sessile 发音
英:[ˈsesɪl; ˈsesaɪl] 美:[ˈsesaɪl]
英: 美:
sessile 中文意思翻译
sessile 反义词
pedunculate | vagile
sessile 短语词组
1、sessile hydatid ─── [医] 睾丸附件
2、sessile antibody ─── [医] 固着抗体
3、sessile receptor ─── [医] 固定受体
4、sessile eye ─── 无柄眼
5、Sessile Oak ─── 无梗花栎
6、sessile animal ─── 固着动物
7、molluscum sessile ─── [医] 触染性软疣
8、sessile medusa ─── 座生水母
9、sessile cyst ─── [医] 无蒂囊肿, 广基囊肿
10、sessile trillium ─── [网络] 无梗的trillium
11、sessile leaf ─── 无柄叶
12、sessile phagocyte ─── [医] 固定噬细胞
13、sessile dislocation ─── 不滑动位错
14、sessile end ─── 固着端
15、sessile polyp ─── 无蒂息肉
16、sessile organism ─── 固着生物
17、Trillium sessile ─── [网络] 无脊椎动物
sessile 词性/词形变化,sessile变形
名词: sessility |
sessile 同义词
sessile 相似词语短语
1、Nessie ─── n.尼斯湖水怪;尼西(男子名)
2、Tessie ─── n.泰茜(女子名,等于Theresa,Tess)
3、essive ─── n.存在格;持续格
4、Jessie ─── n.杰西(女子名)
5、ensile ─── v.在地窖里贮存(青饲料);青贮(草或其他作物)作饲料
6、scissile ─── adj.易裂开的;易切断的
7、sensile ─── 感觉出的;可感觉的
8、Bessie ─── n.贝茜(女子名)
9、esile ─── 埃塞尔
sessile 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Leaves spirally arranged, usually rosulate, sessile, simple, veins parallel, base dilated, sheathing, margin often spinose serrate or sometimes entire. ─── 叶螺旋状排列,通常莲座状,无柄,单叶,平行脉,基部膨大,具鞘,边缘通常有刺状锯齿,有时全缘。
2、Leaf apex rounded-truncate and deeply 3-5-dentate. Bracts subrounded. Female flower: ovary sessile. ─── 叶先端圆形的截形和深深3-5有齿。苞片近圆形。雌花子房无梗。
3、Flowers 1-3 borne on axil of a fleshy bract, sessile, appearing sunken into fleshy rachis, without bractlets, bisexual. ─── 一肉质的苞片,无梗,凹陷成为肉质的轴,没有小苞片的花1-3生于腋,两性。
4、Leaves alternate, sessile, linear or linear-lanceolate, pinnatilobate. ─── 叶互生,无梗,线形或线状披针形,羽状浅裂。
5、Capsule circumscissile, sessile, globose or nearly so. ─── 周裂的蒴果,无梗,球形或近球形。
6、Both sessile and floating types are known but most of the geologically important types were floating colonies. ─── 固着的和浮游的两种类型都已发现,但大部分在地质上重要的类型都是浮游群体。
7、Cauline leaves sessile and auriculate, sagittate, or amplexicaul at base, rarely petiolate and attenuate, entire or dentate. ─── 无柄的茎生叶和耳形,箭头形,或者抱茎在基部,很少具叶柄和衰减,整个或具牙齿。
8、Flowers 5-merous, zygomorphic, sessile or short pedicellate. ─── 开花5瓣,左右对称,无梗或短。
9、Follicle sessile, cylindric or ellipsoid, glabrous, dehiscing by an adaxial slit, apex mucronate. ─── 蓇葖果无梗,圆筒状的或椭圆形,无毛,通过一条正面的裂缝开裂,先端短尖。
10、Herbs annual.Leaves alternate, sessile, complanate, herbaceous. ─── 一年生草本叶互生,无梗,扁平,草质。
11、Leaves opposite, sessile, linear, semiterete or clavate, fleshy, rarely subulate or scale-like, base slightly expanded, apex obtuse or with a short, acicular awn;leaf axil usually cottony. ─── 叶对生,无梗,线形,半圆柱形的或棍棒状,肉质,很少钻形的或鳞片状,通常的叶腋棉状毛。
12、There are unbranched plants with flowers sessile at nodes of the main stem that do not form lateral spike like inflorescences. ─── 有不分枝的植株在主茎的节上有无梗的花,不形成侧的穗状的花序。
13、Of or relating to a sessile leaf or bract that completely clasps the stem and is apparently pierced by it. ─── 抱茎的属于或关于完全环绕茎部并明显被茎穿过的无柄叶片或苞叶的
14、Flowers nocturnal, borne in lateral areoles, solitary, sessile, funnelform or salverform, usually large. ─── 开花夜开性,着生在侧小窠,单生,无柄,漏斗状或者高脚碟状,通常大。
15、Leaflets sessile or petiolulate, abaxially pubescent; fruiting spike short, 13-30(-40) cm. ─── 小叶无柄或者具小叶柄,背面具短柔毛;穗状果序短,13-30(-40)厘米(2
16、Herbs biennial or perennial.Trichomes sessile, stellate, 4- or 5-rayed, with at least some rays branched. ─── 二年生或多年生草本毛状体无柄,星状,4或5呈线状射出,带有至少一些射线分开。
17、Leaves decussate, sessile, appressed and crowded, imbricate, usually 4-ranked. ─── 交互对生的叶,无梗,和密集,覆瓦状,通常成列的4。
18、At the same time, the change of the interfacial wettability was examined by the sessile drop method. ─── 同时利用真空座滴法对界面润湿性的变化进行了评定。
19、Sessile organisms, such as algae and small crustaceans, that live attached to surfaces projecting from the bottom of a freshwater aquatic environment. ─── 固着生物固着生物体,如海藻和小型甲壳动物,固着在突出淡水水底环境的表面上
20、Leaves alternate, solitary, or fascicular on dwarf branches, sessile, linear, semiterete. ─── 叶互生,单生,或束状在矮小的分枝,无梗的,线形,半圆柱形。
21、Sessile infiltrative TCC showed circumscribed or diffused thickening of the renal pelvis and calyces morose. ─── 广基浸润移行细胞癌表现为肾盂、肾盏黏膜局限性或较为弥漫性浸润增厚。
22、Leaves alternate, sessile or shortly petiolate, lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate, oblong-ovate, or ovate, complanate. ─── 叶互生,无梗或具短叶柄,披针形,长圆状披针形,长圆状卵形,或卵形,扁平。
23、Fluorescein angiography disclosed a sessile vascular lesion that filled with the retinal arterial circulation and leaked fluorescein into the subretinal space. ─── 另有一环状黄色之网膜下渗出物位于黄斑部之颞侧。
24、Cauline leaves petiolate, uppermost sessile, not auriculate, entire or serrate. ─── 具叶柄,最重要无柄的茎生叶,并非耳形,整个或者锯齿。
25、Flowers perfect, in sessile or peduncled heads, solitary in axils of bracts. ─── 完全花,生在无梗或具柄的头状花序,单生在苞片腋处。
26、Leaves sessile, subulate to linear, always persistent, margin narrowly membranous, apex aristate. ─── 叶无柄,钻形的到线形,总是宿存,边缘狭膜质,先端具芒。
27、Leaves usually sessile and linear, terete or semiterete, rarely clavate or slightly compressed, fleshy, margin entire. ─── 叶通常无梗和线形的,圆柱状或半圆柱状,很少棍棒状或稍压扁,肉质,边缘全缘。
28、Inflorescences umbels, sessile, borne on midvein of leaf blade, rarely on petiole of leaves on upper part of young branches. ─── 伞形花序,无柄,生于叶片的中脉上,少数生于幼枝的叶柄的上部。
29、Upper leaves smaller, sessile, pinnate, pinnae lanceolate. ─── 上部叶片小,无梗,羽状,羽片。
30、Fruit obovoid, turbinate, clavate, or terete, small, 5-ribbed or deeply 5-angled, often rough, with sessile, sticky glands. ─── 倒卵球形的果,陀螺状,棍棒状,或圆柱状,小,5棱或深深具5个角,通常粗糙的,具无梗,发粘腺体。
31、Cauline leaves shortly petiolate or sessile, attenuate and not auriculate, auriculate, sagittate, or amplexicaul at base, entire or rarely obscurely dentate. ─── 或者无柄的茎生叶具短叶柄,衰减而并非耳形,耳形,箭头形,或者抱茎在基部,昏暗有齿的整个或很少。
32、Growth or orientation of a sessile organism, especially a plant, toward or away from the light of the sun. ─── 向日性,向光性无柄有机体,尤指植物的向日光或偏离日光而成长或定位
33、Ovary superior, sessile, 2(or 3)-loculed, with 1 or 2 half-anatropous ovules per locule. ─── 子房上位,无柄,2(-3)室,每个子房室有1或2半倒生胚珠。
34、Leaves subentire or variously lobed, minutely scabrous with mostly sessile stellate pubescence adaxially, drying of different colors; leaves and stems lacking bristly, long-stalked hairs. ─── 多数粗糙的微小的具,浅裂的叶近全缘或各种地无梗短柔毛,干燥的不同颜色;叶和茎缺乏具刚毛,长柄毛。(11
35、That raises the question: What about the city is driving sessile to change? ─── 这就提出了一个问题:城市是如何让酸臭蚁改变的?
36、Leaves estipulate, whorled, sessile, simple, linear to ovate, margin entire. ─── 叶无托叶,轮生,无柄,单,线形到卵形,边缘全缘。
37、Seasonal reproduction of marine sessile organisms may be an adaptation of seasonal variation in suitable substratum availability. ─── 中文摘要海洋生物年周期性的生殖行为可能是为了天然底质年周期性变动的一个适应结果。
38、Leaves opposite or alternate, rarely verticillate, short petiolate to sessile, margin entire. ─── 叶对生或互生,很少轮生,对无梗,边缘全缘的短叶柄。
39、Basal leaves sessile or subsessile, rosulate, simple, entire or rarely few toothed. ─── 基生叶无柄或近无柄,莲座状,单,全缘的或很少很少齿。
40、A sessile leaf has no petiole. ─── 无柄的叶没有叶柄。
41、Growth or movement in a sessile organism toward or away from water, as of the roots of a plant. ─── 向水性,背水性一个无柄有机体朝水或背离水的生长或活动,就象植物根的生长或活动一样
42、Leaves reduced upwards becoming sessile, wholly sheathing, divisions narrow and elongate. ─── 叶向上变小成为无梗,完全具鞘,划分缩小并且拉长。
43、Leaves alternate, sessile, ovate to lanceolate, thin, many veined, base sometimes amplexicaul. ─── 叶互生,无梗,卵形到披针形,瘦,很多脉,有时抱茎的基部。
44、Brooker JC,Saunders BP,Shah SG,et al.Endoscopic resection of large sessile colonic polyps by specialist and non-specialist endoscopists[J].Br J Surg,1998 ;89:1020. ─── 岑戎,徐富星,项平,等.内镜下注射肾上腺素-盐水溶液分块摘除结直肠无蒂大息肉[J].中华消化内镜杂志,2001;18(2):90.
45、Leaves opposite, sessile, green, acicular, straight or slightly arcuate, 5-10 mm, base slightly expanded, margin membranous. ─── 叶对生,无梗,绿色,针状,直的或稍弧曲的,5-10毫米,基部稍膨大,边缘膜质。
46、Figs axillary on leafy stems, with peduncle to 1 cm, rarely sessile; leaf blade 0.3-2 cm wide, margin entire or sometimes irregularly undulate with 2 or 3 teeth on each side. ─── 在多叶茎,对1厘米,很少无梗的具花序梗上的榕果腋生;叶片0.3-2厘米宽,边缘全缘或有时不规则的波状的具2或3齿在每边。(3
47、Stem leaves smaller, shortly petiolate or sessile, 3-sect, segments dissected or undivided and linear. ─── 和线形的更小的茎生叶,具短叶柄或无梗,3全裂,裂片多裂的或不裂。
48、Proximal cauline leaves not sheathlike; sepals less than 4.5 mm; fruit shortly stipitate or sessile. ─── 下部的茎生叶并非鞘状;萼片不到4.5毫米;果具短柄或无梗。(23
49、Lower glume of sessile spikelet pitted between veins. ─── 脉之间具洼点的无梗小穗的更低的颖片。
50、Ovary sessile, oblique. ─── 子房无梗,偏斜。
51、Leaves alternate, sessile or subsessile, terete, semiterete, or narrowly complanate, margin entire. ─── 叶互生,无柄或近无柄,圆柱状,半圆柱形,或狭扁平的,边缘全缘。
52、Leaves alternate, sessile, linear to linear-lanceolate, pinnatipartite or pinnatifid. ─── 叶互生,无梗,线形的到线状披针形,羽状深裂或羽状半裂。
53、Pistil sessile or on a long gynophore. ─── 在长时期雌蕊柄的雌蕊无梗或。
54、Annuals or perennials.Leaves opposite, sessile, petiolate, or perfoliate. ─── 一年生或多年生叶对生,无梗,,或茎穿叶。
55、Growth or movement of a sessile organism toward or away from a source of light. ─── 向光性,趋光性无柄(固着)的生物朝向或远离某光源生长或运动的特性
56、Leaves sparse, sessile, linear, ca. 25 mm, 1-veined, margin minutely denticulate, apex acute. ─── 叶稀,无梗,线形,约25毫米,1脉,边缘微小的具小齿,先端锐尖。
57、Leaves opposite, simple, sessile or short petiolate, entire or minutely serrate. ─── 叶对生,单,无梗或短叶柄,全缘的或有细锯齿。
58、Growth or orientation of a sessile organism, especially a plant, toward or away from the light of the sun. ─── 向日性,向光性无柄有机体,尤指植物的向日光或偏离日光而成长或定位。
59、Leaves sessile or proximal leaves petiolate, lanceolate or narrowly ovate, 4--12 mm, glabrous, base ciliate, margin cartilaginous, apex acuminate. ─── 叶无柄或下部叶具叶柄,披针形或狭卵形,4-12毫米,无毛,具缘毛的基部,边缘软骨质,先端渐尖。
60、Basal leaves sessile, fleshy, rosulate, simple, entire or sinuate or dentate. ─── 基生叶无梗,肉质,,单,全缘或或具牙齿。
61、Leaves basal, tufted, sessile, grasslike or narrowly linear. ─── 叶基生,丛生,无梗,草状或狭线形。
62、Inflorescence a terminal head of sessile, solitary or clustered flowers, subtended by an involucre of leaves. ─── 花序顶生头状花序的无梗,单生或簇生花,以总苞的叶。
63、Leaves concentrated in distal part of stem, alternate, often shortly petiolate, sometimes sessile, linear to suborbicular, 3--7-veined. ─── 叶集中的在茎上部,互生,通常具短叶柄,有时无梗,线形到近圆形,3-7脉。
64、Adhesive proteins from the marine sessile animals have great significance for the studying biological adhesives and marine pollution preventing industries. ─── 摘要海洋附着生物粘合蛋白的研究对于生物粘合剂的开发及海洋防污行业均具有重要的意义。
65、Lower glume of sessile spikelet pitted between veins. ─── 在脉之间具洼点的无梗小穗的更低的颖片。
66、Lower glume of sessile spikelet lanceolate or elliptic, strongly 6- or 7-veined with deep grooves between. ─── 披针形的更下部的颖片的无梗小穗或椭圆形,强烈6或7脉具深具凹槽在之间。
67、Whole terminal inflorescences dense clusters of sessile flowers; axillary inflorescences, if any, usually sessile clusters on main stems, rarely pedunculate clusters of sessile flowers. ─── 整个顶生的花序无梗花的紧密的簇生;腋生的开花,如果有的话,通常无柄的群在主茎上,很少无柄的花的有花序梗的群。(12
68、Leaf blade glabrous; figs subsessile; male flowers sessile. ─── 叶片无毛;榕果近无柄;雄花无梗。
69、Leaves basal, subdistichous or fasciculate, sessile or petiolate, usually linear to elliptic-lanceolate, conduplicate, base sheathing. ─── 叶基生,二列或束状,无柄或具叶柄,通常线形到椭圆形披针形,对折,基部具鞘。
70、Leaf base sessile, rarely subsessile, spurred. ─── 叶基部无梗,很少近无柄,距。
71、Leaf blade acuminate at apex. Female flower: gland oblong; ovary densely villous, sessile; style 2-cleft; stigma 2-cleft. ─── 叶片渐尖的在先端。雌花腺体长圆形;子房密被具长柔毛,无梗;花柱2半裂;柱头2半裂。
72、sessile hydroid that forms feathery colonies. ─── 具有细弱分支软水母亚目水螅体的一个属。
73、Leaves 3, in a terminal whorl, sessile or shortly petiolate, rhombic-orbicular to ovate, with 3 or 5 main veins and anastomosing veinlets. ─── 叶3,在一顶生轮生,无梗或具短叶柄,菱形圆形到卵形,具3或5主脉和网结的细脉。
74、Cauline leaf sessile, semiamplexicaul, similar to basal ones but much smaller, sometimes with a few rusty brown appendages at base. ─── 无柄的茎生叶,半抱茎,类似于基生者但是小得多,有时有一些生锈的棕色的附加物在基部。
75、It's not a bad smell, just not what I expected ants to smell like. But that's how you know it's sessile. ─── 这个气味并不难闻,只是不像我所预期的蚂蚁的味道。
76、Herbs annual.Leaves alternate, sessile, linear to lanceolate, complanate, semiterete, or terete, membranous or fleshy, densely hairy. ─── 一年生草本叶互生,无梗,线形到披针形,扁平,半圆柱形,或圆柱状,膜质或肉质的,有密毛。
77、Leaves sessile, linear, terete or semiterete, apex acute or acuminate. ─── 叶无柄,线形,或半圆柱状,先端锐尖或渐尖。
78、Leaves small, mostly scale-like, alternate, estipulate, usually sessile, mostly with salt-secreting glands. ─── 叶小,多成鳞片状,互生,无托叶,通常无柄,多具泌盐腺体。
79、Herbs annual or biennial.Trichomes sessile and stellate, sometimes mixed with simple or forked ones. ─── 一年生或二年生草本毛状体无柄和星状,有时与简单或者以叉叉的东西混合。
80、The basic principle of measuring spreading coefficients by the large sessile drop method has been introduced. ─── :介绍了液饼高度法测定铺展系数的基本原理 .
81、Sessile forms growing on ships' hulls may be a nuisance, but some species are pharmaceutically useful. ─── 座生型的附著在船壳上生长,可能是一种祸害,但有些品种在医学上有用。
82、Basal leaves petiolate or sessile, rosulate or not, entire, dentate, or pinnatisect. ─── 基生叶具叶柄的或无梗,与否莲座状,全缘,具牙齿,或羽状全裂。
83、shell of a sessile barnacle is attached directly to a substrate. ─── 固着藤壶的外壳直接附着在基质上。
84、Cauline leaf sessile, semiamplexicaul, similar to basal ones but much smaller, base sometimes with a few rusty brown appendages. ─── 无柄的茎生叶,半抱茎,类似于基生者和非常小,有时基础有一些生锈的棕色的附加物。
85、The elongate involucres of hard sessile spikelets, tipping the culms after the long-awned pedicellate spikelets have fallen, are an unmistakable feature of this grass. ─── 拉长的硬无梗小穗,端部的总苞在有花梗小穗下降的长芒之后秆,一明显这草的特征。
86、Leaves opposite, sessile or subsessile. ─── 叶对生,无柄或近无柄。
87、Sessile aquatic animal forming mosslike colonies of small polyps each having a curved or circular ridge bearing tentacles,attach to stones or seaweed and reproduce by budding. ─── 固着型水生动物,形成象苔藓一样珊瑚虫群体,每只有弯曲或圆形的背脊,附着在石头或海藻上,通过芽接繁殖。
88、Stamens sessile on disk. ─── 在花盘上的雄蕊无梗。
89、Coastal zones are important habitats to fauna, having a primary production for offering such as benthos and sessile organisms. ─── 摘要沿岸海域一直是生物重要的栖地,并且提供像底栖生物或附著生物相当高的基础生产。
4 、布莱轩尼
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