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08-31 投稿


inordinately 发音

英:[ɪnˈɔːrdɪnətli]  美:[ɪnˈɔːdɪnətli]

英:  美:

inordinately 中文意思翻译



inordinately 词性/词形变化,inordinately变形

名词: inordinacy |副词: inordinately |

inordinately 相似词语短语

1、inordinate ─── adj.过度的;无节制的;紊乱的

2、ordinately ─── 协调地

3、infortunately ─── 事故

4、coordinately ─── 并列地,同等地

5、co-ordinately ─── 并列地,同等地

6、insubordinately ─── adv.犯上地,不服从地

7、subordinately ─── 从属地

8、inordinacy ─── 不规则

9、disordinately ─── 杂乱无章的

inordinately 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And for reasons equally unclear to me, seem to be inordinately proud of the three of us. ─── 不知道是什么原因,他们却非常的为我们三个感到自豪。

2、There are persistent allegations that many plants have become inordinately profitable for their new owners; ─── 可以肯定的说很多电厂已经成为其新的拥有者的巨大利润来源;

3、Now, then--now, then--what KIND of a service would it be that would make a man so inordinately grateful? ─── 那么,这个--那么,这个--究竟要帮一个什么样的忙,才能让一个人感激不尽呢?

4、Consequence of this kind of training is that privates rely inordinately on their officers. ─── 这种训练的后果是士兵对军官的绝对信赖。

5、Newborn babies spend about twice that.It is inordinately difficult to remain awake for more than a full day-night cycle. ─── 神经科学家认为意识来源于大脑中的物质,因为大脑中微小的变化也能有力的改变你的主观经验。

6、And I was inordinately impressed with her resolution to the last look: nix the full-length skirt and create a wide-legged pant. ─── 我被她的最终解决方案倾倒:去掉长衫,而弄出一条宽腿裤来配。

7、The only thing aunt Badri did not want to part with was an ivory figurine of the White Tara to which she was inordinately attached. ─── 巴德丽姨妈唯一不肯舍弃的是一个白色象牙度母(女菩萨),对她满是依恋。

8、I am inordinately fond of the colors, yellow, red and black. These are a necessity of form and personal liking. ─── 我特别迷恋黄红黑颜色,这是形式的需要和个人的爱好。

9、The nineteenth century French writer Gustave Flaubert wrote this about the pyramids after visiting them: "Khafre's pyramid seems to me inordinately huge and completely sheer(adj. ─── 全然的, 纯粹的, 绝对的, 彻底的, 透明的, 峻峭的vi.避开, 躲避, 偏航vt.使避开, 使偏航adv.完全, 全然, 峻峭n.偏航);

10、Yell inordinately ─── 哭爹哭娘

11、inordinately high prices ─── 高得离谱的价格

12、inordinately interested in matters of sex ─── 对性方面的事情过分感兴趣的

13、This takes place when the soul becomes inordinately pleased with itself ─── 当其发生之时,灵魂过分地取悦于自身

14、Some patients will not tolerate any sensation whatsoeer and may require inordinately large amounts of sedatie drugs throughout the procedure. ─── 一些病人耐量较大,整个过程需要给予较大剂量的镇静药物。

15、Google is inordinately useful, but it is not remotely intelligent, as we human beings understand that term. ─── 虽然谷歌特别有用,可是按照人类理解“聪明”这个词来讲,它一点也不聪明。

16、she was inordinately smart; it will be an extraordinarily painful step to negotiate. ─── 她非常聪明;这会是谈判中格外艰辛的一步。

17、The first cases of AIDS probably occurred in 1979, but the disease was not noticed until an inordinately large number of young men with KS was reported. ─── 爱滋病的第一个病例可能发生在1979年,但直到大量的年轻人患卡氏肿瘤的现象被报道,该病例才开始引起人们的注意。

18、No one was profiting inordinately from the war effort. ─── 没有人在从战争中发大财。

19、A place of fabulous wealth or inordinately great opportunity. ─── 埃尔多拉多想象中极为富庶或机会极多的地方

20、Religion played an inordinately important role in shaping this sensibility from the beginning. ─── 格雷这种感性行为的形成在很大程度上始于宗教影响。

21、For example, the cost to a small investor of buying a $100 broker's report may seem inordinately high for a $10,000 investment. ─── 例如,对小投资者来说购买一份100美元的股票经纪人报告对一份1万美元的投资来说价格真是有点高得离谱。

22、a place of fabulous wealth or inordinately great opportunity ─── 极为富庶或机会极多的地方

23、There's more "sweet life" down the street at the inordinately expensive boutiques lining Via dei Condotti: I recently gawked at a golf-ball-size sapphire pendant in a Bulgari window. ─── 孔多蒂街(ViadeiCondotti)沿线那些贵的离谱的古董店中有更多的“甜蜜生活”呢:最近我傻乎乎地盯著宝格丽(Bvlgari)橱窗里挂著的那枚高尔夫球大小的蓝宝石看了好久呢。

24、He is inordinately proud of his wife's achievements. ─── 他对妻子的成就感到非常骄傲。

25、Asian monetary policy is likely to remain inordinately loose for some time even as economies pick up because the region's central bankers, who tend to shadow the U.S. ─── 由于亚洲地区的央行担心加息将使其丧失相对于邻国的竞争优势,因此,尽管经济出现了复苏,但该地区的货币政策可能仍会在一段时间内维持非常宽松的局面。

26、A bridge 20 feet wide allows you a great deal of tolerance for error, so you don't have to be inordinately careful or focused on each step you take. ─── 没有人喜欢自己精神痛苦,所以我们避免定义自己的错误。

27、While their talk of it as dreadful was still in the air, she appeared to present it as inordinately soft. ─── 他们在议论这件事,认为它非常可怕,话音还在空气中荡漾,而她却把它作为脉脉温情来表达。

28、America depends inordinately on payroll and income taxes, on both people and corporations (see chart 2 and article). This penalises work and investment, and encourages borrowing and spending. ─── 美国的收入过度地依靠了工资税、个人和公司的所得税。(参见表二和文章)这阻碍了工作和投资,却鼓励了借贷和花费。

29、Inordinately greedy ─── 巴蛇吞象

30、While their talk of it as dreadful was still in the air, she appeared to present it as inordinately soft ─── 他们在议论这件事,认为它非常可怕,话音还在空气中荡漾,而她却把它作为脉脉温情来表达。

31、the inordinately imposed taxes,which overburdened the people ─── 极其混乱的税收,使人民负担过重

32、And I was inordinately impressed with her resolution to the last look: nix the full-length skirt and create a wide-legged pant. ─── 我被她的最终解决方案倾倒:去掉长衫,而弄出一条宽腿裤来配。

33、But if you are determined to accumulate wealth, it isn't inordinately difficult. ─── 不过,如果你下决心要积累财富,事情也不是太难。

34、Pessen does present a quantity of examples, together with some refreshingly intelligible statistics, to establish the existence of an inordinately wealthy class. ─── 佩森确实提出了大量的例子,以及一些令人耳目一新的、易于理解的统计数据,来证明一个异常富有阶级的存在。

35、” As a matter of fact, everyone knows that in his late years, Picasso was inordinately frustrated about his age, death, his loss of sexuality- that’s in all his work. ─── 实际上,人人都知道,在晚年,他对年龄、死亡、性能力的丧失感到过度沮丧---那些都在他的作品中表露无遗。)

36、Promote a collegial and consultative approach to decision-making without inordinately burdening academics with administrative and committee work. ─── 推动共管协商的决策方式,使学者无需负担过重的行政和委员会职务。

37、If it gets inordinately cold, the greatcoat is pulled over the heads - one head in one sleeve, the other in the other. ─── 如果天气非常冷,军大衣会盖到头,左袖是一个人的头,右边是另一个人的。

38、It is widely believed that Albanians, including Kosovars, play an inordinately large role in Europe's drug cartels, but research does not often bear this out. ─── 一般人都认为阿尔巴尼亚人(包括科索沃人)在欧洲的贩毒集团中扮演着极端重要的角色。但研究人员无法证实这一观点。

39、The absurd thing is that it should be the soul of this body which it transcends so inordinately. ─── 这荒谬之事就在于身体必须过度超越灵魂。

40、An inordinately strong immune response that causes more damage than the antigen or pathogen that induced the response. (p. ─── 530)比原抗原或病原所诱发的反应更过度更强的免疫反应,会造成更大的伤害。

41、He is like an old overcoat of which she has become inordinately fond: rather dull but very kind and comfortable ─── 他就好象是她十分心爱的一件旧大衣,平淡无奇,但很亲切、舒服。

42、Her ears are elephantine , her heart is immeasurable, and she is an inordinately wise woman, but she falls down on the mollusc requirement. ─── 她总是耐心地听着,我记不得有多少次就这样通宵达旦。她善于倾听别人说话,心胸无限宽广,聪明出众,但还不符合守口如瓶的标准。

43、and they inordinately imposed taxes, which overburdened the people. ─── 过重的而且是极其混乱的税收办法;

44、In spite of its recent improvements, the financial system of China is still inordinately governed by administrative command and control. ─── 尽管 它的最近进步, 中国的财政系统静止的被管理的指令和控制过度的统治。

45、In computers and the Internet, a geek is a person who is inordinately dedicated to and involved with technology. ─── 在计算机和互联网上,网迷是指那些专注于技术到了异乎寻常的地步的人。

46、she was inordinately smart; ─── 她非常聪明;

47、Because as yet thou lovest thyself too inordinately, therefore thou art afraid to resign thyself wholly to the will of others. ─── 因为你过于溺爱自己,所以怕听从别人的指使。

48、The historical figures had to be tortured to buttress this claim, but the prime minister remains inordinately proud of his success as chancellor. ─── 为了支持这个声明那些历史数据就不得不被修改,但是首相仍然非同寻常地为他任部长时的成绩感到骄傲。

49、Lord Norris, the teller for the bill's supporters, counted the “inordinately fat” Lord Grey as ten votes rather than one. ─── 该法案支持者的唱票人,诺利斯勋爵将“胖子”格雷勋爵的票数以一当十。

50、Inordinately interested in matters of sex; lascivious. ─── 好色的对性方面的事情过分感兴趣的;好色的

51、In the 19th and early 20th centuries, African Americans often were depicted in racist caricatures as being inordinately fond of watermelon. ─── 在19世纪、20世纪,非洲裔美国人因其酷爱西瓜而经常被被种族主义漫画所讽刺。

52、If it is inordinately quiet in the children's room, don't you dash in to reassure yourself eerything is okay? ─── 如果您的孩子的房间突然异常安静,难道您不飞快冲过去,确定一切很好?

53、She seemed inordinately curious and pleased, but would leave me at last to the dreadful homework, which I usually managed to finish right before suppertime. ─── 她看上去异常地好奇、欢喜,但最后还是会叫我去做讨厌的作业,我通常在晚饭前做完。

54、Taxes and levies are inordinately heavy ─── 赋敛兹重

55、If it is inordinately quiet in the children's room, don't you dash in to reassure yourself everything is okay? ─── 如果您的孩子的房间突然异常安静,难道您不飞快冲过去,确定一切很好?

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