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08-29 投稿


pertinaciously 中文意思翻译



pertinaciously 词性/词形变化,pertinaciously变形

名词: pertinaciousness |副词: pertinaciously |

pertinaciously 相似词语短语

1、pertinaciousness ─── 固执

2、minaciously ─── 尖刻地

3、pertinacious ─── adj.顽固的;执拗的

4、pervicacious ─── 极固执的;极任性的;非常顽固的

5、efficaciously ─── adv.有效地;灵验地

6、pertinacity ─── n.顽固;执拗

7、perfidiously ─── adv.不忠实地;背信地

8、perniciously ─── adv.有害地;有毒地

9、perspicaciously ─── 洞察地;睿智地

pertinaciously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Refuse to believe in supernatural events of the ancient god pertinaciously along the red woman identity hunt. ─── 拒绝相信灵异事件的古爷执拗地沿着红衣女子的身份展开追查。

2、Perhaps one day I will realize, in fact what I am fighting pertinaciously all my life, is just for Godat. ─── 或许有一天我会明白,事实上我终此一生倔强坚持所等待的,不过是戈多。

3、Over one hundred years ,they have evoluted on each tracks, pertinaciously continued characteristic spirits and traditions whether the civilization vicissitude and regime subrogation. ─── 一百多年来,文化变迁,政权更替,它们都顽强地延续和传承着自身特有的精神和底蕴,为福建乃至中国培养了各类大批人才,在福建的教育历史上占有重要的地位。

4、he struggled pertinaciously for the new resolution. ─── 他坚持不懈地为新的决议而努力。

5、The image of an impending calamity is no doubt odious, but its very odiousness (we say) makes it haunt the mind all the more pertinaciously, and it is useless to expel it. ─── 一步步逼近的灾难确实让人讨厌,但是它真正讨厌的地方是它还没来之前就一直牢牢占据着你的思想,而且怎么驱赶它都是徒劳。

6、he struggled pertinaciously for the new resolution. ─── 他坚持不懈地为新的决议而努力。

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