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adjudgment 中文意思翻译



adjudgment 相似词语短语

1、adjudgement ─── n.审判;宣告;[法]裁决

2、judgment ─── n.判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力

3、adjustment ─── n.调整,调节;调节器

4、forjudgment ─── 以待判断

5、adjournment ─── n.休会,延期;休会期间

6、misjudgment ─── n.估计错误;判断错误(等于misjudgement)

7、adjudgments ─── 宣告

8、adjudgements ─── n.审判;宣告;[法]裁决

9、adjustments ─── n.调整,调整数(adjustment复数形式)

adjudgment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fuzzy Comprehensive Adjudgment (FCA) ─── 模糊综合评判(FCA)

2、If we want prevent wire-pulling, reinforce the diaphaneity in the adjudgment, the civil judgment should reflect the course of quote, query and attestation in the civil case adjudgment adequately. ─── 在民事判决书中只有充分反映民事案件审理过程中对证据的举证,质证和认证过程,才能防止暗箱操作,增强审判的透明度,真正实现司法公正,达到改革的目的。

3、Shanghai Senior People's Court was founded in 1949, and it is one of the highest adjudgment departments in Shanghai. ─── 上海市高级人民法院成立于1949年,是上海市最高一级的审判机关。

4、light of the practical situation of adjudgment practice and analysis in theory, there surely are practical and theoretical evidence of administration with supplementary civil action. ─── 根据我国审判实践中的实际情况及理论上的分析可以确定,行政附带民事诉讼具有其存在的现实依据和理论依据。

5、The debate mainly focused on three levels, which included what the nature and relegation of administrative adjudgment authority was in terms of legal principle; ─── 争论主要涉及三个层面内容,即法理上行政审判权的性质与归属、体制上行政审判机关与行政机关之间是“一元制”还是“二元制”、传统都察院的去留。

6、circumstances for adjudgment ─── 定罪情节

7、7.There are many legal problems in cases of cross-border insolvency, but the key issue is the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the insolvency adjudgment. ─── 跨国破产案件涉及到的法律问题很多,但关键是跨国破产的域外效力问题。

8、Has utmost signal and has no up or down chiang slow down signal, lawlessness adjudgment up or lower pole limit signal ; ─── 有极限信号而没有上或下强减速信号,无法判定上或下极限信号; 上或下极限开关未接或开关故障;

9、A Research of the Dismissal Adjudgment in Administrative Action ─── 行政诉讼驳回诉讼请求判决研究

10、In light of the practical situation of adjudgment practice and analysis in theory, there surely are practical and theoretical evidence of administration with supplementary civil action. ─── 根据我国审判实践中的实际情况及理论上的分析可以确定,行政附带民事诉讼具有其存在的现实依据和理论依据。

11、What's worth attentions is that all insurance committee in most of other provinces and cities in China have similar pacts.Therefore, the adjudgment of this case is full of significance. ─── 值得注意的是,在全国其他大部分省市的保险协会都制订有类似的公约,因而,本案的判决将具有标杆意义。

12、Keywords Fuzzy Comprehensive Adjudgment (FCA);fuzzy mathematics;prognosis of concealed orebody;tectono-geochemistry;Huize Pb-Zn deposit;Yunnan; ─── 模糊综合评判(FCA);模糊数学理论;隐伏矿预测;构造地球化学;会泽铅锌矿;云南;

13、Pending detention institution is regulation that should be conformed when detaining the detainee before the court makes an effective adjudgment. ─── 未决羁押制度就是指在法院裁判生效之前对犯罪嫌疑人和被告人进行羁押所应遵循的规则、方法、程序的总称。

14、Section one of this thesis discusses the concerned concepts of cross-border insolvency, such as insolvency, cross-border, insolvency adjudgment and extraterritorial jurisdiction. ─── 论文的第一部分主要阐述了跨国破产的相关概念,如破产、跨国破产、破产宣告及域外效力等基本问题。

15、There might be intrahepatic injury when neonate had apnoea.Conclusion The TBA detection might be an assessment data for live injury and an adjudgment to diagno... ─── 血清TBA测定是评价新生儿肝脏实质损伤的一个重要指标,可作为常规判断新生儿窒息病情诊断的参考依据。

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