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08-18 投稿


Aquarian 发音

英:[ə'kwεəriən]  美:[əˈkweriən]

英:  美:

Aquarian 中文意思翻译



Aquarian 短语词组

1、Aquarian Age ─── 水瓶时代

Aquarian 词性/词形变化,Aquarian变形


Aquarian 相似词语短语

1、apiarian ─── adj.养蜂的

2、actuarian ─── 精算师

3、acarian ─── adj.壁虱的;n.蜱螨

4、Squarial ─── 矩形天线(用以接收卫星电视广播)

5、agrarian ─── adj.土地的;耕地的;有关土地的

6、aquaria ─── n.水族馆;养鱼池

7、aquarial ─── 水族

8、aquarians ─── n.(Aquarian)出生于宝瓶座时段的人;adj.(Aquarian)(与)宝瓶座(有关)的;n.(Aquarian)(美、印、巴)艾克娅力让(人名)

9、Aquarian ─── adj.与宝瓶座有关的;n.宝瓶座生的人

Aquarian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Although you can appreciate the Water-bearer' s mind and originality, the Aquarian 's lack of direction and carefree nature will cause you to shy away. ─── 摩羯-瓶:你很欣赏水瓶座人的思维方式和创新精神,不过缺少目标和责任感的他/只会让你躲闪不及。

2、Especially after Marilyn Furguson wrote in her book The Aquarian Conspiracy that the fraternity dedicated to this philosophy constituted a worldwide network. ─── 尤其是玛丽琳·弗古森写了《宝瓶密谋》,对这种哲学的喜爱构成了一个世界范围的网络。

3、An Aquarian has great desire for material, but is not greedy. ─── 水瓶座的人非常渴望物质却不贪婪。

4、No matter where you or when you do it, congratulations for making it to day 40 and welcome to the Aquarian Age! ─── 不管您在哪,还是在做什么,让我们一起庆祝通过40天的全球冥想来欢迎水瓶年代的到来!

5、Why bother. This will never work due to the Aquarian's need for freedom and your need to possess. Your values, ethics and approach to life are just too different. ─── 为什么会这么烦呢?当然了,热爱自由的瓶子怎么看都与占有欲太强的你不搭调嘛。你们对待生活的价值取向完全不同。

6、Michael is such an Aquarian . ─── 迈克尔还真像水瓶座。

7、To the modern world defiance of religious belief is still a heresy, although the times are changing as we enter the Aquarian Age. ─── 对现代社会来说挑战宗教信仰仍旧是异端行为,虽然时代已随着我们进入水瓶纪元而变化着。

8、How Will the Aquarian Age Manifest? ─── 太空时代将如何发生?

9、So my friends, I hope this section is able to send more like on the forthcoming Aquarian Age, which some have called a Golden Age. ─── 所以我的朋友们,我希望这一节能够发布更多的即将来到的太空时代,或者有的人称为黄金时代。

10、Because of this they are unpredictable and full of surprises, you can never tell what an aquarian will do next. ─── 因此,他们总是不可捉摸、充满惊奇,你永远不可能知道一个宝瓶座的人下一步将要做什么。

11、Aquarian wish to be accepted for the eccentric genius it is. ─── “水瓶”的生日愿望是希望他们非凡才能能被大家接受。

12、This will never work due to the Aquarian's need for freedom and your need to possess. ─── 当然了,热爱自由的瓶子怎么看都与占有欲太强的你不搭调嘛。

13、It will help you to face the new challenges of the Aquarian age (stress, lot of informations, many opportunities, fast changes, etc. ). ─── 它们还将帮助你面对水瓶年代的新的挑战(压力,大信息量,众多机会,急速变化等等)。

14、God bless you,sweetheart.What is your sign?I'm an Aquarian. ─── |- 上帝保佑你,甜心,你是哪个星座的?

15、In fact, rational Aquarian is a little lazy, to take part in more movements after school so that you will be richer this year. ─── 不过水瓶座其实有点懒,多参加一些课外活动吧,让今年过得更加充实。

16、However, Aquarian man's intelligence, good nature, friendliness definitely makes him successful in life. ─── 然而,水瓶座男人凭借聪明的才智、善良的天性,在人生中无往不利。

17、Water stands for Wisdom. Waterfall Collection leads us to the next Aquarian Century with the spiritual wisdom and the endless life energy. ─── 水,静谧与智慧之宝。源源而来的灵性智慧和滔滔不绝的生命力,引领您走入全新的宝瓶世纪。

18、polarities of the mind and act from your heart with Aquarian virtues. ─── 为克服意识的对立并以宝瓶时代的美德发自内心地作为而冥想。

19、Although you can appreciate the Water-bearer' s mind and originality, the Aquarian's lack of direction and carefree nature will cause you to shy away. ─── 摩羯-瓶:你很欣赏水瓶座人的思维方式和创新精神,不过缺少目标和责任感的他/只会让你躲闪不及。

20、Amethyst is the birthstone for an Aquarian born in February and garnet for an Aquarian born in January. ─── 生于二月的水瓶座人的诞生石是紫水晶,而生于一月的水瓶座人的诞生石是石榴石。

21、As you cross into the Aquarian Age, trust the flow of divine wisdom. ─── 放下它!因为你正在穿越水瓶年代,信任神圣的宇宙智慧。

22、Ask an Aquarian for help and you will immediately get it, for this sign is a very soft touch and would willingly give some people the shirt off its back if necessary. ─── 水瓶座也比较孤立,有时甚至达到冷漠的地步,让人们很难接近他们。水瓶座不在乎外界对他们的看法,所以一些社会习俗对他们根本不具有约束力。

23、Although it can be extremely difficult to get close to an Aquarian, this is a Fixed sign and so is loyal and faithful. ─── 虽然水瓶座非常有个性,但却慈善博爱。作为一个锐意改革者,水瓶座充满了人道主义的理想,但这些理想又比较模糊不清,让人觉得他们有点好高骛远。

24、If you spot someone sporting a hairstyle on the "next" end of the scale or pushing the envelope, chances are it's a fashion-forward hairstyle donned by an Aquarian. ─── 之所以选择假发,并不是因为你刻意要掩饰自己,而是你觉得戴上这玩意一定非常有趣。你往往喜欢那种时髦但并不太怪异的假发。

25、You already approach these topics from an Aquarian "all for one and one for all" , brotherhood, and originality perspective. ─── 你已经接触这些题目从水瓶“大家为一人,并为所有”,兄弟情谊和独创性的观点。

26、Amethyst is the birthstone for an Aquarian born in February and garnet for an Aquarian born in January. ─── 本月也有许多水瓶座的影响。

27、It's the rare Aquarian who's remotely egotistical. ─── 水瓶座的孤僻的自私非常罕见。

28、CAPRICORN &AQUARIUS: Although you can appreciate the Water-bearer's mind and originality, the Aquarian's lack of direction and carefree nature will cause you to shy away. ─── 摩羯-水瓶:你很欣赏水瓶座人的思维方式和创新精神,不过缺少目标和责任感的他/她只会让你躲闪不及。

29、Aquarian Age - Tokyo Wars ─── 水瓶新世纪-东京战争

30、It’s pretty difficult to shock an Aquarian. ─── 想让水瓶座的人吃惊可是相当难的。

31、CAPRICORN & AQUARIUS: Although you can appreciate the Water-bearer's mind and originality, the Aquarian's lack of direction and carefree nature will cause you to shy away. ─── 摩羯-水瓶: 你很欣赏水瓶座人的思维方式和创新精神,不过缺少目标和责任感的他/她只会让你躲闪不及。

32、As we move into the Aquarian Age, our goal is to empower ourselves from within (there is no other way) and to extricate ourselves from all forms of victimization. ─── 它可以平衡人体的腺体、强化神经系统、增强肺活量以及净化血液,有助于减缓衰老过程,排毒的效果特别强。

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