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08-18 投稿


cyme 发音


英:  美:

cyme 中文意思翻译



cyme 短语词组

1、cyme tcc ─── 聚伞花序

2、compound cyme ─── 复聚伞花序

3、cyme tangle ─── 切线

4、scorpioid cyme ─── [医] 蝎尾状聚щ花序

5、cyme international t&d Cyme International T& D;

6、cyme sna ─── 蛇

7、helicoid cyme ─── [医] 螺旋状聚щ花序

8、cyme gateway cyme ─── 网关

9、aeolis cyme ─── 希姆·埃奥利斯

10、cyme international cyme ─── 国际

11、biparous cyme ─── [医] 两轴聚щ花序

12、cyme cap ─── 聚伞花序帽

cyme 词性/词形变化,cyme变形

形容词: cymiferous |

cyme 相似词语短语

1、zyme ─── n.酶;病菌

2、cymae ─── n.反曲线;波状花边(cyma的变形)

3、azyme ─── 阿兹梅

4、came ─── v.come的过去式

5、come ─── vi.来;开始;出现;发生;变成;到达;vt.做;假装;将满(…岁);int.嗨!;n.(Come)人名;(英)科姆;(阿尔巴)乔梅

6、cyma ─── n.[建]反曲线;波状花边

7、lyme ─── n.莱姆关节炎;欧滨麦(植物)

8、cymes ─── n.聚伞花序

9、chyme ─── n.[生理]食糜(食物经胃液消化后变成的浆状物);半流体的消化物

cyme 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Flowers solitary, several in a loose cyme, or numerous and clustered into capitula, subtended by 1--4 pairs of appressed bracts. ─── 花单生,数个在一松散聚伞花序,或多数和簇生进,以1-4贴伏苞片被包着。

2、Cyme terminal; ─── 聚伞花序顶生;

3、Leaf blade basally attenuate; cyme 1--3-flowered; sepal vein anastomoses sometimes present. ─── 叶片基部渐狭;聚伞花序1--3花;萼片脉网结有时宿存。(47

4、Cyme subumbellate, few flowered;bracts with narrowly scarious margin. ─── 狭的苞片具干膜质边缘。

5、Inflorescences generally axillary, terminal inflorescences occurring in male plants, 1- or 2-flowered or more flowers in a small cyme, somewhat racemose-monochasial; ─── 一般花序腋生,在雄株株内发生的顶生花序,1-或或2花或更多在小聚伞花序,有点总状单歧聚伞状;

6、Inflorescence a corymbose cyme, leaf-opposed or pseudoterminal, often at tips of tendrils. ─── 花序伞房状聚伞花序,对生或,通常在顶部的卷须。

7、Inflorescence a reduced cyme, flower opposite tendril, tendril thick and strong; ─── 花序一退化的聚伞花序,花对生卷须,卷须厚和强壮的;

8、Cyme ca. 3-flowered or flower solitary; ─── 聚伞花序约3花或者花单生的;

9、flowers 3-40 in a dichasial cyme; ─── 花3-40成二歧聚伞花序;

10、flowers 5-20 in a dichasial cyme; ─── 花5-20成二歧聚伞花序;

11、spicate cyme ─── 穗状聚伞花序

12、Umbrella room type cyme, axil is born or the top is born, scattered, slue is spent. ─── 伞房式聚伞花序,腋生或顶生,疏散,有极多花。

13、Inflorescences with 5-40 flowers in a dichasial cyme; ─── 花序具5-40花成二歧聚伞花序;

14、Inflorescence an abbreviated cyme, capitate, (1 or)2--5-flowered; ─── 花序缩短的聚伞花序,头状,(1或)2-5花;

15、Relating to or resembling a cyme; determinate. ─── 聚伞花序的,依序绽放的与聚伞花序有关的,或似聚伞状的;依序绽放的

16、Rosa cymosa [cyme rose] ─── 小果蔷薇

17、Inflorescences a dichasial cyme with 5-15 flowers; ─── 花序二岐聚伞花序具5-15花;

18、CYME, ”USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE MANUAL”, Sep., 1999. ─── 电驿说明书,台湾电力公司训练所教材,中华民国70年。

19、compound cyme ─── (拉cyma composita)复聚伞花序

20、Cyme arising from leaf axils of current year's branches, 1-flowered; ─── 聚伞花序生于当年生枝叶腋,具1花;

21、uniparous cyme ─── 单岐聚伞花序单岐式

22、Inflorescences with 8-12 flowers in a dichasial cyme; ─── 花序具8-12花成二歧聚伞花序;

23、Inflorescences axillary, flowers 5-21 in a dichasial cyme; ─── 花序腋生,花成二歧聚伞花序;

24、flowers 3-15 in a dichasial cyme; ─── 花3-15成二歧聚伞花序;

25、Inflorescence a terminal compound cyme subtended by 4 white or rarely pinkish petaloid bracts. ─── 花序一顶生复聚伞花序以4白色或很少带粉红色瓣状苞片被包着。

26、This thesis employs a power system simulation program, CYME, to analyze dynamic and steady-state performance of dispersed generation systems connecting to an utility grid. ─── 文中利用电力系统之模拟软体CYME来分析分散式发电系统与市电系统并联运转时,可能发生动态与稳态特性影响。

27、Stem more than 10 cm tall. Flower solitary or cyme 2-4-flowered. Sepals abaxially and marginally brown crisped villous. Fl. and fr. Jun-Sep. ─── 茎10厘米高的超过。花单生或聚伞花序2-4花。萼片背面和稍微棕色的皱波状的具长柔毛。花期及果期6-9月。

28、corymbiform cyme ─── (拉cyma corymbiformis)伞房状聚伞花序

29、Cyme top lays umbrella room condition or wear unripe upper part is axillary; ─── 伞房状聚伞花序顶生或着生上方叶腋;

30、Inflorescence a corymbose cyme , leaf-opposed or pseudo terminal, often at tips of tendrils. ─── 花序伞房状聚伞花序,对生或,通常在顶部的卷须。

31、corymbose cyme ─── 伞房状聚伞花序

32、flowers 2-4 in 1-2 times branched dichasial cyme; ─── 花2-4朵在1-2次分枝的二岐聚伞花序中;

33、A cyme having two lateral flowers or branches originating from opposite points beneath a terminal flower. ─── 二歧聚伞花序一种聚伞花序,有两个侧花或两个侧枝,其生于顶生花下面两个相对的点

34、multiparous cyme ─── 多出聚伞花序

35、Inflorescence terminal, a corymbose cyme or panicle. Flowers bisexual. ─── 花序顶生,一种伞房状的聚伞花序或圆锥花序。

36、Branchlets, petioles, and leaf veins both crisped pubescent and pellucid villous; inflorescence a corymbose cyme. ─── 小枝,叶柄,和既使卷曲青春期又清澈具长柔毛的叶静脉;花序伞房状的聚伞花序。(4

37、trichotomous cyme ─── 三岐聚伞花序三岐式

38、bifurcate cyme ─── 二岐聚伞花序

39、Inflorescence terminal, occasionally axillary, a corymbose cyme, umbellate cyme, or thyrse; ─── 偶有,花序顶生,伞房状聚伞花序,伞形聚伞花序,或聚伞圆锥花序;

40、For many cyme, cylindrical or spike is a bit compressed; ─── 为多出聚伞花序,穗状花序圆柱形或稍扁平;

41、central cyme to 20 cm, many flowered, paniclelike; ─── 中心的聚伞花序20厘米,多花的,圆锥花序状;

42、Leaf petiole more than 2 mm wide; involucral bract blade undivided or sometimes 3-lobed; cyme 1-flowered; sepals glabrous or sparsely puberulent; staminodes sometimes present. ─── 叶柄超过2毫米宽;总苞片不裂或有时3浅裂;聚伞花序1花;萼片无毛的或疏生微柔毛;退化雄蕊有时宿存。(50

43、Flower solitary, terminal or few in a cyme. ─── 花单生,顶生的或很少的在一聚伞花序里。

44、Centrifugal xylem differentiates from the center outwards, and a centrifugal inflorescence (e.g. the dichasial cyme ) is one in which the progression of flower opening is from the center to the periphery. ─── 离心式的木质部分化是从中间开始的,离心式的花序中花开放的顺序是从中央到周围。

45、Inflorescences axillary, flowers 8-13 in 2-4 times branched dichasial cyme; ─── 花序腋生,花用2-4调节枝聚伞花序;

46、Inflorescence a flat-topped cyme, axillary, few-flowered. ─── 花序一顶端平聚伞花序,腋生,很少的花。

47、Inflorescence axillary, a cyme, the flowers in each group developing successively to form a dense cluster; ─── 花序腋生,一聚伞花序,花生于每组连续形成一紧密的群的发育的;

48、Inflorescences 12-15 flowers in a dichasial cyme; ─── 花序12-15花成二歧聚伞花序;

49、flowers 2-10 in a dichasial cyme; ─── 花2-10成二歧聚伞花序;

50、Corymbose cyme (2-)5-10(-14)-flowered, arising from leafless axils; ─── 伞房状聚伞花序(2-)5-10(-14)花,生于无叶的叶腋;

51、Inflorescence an ill-defined terminal pseudumbel or dichasial cyme; ─── 花序不明显的顶生的假伞形花序或二岐聚伞花序;

52、Umbrella shape cyme; ─── 伞状聚伞花序;

53、Inflorescence terminal, a dichasial cyme, dense or lax, sometimes flowers solitary. ─── 花序顶生,一二歧聚伞花序,疏松的紧密的或,有时花单生。

54、flowers 20-100 in a dichasial cyme. ─── 花20-100成二歧聚伞花序。

55、Inflorescence a cyme surrounded by bracteal leaves, rarely flower solitary. ─── 一聚伞花序苞片的叶,很少花单生包围的花序。

56、Inflorescence terminal, a corymbose cyme;bracts and bracteoles narrowly lanceolate to linear, persistent. ─── 苞片和小苞片狭披针形的到线形,宿存。

57、Bearing a cyme or cymes. ─── 聚伞花序的开有一个或几个聚伞花序的

58、umbellate cyme ─── 伞形聚伞花序

59、panicled thyrsoid cyme ─── 密伞圆锥花序

60、Inflorescence a terminal much-branched dichasial cyme; ─── 花序一顶生的多分枝二岐聚伞花序;

61、Inflorescence a small cyme or glomerule, sometimes reduced to a solitary flower, leaf-opposed or terminal; ─── 花序一小聚伞花序或团伞花序,有时退化至一单生花的,叶对生或顶生;

62、racemiform cyme ─── 聚伞圆锥花序

63、Inflorescence a reduced cyme, central flower not developed, one lateral branch converted to a tendril, flower opposite tendril; ─── 花序一退化聚伞花序,中心花不发达,一侧枝转变成一卷须,花对生卷须;

64、Inflorescences often androgynous, solitary, from almost every node, a cluster or scorpioid cyme, subsessile, few flowered. ─── 花序通常雄雌同序,单生,从几乎每节生,簇生或蝎尾状聚伞花序,近无柄,很少花。

65、a scorpioid cyme. ─── 一个蝎尾状花序

66、Disk well developed, 5-lobed; inflorescence a corymbose cyme, reduced inflorescence often appearing at tip of tendrils. ─── 花盘发育良好,5浅裂;花序一伞房状的聚伞花序,退化的花序通常似乎卷须的在顶部。

67、cymes with peduncle 6-7 mm, terminal cyme subsessile. ─── 有花序梗的聚伞花序6-7毫米,末端聚伞花序近无柄。

68、Inflorescence an axillary cyme, 3-7-flowered, those along proximal part of branchlet male, distal inflorescences female; ─── 花序腋生聚伞花序,3-7花,在小枝下部的花为雄花,上部的花序为雌花;

69、The flower is bisexual, small and orderly, sheet is born or the platoon becomes cyme, often be born in truncal go up or on thick branch; ─── 花两性,小而整洁,单生或排成聚伞花序,常生在树干上或粗枝上;

70、Spend yellow, the platoon becomes the cyme of type of very unripe, corymb; ─── 花黄色,排成顶生.伞房花序式的聚伞花序;

71、Inflorescences 10-15 flowered in a dichasial cyme; ─── 花序10-15花成二歧聚伞花序;

72、Inflorescences a capitulum, spike, or raceme, rarely a cyme, or with flowers inserted on a discoid receptacle. ─── 花序小头花状序,穗状花序,或者总状花序很少聚伞花序,或者着生于一盘状花托上。(3

73、Flowers solitary, several in a loose cyme, or numerous and clustered into capitula, subtended by 1--4 pairs of appressed bracts. ─── 花单生,数个在一松散聚伞花序,或多数和簇生进,以1-4贴伏苞片被包着。

74、veins pinnate.Inflorescences a fascicle or cyme. ─── 羽状脉花序一束簇或聚伞花序。

75、The dynamic load model of the A/C arc furnace is derived based on the actual field data and has been included in the computer simulation by the CYME software package for load flow analysis. ─── 另外当外部台电系统发生故障时,本钢铁厂之电力系统能够及时和责任分界点之连结线解联并且执行卸载,以防止汽电共生机组于暂态扰动后发生跳脱,而维持供电系统的可靠度。

76、Beautiful platoon is born into the top or axil is born or the cyme with foliaceous opposite; ─── 花排成顶生或腋生或与叶对生的聚伞花序;

77、Umbrella room type cyme, axil is born or the top is born, scattered, slue is spent. ─── 伞房式聚伞花序,腋生或顶生,疏散,有极多花。

78、Tendrils palmately branched. Compound cyme. Seeds spheroid; hilum elliptic at back, surface with netlike ornamentations . ─── 掌状的卷须分枝。复聚伞花序种子扁球形;种脐椭圆形在背面,表面有网状纹饰。

79、Inflorescence a leaf-opposed glomerule or cyme. ─── 花序一对生团伞花序或聚伞花序。

80、Inflorescence a paniculate cyme, ebracteate, many flowered. ─── 花序一圆锥状的聚伞花序,无苞片,多花的。

81、Leaf blade light green abaxially. Cyme 1-3-flowered. Sepals, petals, filaments, and disk without red glandular dots. ─── 叶片淡绿背面。聚伞花序1-3开花。萼片,花瓣,花丝和花盘没有红色的腺点。

82、Inflorescences with 8-10 flowers in a dichasial cyme; ─── 花序具8-10花成二歧聚伞花序;

83、incomplete cyme ─── 单岐聚伞花序

84、Inflorescences a dichotomous cyme. ─── 花序二歧的聚伞花序。

85、The flower is small, bisexual, compositive armpit is born or acrogenous cyme or panicle; ─── 花小,两性,组成腋生或顶生的聚伞花序或圆锥花序;

86、Rhizome both long and short. Leaf petiole and scape hirsute. Involucral bract blade ca. 3 cm. Cyme 4- or 5-flowered. Sepals white to pink, 5--6 mm. Ovary base narrowed. Stigma globose. ─── 根状茎长和短。叶柄和花葶具粗毛。总苞片叶片大约3厘米。聚伞花序4或5花。萼片白色到粉红色,5-6毫米。子房基部狭窄。柱头球状。

87、Cyme terminal, lax. ─── 聚伞花序顶生,疏松。

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