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08-18 投稿


connation 发音

英:[[kɒ'neɪʃən]]  美:[[kɒ'neɪʃən]]

英:  美:

connation 中文意思翻译



connation 短语词组

1、connation botany ─── 命名植物学

connation 相似词语短语

1、connection ─── n.连接;关系;人脉;连接件

2、coronation ─── n.加冕礼

3、connations ─── n.合生;合生作用;愈合;连着

4、connotation ─── n.内涵;含蓄;暗示,隐含意义;储蓄的东西(词、语等)

5、conflation ─── n.合并;异文合成本

6、conation ─── n.[心理]意动;努力;乞求

7、cognation ─── n.同族,血亲;血族关系

8、conniption ─── n.歇斯底里;阵怒(等于conniptionfit)

9、condonation ─── n.(夫妻间对对方通奸的)宽恕;赦免;赎罪

connation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、and indicates its authority on the basis of analyzing the Art Life’s culture connation. ─── 同时,通过对节目文化内涵的探究,强调了节目特有的权威性特征。

2、indicates its emotional feature on the basis of analyzing the Art Life’s culture connation; ─── 着重分析了节目的表达方式,揭示了其情感性特征;

3、Foreign literature on intercultural competence is reviewed from connation, structure, evaluation and cultivation aspect. ─── 跨文化能力已成为当今学术界与实业界共同关注的热点。

4、On the other hand, the educational system, model and connation are influenced by culture to a large extent. ─── 另一方面,教育的体制、模式和内涵很大程度上也受文化的影响。

5、A Contrastive Study of Cultural Connation of Song Fair in Guangxi and "Hua'er" Hui in Northwest China ─── 广西歌圩与西北"花儿"会情歌对唱活动之婚恋文化内涵比较

6、The same glosseme in different dialects has been entrusted different connation, the semantic value of glosseme in different dialects is different, too. ─── 相同的义位不同方言中所赋予的内涵不同,义位的义值不同方言间也会有所。

7、On Theoretical Connation and Institutional Change of National Capability Construction ─── 国家能力建设的理论内涵与制度变迁

8、A Contrastive Study of Cultural Connation of Song Fair in Guangxi and "Hua'er" Hui in Northwest China ─── 广西歌圩与西北“花儿”会情歌对唱活动之婚恋文化内涵比较

9、On Theoretical Connation and Institutional Change of National Capability Construction ─── 国家能力建设的理论内涵与制度变迁

10、On the Connation and Practical Path of "Nursing Agriculture by Industry" ─── “工业反哺农业”的内涵及实现途径

11、initial connation ─── 初始涵义

12、Logistical Capacity Connation in Regional Logistics Planning Prediction ─── 区域物流规划预测中物流量内涵探讨

13、By citing a great deal of written and spoken materials, this paper outlines the resources handing down of the tale, and analyzes the cultural connation contained in it. ─── 本文以大量的书面和口头资料,勾勒了该类型故事传承源脉,分析其异同之因,较为深入地剖析了该类型故事所包含的文化内涵。

14、The essential connation of efficiency is referred to the relationship between input and output or between cost and profit. ─── 效率概念的基本内容,指的就是投入与产出或成本与收益之间的关系。

15、As a result, the company built on the first floor Kenrokuen ” “, the “ “ huanliang connation and ” ”: on behalf of the all-embracing; ─── 于是,公司在一楼修建了“兼六园”,并赋予其“华联内涵”:“兼”代表兼容并蓄;

16、On the Cultural Connation of Traditional Chinese Color Naming ─── 谈中国传统色彩命名的文化内涵

17、Due to the influence of myth and legend, idiom, and literary works, English vocabulary have their own cultural connation. ─── 摘要由于受神话传说、成语典故、文学著作等因素的影响,同一英语词汇反映著不同的文化内涵。

18、By exploring the connation, expression and ideological roots of illusional space, the paper shows the high unity of the spirit and form in illusional space. ─── 探究“梦幻”空间形成的内涵表达以及思想根源,可以看到“梦幻”空间的精神表现与表现形式的高度统一。

19、A Discussion On the Culture Connation of Ladies'underwear and Its Development situation ─── 女性内衣的文化内涵及发展

20、Everyone concerns about consumption. Consumption is a social activity, which connects economy and culture, and is the connation of economic life, cultural life, and social life. ─── 消费涉及到每一个人,消费是联结经济与文化的社会活动,是经济生活、文化生活与社会生活的连接点和汇集地。

21、The metaphor was also endued with more abundant connation from the aesthetic acceptance angle, which foreshowed classical, harmonious self-disintegration and breakthrough. ─── 同时叶燮受到明代个性解放思潮的影响,对情感的作用有独到的认识,并从审美接受的角度赋予“比”更为丰富的内涵,预示了古典美学自身的裂变和突破。

22、brand connation ─── 品牌内涵

23、The connation, characteristics and Function of Internet-based learning atmosphere ─── 网络学习环境的内涵、特征及其功能

24、Analysis of the Main Structure and Connation of the Relations Of Administrative Powers ─── 行政权力关系的主要构成与内涵探析

25、Scientific connation and construction of libraries'characteristic resource ─── 图书馆特色资源的科学内涵及其建设

26、Anhui's political ecology building will have to insist on the guidance of Scientific Outlook on Development and present its connation and essence. ─── 安徽政治生态建设必须坚持以科学发展观为指导,切实体现科学发展观的科学内涵和精神实质。

27、Starting with the manufacturing technique and classification of the birch hark wares of Elunchun Nationality, this article expounded the connation and value of the birch hark culture. ─── 摘要本文从鄂伦春族桦树皮文化的制作工艺和分类入手,论述了桦树皮文化的内涵及价值。

28、On Basic Connation of Happy Physical Education ─── 浅谈快乐体育的基本内涵

29、Each discipline has made a wide, in-depth study of its concept and connation, changes and their mechanism. ─── 各学科都对乡村社区的概念内涵、乡村社区的变迁及其机制等进行了广泛、深入的研究。

30、Environmental Protection of Noumenal Connation of Gao-yi Dwellings ─── 高椅民居本体内涵环境保护初探

31、Her tone and look implied something that was not agreeable to me in connation with the subject ─── 她的语气和态度,对于我所谈的这个人,都含着一种意味,让我觉得不大受用。

32、Scientific connation and construction of libraries'characteristic resource ─── 图书馆特色资源的科学内涵及其建设

33、A Discussion On the Culture Connation of Ladies'underwear and Its Development situation ─── 女性内衣的文化内涵及发展

34、The Cultural Connation of Soul, Ghost and Deity in Hani Nationality's Ancient Religious Concept ─── 哈尼族原始宗教观念中的魂、鬼、神文化内涵

35、On the Connation and Practical Path of "Nursing Agriculture by Industry" ─── "工业反哺农业"的内涵及实现途径

36、Our short-lives connation with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. ─── 我们一厢情愿,痴心妄想,竟把自己在世上的暂时栖身,当作千古不变、万事长存的结合,好像没有冷淡、争执、离别的蜜月。

37、Due to the influence of myth and legend idiom and literary works English vocabulary have their own cultural connation. ─── 由于受神话传说、成语典故、文学著作等因素的影响,同一英语词汇反映著不同的文化内涵。

38、scientific connation ─── 科学内涵

39、Analysis of the Main Structure and Connation of the Relations Of Administrative Powers ─── 行政权力关系的主要构成与内涵探析

40、Connation of Organizational Intelligence Quotient ─── 组织智商及其内涵

41、For 2008 Olympic Games, “One world, one dream” shall be entitled with the symbol and connation of a new era inevitably. ─── 2008年北京奥运会,“同一个世界,同一个梦想”,必将被赋予新时代的标志和内涵。

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