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conceivable 发音

英:[kən'siːvəb(ə)l]  美:[kən'sivəbl]

英:  美:

conceivable 中文意思翻译



conceivable 网络释义

adj. 可能的;想得到的,可想像的

conceivable 反义词


conceivable 短语词组

1、conceivable of ─── 可以想象的

2、conceivable as ─── 可以想象为

3、conceivable version ─── 可想象的版本

4、conceivable define ─── 可想象的定义

5、it is hardly conceivable that... ─── 简直难以想象...

6、conceivable definition ─── 可想象的定义

7、conceivable noun ─── 可想象名词

8、conceivable syn ─── 可想象的syn

9、conceivable defined ─── 可想象的定义

10、conceivable app ─── 可想象的应用程序

conceivable 词性/词形变化,conceivable变形

动词过去分词: conceited |动词第三人称单数: conceits |动词现在分词: conceiting |动词过去式: conceited |

conceivable 同义词

possible | believable | thinkable | plausible | achievable |imaginable | likely | feasible | credible | potential | accessible

conceivable 相似词语短语

1、concealable ─── 可隐藏的

2、concretizable ─── 可凝固的

3、inconceivable ─── adj.不可思议的;难以置信的;不能想象的;非凡的

4、contrivable ─── adj.可设计的;可发明的;可设法做到的

5、conceivably ─── adv.可以想象的是,可以想得到的是;可能的是;可以理解的是

6、inconceivably ─── adv.不可思议地

7、conservable ─── 守恒的

8、unconceivably ─── 不可思议的

9、unconceivable ─── adj.难以相信的;不能想像的

conceivable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is hardly conceivable(to me)that she should do such a thing. ─── (我)简直难以想像她会干这种事.

2、As almost every conceivable contact between human beings gets automated, the alienation index goes up. ─── 几乎随着人类的每一个可能的联系方式变成自动化的,人类的疏远的指数也上升啦。

3、However, I think that California’s problem is much the same as Cook County’s: every conceivable revenue stream is increasing linearly while expenses are increasing faster than linearly. ─── 但是,我觉得加州的问题和库克郡的问题雷同:虽然每个可能的收入渠道都呈线性增长,却还是入不敷出。

4、Campain is the only thing conceivable at the moment that can really help. ─── 在所有的措施中,开展大规模的教育活动是目前唯一行之有效的方法。

5、He was edgy and irritable. It was conceivable that he could blow up. ─── 他急躁易怒,可以想到他是会发火的。

6、The Hospital Management System System should be flexible, easy to use and deliver real conceivable benefits to hospitals and clinics. ─── 医院管理系统系统应该是灵活的,易于使用,提供真正的利益,可以想象医院和诊所。

7、It is conceivable that knowledge place an important role in our life. ─── 可想而知,只是在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。

8、Moreover, it seems to be the only conceivable reason for saying "the same thing" repeatedly. ─── 此外,这似乎是唯一可以解释翻来覆去地说“译作与原作是同样的东西”的可能原因所在。

9、They struck at the enemy from every conceivable cover. ─── 他们从一切能隐蔽自已的地方打击敌人。

10、His countenance remained immovable, only there was the faintest conceivable tremor of the white attenuated mouth ─── 他的面容没有变化,只是那白色的,薄薄的咀巴有点儿极轻微可见的颤动。

11、But is it conceivable that the father of us all should have been a weaver, shoemaker,or anthing but a gardener? ─── 但是如果说我们的父辈都不是园丁,而是织工、鞋匠等,这种说法可信吗?

12、That is to say they are so called want to marry, it is conceivable only " marry " a kind of such ceremonies, is not the matrimony after been marry. ─── 也就是说她们所谓的想结婚,只是想得到“嫁”这样一种仪式,而不是嫁过之后的婚姻生活。

13、Then they somehow had to win immediately to get Bryant believing it was still conceivable to win here. ─── 他们还必须以实际行动使科比相信留在这里仍然有机会获得成功。

14、It is conceivable that my heart is filled with joy. ─── 可想而知我的心充满著喜悦。

15、conceivable that I'll see her tomorrow. ─── 我可能明天会见到她。

16、The most obvious reason is common misspellings.For example, Charles Schultz redirects to Charles Schulz, because it is conceivable that people may make that misspelling. ─── 创建重定向的另一个理由是,如果你想把一个短条目合并到另一个长条目,但是短条目包含的所有信息在长条目那里已经有了。

17、But many hold that they are at least conceivable: we can coherently imagine zombies, and there is no contradiction in the idea that reveals itself even on reflection. ─── 但许多人认为,至少这是可设想的:我们能够融贯地设想人偶,这些观念即使在反思中出现也没有不一致。

18、Doesn't seem conceivable, but Jose Muniz has managed to pull it off. ─── 似乎没有想象,但何穆尼斯已设法把它赶走。

19、The musicians of "Tambuco" use all conceivable and inconceivable means to realize their musical ideas. ─── 乐团运用所有可以想象和出乎意料的方式实现他们的音乐理念。

20、What conceivable reason could they have for doing such a crazy thing? ─── 他们做如此的蠢事难道有什么可想像出的理由吗?

21、conceivable that before going hunting the hunters would draw or study pictures of animals and imagine a successful hunt. ─── 想象,在狩猎之前,猎人会画出或研究动物的图片,并想象一次成功的狩猎。

22、Levine's argument makes use of the same kinds of thought experiments, but it takes them to be about what is merely conceivable or imaginable rather than about what is metaphysically possible. ─── Levine的论证使用了同类的思想实验,但他只是取它们为纯粹可设想的,而不是形上学可能的。

23、"It's conceivable they developed ways to communicate with people since they've interacted with people for so many years," says Douglas Nelson, a professor of bioacoustics at Ohio State University. ─── 俄亥俄州立大学生物声学教授道哥拉斯·尼尔森说:“因为它们和人类打交道已经这么多年了,所以它们逐渐找到和人类更好的交流的方法也是可以想象的到的。

24、Among all the ways and means a massive educational campain is the only thing conceivable at the moment that can really help. ─── 在所有的措施中开展大规模的教育活动是目前唯一行之有效的方法.

25、He was impatient and irritable, so it was conceivable that he would blow up at you once you offended him. ─── 他急燥易怒,可以想到一旦你冒犯了他,他是会对你发火的。

26、Health officials say it is conceivable because the virus does not exist in animals, it is stable and mutates little, and the vaccine is effective. ─── 卫生官员说,应该可以根治,因为这种病毒是不能存活于动物体内,而且很稳定,不易发生异变,再说,疫苗也很有疗效。

27、He had never found his way back to that Paradise of innocence, in spite of all conceivable efforts. ─── 此后他再也找不到回归那纯真的天堂的道路,尽管他为之做出一切可以设想的努力。

28、It is conceivable that animals who are too stupid to be quiet on their own initiative are, during periods of high risk, immobilized by the implacable arm of sleep. ─── 可以想像得出,在危险的时刻,那些由于太愚笨而不能自动保持安静的动物,会不由自主地变得动弹不得。

29、Leisure is obligation ethic ,so ,leisure and freedom in leisure are not conceivable. ─── 休闲是不可抗拒的责任伦理。因此,休闲和休闲中的自由是不可能的。

30、It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen. ─── 人们相信一场新的经济危机可能再次席卷全球,但是我们希望它不要发生。

31、But is it conceivable that the father of us all should have been a weaver, shoemaker, or anything but a gardener?Of course not. ─── 但它是可以想像的,父亲我们全部应该是织布工,鞋匠,或任何事除了花匠?当然不是。

32、Conceivable hazard and exposure should proceed and guide ecotoxicity test design and effects characterization ─── 可想象的危害和暴露应该继续进行,并且指导生态毒性测试的设计和结果描述。

33、s safe to say that we all like data-driven approaches, but that none of us would use a data-driven approach in every conceivable situation. ─── 数据驱动方法在主体部分已经论述过了。我相信我们都喜欢数据驱动方法,但是我们中没有一个人能在每一种可能的情况下都使用数据驱动方法。

34、You should use dirty tricks, and resort to every conceivable means. ─── 你居然连这种手段都用出来了,真是无所不用其极!

35、They discussed the matter from all conceivable angles. ─── 他们从各种角度讨论了那件事。

36、Virtually every conceivable waste oil, solvent, or resin waste could be found in the rivers. ─── 事实上,所有能够想象到的废物如废油、溶剂、废树脂都可以在河流里面找到。

37、Wonderful designs of electronic computers and radar units are conceivable. ─── 可以预见,设计奇妙的电子计算机和雷达装置即将出现。

38、The standards about the cognitive meaning of propositions are five, such as conceivable principle? describable principle? truth principle? ─── 判断一个命题是否具有认知意义,有五个不同的标准:可想象性原则,描述性原则,真值条件原则,可证实性原则和印证原则。

39、"They chose to study a model that addressed lung cancer, but it is conceivable that high phosphate intake could affect other types of tumors. ─── “他们选择研究肺癌模型,但是高摄入磷酸盐能影响其他类型的肿瘤也是有可能的。

40、(4) A theory which is not refutable by any conceivable event is non-scientific. ─── (4)不被任何可以想见的事件驳斥的理论则不具科学性。

41、On Saturday, he dominated Juarez in every conceivable way for 10 rounds with a brilliant boxing exhibition. ─── 周六晚,约翰展示了优秀的拳击天赋,穷尽各种方法控制了苏亚雷兹10个回合。

42、It is conceivable that it is man's instinct to get close to nature. ─── 可想而知接近自然是人类的本性。

43、It also isn't possible for standard derivatives contracts to hedge every conceivable risk, he cautioned. ─── 他提醒说,不可能用标准的衍生工具合约来对冲所有能想得到的风险。

44、In every conceivable way U. S. imperialism and its lackeys are trying to extinguish the revolutionary flames of people's war. ─── 美帝国主义及其走狗正在用尽一切办法,企图扑灭人民战争的革命烈火。

45、It is conceivable that the two jobs could be combined to save money. ─── 为省钱将这两份工作合二为一是可以想象的.

46、He does not cling to classical principles, but sees all conceivable possibilities ─── 他不拘泥于权威性的原理,却能看到一切可以想象的可能性。

47、Was it conceivable that the second arrow did not even exist? ─── 不可想象第二个箭头压根儿不存在。

48、The thing is such, in him every time ardently to the wife small quick when showing love, he is very conceivable small quick response. ─── 事情是这样的,在他每次热烈地向妻子小敏示爱的时候,他都很想得到小敏的回应。

49、A Conceivable Inequality for Analytic Functions and Its Application ─── 关于解析函数的一个易想象的不等式及其应用

50、There is a vast store of knowledge in the world on every conceivable subject. ─── 世人能想得到的每一个学科都蕴藏着极为丰富的知识。

51、It is hardly conceivable (to me) that she should do such a thing. ─── (我)简直难以想像她会干这种事。

52、Every conceivable sort of silly creature that has ever been created has been sent to cross me. ─── 只要是人们想象得到的傻瓜都来折磨我。

53、Among all the waysmeans, a massive educational campaign is thething conceivable at the moment that can really help. ─── 在措施中,开展大规模的教育活动是目前唯一行之有效的办法。

54、It is conceivable that pubescence forms a barrier, particularly for young nymphs ─── 可以想象,柔毛能形成一个阻障,特别是对幼小的若虫。

55、But it is conceivable that limited amounts could have found their way into specialty markets. ─── 但是,在特色品市场上发现数量有限的此类商品是有可能的。

56、"It's conceivable they developed ways to communicate with people since they've interacted with people for so many years," says Douglas Nelson,a professor of bioacoustics at Ohio State University. ─── 俄亥俄州立大学生物声学教授道哥拉斯·尼尔森说:“因为它们和人类打交道已经这么多年了,所以它们逐渐找到和人类更好的交流的方法也是可以想象的到的。”

57、It is conceivable that there will be a third world war,but I hope it won't happen. ─── 人们相信第三次世界大战是可能的,但是我希望它不会发生。

58、It is conceivable that they knew about it beforehand. ─── 可以想见,他们预先就知道了这事。

59、Anything perceivable or conceivable is the product of our sensations. ─── 只是,我终不想被束于一处。

60、Milton uses the language of these two parables to get at this problem that has resonances in every conceivable sphere. ─── 弥尔顿用这两则寓言来解释这个在所有能想到的领域都有共鸣的问题。

61、Conceivable, if the ridge Biya rope hits full entire audience, then they that 5 minutes time did not have. ─── 可以想象,如果坎比亚索打满全场的话,那么他们连那5分钟的时间都没了。

62、A side does a bedroom, a side makes little sitting room, among, optional, read a book, chat, drink tea, dance, painterly, you can be conceivable OK. ─── 一侧做卧室,一侧做小客厅,中间呢,随意吧,看书、聊天、喝茶、跳舞、绘画,你能想得到的都可以。

63、Equally it is conceivable at some future time that the income generated subletting a ground floor flat could be a valuable way of surviving some future recession, or supplementing a pension. ─── 同样可以想象到,将来由经济收入所驱使的对地面层公寓的分租,可能会成为一种颇有价值方式,使得家庭能生存于将来的经济萧条期,或可以补贴养老金。

64、it is hardly conceivable that ─── adv. 简直难以想象

65、Not only it is fictitious commodity, basically the thing with conceivable user, there is a sale on the net. ─── 不但是虚拟商品,基本上用户想得到的东西,网上都有销售。

66、In order to get promoted as a manager, he tried every conceivable means. ─── 为了升职当经理,他采取了一切可能的手段。

67、Inevitably we had by then explored every conceivable avenue of small talk. ─── 不消说,到那时,大凡搜肠刮肚能找到的闲聊话题,我们都谈遍了。

68、But is it conceivable that the father of us all should have been a weaver, shoemaker, or anything but a gardener? ─── 但它是可以想像的,父亲我们全部应该是织布工,鞋匠,或任何事除了花匠?

69、Judging by the type and purpose of the undertaking, the demand has no conceivable Basis, the guarantor/issuer, acting in good faith, has a right, as against the beneficiary, to withhold payment. ─── 依保函之类型与目的,付款请求无可信之依据,依诚信行事之保证人有权对受益人撤销付款。

70、Any conceivable merger would involve a foreign company. ─── 可能的合并伙伴应当是一家外国公司。

71、It is conceivable that the lens and iris root block may play just as an important role as pupillary block in the angle-closure glaucoma. ─── 因此我们推想对于闭锁性青光眼,除了瞳孔闭锁之外,类似水晶体闭锁、虹彩根闭锁的机转也占有极重要的地位。

72、It is conceivable that the workload and hurdles can be extremely hefty and challenging to our existing school staffers, and we desperately need your help to make the camp a successful one. ─── 加诸于眼前的学校作业之上,可以想见的是,要圆满地完成这项任务会遇到不少的困难,这就更需要每位家长和老师的慷慨投入。

73、But it is one of the few conceivable martial arts weapons that is legal and entirely unregulated. ─── 但是,正是极少可想到的武术武器之一法律并且完全非调节。

74、They had not lived in every conceivable manner, far from it, but what room would there be for the multitude if each individual tried to exhaust the permutations of existence? ─── 他们并没有体验过所有可能的生活方式,远远没有;但是,如果每人都试图体验所有的可能的生活方式,芸芸众生又将如何自处?

75、It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world,but we hope it won't happen. ─── 人们相信一场新的经济危机可能再次席卷全球,但是我们希望它不要发生。

76、Post ups, hook shots, three’s, he was hitting Dallas with every conceivable weapon in his illustrious repertoire. ─── 低位背打,勾手投篮,三分,他打击达拉斯小牛队,在他杰出的节目中利用任何可信任的武器。

77、It is conceivable that animals who are too stupid to be quite on their own initiative are, during periods of high risk, immobilized by the implacable arm of sleep. ─── 可以想象,具备主动性的动物,如果处于高风险中,仍然可以沉睡,未免就太傻了。

78、It is conceivable that with the rapid development in society and economy, competition is becoming increasingly fierce and acute. ─── 可想而知,随着社会经济的发展,竞争将更加剧烈。

79、After studying this part carefully, you will see that every conceivable force or object or fact is the result of mind in action. ─── 仔细研读这一章后,你会发现,任何一件但凡能想得到的力量、物体或事实,都是心智在行为中发生作用的结果。

80、The Clinton Administration and most of the technically ill-equipped media have repeated it over and over so many times that it is conceivable that they now believe it themselves. ─── 克林顿政府和大多数技术知识贫乏的媒体一遍又一遍地重复这个指责,并认为有此可能,以至于他们自己都相信真有其事。

81、It is just conceivable that she paid bribes to the Abwehr (the German military intelligence) early in the war to let a cousin escape. ─── 可以想像,在战争初期,她为了帮助表兄逃亡而对德国军事情报组织“防御(Abwehr)”实行贿赂。

82、Women and men perform every conceivable explicit act in today's mainstream porn, but what is shown is always consensual and almost sunnily friendly. ─── 在如今的主流黄色影片中,女人和男人表演着各种可以想像的、清晰露骨的行为,但所表演的总是两厢情愿,并且几乎上充满阳光和友好的。

83、But they do not have an other place conceivable my body. ─── 但是他们都无一例外地想得到我的身体。

84、"I've heard it argued for vigorously but I don't think any of those arguments touch the sides. It's an utter obscenity in every conceivable case. ─── "我听说关于极刑有很多激烈的辩论,但是我认为那些辩论都没有说到点子上.在一切可预见的案件中极刑都是令人憎恶的."

85、On a higher level, no abstract thinking would, as we have seen, be even conceivable if the name did not give substance to the hazy mental content. ─── 在一个较高的水平上,没有抽象的思考会, 因为我们已经见到, 甚至想得到如果名字没有把物质给朦胧的心智内容。

86、It is conceivable that knowledge plays &n bsp;an important role in our life. ─── 可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。

87、a horde of fiendish monsters who perpetrate every conceivable crime and are unpardonably wicked ─── 一群青面獠牙,十恶不赦的人

88、Conceivable Prospect of the Study of Chinese Law History: to Exceed the West or to Regress to the Native ─── 中国法律史研究的可能前景:超越西方,回归本土?

89、The gods are said to live lives of fabulous luxury, reveling in every conceivable pleasure, without a thought for the spiritual dimension of life. ─── 传说天神过着极其奢华的生活,终日沉溺于享受之中,从没有想要过修行的生活。


翻译成英文是:The word incredible


不可思议,读音bù kě sī yì,汉语成语,原有神秘奥妙的意思,是佛教用语。现多指无法想象,难以理解。 出自《维摩诘所说经·不思议品》。




真不可思议,除了供应餐点之外,他想干什么?Unbelievable. Was he planning on doing besides serving burgers and fries?这一事故发生得这么快,简直不可思议。It seems inconceivable that the accident could have happened so quickly。我想你一定知道原子质量中负荷的不可思议的巨大能量。I guess you know about the fantastic charge of energy packed in the mass of the atom.

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