sinister 发音
英:[ˈsɪnɪstər] 美:[ˈsɪnɪstə(r)]
英: 美:
sinister 中文意思翻译
sinister 词性/词形变化,sinister变形
比较级--more sinister;最高级--most sinister。
sinister 短语词组
1、sinister intentions ─── 豺狼野心
2、ventriculus sinister cordis ─── [医] 左心室
3、oculus sinister ─── [医] 左眼
4、sinister night ─── 险恶的夜晚
5、sinister game ─── 邪恶的游戏
6、rami sinister ─── [医] 左支
7、bronchi lobaris superior sinister ─── [医] 左肺上叶支气管
8、sinister edge ─── 险恶的边缘
9、lobi hepatis sinister ─── [医] 肝左叶
10、bend sinister n. ─── 从左上角到右下角的对角条纹, 盾纹上表示庶出的斜条
11、musculi papillaris sinister ─── [医] 左乳头肌
12、sinister gang ─── 黑帮;反动团伙
13、bronchi lobaris inferior sinister ─── [医] 左肺下叶支气管
14、hatch a sinister plot ─── [法] 图谋不轨
15、bar sinister n. ─── 从左上角到右下角的对角条纹
16、sinister intention ─── 阴险的意图
17、ductus hepaticus sinister ─── [医] 左肝管
sinister 相似词语短语
1、insister ─── 坚持
2、ministers ─── n.部长(minister的复数);阁僚;v.伺候;照顾(minister的第三人称单数形式)
3、canister ─── n.筒;(放咖啡,茶叶,烟等的)小罐;防毒面具的滤毒罐
4、minister ─── n.部长;大臣;牧师;vi.执行牧师职务;辅助或伺候某人
5、filister ─── 非利士人
6、minster ─── n.大教堂;修道院附属的教堂;n.(Minster)人名;(德、捷)明斯特
7、sinisterly ─── adv.不吉祥地;邪恶地
8、ganister ─── n.[岩]致密硅岩;硅火泥(耐火性很强用作锅炉内侧衬料)
9、banister ─── n.(楼梯的)栏杆,扶手;n.(Banister)(美、爱、英)巴尼斯特(人名)
sinister 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The fire on the hearth lighted him up. He was hideous. It was a sinister apparition. ─── 壁炉里的火正照着他,他那样子真是凶恶可怕,简直是恶魔的化身。
2、Watched over by a sinister head mistress (Clarkson) and her staff, Heather is tormented by her classmates and desperate to go home. ─── 天性聪明但性情弧僻的海瑟被父母送到该处就读,甫抵达后,她就发现校园气氛怪异。
3、But there was a difference, for beneath Rhett's seeming lightness there was something malicious, almost sinister in its suave brutality. ─── 不过他跟他们有一点不同,那就是在瑞德看似轻松愉快的神态背后潜藏着某种恶意,它几乎阴险到了有点残忍的地步。
4、What is behind flowery and the purity is the sinister and malicious. ─── 在华丽、洁的背后都是阴险、毒。
5、He is sinister and ruthless, and has entrapped many innocent people. ─── 他为人阴险毒辣,坑害过很多无辜的好人。
6、It was rather absurd, and somehow sinister, to see this social pretence in those poverty-stricken surroundings on a Borneo river. ─── 在婆罗洲的一条河上,周围一片穷困潦倒的景象,还装模作样的摆谱,真有点不伦不类,简直可以说是荒诞离奇了。
7、The ragged scar on his face lent him a sinister look. ─── 他脸上那凹凸不平的疤使他显得更为凶恶可怕。
8、The sky was steely, and all the trees so many black and sinister shapes. ─── 天空呈铅灰色,所有树木都只是些阴森可怖的形状。
9、Therefore, the way her own stepmother portrayed as a sinister, nervous, like the abuse of her sister's character. ─── 所以,她用自己的方式将后母描绘成一个险恶、神经质、喜欢虐待妹妹的人物。
10、Between the old and the new Rue du Temple, there was the Temple, a sinister group of towers, lofty, erect, and isolated in the middle of a vast, battlemented enclosure. ─── 在圣殿老街和新街之间,坐落着圣殿教堂,屹立在一道筑有雉堞的宽阔围墙中间,一簇塔楼高耸,形单影只,好不凄凉。
11、And in the shadows, an even more sinister presence is lurking. ─── 在阴暗处,还潜伏着更险恶的威胁。
12、They have gone everywhere to sell their ideas and impose pressure from various aspects, so as to reach their sinister political purposes. ─── 他们四处游说,多方施压,以图达到其不可告人的政治目的。
13、Cruella's furtivenes simplies a more sinister explanation,as does her newly formed friendship with French fashion furrier Jean Pierre Le Pelt. ─── 克鲁拉鬼鬼祟祟,最近又和法国裘皮时装设计师让·皮埃尔·勒佩尔特交上了朋友,这些都暗藏着一个更加邪恶的阴谋。
14、His every move was followed by sinister and cunning spies. ─── 他的行动处处受到险毒刁滑的特务的监视。
15、The appearance of good will cloak a sinister intention. ─── 友善的外表掩盖了阴险的企图。
16、more sinister explanation is that he is about to make mischief in the Middle East again. ─── 更为险恶的解释是他又要在中东制造事端。
17、Or it could mean one more thing-as improbable, but it was far more sinister plot. ─── 再不然就是另一种情况,尽管可能性也不大,但那却是凶狠毒辣得多的阴谋。
18、FEW incidents in the war in Iraq have appeared as sinister as the siege of Fallujah in 2004. ─── 在伊拉克战争中,鲜有事件有若2004年费卢杰之围般的凶险。
19、In the occupied areas, Japan also launched an opium war, but in a more sinister way. ─── 在占领区,日本人还发动了一次更加恶毒的鸦片战争。
20、Stephen Pollard As Israel and Hezbollah exchange bombs and missiles, oil-hungry Beijing plays out its sinister strategy. ─── 在以色列和真主党的战争中,极度渴望原油的北京扮演了一个邪恶的角色。
21、He actually saw that Jean Valjean, that sinister face, before him. ─── 他确实看见了冉阿让的那副凶恶面孔出现在他前面。
22、But for him the more sinister development is that such language has taken root in political discourse. ─── 但对汉弗莱斯来说,这类语言后来逐渐扎根于政治演说中,这才是更具有“灾难性”的发展。
23、The sinister form of a black spider sits upon its silk-like web, ready to pounce. ─── 一只凶恶的蜘蛛坐于网前,准备出其不意的捕杀.
24、Their activities are sinister and their designs pernicious. ─── 其事至险,其计至毒。
25、cold and sinister about him. ─── 他给人一种冷酷阴险的感觉。
26、He has a bend sinister. ─── 他是庶出的。
27、In your remarks you allude to certain sinister development. ─── 你在讲话中暗示某种不祥的事要发生。
28、Sinister obliteration of a man. ─── 一个人凄惨地消失了。
29、"Your land, eh?" said the smoker with a sinister laugh. ─── 吸着香烟的人,冷笑起来:“你的地,哼,你的地
30、Thus the aristocracy took their revenge by singing lampoons on their new master, and whispering in his ears sinister prophecies of coming catastrophe. ─── 他们用来泄愤的手段是:唱唱诅咒他们的新统治者的歌,并向他叽叽咕咕地说一些或多或少凶险的预言。
31、Thus the aristocracy took their revenge by singing lampoons on their new master,and whispering in his ears sinister prophecies of coming catastrophe. ─── 他们用来泄愤的手段是: 唱唱诅咒他们的新统治者的歌,并向他叽叽咕咕地说一些或多或少凶险的预言。
32、But Snape is, well, sinister. ─── 但斯内普又是,好吧,险恶的。
33、A sinister smile crept over his face. ─── 他脸上露出一丝阴笑。
34、He showed his sinister motive at last. ─── 他终于露出了他那邪恶的用心。
35、In your remarks you alluded to a certain sinister design. ─── 在你的谈话中, 你提到了某个阴谋。
36、There's something sinister at the back of the series of crime. ─── 在这一系列罪行背后有险恶阴谋。
37、There was a moment of sinister silence, then a multitudinous stirring of the leaves. ─── 在一阵诡异的寂静之后,密密麻麻的树叶响起一片喧哗,而树干掀起一阵颤栗。
38、He was a person with sinister designs. ─── 他是个心术不正的人。
39、Have you studied the word @sinister@? ─── 右侧用dexter,左侧用sinister。
40、In fact there are rather less sinister explanations for much of the discrepancy between China's numbers and those of its trading partners. ─── 事实上,对中国公布的数字同其贸易伙伴数据的差异这一现象的牵强的解释还是存在的。
41、So the bottoms of storm clouds, as we see them on the ground, look a sinister gray. ─── 因此,我们从地面上看去,风暴云的底部像阴沉沉的灰色。
42、What a crock of lies! But it's a clever ploy. Accusing us was the best thing the killer could come up with to succeed in his sinister mission. ─── 一箩筐的谎言!伎俩颇为高明。指控我们是杀手实施邪恶计划成功的最佳步骤。
43、Didn't you hear his sinister laugh? ─── 你没听见他那奸诈的笑声吗?
44、His sinister look frightened them. ─── 他那阴险的神情吓坏了他们。
45、Everywhere else the sepulchre is sinister; here it is deformed. ─── 在别的地方坟墓是阴惨的,而这里它是畸形的。
46、They concocted a sinister plot. ─── 他们策划了一个毒辣的阴谋。
47、There is something sinister at the back of that series of crimes. ─── 在这一系列罪行背后有险恶的阴谋。
48、His eyes narrowed and took on a sinister cast. ─── 他眯起眼睛,露出一种阴险的表情。
49、The reflection on his face in the train window when they went through a tunnel was a little sinister. ─── 当他们穿过隧道时,车窗上反映出他的面部,有点儿凶神恶煞的样子。
50、But music (or noise, depending on the age of the definer) has been used for far more sinister purposes too. ─── 但音乐(有时是噪音,对于不同年龄的人来说)曾被用于非常险恶的目的。
51、It was then that she realised that something sinister was afoot as she could not access her account because her password had been changed. ─── 因为密码已经被改动,无法进入自己的帐户,她才意识到有人对自己的手机做了手脚。
52、Creation, property, enjoyment form a sinister trinity in the human mind. ─── 创作、产业、享受在人脑中结成邪恶的三位一体。
53、Create and play any character you can imagine, from the noble warrior to the sinister assassin to the wizened sorcerer. ─── 创造和发挥任何字符,你可以想见,从崇高勇士险恶刺客向喜欢魔术师。
54、You misunderstand your father. It is not he who is vicious, sinister and merciless, but some people in Purgatory. He is the god takes us to Heaven. ─── 你误解了你的父亲,狠毒,阴险,无情的不是他,而是炼狱中的一些人;他是引领我们通往天堂的神。
55、When a fellow teacher is arrested as a CIA spy by the sinister Palestinian security forces, Yussef ignores advice to leave. ─── 他的同事却被险恶的巴勒斯坦安全部队当作中情局间谍逮捕起来,这时别人劝他离开加沙为妙,但他却毅然决定留下来。
56、Yet, far more sinister events take place behind the scenes. ─── 但是,布景中的世界中有远比现实险恶的事情发生。
57、There was a sinister fascination in his strangeness. ─── 在他的奇形怪状之中别有一种令人不安又难以抗拒的吸力。
58、Bush, and his son, fueling the conspiratorial fires of the secret manipulation of American society by sinister elites. ─── 塔夫脱,老布什,小布什以及他的儿子等所谓的精英分子,也有能力完全控制美国整个社会。
59、He [Saddam Hussein] not only looked a bit sinister,but at every turn acted the pure villain and finally managed to alienate virtually the entire world. ─── 他不但相貌有些险恶,而且时时表现十足恶棍,最后简直竟与整个世界为敌。
60、The place assumes the most dismal, sinister character when darkness came on. ─── 天色暗下来,这里带上最阴森凶险的色彩。
61、The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children said last night that human cloning was an " extremely sinister and dangerous development" . ─── 保护未出生婴儿协会昨晚表示,克隆人是“极其可怕和危险的一步。”
62、There is another, more sinister, possibility. ─── 还有另一种更糟糕的可能。
63、The scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him. ─── 一些阴险的家伙正在密谋惩罚他。
64、Thus all representatives of the state (the Ministry of Magic) are lampooned as ridiculous, or incompetent or sinister. ─── 因此,所有魔法部的代表人物都被讽刺成荒谬的,无能力的或是险恶的人。
65、In your remarks you allude to certain sinister developments. ─── 在你的谈话中暗示了一些不祥的势头。
66、There was something cold and sinister about him. ─── 他给人一种冷酷阴险的感觉。
67、"Surprise Attacks" now increases the damage from "Sinister Strike", "Backstab", "Shiv" and "Gouge" by 10% instead of 8%. ─── "偷袭"增加"险恶攻击","背刺","剔骨","凿击"的伤害,从8%增加到10
68、Sinister eggy-smelling steam snakes from cracks in pavements and heats the many pools here. ─── 可恶的带鸡蛋气味的水蒸气从人行道的裂缝中钻出把这里的很多池塘都烘得热乎乎的。
69、There is ghost originally on the world, coward is much, also had sinister plot. ─── 人为什么会胆小?为什么会怕鬼?有什么办法可以消除恐惧心理??
70、His action was detected by a supervisor.The supeevisor reported to Emperor Huang that some body was producing freaks secretly to hatch a sinister plot. ─── 不久赫廉偷偷造梳被监工发现了,立即上报黄帝,说有人私造怪物,图谋不轨。
71、Their lives gradually become entangled into a sinister situation with intense and unfortunate results. ─── 他们的生活逐渐成为捲入入一个阴险情况以强烈和不幸的结果。
72、The sinister purpose of the reactionary ruling class was covered over with pretentious rhetoric. ─── 反动统治阶级的险恶目的被夸夸其谈的辞藻掩盖着。
73、"Benito Cereno", caught in a web of evil, is so dominated by the sinister Negro Slave Balo. ─── “班尼托·西兰诺”陷在邪恶的网里,完全为心术不正的黑奴巴博所控制。
74、The sinister interpretation is that tumours are doing something as they grow that suppresses the immune system and thus allergic reactions. ─── 另一个不同的解释是肿瘤拥有某种能力能对免疫系统和过敏反应进行抑制。
75、What he related sounded somewhat sinister. ─── 听了他的讲述,真觉得有死里逃生之感。
76、Below this kind of circumstance, "Fryer " computer, become a piece in hands of these network sinister gang. ─── 在这种情况下,“肉鸡”电脑,就成为这些网络黑帮手里的一个棋子。
77、Events began to take on a more sinister aspect. ─── 事情开始呈现较为不祥的征兆。
78、I was expecting someone a little more sinister and a little darker, to be obsessed with a case like this. ─── 我期望一个更险恶以及更阴暗一点的人来沉迷于像这样的一起案件。
79、Morpheus contacts Neo just as the machines (posing as sinister 'agents') are trying to keep Neo from finding out any more. ─── 正当机器们(以阴险的“特工”形象出现)竭力阻止Neo挖掘出更多有关TheMatrix的信息时,Morpheus联系上了Neo。
80、Sinister@ actually means something evil and threatening. ─── 你研究过sinister这个词吗?
81、To try and prevent that from happening, we buffed the bonus damage of Sinister Calling. ─── 为了避免这种情况发生,我们只好将邪恶呼唤的额外伤害调高。
82、Their proposals are all worthless and designed out of sinister motives. ─── 他们的建议不仅一钱不值, 而且包藏祸心。
83、The glare has gone and no touch of the sinister remains. ─── 光亮已经消逝,那凶险的迹象已荡然无存。
84、Your job, as virtual detective, is to unravel the sinister conspiracy before it consumes all your time and gets you fired. ─── 你作为虚拟侦探的任务就是侦破险恶的阴谋,但要赶在它耗尽你的所有时间和被迫出局之前。
85、His sinister threat chilled all who heard it. ─── 他这一凶恶的威胁使所有听到的人不寒而栗.
86、Pallas' pit vipers trapped here 6,000 years ago by rising sea levels have evolved a sinister lifestyle. ─── 六千年前,海平面上升,黑眉蝮蛇被困在这里,形成了险恶的生活环境。
87、They soon uncover a sinister plot that puts all of humanity in grave danger. ─── 他们很快揭示险恶的阴谋,使全人类都处于严重危险之中。
88、He was a sinister and crafty speculator. ─── 他是一个险诈的投机商。
89、The essential ingredient is a nightmarish sense of bewildered helplessness against a vast sinister, impersonal bureaucracy. ─── 主要成分是一种面对庞大的,阴险的、非人格化的官僚机构而产生的使人迷惘的、无依无靠的梦魇般的感受。
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