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08-18 投稿


cronies 发音

英:[ˈkrəʊniz]  美:[ˈkroʊniz]

英:  美:

cronies 中文意思翻译



cronies 词性/词形变化,cronies变形

名词复数: cronies |

cronies 短语词组

1、cronies bar & grill ─── 亲信酒吧和烧烤店

2、cronies definition ─── 亲信定义

3、cronies hilo ─── 编年史线

4、cronies define ─── 亲信定义

5、cronies meaning ─── 亲信的意思

6、cronies restaurant ─── 亲信餐厅

7、cronies means ─── 亲信意味着

cronies 相似词语短语

1、brionies ─── n.葫芦科的一种蔓草

2、crones ─── n.干瘪老丑婆;老母羊;n.(Crone)人名;(英)克龙;(意、德、西、瑞典)克罗内

3、conies ─── n.兔子,兔毛皮;《圣经》中说的岩狸;n.(Cony)人名;(英、法)科尼

4、crannies ─── n.裂隙,裂缝

5、baronies ─── n.男爵领地;男爵爵位;大片私有土地

6、colonies ─── n.殖民地(colony的复数)

7、ironies ─── n.讽刺;反语;具有讽刺意味的事;adj.铁的;似铁的

8、bryonies ─── n.泻根属植物

9、Brownies ─── n.女童子军(Brownie的复数)

cronies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You gave him an important work of each, he will do, the person can do you cronies. ─── 你交给他的每一项重要工作,他都会做,这个人就可以做你的亲信。

2、The fashion now is for “smart” sanctions, which try to isolate and hurt the regime and its cronies, not the innocent. ─── 现在流行的是“机智”的制裁,旨在孤立和打击被制裁政权及其盟友,不针对无辜平民。

3、The minister's always doing favours for his cronies. ─── 部长总是给他那伙老朋友好处。

4、He was not met by the smiles and jovial greetings of his cronies ─── 餐室里原也有七八个人,可都是陌生面孔。

5、Without cronies, his loneliness would have been unbearable. ─── 再不交朋友,他的寂寞恐怕就不是他所能忍受的了。

6、Any sort of government, the neighbours seem to think, must be better than the drift since the election ten months ago when most Zimbabwean voters tried to get rid of Mr Mugabe and his cronies. ─── 邻国们似乎认为,不论组成什么样的政府,自十个月前大选以来动荡不定的局势都会有所好转。当时,多数津巴布韦选民都竭力想把穆加贝和他的亲信赶下台去。

7、The dictator and his cronies had milked their country of somewhere between$5 billion and$10 billion(Russell Watson) ─── 独裁者及他的亲信从他们的国家榨取大约50亿到100亿美元(拉塞尔 沃森)

8、Indeed, two more of the junta's cronies were added to a Treasury blacklist days before Mr Bush left office. ─── 事实上在布什离任的前几天,美国财务部的黑名单上又新添了军政府的两个亲信的名字。

9、Grandfather often toddled round to the club for a chat with his cronies. ─── 祖父时常摇摇晃晃地到俱乐部去找他的老朋友聊天。

10、Lyle Dumaire and his cronies were still huddled together. ─── 莱尔·杜梅尔和他的一些亲密伙伴还围聚在一起。

11、He spends every evening drinking in the pub with his cronies. ─── 他每天晚上都跟好朋友到酒馆喝酒。

12、Even his old cronies who had ridden with him to power ganged up with Shanghai merchants to drive China's dictator from his capital. ─── 甚至当年拥他上台的亲信、故旧,也同上海的商人串通一气,要把这个独裁者赶出南京。

13、1. He spends every evening drinking in the pub with his cronies . ─── 他每天晚上都跟知心朋友到酒馆喝酒.

14、With another, he slaps iron-fisted controls on dissent and keeps cronies and clansmen in key positions of power, ensuring that any reform of the lumbering bureaucracy will be slow, erratic and grudging. ─── 另一方面,他排除异己,关键的权力职位任人唯亲,以确保任何官僚体制的改革缓慢,摇摆而且勉强地进行。

15、This led to an overwhelming frustration among the public over the deviously planned bailout plan for the political cronies. ─── 这个拯救朋党的计划令全国人民感到非常愤怒。

16、The Kaczynskis want to drive the old regime's cronies out of their powerful jobs.But they have often brought in their own chums, rather than apolitical experts. ─── 卡钦斯基兄弟想要驱使这种任人唯亲的旧体制从他们的权利职责中消失,但他们却往往重用自己的亲信,而不是对政治不感兴趣的专业人士。

17、Such is his eagerness to serve that he has taken a low-profile job often given to unremarkable cronies of the president. ─── 乐意接受这个通常授予总统普通密友的小职位,其服务之心之切不言而喻。

18、He says the Kurdish government allowed cronies to profit from an oil deal, which should have been strictly between Kurdistan and the foreign oil company that won the contract. ─── 他说,库尔德政府允许他们的亲友从一项石油协议中获利。这本来应该是库尔德地区和外国石油公司之间的协议。

19、Businessmen may be worthy of government grants. But Americans are more likely to call them "cronies" than "entrepreneurs" . ─── 商人也许值得接受政府资助,但美国人更可能会把他们称为“亲信”而不是“企业家”。

20、Very much a man's man, he enjoyed drinking and jesting with his cronies. ─── 一个很受男人喜爱的男人,他喜欢和朋友喝酒开玩笑。

21、During this period, wh the exclusive focus of the country was economic growth, a large portion of the benefits was narrowly divided among the Suharto family and their cronies. ─── 这个期间,国家的惟一焦点是经济增长,很大比重的利益只在苏哈托家族和他们的伙伴之间分配。

22、Foreign investors may still covet Russia's natural-resource sector, but a climate in which assets can be arbitrarily taken back by state officials and then redistributed to cronies is not welcoming. ─── 外国投资者也许仍觊觎俄罗斯的自然资源部门,但商业环境却不容乐观,因为资产会被国家官员任意没收并分配给亲信。

23、In the evenings, he'd keep open house for his cronies with endless champagne. ─── 晚上,他用大量的香槟酒款待他的老朋友。

24、Gloomy European officials say Bulgaria still seems in no hurry to fix the problem, as different ministries squabble and continue to protect cronies. ─── 然而忧心忡忡的欧盟官员眼看着保加利亚的诸位部长拉帮结派,争吵不休,觉得他们一点都不急着解决这些问题。

25、Likely donors still fear that too much of their cash would be stolen and squandered by Mr Mugabe's entrenched cronies. ─── 捐助者仍然可能担心他们的钱会过多地被穆加贝先生势力稳固的老朋友们窃取并挥霍。

26、Rawlings: Infiltrate the dig site and neutralise Leach and his cronies before they can open the breach. ─── 渗透到挖掘面,在里奇他们打开裂缝之前把他们包围。

27、He would see the madness in investors' eyes. . . and palsied hands of his central banker cronies. ─── 他可以看到投资者中的狂热及中央银行家朋友们颤抖的双手。

28、But liberal economists in China fret that state-owned banks and their SOE cronies will carve up the spoils, leaving small and medium private enterprises by the wayside. ─── 但中国的自由派经济学家们担心,国营银行和他们的SOE盟友将瓜分这道战利品,而把中小民营企业仍在路边。

29、Critics say that the government restaffed the firm with incompetent cronies and placemen. ─── 批评家认为,政府任人唯亲,向公司配备难以胜任的官吏。

30、He brought up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, trying to suggest that the leaders of the two mortgage giants (and now crisis culprits) were “cronies” of Mr Obama. ─── 他提到了范妮梅和弗雷德马克两家公司,并试图将这两家现在已经成为危机罪魁祸首的昔日金融界巨头指为奥巴马的“密友”。

31、He was a geologist,rated by his cronies as the best in the business. ─── 他是一位地质学家,被他的老朋友们看做是这门行当中最好的一位。

32、He was sharing a nocturnal poker game with out-of-town cronies from another utility ─── 他正同几位来自外地的另一家公用公司的老朋友打扑克。

33、Even his old cronies who had ridden with him to power ganged up with Shanghai merchants to drive China's dictator from his capital. ─── 甚至当年拥他上台的亲信、故旧,也同上海的商人串通一气,要把这个独裁者赶出南京。

34、So he devised a plan and hired some cronies to help him. ─── 因此他制定了计划并雇了一些亲信来帮助他。

35、Rickshaw men all live on credit, and he couldn't demean himself by refusing things to his old cronies; ─── 拉车的人晓得怎么赊东西,所以他磨不开脸不许熟人们欠账;

36、The old man's former cronies are all dead. ─── 老人的往日故旧都已作古。

37、Many people I've talked to around the watercooler feel you and your cronies are simply crimelords with zero morals masking as CEOs. ─── 我在冷却饮水机旁跟很多人谈过,大家都觉得你们那伙人全是戴着总裁假面具而丝毫道德感都没有的罪犯。

38、He predicted victory for the former ruling party, a gang of cronies known as the Pakistan Muslim League (Q), or PML(Q). ─── 他曾预测前任执政党能赢得胜利,该党称作巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟,或简称PML-Q,是自己的一群亲信。

39、It is time we take a stand against corruption and the twisted machinations of Miscavige and his cronies. ─── 这是时候,我们采取明确的立场,反对密斯凯维吉和他亲信的腐败,和扭曲的阴谋诡计。

40、His wife, after putting a plate of salami, olives and a loaf of Italian bread on the table, went down to sit with her women cronies in front of the building, carrying her chair with her. ─── 他老婆端来了一盘意大利香肠,一些橄榄果和一块意大利面包。他把东西放在桌子上,就带着椅子下去同她女朋友们坐在房子门前。

41、Bernard still blustered and sent his cronies on errands. ─── 伯纳德仍然气势汹汹给他的朋友派差事。

42、Suddenly, a SWAT team bursts through the doors and arrests Frank and his cronies. ─── 忽然,一队警方特种部队冲入了房间,逮捕了弗兰克和他的密友。

43、Mr Thaksin took full advantage of his crushing majority in the last parliament, pushing his cronies into key institutional jobs while scorning his critics. ─── 他信先生充分利用了他在最后一届议会中多数党的优势,不顾他人反对,将他的亲信放在关键职位上。

44、George Bush's failure to hold his cronies to account for trashing his country's reputation will haunt American foreign policy for years to come. ─── 布什总统任人唯亲,没能控制住他的亲信们毁坏其国家的声誉,这个问题在未来的几年内将会继续困扰美国的外交政策。

45、So when I met two old flying cronies for lunch, I asked them the same question. ─── 当我和两位资深空姐用午餐时,索兴问她们同样的问题。

46、He flew from Camp Columbia, the city's main military base, to exile in the Dominican Republic with an entourage of relatives and cronies. ─── 他乘坐专机从该市的主要军事基地哥伦比亚营地,携带着随同的家眷与亲信逃离到多米尼加共和国。

47、His mistakes were greatest when prompted by his family and their cronies. ─── 他最大错误是任用家人和他们的亲信。

48、I fear he will track down Banker, male, 49 pretty quickly, given that you are one of the only surviving non-cronies on his top team. ─── 我担心,他会很快查出“银行家、男、49岁”到底是谁,因为你是他高级团队里少数幸存的非亲信之一。

49、He was playing cards with his cronies. ─── 他当时正与他那些狐朋狗友玩牌。

50、"The dictator and his cronies had milked their country of somewhere between $5 billion and $10 billion" (Russell Watson) ─── “独裁者及他的亲信从他们的国家榨取大约50亿到100亿美元”(拉塞尔·沃森)

51、That turned Arafat and his cronies into a leadership in exile. ─── 因为巴勒斯坦人处于以色列的控制之下,他们的发展极其孤立。

52、The Treasury Department said Mr. Mugabe, senior officials and cronies had used the entities to illegally siphon cash and foreign exchange from the Zimbabwean people. ─── 津巴布韦政府拥有或是控制的几家公司被列在新的制裁名单上,包括津巴布韦矿物市场营销公司、津巴布韦矿业开发公司,以及津巴布韦农业发展银行等。

53、He enjoyed drinking and jesting with his cronies. ─── 他喜欢与他的死党饮酒说笑。

54、The chemistry of tacit understanding and perfect amity steams between intimate cronies. ─── 贴吧虽不求人气,但是一个人的贴吧毕竟意思不大,交流是件很舒服的事情。

55、Salem assigned each of his brothers a prince to cultivate, while he worked on accumulating powerful cronies in the United States. ─── 塞伦让每个兄弟“照顾”一位王子,自己则在美国结交权贵,积累人脉。

56、The father spent the day with his cronies, while the kid could come up and ask questions but never got another dollar. ─── 当你看到“行人”绿灯亮起后,穿越马路时,你仍然要左右看看是否有疯狂的司机不管信号灯的信号而横冲过来。

57、Was accused of discriminating against women; discriminated in favor of his cronies. ─── 由于歧视妇女而遭指控;偏袒他的挚友。

58、So, in our quest to figure out how the Celtics can be beaten, let's not pin the hopes of their NBA cronies on any post-success lack of hunger. ─── 因此当我们寻求如何来击败凯尔特人队的球队的时候,请不要把希望寄托在那些不思进取,没有求胜欲的球队身上。

59、The merchants got rich but few warmed to the Assads or their Alawite cronies, who have behaved like mafiosi, demanding a slice of every pie. ─── 像黑手党一样,阿萨德家族和其阿拉维亲信要求分得每一杯羹,因此商人们变富了却很少有人对他们产生好感。

60、Xing For China, it shall not deny cronies. ─── 那种“以天下为己任”的心态跃然纸上。

61、ONE evening, a Soviet joke relates, Stalin decided to see if he was as beloved as his cronies insisted, so went to a Moscow cinema in disguise. ─── 苏联曾流行这样一个笑话。一天晚上,斯大林想要知道自己是不是真如自己的亲信所言万众敬仰。于是他乔装打扮去了一家莫斯科电影院。新闻影片开始后,斯大林在暗处坐下。

62、Mr Buffett told the rich that, instead of giving their wealth to “a bunch of old cronies”, they should shop around for the best foundations. ─── 巴菲特先生告诉有钱人们,他们应该为自己的财富找一个最好的基金会,而不是交给“一帮老伙计们”。

63、Afternoons there are always a few cronies from the pearl market dropping in to pay him a visit. ─── 下午总有几个从珍珠市上来的老朋友到家里拜访他,全是温文尔雅、满口甜言蜜语的狗东西,全有一对母鹿般含情脉脉的眼睛。

64、Depriving Mr Mugabe's cronies of trips to a decent country that works could have a salutary effect. ─── 禁止穆加贝先生的手下到别的国家访问会带来很好的效果。

65、Of utmost importance is the question about the beneficiaries of the allocation as we need to ensure that MPs do not carve out the money to benefit his/her cronies. ─── 二、 该拨款花在什么用途或项目;既到底这笔钱是以一般的捐款发出去,还是以拨款支付项目的方式拨出去?

66、The only problem of Mr Putin's system is that stepping aside even for a short time could be lethal for him and his cronies. ─── 普京统治下的唯一的问题是,他即使短时间地离开一会,他与他的亲信就会遭受致命的危险。

67、His energy policy was written by Mr Cheney with the help of a handful of cronies from the energy industry. ─── 布什政权的能源政策完全由切尼制订,而切尼在能源工业有许多亲密的朋友。

68、But it did show the problems with overinvestment by cronies. ─── 然而,2000年之后,由于危机依然只局限于新兴市场,讨论逐渐平息了。

69、To evade Edison and his lawyers, a number of these businesses relocated to Hollywood, Los Angeles, where they were to shortly put Edison and his cronies out of business. ─── 为了躲避爱迪生和他的律师们,这些商人们选择了洛杉矶的好莱坞,在那里他们很快摆脱了爱迪生和他的那些亲信们。

70、Then his cronies chimed in, "Yes, this must be she! ─── 当时他的亲信也七嘴八舌地说:“是啊,就是她啊!

71、He avoided his dubious cronies and was seen no more in the company of Yankee officers, Scallawags and Republicans. ─── 他避开那些可疑的亲密伙伴,也不再同北方佬官员和拥护他们的南方白人以及共和党人在一起公开亮相了。

72、She was a veteran too, but she had no cronies with whom she could refight old battles. ─── 有时候,一大早她就听见他骑马跑进后院,去敲仆人住房的门,好让波克搀扶他爬上后面的楼梯,把他弄到床上去。

73、Mr Putin's Kremlin cronies, not to mention the 80 per cent of Russians who continue to vote him the most popular politician, will rejoice; ─── 普京在克里姆林宫亲信会感到欢欣鼓舞,那些继续认定他是最受欢迎的政治家的80%俄罗斯人就更不用说了;

74、For this interesting phenomenon, the researchers speculated that, in the subconsciousness exist "biological cronies" relationship that often and individual family environment are closely related. ─── 对于这种有趣的现象,研究人员推测,在人的潜意识里存在着“生物裙带”的关系,这种关系常与个体的家庭环境密切相关。

75、Critics were menaced;conflicts of interest between Mr Thaksin's powers as prime minister and his business empire went unchecked;and he sought to pack the country's institutions with cronies. ─── 他挑起了愤怒的批评,塔克辛身为总理的权力与他的经营王国之间的冲突无法被审视,而他想要把自己的亲信都安排在国家的机关里面。

76、There was a small core of Himmler cronies in the Waffen-SS panzer divisions. ─── 希姆莱的亲信中也有一小部分在武装党卫队装甲师。

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