失败了,不过尘埃在形成2小时后得以离开火山口升入天空。
65、At the image top, over Io's limb, a bluish plume rises about 140 kilometers above the surface of a volcanic caldera known as Pillan Patera. ─── 在这张照片的顶部,木卫一的表面上升起了一道大约140千米高的青烟,它从名为PillanPatera的火山口喷发而出。
66、surface mark of an established plume is a hot spot—an isolated region of volcanoes and uplifted terrain located far from the edge of a surface plate. ─── 一个已形成的烟羽的表面标志是一个热点——一个远离表面板块边缘的火山和隆起地形的孤立区域。
67、In the condition of high combustion temperature, coal minerals are first decomposed and gasified, and when plume is cooling, they can form lots of submicron particles though nucleation, condensation and agglomeration. ─── 在燃烧的高温条件下,煤中的矿物质首选经历热分解和气化,当烟气冷却时,它们经过冷凝成核、凝结和团聚等作用,形成大量细粒子。
68、In battle array he is resplendent, - on his head the gleaming helmet and floating plume, on his are the leather shield, in his had the redoubtable spear of bronze. ─── 他穿上战服时雄姿勃勃---头戴插翎的盔甲,臂上套着皮护袖,手持的铜矛咄咄逼人。
69、A huge plume of black smoke was seen rising over east London on Monday noon and reports said a large fire broke out in the Stratford area. ─── 一个巨大的羽流,黑烟升起了东伦敦星期一中午和报告说,大起火,在斯特拉特福地区。
70、But as the rocket rose on its smoky plume, few on the launch team realized that the forthcoming 1.4-megaton orbital burst was to yield surprising long-term results. ─── 但火箭拖曳著烟柱缓缓升空时,发射小组中几乎没有人想到,即将进行的140万吨级轨道核试爆,将带来意想不到的长期影响。
71、S-type granites should not be considered as the evidence of plume magmatism. ─── 不能把S-型花岗岩作为地幔柱岩浆作用的证据。
72、What they never cease doing is to carry back the last plume of sunlight with their weak bodies day after day. ─── 它们从来都没有停止去做的,就是每天用自己弱小的身躯,驮回最后一缕阳光。
73、The LCROSS spacecraft will fly through the Centaur impact plume to search for signs of water ice before impacting the lunar surface and creating a second debris plume. ─── LCROSS在撞击和建立第二个碎片区之前将飞过半人马座影响区去寻找水的踪迹。
74、Here we report observations of an occultation of a star by the plume on 24 October 2007 that revealed four high-density gas jets superimposed on the background plume. ─── 2007年10月,“卡西尼”的紫外成像光谱仪观测到该水蒸气柱对一颗遥远恒星所造成的掩星现象。
75、A Langmuir probe diagnosis system was established to explore the characteristics of MPT plume in vacuum environment. Some important parameters such as electronic temperature and electron density were abtained in nozzle plume. ─── 为了探索微波等离子推力器(MPT)羽流的特性,建立了一套Langmuir探针诊断系统并对MPT的羽流进行了诊断,得出了MPT喷管羽流的电子温度和电子数密度等重要特性参数。
76、A single course contains profound apprehension of life and a plume of full fragrance unfolds the interpretation of noble taste. ─── 一道菜里沉淀的是对生活的顿悟,一缕清韵浓香的气息中飘逸出的是对品位的诠释。
77、Her hat was adorned with a plume. ─── 她帽子上饰著羽毛。
78、Southern Song Dynasty Taoist Celecoxib plume willjia zhi tao cents here, so to name. ─── 南宋昔羽道士贾志韬会仙于此,故以得名。
79、"Some things are just too unjust for words," he said, expelling a plume of smoke. ─── “有些事情真是不公平的,难以用语言来表达的,”他喷出一缕烟说。
80、Mount st. Helens vented a new column of st.am October 10, a lazy plume that rose out of the crater of the snow-dust.d volcano. ─── 10月10日,一股蒸汽从圣海伦斯火山口喷发出来,这缕烟从白雪覆盖的火山口缓缓升起。
81、Your "plume blossom word Wan" is great!Is it called lance? ─── 先生的“梅花万字”真是妙呀!这款刀姿是否应称柳叶刀呢?
82、Multi-level sampler, Henry sampler, plume discharge, solute movement in the pond, neutralization of contaminants, sampling and monitoring devices. ─── 多水平取样器,亨利取样器,入流,湖泊内的溶质运动,污染物的中和,取样和监测工
83、He does not plume himself on these achievements . ─── 他并不因这些成就而自夸。
84、The downside, she said, was a "black plume" of smoke that would put soot and other particulates into the air. ─── 最后,浮油会变成一股股的烟尘并以煤灰和其他微粒的形式进入大气之中。
85、Tired and hard body and soul are softening in the warm spring air.Warm pink, plume, lime sherbet together with orchid petal and aqua gray build a spring world, fresh and sweet, clear and pleasing, making us feel pleasant. ─── 冷暖对比的粉红、鲜芽绿、浅湖蓝和鹅黄营建出一个春天的世界,清淡而甜美,洁净且愉悦,轻松的色彩让我们拥有纯澈明媚的心情。
86、The radiance of jet plume in arbitrary light of sight are predicated using Curtis-Godson micro-spectrum approximation. ─── 利用微观谱带Curtis-Godson单线近似方法,计算了沿任一视线飞机尾焰的红外辐射亮度。
87、"But melancholy," interrupted Master Edward, snatching the feathers out of the tail of a splendid parroquet that was screaming on its gilded perch, in order to make a plume for his hat. ─── “但有抑郁
88、He had barely assumed this position when the editor of a rival newspaper, a Plume, accused him falsely of receiving bribes and suppressing news. ─── 他刚刚就职,就受到竞争对手《羽报》的指控,诬陷他接受贿赂,封锁新闻。
89、When he guessed wrong again a plump woman with a bright orange plume on her hat stepped in to try as well. ─── 在他再次猜错的时候,一位丰满的、帽子上插着一根鲜艳的橙黄色羽毛的妇女走近来也要试一下。
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