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08-10 投稿


sensuous 发音

英:[ˈsenʃuəs]  美:[ˈsenʃuəs]

英:  美:

sensuous 中文意思翻译



sensuous 网络释义

adj. 感觉上的,依感观的;诉诸美感的

sensuous 短语词组

1、sensuous lips ─── 性感的嘴唇

2、sensuous plane ─── 感官平面

3、sensuous poet ─── 感性诗人

sensuous 词性/词形变化,sensuous变形

名词: sensuosity |副词: sensuously |

sensuous 相似词语短语

1、sensors ─── n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数)

2、sinuous ─── adj.蜿蜒的;弯曲的;迂回的

3、nonsensuous ─── 非自愿的

4、strenuous ─── adj.紧张的;费力的;奋发的;艰苦的;热烈的

5、sensuousness ─── n.知觉;敏感

6、sensuously ─── adv.感觉上

7、tenuous ─── adj.纤细的;稀薄的;贫乏的

8、insensuous ─── 不敏感的

9、menstruous ─── adj.行经的,月经来潮的

sensuous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To any one who has been, during the hot summer months, pent up in London, there is in the first taste of rustic life a kind of sensuous rapture scarcely to be described. ─── 对于在炎热的盛夏之月里禁锢在伦敦的任何人说来,在初次尝味的田园生活里,自有一种难以描摹的、感觉上的喜不自胜之情。

2、This is a deep and sensuous scent, vetiver is an evocative and delicious fragrance: ideal for cold, winter nights. ─── 如果你经过了半推半就的过程才让他得手,他会在拥你入怀的一刻,轻蔑的想:装什么装。

3、Your sensuous sign loves the touch of cashmere sweaters and silk shirts, and you look great in pastel colors of light violet, pink, and yellow. ─── 你总是让人赏心悦目,偏爱羊绒毛衣和丝制衬衫。如果穿上淡紫、浅粉或明黄等一些柔和颜色的衣服会让你整个人越发神采奕奕。

4、In the droop of her lip there was something sensuous ─── 在她那下垂的嘴唇上的确有点儿敏感的意味。

5、Worrying about the Sensuous Expension of the Current Youths ─── 当代青年感性扩张的哲学忧思

6、Forget the self-help books -- read this wonderful story and become, by association, a better, more focused, more aware, more directed, more self-knowing, more sensuous, spiritual and loving person. ─── 忘记那些寻求自我帮助的书来读读这本精彩的故事吧,并通过思考成为更好,更专注,更清醒,方向更明确,更加自知,更加敏感,更加崇高和忠诚的人。

7、They are involved day and night in such a poisonous environment of lustful desires and sensuous pleasures that despite being cautioned time and again, they fail to rid themselves from the bondage of the net work of worldly illusions. ─── 他们终日生活在贪念和感官愉悦的这样一个罪恶的环境中,尽管被屡屡告诫,他们还是被世俗的幻想之网而囚禁。

8、He had renounced all worldly enjoyments and sensuous pleasures. ─── 他早已经与世间享乐和感官愉悦相隔绝。

9、After hard work we could feel the sensuous delight of a hot bath. ─── 在辛苦的工作后,我们能够感觉洗热水澡全身舒畅的快乐。

10、The sensuous appeal of her painting. ─── 她的画使人赏心悦目。

11、sensuous music ─── 悦耳的音乐

12、The sensuous plane is an important one in music, a very important one, but it does not constitute the whole story. ─── 感官的层次是音乐中重要的层次,非常重要的层次,但是它并不组成整体。

13、her sensuous grace roused his lustful nature; ─── 她的美丽优雅引发了他好色的本性;

14、His might have been a cherub's mouth, had not the full, sensuous lips a trick, under stress, of drawing firmly across the teeth ─── 他那丰满敏感的双唇若不是在有压力时会紧紧地抿起来,倒像是个婴儿的嘴。

15、and the remaining balance is spent in wallowing in the trivial plea-sures of domestic or sensuous life. ─── 其余便在家庭生活或感官生活的些微愉悦中打滚了。

16、sensuous pleasure/music ─── 感官快感;悦耳的音乐

17、an epicurean repast.See Synonyms at sensuous ─── 丰盛的宴席参见

18、sensuous literature ─── 感官文学

19、The "sensuous contemplation" theory of the West, as an important theory of aesthetic attitude, is virtually... ─── 在对苏轼论“空”、“静”的个案研究中进一步揭示和论证了虚静(静空)与审美创造自由心态之间的关系。

20、a sensuous painting ─── 一幅引起美感的绘画

21、sensuous representation ─── 感官的表象

22、Friendship may indeed come to exist without sensuous liking or comradeship to pave the way ─── 友谊不必有感官的欢喜或志同道合来开路。

23、He began to ponder, "Alas! This black-bee has ruined its life overpowered by the sense of smell. Cursed be such sensuous pleasures. " ─── 他想,这只蜜蜂由于自己的嗅觉而失去了自己的生命,感官是多么的可怕呀。

24、Atomic physics cannot be constructed "without resignation of the wish for sensuous presentation. " ─── “如果不摒弃感官再现这一希望,”那么就无法建立原子物理学。

25、An object independent of intellectual intuition of it or of sensuous perception of it. ─── 不凭感官而藉纯粹理性的直观作用

26、American painter known especially for her sensuous close-up paintings of flowers. ─── 奥基夫,格鲁吉亚1887-1986美国画家,以其给人感官享受的花卉特写绘画而著名

27、A fresh, spicy &sensuous fragrance for man Mixes with lime, lemon, orange flower, cinnamon &oakmoss Highly recommended for office wear ─── 多斯加尼淡香水喷雾1780新鲜,带风味富美感的男士香薰。混合酸橙,柠檬,橙花,肉桂及橡笞。极高推介上班一族使用。

28、He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1990 for "impassioned writing with wide horizons, characterized by sensuous intelligence and humanistic integrity. ─── 1990年获得诺贝尔文学奖,因“视野开阔的热情的文字,可感的智慧和人文的统一”。

29、sensuous colors [music] ─── 引起美感的颜色 [音乐]

30、The brief liaison, whose sensuous recounting is one of the glories of this book, ends when Kemal becomes engaged to Sibel, the Paris-educated daughter of a diplomat. ─── 凯末尔与一位在巴黎受过教育的外交官之女丝帕订婚后,与扶桑的短暂私情(满足情欲获得快感的描述也是本书一大亮点)结束了。

31、2. The flower that wreathe his parlor stifle him with their sensuous perfume. ─── 包围著客厅的花以其刺激人的香味使他窒息。

32、By a reconsideration of this, we can argue that the rational principle of good and evil, neither speculative nor absolute, lies only in the sensuous practice of human life. ─── 对此的简要回顾,可以有力证明善恶的理性原则只能存在于感性生活的实践之中,而不是什么纯粹的或绝对的抽象规定。

33、Don't get the idea that the value of music is commensurate with its sensuous appeal or that the loveliest sounding music is made by the greatest composer. ─── 不要以为音乐的价值和它的感官魅力相等,也不要认为最动听的音乐是最伟大的作曲家创作的。

34、The above illustraion shows an effect of air curtain as sensuous image. ─── 上图直观地表示出了风幕机的功能。

35、She was Turkish, in her middle twenties, with an attractive face and a lithe , sensuous body, rich with promise. ─── 她是个土耳其人,二十五岁左右,有一张吸引人的面孔和一副娇柔的,给人以美感的身体,是个富于许诺的人。

36、He stretched himself with sensuous pleasure in the warm bath. ─── 他泡在温暖的澡盆中舒服地伸展身体。

37、The only basis on which this rise is possible is the thinking study of the world, not the bare sensuous, animal, attuition of it. ─── 这种提高的基础不外是对于世界的思维着的考察,而不仅是对它加以感性的动物式的考察。

38、rich, sensuous velvet ─── 华丽而触感舒服的天鹅绒

39、You'll love wearing a naughty black crochet-and-chiffon baby doll dress or sensuous,Indian-print jersey number that slides over your body like a snake. ─── 天蝎:无论是淘气的黑色针织印花小洋装,还是给人视觉享受、充满印度风情的运动衫,都能完美展示你的身体线条。

40、46、Indulge not in heedlessness, have no intimacy with sensuous delights; for the earnest, meditative person obtains abundant bliss. ─── 不沉缅于放逸,不贪恋感官的享受,具有热忱而且常沈思真理的人,可获得大安乐。

41、Forgetting she has a sensuous body waiting to be stroked ─── 忘记了她那等待抚摸的如饥似渴的肉体

42、The film is ravishing to look at and boasts a sensuous musical score. ─── 这部电影令人陶醉,配乐也悦耳动听。.

43、a devotee to sensuous and luxurious living; an epicure ─── 喜爱豪华奢侈生活的人;享乐主义者

44、however, the sensuous syncopation and Rastafarian proselytizing so typical of reggae music ─── 不过,属于雷鬼乐特色的迷人切分音和让人在潜移默化中接受拉斯特法里教义的曲风,

45、"The sensuous joy from all things fair/His strenuous bent of soul repressed" (John Greenleaf Whittier). ─── “从所有美的事物得到的感官上的快乐/他受压制的狂热的精神上的爱好” (约翰·格林利夫·惠蒂尔),

46、his full sensuous lips ─── 他那丰满漂亮的嘴唇.

47、Ginger essence TM sensuous skin scent ─── 姜根精华香水

48、I'm drawn to the poetic, sensuous qualities of her paintings. ─── 我喜欢她的画中那种充满诗意、赏心悦目的特性。

49、The combinations of light and shade, open and enclosed spaces and linear elements make for a highly sensuous and restorative experience. ─── 建筑的光与影、空间的开放与封闭、线性排列的建筑元素让游客恢复身体和精神的力量。

50、ISFP (Introverted feeling with sensing): They are shy and retiring, are not talkative, but like sensuous action. ─── 内向感性带敏感):他们害羞且腼腆,不健谈,但是喜欢跟感官有关的活动。

51、She gave him a sensuous facial massage. ─── 她给他面部做按摩,使他感到很舒服.

52、the sensuous appeal of her painting ─── 她的画儿之使人赏心悦目

53、Boucheron, the luxurious and sensuous jeweller on the Place Vend鬽e, has always stood for unusually beautiful jewels. ─── 宝诗龙,豪华和感性的珠宝商的地方旺鬽英,一贯主张非常美丽的宝石。

54、as the depiction of the concept originating from the sensuous terms in the category of the classical aesthetics and the descriptive strategy in selecting the individual sensuous term in the category of the classical aesthetics. ─── 作为古典美学范畴中由感官用语生成的范畴的描述以及选取古典美学范畴中单个感官用语的描述策略;

55、A sensuous and lingering floral bouquet of gardenia, tuberose, jasmine and rose. ─── 像是一束栀子花,晚香玉,茉莉花,和玫瑰,带给您美丽悠远的花香

56、SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) You'll love wearing a naughty black crochet-and-chiffon baby doll dress or sensuous, Indian-print jersey number that slides over your body like a snake. ─── 天蝎:无论是黑色淘气的针织印花小洋装,还是给人视觉享受、充满印度风情的运动衫,都能完美展示你的身体线条。

57、In the sensuous tradition of Damascus, the vaulted entrance to the souk was dark, mysterious and womb-like. ─── 在大马士革的感性传统中,通向市集的拱状入口黑暗、神秘,而且形似子宫。

58、Without knowing the activities of the self, meditation becomes sensuous excitement and therefore of very little significance. ─── 不理解自我之行动,则冥想沦为感官之刺激,毫无意义。

59、a Middle Eastern dance in which the dancer makes sensuous movements of the hips and abdomen. ─── 一种中东舞蹈其中舞蹈者表演出臀和腹部的优美的动作。

60、Sensuous Illia adores her life and every man in her seaport paradise adores her. ─── 她的生活方式深得港口每一个人的喜爱。

61、Like Sinatra, he merely did it "my way." His way was based on a strong composition, sensuous curves derived from nature, refined decorative elements and natural colors. ─── 他坚持的道路架构在强而有力的组成之上,如自然的官能曲线、优雅的装饰元素和生动的色彩。

62、sensuous contemplation ─── 二重性直观

63、His might have been a cherub's mouth, HAD not the full, sensuous lips a trick, under stress, of drawing firmly across the teeth. ─── 他那丰满敏感的双唇若不是在有压力时会紧紧地抿起来,倒像是个婴儿的嘴。

64、a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink). ─── 对精致优雅的感觉上的享乐(尤其是美味佳肴和饮料)沉迷的人。

65、She, like Lester and Jennie, was under the sensuous influence of the warmth, the spring, the moonlight. ─── 她也跟雷斯脱和珍妮一样,已经被那热和春天和月光等等的肉感势力所支配了。

66、a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment ─── 对精致优雅的感觉上的享乐沉迷的人

67、Furthermore, Chinese is more specific and explicit than English ,such as its expression meaning.And its sentence can be more sensuous, its pronunciation is more beautiful. ─── 另外,汉语更具体的、明确的英语的,如它表达的意思和它的句子能更感性,它的发音是更美丽。

68、2.A devotee to sensuous and luxurious living;an epicure. ─── 享乐主义者喜爱豪华奢侈生活的人;

69、Stunning performances from stars Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor fuel this moving romantic journey set in and around a fabulously sensuous night club. ─── 他爱上了漂亮台柱莎婷,更自荐为红磨坊编写全新爱情歌舞剧,莎婷芳心暗许。

70、His nature was purely sensuous, and she strove to make him moral, religious ─── 他的天性完全是要感官上的享受,她却硬要他讲道德信宗教。

71、Comparing with printing culture, visual culture has popular, sensuous and virtual features. ─── 和印刷文化比较,视觉文化具有大众性、可感性、虚拟性的特征。

72、The director employs sensuous, atmospheric camerawork and deft dramatic touches. ─── 导演使用了刺激感官、营造气氛的拍摄技巧和极富戏剧性的巧妙手法。

73、He began to ponder, "Alas!This black-bee has ruined its life overpowered by the sense of smell.Cursed be such sensuous pleasures. ─── 他想,这只蜜蜂由于自己的嗅觉而失去了自己的生命,感官是多么的可怕呀。

74、From Mango Grove to Atlantic Spa, here are 30 sensuous bath-time treats to turn your soak into a luxurious indulgence. ─── 从芒果园去大西洋水疗中心,这里有30感性洗澡时会将把您的浸泡成一个豪华的放纵。

75、a person devoted to sensuous pleasure and luxurious living ─── 一个追求快乐和奢侈生活的人

76、Don't get the idea that value of music is commensurate with its sensuous appeal ─── 不要以为音乐的价值与其美的感染力相等。

77、A devoteeto sensuous and luxurious living; an epicure. ─── 享乐主义者喜爱豪华奢侈生活的人;享乐主义者。

78、A devotee to sensuous and luxurious living;an epicure. ─── 享乐主义者喜爱豪华奢侈生活的人;享乐主义者

79、81. The flowers that wreathed his parlor stifled him with their sensuous perfume. ─── 包围着客厅的花以其刺激人的香味使他窒息。

80、90. Persian poet whose sensuous rhyming couplets, many of which concern love, wine, and nature, are traditionally interpreted allegorically by Sufic Moslems. ─── 哈菲兹波斯诗人,其诗多为押韵华美的两行诗体,其中许多描写爱情,美酒和大自然,苏菲派穆斯林因循传统地对它们作了寓言式阐释

81、The use of the sensuous terms is a very common phenomenon in the history of Chinese classical aesthetics. ─── 感官用语在中国古典美学的脉络里是极为常见的现象,但这些现象的系统研究还处于筹备阶段。

82、The flowers that wreathe his parlor stifle him with their sensuous perfume ─── 包围著客厅的花以其刺激人的香味使他窒息

83、the sensuous joy from all things fair. ─── 从所有美丽的事物中得到的美的愉悦。

84、The word "sensuous" had the effect of further disquieting Tom, but before he could invent a protest the coupe came to a stop, and Daisy signaled us to draw up alongside. ─── “肉感”这两个字使汤姆感到更加惶惶不安,但他还没来得及找话来表示反对,小轿车已经停了下来,黛西打着手势叫我们开上去并排停下。

85、Flitting through Bauby's sensuous visions like a signature is the tiny image of a butterfly, the ancient symbol of the soul escaping its earthly cocoon through the power of consciousness. ─── 如同音符一样掠过他的感性想像是有点类似于蝴蝶的形象,因为蝴蝶是灵魂穿透意识力摆脱人间束缚的古老象征。

86、Lots of weekends away to relax and detach from serious realms of thinking and spending time in sensuous, gentle environments will keep your relationship fresh. ─── 你也应利用好自己很有主见的特点,在工作中多作自由发挥。

87、He likes sensuous painting. ─── 他喜欢引起美感的绘画。

88、Her sensuous grace roused his lustful nature. ─── 她的美丽优雅引发了他好色的本性。

89、A devotee to sensuous and luxurious living; an epicure. ─── 享乐主义者喜爱豪华奢侈生活的人; 享乐主义者

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