deodorant 发音
英:[diːˈoʊdərənt] 美:[diːˈəʊdərənt]
英: 美:
deodorant 中文意思翻译
deodorant 词性/词形变化,deodorant变形
deodorant 短语词组
1、anthesteria deodorant ─── 除臭剂驱虫剂
2、germicidal deodorant ─── 杀菌除臭剂
3、deodorant recipe ─── 除臭剂配方
4、deodorant spray ─── 祛臭喷雾剂
5、deodorant soap ─── 除臭皂,抑臭皂
6、deodorant wipes ─── 除臭湿巾
7、deodorant shampoo ─── 除臭洗发水
8、deodorant powder ─── [化] 祛臭粉
9、medicated deodorant cream ─── 药物除臭霜
10、deodorant stick ─── 祛臭锭
11、deodorant companies ─── 除臭剂公司
12、pet deodorant ─── 宠物除臭剂
13、deodorant solution ─── [医] 除臭液
14、deodorant gel ─── 除臭剂凝胶
15、each and every deodorant ─── 每种除臭剂
16、deodorant without aluminum ─── 无铝除臭剂
17、deodorant cream ─── 止臭膏
18、deodorant antiperspirant ─── 除臭剂止汗剂
19、calendula deodorant ─── 金盏草除臭剂
deodorant 相似词语短语
1、deodorise ─── v.除去……的臭味;(使)更易接受(等于deodorize)
2、odorant ─── n.有气味的东西;adj.有气味的;有香气的
3、declarant ─── n.申请归化美国者;申报者
4、deodand ─── n.赎罪奉献物
5、decolorant ─── n.漂白剂;adj.漂白的;有脱色作用的
6、deodorize ─── v.除去……的臭气;给……防臭
7、colorant ─── n.着色剂
8、deodorants ─── n.[助剂]除臭剂;香体剂;[助剂]脱臭剂(deodorant的复数形式)
9、decolorants ─── n.漂白剂;adj.漂白的;有脱色作用的
deodorant 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Undead Female -"You don't need any deodorant when you don't have any armpits." ─── 当你没有腋窝的时候,就用不着出臭剂了。
2、Almost in unison, my flatmate and I replied "spray-on deodorant!" ─── 几乎是不约而同地,我的室友和我回答“香体喷雾!”
3、Serious programs remind the audience that complex human problems are not solved by switching to a new deodorant ─── 严肃的节目提醒观众,复杂的人生问题不会象按动一下新的除臭装置那样,便可轻易解决的。
4、Keywords Cosmetics;Zinc;Deodorant;Dissolvable zinc salt;Aqua pure extract; ─── 化妆品;锌;除臭剂;可溶性锌盐;纯水提取;
5、Keywords catalytic deodorant;active carbon;cupric oxide;adsorption; ─── 催化除臭剂;活性炭;氧化铜吸附;
6、They use deodorant in their armpits (which they delicately call 'underarms'), spray their homes with room freshener, put fuzzy dice with air freshener in their cars, and drape their bathrooms with scented toilet tissue. ─── 他们在腋窝(他们婉称为“腋下”处使用除臭剂,在房间里喷洒清新剂,把喷了清新剂的绒毛饰物挂在汽车里,把香味手纸挂在卫生间里。
7、an odorless deodorant ─── 一种无味的除臭剂
8、is an effective bactericide useful as a disinfectant,sanitizer and deodorant in liquid. Giving high germicidal activity in hard water. ─── 季铵盐消毒剂一般是什么颜色,浓度是多少?如何检测浓度?从以下英文来判断可能是哪种消毒剂:
9、“Whenever I hear a person say this or that is impossible, I think back to the ozone layer days when people said it would be impossible to phase out CFCs from deodorant. ─── “每当我听到有人说,这件事或者那件事是不可能的,我就会回想起讨论臭氧层问题的日子,当时人们都说我们不可能逐步替代除臭剂中的含氯氟烃(CFC)。”
10、The asians sweat much less than caucasians do, i think most of people know that, they dont even use deodorant in the morning after showering before going out. ─── 亚洲人比欧洲人出汗少,我想多数人都知道。他们甚至在早上洗完澡外出前都不用除臭剂。
11、Your deodorant stick has cobwebs on it. ─── 体香膏(或除臭剂?)上长满蜘蛛网。
12、4. Do you use deodorant, shampoos, and soaps? ─── 你有使用防臭剂、洗发精、或肥皂吗?
13、On gas, liquid deodorant, with the exception of drugs, and decoloration have good results. ─── 对气体、液体的除臭、除毒、脱色均有良好效果。
14、body deodorant ─── 去体臭药
15、Almost in unison, my flatmate and I replied" spray-on deodorant! ─── 几乎是不约而同地,我的室友和我回答“香体喷雾!
16、Products which are practical and easy-care for consumers, including garments with machine-washability, deodorant additives and antibacterial properties. ─── 实用性强且易于护理的产品,包括可机洗、防异味和抗菌的特性;
17、Do you just slather on some extra deodorant as you head out the door? ─── 他们是否要在出门前涂抹大量除臭剂呢?
18、Our fragrance is good at its deodorant and skill germs functions.Besides, we adopted natural juice and tea polyphenol, the fragrance will make you feel more comfortable. ─── 在感官上的香味的追求更是不遗余力,大部分产品均采用天然果汁抽取液和茶多酚为原料,力求让芳香剂具有消臭功能的同时香味更加宜人、舒适。
19、She sprayed deodorant under her arms. ─── 她对着腋下喷洒除臭剂。
20、5.Many purposes: fish tank clean water, preserved ancient paintings mildew fear grave-sweepers, refrigerators, toilets, the car can achieve the purpose of disinfection, such as deodorant. ─── 5.多方面用途:鱼缸净水,保藏书画古籍最怕霉变虫咬,冰箱,卫生间,车内均可以达到消毒除臭等目的。
21、I choke through a cloud of deodorant as I slink out and I'm sure I detect a couple of disapproving glances at my rather worn jeans and less than perfectly ironed shirt. ─── 从那里溜走的时候,空气中弥漫的除臭剂的味道熏得我几乎窒息。我确信,有人对我身上的旧仔服和没有仔细熨过的衬衫投来了不以为然的目光。
22、With the odour problems drawing more and more public concern,a lot of research works are devoted to deodorant techniques,especially the biological a deodorising technique. ─── 恶臭问题越来越受到人们的关注,各种脱臭技术的研究也正蓬勃兴起,尤其是生物除臭技术正日益受到重视。
23、One letter from local farmers described how a nearby factory making 8-hydroxyquinoline, used as a deodorant and antiseptic, emitted noxious fumes that “make our days and nights impassable. ─── 在一封信中当地农民描述了附近一个用偏苯三酚制造除臭剂和防腐剂的工厂如何排放有害气体,使得他们感到“日子一天也没有办法过了。”
24、Various seasonings are good deodorant, such as aniseed, pepper, Heung Yip, Chinese cinnamon, and so on, can be a pleasant smell dissemination. ─── 3.各种调味料也是不错的除臭剂,如大料、辣椒、香叶、桂皮等也能散发出宜人的香味。
26、Researches the antibacterial, deodorant &anionic function, and the reliabiligy of the air filter net weaved by tourmaline and PP resin. ─── 介绍研究电气石材料与PP树脂熔融纺丝并编织空气过滤网的抗菌、除臭、负离子效果及安全性。
27、The cross section of a high grade closestool, blowdown is in charge of wall to apply glair, the purpose is for deodorant, anti-fouling. ─── 一个优质的马桶的横切面,排污管内壁施釉,目的是为了防臭,防污。
28、DIAX owing the deodorant special for car, have effect on clean up Formaldehyde, Benzene and some harmful matter, resolved different smell ,such as cigarette and leather. ─── DIAX达诗汽车专用消臭系列,有效分解祛除车内甲醛、苯等有害空气,分解祛除烟味、皮革等各种异味,DIAX给您一个健康舒畅的驾车空间。
29、In doing so we dramatise the fact that with Solo deodorant, a guy can get absolutely any girl. ─── 我们这样做是多余的事实,与单独除臭,一个人可以得到绝对的女孩。
30、It sold a lot of deodorant as IT pros were sweating it out waiting to see if they could recover. ─── 遇到这种情况,IT专业人士们都大汗淋漓,努力尝试看是否能够将对象恢复过来。
31、Today, I think my friends were trying to tell me something with all my Christmas gifts being mostly perfume, deodorant, and soap. FML. ─── 今天朋友们送我的圣诞礼物全都是香水除臭剂和肥皂神马的。你们有话直说嘛。FML。
32、They also make nice underarm deodorant that is non-toxic and the alcohol will kill the bacteria at cause of body odor. ─── 它们也可以做很好的无毒腋下除臭剂,而酒精会杀死造成身体气味的病毒。
33、There’s not much we can do except scrub with soap and mask our odors with deodorant. ─── 但我们可以用香皂和除臭剂来掩饰这种气味。
34、female deodorant sprays may cause such harmful reactions ─── 女性除臭剂可能导致有害的副作用
35、B: Ok. After shaving. I'll use some deodorant. ─── 好。刮脸之后,我要用一些除臭剂。
36、Chen and her colleagues asked 20 heterosexual guys to stop wearing deodorant and scented products for a few days. ─── 陈和她的团队找到了20位异性恋的男子,要求他们停止使用除臭剂和有香味的日常用品一段时间。
37、Toiletriesthe things that you use when cleaning or taking care of your body, such as soap, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, etc. ─── 也属化妆品类,尤指清洁用品,如:肥皂,牙膏,洗发液、除臭剂等。
38、I cried at the tiniest things -- when I saw a monkey on TV that I knew he'd laugh at, or when I smelled a whiff of his sporty deodorant at Duane Reade. ─── 他们会认为,浪漫是结婚前的事情,结婚就没必要了。这样说可能会让我的先生感到委屈,而事 实是,每当我提出要去酒吧坐坐,或者一起骑自行车出去转转。
39、Steps anyone can take to get started with personal appearance include simply bathing every day, brushing your teeth, using deodorant, and other basic tasks of personal hygiene. ─── 任何人都能运用的改善个人仪表的方法:包括每天进行洗澡,刷牙,使用除臭剂以及其他个人卫生相关的基本工作。
40、Meanwhile, the development of antiperspirant and deodorant market in the future and the development trends have also summarized thoroughly. ─── 同时,阐述了近年来抑汗剂/去体味剂市场的发展以及今后的发展趋势。
41、Roll-on deodorant uses the same technology as the ballpoint pen. ─── Roll-on 除味剂采用的技术和圆珠笔一样。
42、He shot badly on Saturday, and even with 10 assists, could not apply deodorant to this stinker. ─── 他的儿子也知道这个,也在对阵国王的赛前赛后,还有打小牛前一天反复的说这些。
43、Absorptive deodorant, perfume masking deodorant, chemical deodorant, enzymic deodorant, microbial deodorant, plant deodorant and other types of deodorants as well as their development trends are described. ─── 介绍了吸附型除臭剂、香料掩蔽型除臭剂、化学除臭剂、酶制品除臭剂、微生物型除臭剂、植物型除臭剂等各种类型除臭剂及其开发动向。
44、SM-13 is high efficiency sterilization deodorant with the power of cleaning, disinfecting and deodorization. ─── SM-13系高效杀菌除臭的清洗剂。具有清洗、杀菌消毒、除臭等功能。
45、I keep a few hygiene products in my traveling bag at all times: underarm deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush, some mouthwash, some facial cleanser, a comb, and some cologne. ─── 我总是在我旅行包里放些个人护理产品:走珠止汗露,牙膏,牙刷,漱口水,洗面露,梳子,和一些香水。
46、· Deodorant, because Americans not only sweat more than Europeans (it's hot in America), they worry more about the odour. ─── ·除臭剂,因为美国人不仅比欧洲人出汗多(美 国很热),他们还更担心气味。
47、Actually this perfume is an underarm deodorant. ─── 事实上这种香水是腋下除臭剂。
48、We want to buy Hair Shampoo, Hair Gel Cream, Aftershave Liquid Soap, Cologne Deodorant, Cosmetic Accessories ─── 我们要采购头发香波,发胶奶油,擦面液液体肥皂,科隆防臭剂,化妆辅助部件
49、It’s a small bottle the size of a lip gloss stick with a roll on top (like roll on deodorant). ─── 它实际就是像唇彩棒那样的一小瓶东西,上面加个滚珠(就像滚珠除臭剂那样)。
50、And my favorite; one of the ATP trainers went to use spray deodorant and ended up putting shaving cream all over the himself, classic! ─── 然后这个是我最喜欢的;ATP的其中一个训练员想去用喷雾式防臭剂最后却喷得自己满身刮胡膏,经典!
51、The customs guys would have been wondering why a girl was travelling with a suitcase half full of men's deodorant. ─── 海关的那些家伙可能在想为什么一个女孩子会带着一只男士香体剂塞满了一半的行李箱旅行呢。
52、For that reason, Americans consider the use of deodorant or antiperspirant a must. ─── 因此,美国人会认为使用除臭剂或止汗剂是必须的。
53、EASTROSE deodorant,removes the body odor,change the odor to be perfumed. ─── 依莎萝丝香体喷雾,消除体味,变臭为香.
54、He puts some deodorant under his arms. ─── 他在腋下涂了些防臭剂。
55、Meanwhile,the development of antiperspirant and deodorant market in the future and the development trends have also summarized thoroughly. ─── 同时,阐述了近年来抑汗剂/去体味剂市场的发展以及今后的发展趋势。
56、Luckily, there are simple treatments for those with minor hyperhidrosis, including wearing deodorant or taking medication . ─── 她答应了,于是两人一起去看电影。电影演到一半,女子伸出手握住男子的手。
57、With deodorant, dehumidification, pest control, Fang Jun, water purifiers, drugs, and prevent electromagnetic radiation and other effects. ─── 具有除臭、除湿、防虫、防菌、净水、吸毒、和防止电磁辐射等功效。
58、5. Your deodorant stick has cobwebs on it. ─── 体香膏(或除臭剂?)上长满蜘蛛网。收藏指正
59、SEO is using deodorant instead of washing. ─── SEO是不洗澡抹除臭剂。
60、"Americans want grungy people, stabbing themselves in the head onstage. They get a bunch like us, with deodorant on, they don't get it." ─── “把我任何一个乐队的人放在一起,他们别他妈的想活著出去,我敢打赌。”
61、toilet deodorant ─── 卫生间除臭剂
62、"I heard it has something to do with smell," says Jan, aged nine. "That's why perfume and deodorant are so popular." ─── “我听说这和气味有关,”九岁的简说,“这就是为什么香水和除臭剂那么流行的原因。”
63、10.Pulling my red suitcase on wobbly wheels behind me, I was shoved and pushed by perspiring travelers reeking of cigarette smoke, different diets and not nearly enough deodorant. ─── 我拖着两个轮子左右摇摆的红色手提箱,被那些汗流满面的旅客挤来挤去,游客身上散发出难闻的烟味,不同的口腔气味,以及不足以冲掉汗臭的除臭剂的味道。
64、Purify environment, deodorant, insecticide, purifying fold air, reduce environmental degradation caused by production capacity obstacles. ─── 净化环境、除臭、驱虫、净化圈舍空气,减少因环境恶化造成的生产能力障碍。
65、Use deodorant and brush your teeth or use mouthwash. Americans are very sensitive about body odors. ─── 使用除臭剂刷牙,或者用漱口水漱口。美国人对体臭非常敏感。
66、Various seasonings are good deodorant, such as aniseed, pepper, Heung Yip, Chinese cinnamon, the redeployment of good not only delicious, but also to disseminate a pleasant smell. ─── 3.各种调味料也是不错的除臭剂,如大料、辣椒、香叶、桂皮等不仅能调出上好的美味,也能散发出宜人的香味。
67、The Effect of Bio-G Deodorant to the Ammonia Gas in the Chicken Broth and the Raise of Chicken ─── Bio-G除臭剂对蛋鸡舍内氨气及产蛋性能的影响
68、4W photocatalyst tube with function of sterilization,deodor,antigerms and selfcleaning. ─── 4W玻纤式光触媒灯管,具有杀菌、除臭、抑菌、清净等功能。
69、To keep the body fresh and free from unwanted odours, Amway has created two deodorant products that will swiftly put an end to embarrassing perspiration-related problems. ─── 安利的两款止汗香体产品,以全新清爽时尚包装,配合卓越止汗成分,为您赶走汗臭的烦恼,令身体保持乾爽卫生!
70、The effectiveness of adding EPH in detergent and cosmetics used as disinfectant, preservative and deodorant is described in some examples. ─── 举例叙述乙二醇单苯醚在洗涤用品和化妆品中添加后,能杀菌、除臭、止痒、防腐。
72、space deodorant ─── 室内除味剂
73、At the same time Photocatalyst also has antibacterial, sterilization, deodorant, anti-pollution, water, anti-ultraviolet, and other functions. ─── 同时光触媒还具有抗菌、杀菌、除臭、防污、亲水、防紫外线等功能。
74、It could be, but antiperspirant and deodorant are designed to kill body odor caused by bacterial. ─── There are people out there (讲究的人) using cologne everyday when they go to work.
75、How much deodorant do you use, anyway? ! ─── 你用多少体香剂呀,好家伙?!
77、COLLEGE KIT: Add things like razors, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, soap, lottery ticket, over-the-counter medications, hairbrush and snacks. ─── 大学生用具盒: 加入这些物品,如,剃刀,除臭剂,洗发剂,牙膏,肥皂,奖券,非处方的药物,发刷和零嘴。
78、I use unperfumed, roll-on deodorant. ─── 我用无香味的,滚抹除臭剂。
79、For that reason, Americans consider the use of deodorant or anti-perspirant a must. ─── 因此,美国人会感到运用除臭剂或止汗剂是必需的。
80、Company's main products include series of activated carbon (DH-AC), activated carbon fiber series (DH-ACF), corrugated-filter series (DH-CRG), anti-bacterial deodorant Series (DH-UT), and so on. ─── 公司主要产品包括活性炭系列(DH-AC)、活性炭纤维系列(DH-ACF)、瓦楞状过滤网系列(DH-CRG)、抗菌除臭系列(DH-UT)等。
82、You don't need any deodorant when you don't have any armpits. ─── 当你没有腋窝的时候,就用不着出臭剂了。
83、Objets de toilette habituels:savon,dentifrice et brosse a dents,essuies de bain et de table, deodorant,eau de toilette. ─── 平常的卫生物品啊:肥皂,牙膏,牙刷,浴巾,香水(厕所用的那种)
84、Deodorant, because Americans not only sweat more than Europeans( it's hot in America), they worry more about the odour. ─── ·除臭剂,因为美国人不仅比欧洲人出汗多(国很热)他们还更担心气味。
85、Antimicrobial deodorant used in cosmetics ─── 化妆品用抗菌除臭剂
86、"Pet cool" dry aerosol, the product of deodorant, disinfection, binapacryl, eliminate fleas role. ─── "宠物爽”干性气雾剂,本产品具有除臭,消毒,杀螨,灭蚤作用。
87、"If you want to avoid the embarrassment of perspiration-stained clothing, you should use 'Dry,' the new antiperspirant deodorant. ─── 如果你想摆脱衣服上的汗渍给你带来的困扰,你就应该用'干爽‘,止汗除臭剂。
88、deodorant ,personal (body) ─── 人体除臭剂
89、BAMBOO CHARCOAL CLUB HAS FUNCTIONS OF DEODORANT, DRYNESS. ─── 产品描述:竹炭俱乐部又名床下调湿炭,拥有除臭,除湿,干燥等功效。
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