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08-18 投稿


alimony 发音

英:['ælɪmənɪ]  美:['ælɪmoni]

英:  美:

alimony 中文意思翻译



alimony 词性/词形变化,alimony变形

名词复数: alimonies |

alimony 短语词组

1、alimony hunter ─── 赡养费猎人

2、alimony pending suit ─── [法] 诉讼期间生活费

3、permanent alimony ─── [经] 永久生活费, 终身赡养费

4、alimony judgement ─── [法] 赡养费之裁判

5、temporary alimony ─── [法] 临时扶养费

6、alimony pendente lite ─── [法] 诉讼期间的扶养费

7、alimony payment ─── 赡养费支付

alimony 相似词语短语

1、acrimony ─── n.辛辣;尖刻;严厉

2、antimony ─── n.(化学元素)锑元素(符号Sb)

3、palimony ─── n.(非正式)(法院判定定期付给前未婚同居对象的)生活费

4、salmony ─── 沙门氏菌

5、alisons ─── 艾莉森

6、aliment ─── n.滋养品;食物;vt.向…提供营养物

7、agrimony ─── n.龙牙草;龙芽草属

8、lemony ─── adj.柠檬的

9、alison ─── n.艾莉森(女子名)

alimony 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Alimony pending suit or pendente lite ─── 诉讼期间的抚养费

2、Where the winning party in a case claiming alimony or costs of support or upbringing dies ─── 追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费案件的权利人死亡的

3、The whole concept of alimony is gender-biased, your honor. ─── 所有关于赡养费的观念都是偏颇的,法官阁下。

4、On the request of intellectual property rights, the right personality on the right to request, on the right as the right to request (maintenance, alimony). ─── 知识产权上的请求权,人格权上的请求权,身份权上的请求权(抚养费、赡养费)。

5、alimony and maintenance obligations ─── 赡养义务

6、We waive to pay any alimony. ─── 我们免除支付任何赡养费.

7、Possibly alimony was the stumbling-block. ─── 也可能症结是他拿不出赡养费。

8、I remember then I was nearly broke except with little alimony left. Not being employed, I gotta care about my accommodation. ─── 处,那时候身上只剩下一点点生活费,居留是大问题,找事没有着。

9、Claiming alimony, costs of support or upbringing, pensions for the disabled and medical expenses, ─── 追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费、抚恤金、医疗费用的,

10、Those involving claims for alimony, support for children or elders, pension for the disabled or the family of a decedent, or expenses for medical care; ─── 追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费、抚恤金、医疗费用的;

11、Susan: Well, somebody did, because he sent me a text agreeing to keep paying me alimony. ─── 苏珊:嗯,有人这么做了,因为他发给我短信,同意继续付我赡养费。

12、"One month to give the number of alimony, I shall give my ability. ─── “一个月要给多少赡养费,我会根据我的能力给的。”

13、Though most states have no-fault divorce laws, video proof of adultery can have a major impact on alimony and child custody settlements. ─── 虽然美国大多数州都有无过错离婚法律,但通奸的视频证据将会对扶养费和孩子的监护处理,产生重大的影响。

14、Her right to end her marriage in court by giving her husband back anything he gave her and waiving her right for alimony? ─── 她得归还她先生给她的所有东西并且同意放弃赡养费,才能在法庭上结束她的婚姻关系。

15、Taiwan high judge yesterday held a Taoyuan schoolteacher responsible for failure to produce offspring and let his wife divorce from him with NT1.5 million in alimony. ─── 昨天台湾一位高等法官负起一位桃园学校教师为了生产后代以150万的赡养费和他的妻子离婚的失败责任。

16、An allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse, usually the chief provider during the marriage. Alimony may also be granted without a divorce, as between legally separated persons. ─── 赡养费按照法庭判决离婚后的原配偶--通常为夫妻中收入较多的一方给另一方的供养补助。赡养费亦可付给并未离婚的双方中的一方,如在合法分居时

17、A lawyer for the estate said the separation agreement stipulated Cristina would have to pay taxes on her quarterly alimony check after Ford's death. This, apparently, does not jibe with Cristina's understanding of the document. ─── 一位管理遗产的律师说,分居协议规定克里斯提娜在福特死后必须为每三月一次的赡养费付税。这显然与克里斯提娜对文件的了解不符。

18、alimony drone ─── 捞赡养费的寄生女人

19、Claiming alimony, costs of support or upbringing, pensions for the disabled and medical expenses ─── 追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费、抚恤金、医疗费用的

20、Are my alimony payments deductable? ─── 我支付的赡养费可抵税吗?

21、When his wife was awarded alimony by the court, Kerr had to ante up. ─── 当法庭判给他太太离婚赡养费时,克尔不得不付。

22、The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to gain financially through other sources connected to taxes, credit, loans, child support and alimony. ─── 之后2周里,关于税收、信贷、贷款、子女赡养费及离婚赡养费这些资源中,将会带来些经济利益。

23、alimony judgement ─── [法] 赡养费之裁判

24、one of the parties in a case involving claims for overdue alimony, support for children or elders or a claim for the termination of adoptive relationship dies. ─── (四)追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费以及解除收养关系案件的一方当事人死亡的。

25、Counsel, I would love nothing more than to repeal alimony ─── 律师,我非常乐意撤销关于赡养费的规定

26、Where the litigant of one party dies in a case involving the claiming of alimony or costs of support or upbringing, or termination of relations of adoption. ─── 追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费以及解除收养关系案件的一方当事人死亡的。

27、Alimony is like buy oats for a dead horse. ─── 给离婚妻子的赡养费,等于给死马买燕麦。

28、Above-the-line deductions include deductible IRA contributions, alimony paid and, for the self-employed, some portion of money spent on health insurance or Social Security. ─── )、支付的赡养费以及用于健康保险和社会保障方面的费用。

29、case involving a claim for alimony ─── [法] 请求扶养费的案件

30、alimony payment ─── 离异抚养费

31、The Court struck down a state law under which husbands but never wives might be required to pay alimony. ─── 法院推翻了要求丈夫但从不要求妻子支付赡养费的一项州法。

32、request for payment of alimony, Fu Yufei, maintenance; ─── 请求给付赡养费、抚育费、扶养费的;

33、They have been fighting over alimony for a long time. I wonder what will become of them and their children? ─── 他们为赡养费争执这么久,不晓得他们和小孩会怎么样?

34、To say his wife has extramarital relationship with others can help him not to pay his wife a large amount of alimony. ─── 说他太太有外遇就可以使他不用付他太太大笔扶养费。

35、In Texas state law, alimony is usually minimal and temporary-though child support, thankfully, is a federal matter. ─── 在德克·萨斯的法律中,赡养费通常是最小限度和临时性的,尽管如此,要感谢老天,孩子的抚养是联邦的事。

36、Money for alimony and/or child support, which is overdue and unpaid. ─── 拖欠的离婚赡养费和(或)子女抚养费。

37、A lawyer for the estate said the separation agreement stipulated Cristina would have to pay taxes on her quarterly alimony check after Ford's death. ─── 一位管理遗产的律师说,分居协议规定克里斯提娜在福特死后必须为每三月一次的赡养费付税。

38、Gizmodo: At the beginning of our conversation you said that human relationships were "AIDS and alimony." ─── 在开始我们的谈话,你说,人与人之间的关系,“艾滋病和赡养费”。

39、At the October 27-28 event, would-be divorcees can consult a whole host of lawyers and mediators on their rights and obligations, and seek advice on frequently difficult questions, such as alimony and child access. ─── 该博览会将于本月27日和28日举行。届时,打算离婚的人可以现场向律师和调解师咨询离婚后的权利与义务等问题,还可以请教他们如何处理常见的难题,如赡养费和子女探望权。

40、Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance incomes do not have to be revealed if you do not wish to have them considered as a basis for repaying this obligation. ─── 如果你无意将赡养费,抚养费,或不同的供养费收入用来偿还此贷款的话,不必写。

41、He tells Maureen that even though he's now entitled to alimony, he doesn't want a nickel. ─── 她说他们之间的性关系不协调,他立刻说爱莉也是为了性的。

42、Residents per capita income growth was expected revenue, operating income, agricultural income (including retired gold), as income, alimony income, respectively, many enhanced. ─── 收入增长的原因是居民人均工薪收入、经营净收入、转移性收入(包括离退休金)、赠送收入、赡养收入都分别有不少的提高。

43、To the extent that welfare is a form of government-subsidized alimony payments, it reduces the institutional costs of separation and guarantees a minimal standard of living for wife and children. ─── 政府补助的赡养费是一种福利,这种福利在降低了离婚成本的同时,还为妇女儿童提供了最低生活保障。

44、periodic alimony ─── 定期扶养费

45、She lives on alimony after divorce. ─── 例1.离婚后她靠赡养费生活。

46、It's alimony I got from my husband. ─── 那是我从我丈夫那得到的赡养费。

47、Mrs. Jones was awarded $ 1000.00 monthly alimony by the court when she was divorced from her husband. ─── 琼斯太太跟丈夫离婚后,根据法院判决她每月可得到一千美元的赡养费。

48、accrued alimony ─── 应付抚养费

49、alimony hunter ─── 猎取离婚费者

50、lump-sum alimony ─── 整笔赡养费

51、If the husband hires a lawyer, but his wife does not, the alimony payment rises (and then there are fees to be paid, too). ─── 如果丈夫聘请律师,而妻子没有,那么赡养费支出上升(此外还要支付一些费用)。

52、Where the winning party in a case claiming alimony or costs of support or upbringing dies, ─── 追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费案件的权利人死亡的,

53、In general, fathers contribute less than half the cost of child support after divorce, and court orders for alimony and child support are difficult to enforce. ─── 在一般情况下,父亲离婚后提供孩子生活费用的一半以下,法院关于抚养费和供养孩子的判决难以得到执行。

54、4) the person entitled to claim alimony or support for elders or children dies; ─── (四)追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费案件的权利人死亡的;

55、temporary alimony ─── 临时抚养费

56、You may have to pay alimony if the divorce goes through ─── 如果离婚了,你也必须给对方赡养费。

57、In a divorce action, it includes awarding alimony way beyond the established formula or the spouse's or life partner's realistic ability to pay. ─── 在刑事案件中,滥用/自由裁量权判决判得过于严重,而在离婚诉讼中,它又指法官所判决的扶养费和生活费超出了法定的标准和配偶的实际支付能力。

58、State statutes which provide for payment of alimony only to the wife have been held to be unconstitutional. ─── 也就是说,在美国,州的法规若规定只给妻子一方付扶养费,则被视为违反宪法。

59、permanent alimony ─── [经] 永久生活费, 终身赡养费

60、Failure to pay alimony costs a driving license ─── 拒付赡养费将被剥夺驾照

61、an allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse,usually the chief provider during the marriage. Alimony may also be granted without a divorce,as between legally separated persons ─── 赡养费,按照法庭判决离婚后的原配偶--通常为夫妻中收入较多的一方给另一方的供养补助。赡养费亦可付给并未离婚的双方中的一方,如在合法分居时

62、As children and the elderly to alimony could not reach consensus on the court that recently ruled. ─── 由于子女和老人就赡养费未能达成共识,法院宣布将于近日作出裁定。

63、But in the typical French divorce, any alimony (also called maintenance) will be less and for eight years at most; ─── 但是在典型的法国离婚案中,所有的女方赡养费(也称为生活费)将是较少的,至多达八年。

64、"Dear Sir: We beg to inform you that we are instructed to wait until to-morrow (Thursday) at one o'clock, before filing suit against you, on behalf of Mrs. Julia Hurstwood, for divorce and alimony. ─── 阁下:本事务所受命通知您,本所将恭候阁下到明天即星期四下午一时。 届时如不光临,本所将代表朱利亚 - 赫斯渥太太就离婚和赡养事务一案提起诉讼。

65、If the supporters do no perform their duties of providing for the elderly, the latter shall have the right to ask the former for alimony. ─── 赡养人不履行赡养义务,老年人有要求赡养人付给赡养费的权利。

66、When his wife was awarded alimony by the court, Snow had to ante up. ─── 当他的太太被法庭判定获有离婚赡养费时,斯诺不得不付这笔钱。

67、Having one's wife die is most economical.A funeral does cost a certain amount of money, but then doesn't a divorce require alimony? ─── 死掉老婆还是最经济的事,虽然丧葬要一笔费用,可是离婚不要赡养费么?

68、alimony pending suit ─── [法] 诉讼期间生活费

69、Marriage is the result of free will, men and women are equals.Why should men pay alimony? ─── 眼下婚姻自由,男女平等,凭什么要男人付赡养费?

70、1. She is implacable an adversary as a wife suing for alimony . ─── 有如诉讼要求赡养费的妻子一样,她是个难以折衷的对手。

71、"If the elderly to stay in the Maitreya county decision, he made it clear that his family would not be to alimony. ─── 对于如果老人继续决定留在弥勒县城,他明确表示自己家不会去赡养。

72、But we think this is nothing but a smoke screen for his plan to divorce her for a younger woman and save paying her a lot of alimony. ─── 但是,我们认为这是他使用的烟幕,以掩盖他为了一个年轻女人而跟太太离婚的计划。说他太太有外遇就可以使他不用付他太太大笔抚养费。

73、The person entitled to claim alimony or support for elders or children dies; ─── 追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费案件的权利人死亡的;

74、When an employee fails to pay alimony to a former spouse as required by the Court in divorce proceedings, the Court may then order the employer to deduct part of the employee's income for alimony payments. ─── 当一名雇员在离婚诉讼中被法庭命令需向其前度配偶支付赡养费,而该雇员未能支付有关赡养费时,法庭可命令其雇主扣除该雇员的部分收入用作支付该赡养费。

75、He also had two dull sons by his first wife, Flo, and was up to his neck in alimony and child support. ─── 因为要支付赡养费和儿子的抚养费,他已是焦头烂额。

76、His ex-wife has upped the ante in her alimony suit against him. ─── 他的前妻在诉讼中要求提高赡养费。

77、Be sure to fill in Payment Details: "PAY IN FULL" ,Purpose for yr Remittance: "Cash","private remittances", or "alimony", please do not fill order payment. ─── (请务必填写付款方式的细节:“足额”,汇款目的填写“现金”“私人汇款”或“赡养费”,请不要填写订单付款)

78、I'm going through a divorce. How is contemplating my navel going to help pay alimony? ─── 我将要离婚了,该如何节衣缩食用来支付生活费呢?

79、In India,which accounts for more than 40 percent of all H-1B-related immigration,courts rarely enforce custody or alimony laws. ─── 持H-1B签证的移民40%以上来自印度,而印度的法庭很少执行有关监护权和赡养费的法律。

80、Women's rights to dowry and alimony after divorce were generally protected by the court. ─── 在离婚后的妆奁与抚养费用上,妇女的合法权益一般得到了法院的保护。

81、alimony pendente lite ─── 审判期间赡养费

82、You never realize how short a month be until you pay alimony. ─── 直至要支付赡养费为止,你决不会了解到一个月多么短促的。

83、Alimony - Also called maintenance or spousal support. ─── 赡养费、生活费。

84、Parents of alimony and child support payments to But life telling us how helpless we are so in love, but can not alter the reality of life in a most cruel hands. ─── 其实这些年来我习惯了一个人也没什么不好的。

85、As you are required to do by law, I speak now of alimony, ─── 用法律术语来说,我指的是离婚赡养费

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