automorphic 发音
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英: 美:
automorphic 中文意思翻译
常见释义: 自形的
automorphic 短语词组
1、automorphic equivalence ─── 自守等价
2、automorphic number ─── 自守数
3、automorphic theory ─── 自守理论
4、automorphic function ─── 自守函数
5、automorphic form ─── 自守形式
6、automorphic potential ─── 自同构电位
7、automorphic representation ─── 自守表示
8、automorphic perception ─── 自比知觉
automorphic 相似词语短语
1、ectomorphic ─── adj.外胚层体型的;清瘦的
2、allomorphic ─── adj.同质异晶的;副象的
3、automorphically ─── 自同构
4、paedomorphic ─── adj.稚态的;幼体发育的
5、protomorphic ─── adj.原形态的
6、anisomorphic ─── adj.语义范畴不等的
7、automorphism ─── n.[数]自同构;自守
8、actinomorphic ─── adj.放射状的,辐射对称的
9、orthomorphic ─── adj.正形的
automorphic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、simple automorphic function ─── 单自守函数
2、This is the extended notes of my lectures on the Langlands functoriality of automorphic forms,which are in particular on the topics closely related to my recent work. ─── 本文系该著者有关自守型式的Langlands函子性的演讲稿的细述及扩充文稿.特别强调了与该著者的近期工作相关的课题.
3、automorphic forms ─── 自守型式
4、Three Groups Of Automorphic Numbers ─── 三类自生数群
5、The application of group theory in analysis is the study of automorphic function. ─── 其在分析中的应用就是自守函数理论的研究。
6、Automorphic Pseudodifferential Analysis and Higher Level Weyl Calculi ─── 自同构伪微分分析与高等Weyl微积分
7、On almost automorphic solutions of the competing species problems ─── 竞争系统的几乎自守解
9、automorphic form ─── 自守形式
10、earliest automorphic functions to be studied were the elliptic modular functions. ─── 研究得最早的自导函数是椭圆模函数。
11、The automorphic, hypidiomorphic and xenomorphic granular textures are the main ore textures and vein and disseminated structures are the main ore structure. ─── 矿石多具白形、半自形、他形粒状结构,以脉状、浸染状构造为主。
12、automorphic soil ─── 自型土
13、IT exists following automorphic nmbers small than 200000:"); ─── 作者:佚名技巧来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2005-11-26
14、On almost automorphic solutions of the competing species problems ─── 竞争系统的几乎自守解
15、automorphic function field ─── 自守函数域
16、automorphic invariant ─── 同构不变量
17、automorphic theory ─── 自守理论
18、continuous almost automorphic ─── 连续几乎自守
19、Almost Automorphic Function ─── 概自守函数
20、The theory of automorphic function is the result of the intersection of geometry, algebra, complex analysis and differential equation, which manifest the unity of mathematics. ─── 这一理论是几何学、代数学、复分析、微分方程解析理论交叉的产物,体现了数学的统一性。
21、Automorphic Pseudodifferential Analysis and Higher Level Weyl Calculi ─── 自同构伪微分分析与高等Weyl微积分
22、Sinking life frustrated,耿介automorphic, Friendship without dignitaries. ─── 一生沉沦失意,耿介自守,交游无显贵。
23、automorphic perception ─── 自比知觉
24、automorphic functions to be studied were the elliptic modular functions. ─── 研究得最早的自导函数是椭圆模函数。
25、automorphic potential ─── 自守位势
26、Automorphic Representations Of Low Rank Groups ─── 低秩的自守表现
27、automorphic function ─── 自守函数
28、multiplicative automorphic function ─── 积性自守函数
29、on the premise of not changing the structure of sub-networks, the blogs with the same automorphic equivalence index can replace each other; ─── 自同构对等性相同指数的博客可以在不改变子网络结构的前提下互相替代;
30、automorphic representation ─── 自守表示
31、theory of automorphic function is an intersection of many subjects, which manifests the unity of mathematics. ─── 守函数理论是多个数学分支交叉的产物,体现了数学的统一性。
32、Three Groups Of Automorphic Numbers ─── 三类自生数群
33、automorphic granular ─── 自行粒状
34、Automorphic Representations Of Low Rank Groups ─── 低秩的自守表现
35、space of automorphic forms ─── 自守形式空间
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