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08-18 投稿


cajolery 发音

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cajolery 中文意思翻译



cajolery 网络释义

n. 甜言蜜语;诱骗;谄媚

cajolery 词性/词形变化,cajolery变形


cajolery 短语词组

1、cajolery origin ─── 哄骗起源

2、cajolery nyt ─── 哄骗

3、cajolery means ─── 哄骗手段

4、cajolery clue ─── 哄骗线索

5、cajolery def ─── 哄骗

6、cajolery define ─── 哄骗定义

cajolery 相似词语短语

1、cajoles ─── vt.以甜言蜜语哄骗;勾引

2、Valery ─── 瓦莱丽(人名)

3、cajoled ─── vt.以甜言蜜语哄骗;勾引

4、cajoler ─── n.骗子

5、chandlery ─── n.杂货类;蜡烛店;蜡烛放置处

6、caroler ─── n.欢唱的人;唱圣歌者

7、cajole ─── vt.以甜言蜜语哄骗;勾引

8、cajoling ─── v.以甜言蜜语哄骗;说服(cajole的现在分词)

9、schoolery ─── 学校

cajolery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、they enslaved you over again - but not frankly, as the true, noble men would do with weight of their own right arms, but secretly, by spidery machinations and by wheedling and cajolery and lies. ─── 他们重新奴役看你们——可并不是坦率地奴役,像那些真诚的高贵的、用右手的高压统治你们的人,而是像蜘蛛一样用阴谋、谎言和甜言蜜语阴险地统治你们的人。

2、Once the disclosure saw to walk eye, all everythings left the cajolery only. ─── 一旦发觉看走了眼,所有的一切就只剩下戏谑了。

3、for simplicity, romance and cajolery. ─── 希望单纯、浪漫、甜言蜜语。

4、To use flattery or cajolery to achieve one's ends. ─── 哄骗用花言巧语或哄骗以达到个人目的

5、In this paper, two approaches of shifting guiding spot are studied: additive radiation source cajolery and shift chain cajolery . ─── 本文针对偏移寻的点方式中的两种方式:附加辐射源诱偏和偏移链路诱偏,做了深入地研究。

6、Cajolery is as vital a quality as conviction, and some Tories wonder whether Thatcher has the skills necessary to keep dissident ministers in line. ─── 有些保守党员怀疑撒切尔夫人是否有本事使不同意见的阁员服帖。

7、In this paper, two approaches of shifting guiding spot are studied: additive radiation source cajolery and shift chain cajolery. ─── 本文针对偏移寻的点方式中的 两种方式:附 加辐射源诱偏和偏移链路诱偏,做了深入地研究。

8、Only a fool will believe your cajolery. ─── 只有傻瓜才会相信你的花言巧语。

9、"You save. I looking at. " Yi snow cajolery says hashing to profoundly ponder in eye. ─── “你去救。我看着。”伊雪戏谑的说,眼里有着深深的玩味。

10、The method of additive radiation source cajolery is studied. ─── 推导水平面内制导精度的计算公 式。

11、Turn on duty a police cajolery ground to looking at him and have already done an action for going out, and then read the newspaper going. ─── 值班警察戏谑地看着他,做了个出去的动作,又看报纸去了。

12、Mama, was always good at fooling people, and I used to take her cajolery as consolation. ─── 世上的妈妈都最会骗人,我们把妈妈的诓骗叫作安慰。

13、Only a fool will believe your cajolery. ─── 只有傻瓜才会相信你那花言巧语的欺骗。

14、I have been over the age of intoxication in cajolery. ─── “我已经过了喜欢听甜言蜜语的年纪。”

15、I have been over the age of intoxication in cajolery. ─── 我已经过了喜欢听甜言蜜语的年纪。

16、to bewitch by cajolery; to entice by flattery ─── 狐媚

17、They can resist appeals to their dearest prejudices and all kinds of cajolery. ─── 他们可以抵抗来自内心最深处的偏见,以及各种各样的甜言蜜语。

18、They can resist appeals to their dearest prejudices and all kinds of cajolery. ─── 他们可以抵抗来自内心最深处的偏见,以及各种各样的甜言蜜语。

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