aestheticism 发音
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1、aestheticism home textile ─── 唯美主义家纺
aestheticism 词性/词形变化,aestheticism变形
异体字: estheticism |
aestheticism 相似词语短语
1、aesthetician ─── n.审美学家(等于esthetician)
2、aesthetics ─── n.美学;美的哲学
3、aestheticise ─── 美化
4、aestheticists ─── 唯美主义者
5、aestheticises ─── 审美化
6、aestheticize ─── 美化
7、aestheticist ─── 唯美主义者(aestheticism的变体)
8、aestheticised ─── 审美化
9、estheticism ─── n.唯美主义
aestheticism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、This time, the European aestheticism and the dispirited principle idea have had the widespread influence in the literature domain. ─── 这个时期,欧洲唯美主义和颓废主义观念在文学领域产生了广泛影响。
2、This life long aestheticism pursuit finally got peace in his mind that he never had before. ─── 这位以美为终身追求的艺术家也终于得到了从未有过的平静。
3、When the meteor strikes the love of aestheticism, life began to cry. ─── 当流星陨落爱情的唯美,生命就开始哭泣。
4、The discovery turned out to be both a new artistic idea and an aesthetic value. ─── 可以说,这也是一种境界和美学价值的发现。
5、As a trend of thought in literature and art,aestheticism rose suddenly at the end of the 19th century and withers away soon. ─── 唯美主义作为一种文艺思潮,在十九世纪末遽然兴起,然而它的衰亡也极其迅速,在文艺界有如昙花一现。
6、The two Logos of China modern poetics, practicality and aestheticism, were first developed by the literary workers such as Liang Qi-chao and Wang Guo-wei. ─── 中国现代诗学有“实用”和“审美”两种理性,其雏形以梁启超和王国维为代表。
7、Aestheticism emerged in a complex time and this made aesthetic writers full of contradictions in their works. ─── 唯美主义文艺思潮诞生于多事之秋,这就决定了唯美主义者自身的矛盾性。
8、Later he also gained in aesthetic knowledge. ─── 后来他的美学知识也增加了。
9、The aesthetic satisfaction is that of seeing decisions correctly made. ─── 他的乐趣所在,是看到一件事情有效地进行,看到所做的决定正确无误。
10、Secondly, it marks a leap of American black aesthetic ideas. ─── 其次,这一传统标志着黑人美学思想的飞跃;
11、The benefits of conservation are both financial and aesthetic. ─── 保护自然环境在经济上和美化环境上都有好处。
12、Secondly, the basic theories of aestheticism criticism are derived from and nurtured by the dual-structure concept of traditional culture. ─── 二是唯美主义批评在基本的理论生成逻辑上吸收利用了传统文化的二元结构模式;
13、Most Americans have been exposed to the aesthetic of Japanese design. ─── 大部分美国人已经感受到日本设计的美。
14、Augmenting aesthetic feeling to construction decoration. ─── 增加建筑装饰美感
15、The art of aesthetic miniaturisation of trees and plants in containers. ─── 在一个器皿中种植植物、点缀山石等组合而成,以表现一种大自然的意境。
16、After aesthetic design, it became a misguiding sign... ─── 嗯,是电梯+厕所.经过美学设计后误导使用者的范例.
17、In this way, the writer has brought about a lasting aesthetic effect. ─── 同时,小说“追忆过去”式的叙述模式在阅读上产生了一种恒在的美学效果。
18、Such architecture is a multidimensional reflection of the history of Tujia nationality as well as the nationality's appreciation of aestheticism and pragmatism. ─── 也多层次、多侧面、多角度地反映了土家先民的历史发展史,传承着土家人唯美唯实的文化心态。
19、His work partakes of the aesthetic fashions of his time. ─── 他的作品具有当时的某些审美时尚。
20、It follows that the author sums up research results of other people, but few people conduct research on the printed pottery in decorative design in a utensil aestheticism. ─── 前人的研究成果多集中于考古学、人类学和历史学方面,而从审美的角度去研究红山文化彩陶纹饰的人却很少。
21、Due to the intensifying crisis, the fashion of aestheticism began to decline after 1930s. ─── 20世纪30年代以后,由于危机加剧,唯美主义风潮在感应时代的节律中逐渐式微。
22、One's appreciation of literature depends on one's level of aesthetic knowledge. ─── 一个人对文学作品的欣赏能力, 取决于他的艺术修养。
23、But when you live with framed box, on the aesthetic Disappeared. ─── 但是一旦你用框子框住,美感就不见了。”
24、Thirdly, the concept of unity, concordancy and even Taoism affect the aestheticism critics' viewpoint toward nature and real life directly. ─── 三是传统文化的整一、道等观念直接触动了唯美主义批评对于自然及现实生活的态度和看法。
25、He is given to viewing life as if it were an aesthetic spectacle. ─── 他喜欢观察生活,好象生活是一幅美的图景。
26、Aestheticism doesn't mean the arts merely, but mean a kind of philosophy about life, a view about the value tending to replace man's all vital activities with aesthetic activities. ─── 审美主义不是仅仅关注艺术问题,而是指一种生命的哲学,一种以审美活动取代一切生命活动的价值取向。
27、His pursuing aestheticism on nudes works were showing women body's beautiful , Renoir began a new age at nudes oil painting . ─── 在女人体画面上对唯美的追求表现在,他开创了表现女人体的新境界:即表现女人体自身的肉体魅力。
28、During the process of analyzing the aestheticism symptom of different west literature, we can feel the inner trouble of aestheticism clearly. ─── 在西方文学不同阶段审美主义症候的分析过程中,我们可以清晰感受到审美主义的内在困境。
29、The students debated the aesthetic of the poems. ─── 学生就这些诗的美展开了辩论。
30、As an educator, he put the aesthetic education theory into practice. ─── 作为教育家,他身体力行,将审美教育思想融入到自己的教育实践中。
31、His ideology concentrated on the contradiction of aesthetic modernity. ─── 他的思想集中传达了审美现代性的悖论。
32、From an aesthetic point of view it's a thetic view. ─── 从美学观点来说, 这是个武断的看法。
33、Illustrate the fashion style through vibrant pictures and professional writing. It is a combination of fashion information and aestheticism. ─── 以赏心悦目的时装图片及专业意见的文字内容,图文并茂活现特定主题的时尚风格,集时装知识及美誉于一身。
34、Harmonious education should be a harmonious unity of virtue and intellect with a link to aestheticism, of man and man and of man and nature. ─── 和谐教育应该是以审美为纽带的德性、智性的和谐统一,是人与人、人与自然的和谐统一;
35、It has a low welding spatter and aesthetic formation of weld. ─── 堆焊过程飞溅小,焊缝成型美观。
36、From an aesthetic point of view, it's a nice design. ─── 从美学观点看,这是个很不错的设计。
37、JIABAO "JIABAO" series switch socket, aestheticism , fashion, simplicity, the atmosphere, the perfect life of another expression. . . . . . ─── “佳宝”系列开关插座,唯美、时尚、简洁、大气,完美生活的另一种表达方式……
38、From the perspective of Christian aestheticism and its "paradigm shift", we may renew and deepen our understanding of western cultural modernity. ─── 其间的转换与发展脉络,为了解与思考西方文化现代性问题提供了重要的视角。
39、Does "Pure" Aestheticism Preclude Social Critique or Emotional Authenticity? ─── “纯”唯美主义排除了社会批评或情感上的真实性吗?
40、The bedroom focuses on the sense of elegancy and mildness, the bathroom shows the conciseness and aestheticism of modern life. ─── 卧室以优雅温和气息的营造为主诉求,主卫展示现代生活思维中特有的简约理念与美感。
41、He lacks aesthetic sense, and always buys ugly clothes. ─── 他是个美盲,总是买一些非常难看的衣服。
42、The aesthetic moment, then, requires two equal partners. ─── 因此美的瞬间需要双方水平相当。
43、Their furniture was more aesthetic than functional. ─── 他们的家具美观多于实用。
44、Arts with the same origin often share the same aesthetic aims. ─── 同源的艺术往往有共同的审美追求。
45、The decadent sentiments of SuManshu"s romatic is sorrowful, and the one of YuDafu"s is aestheticism. ─── 因为对西方文学的嗜好与借鉴,郁达夫的情爱小说在颓废中带有更多的唯美色彩。
46、It constitutes an aesthetic theory which, above all, emphasizes the sentiments. ─── 写意构成了一个美学理论,这个理论最先强调感情层份。
47、But with the same abstract characteristics as any other theoretical discipline, aestheticism is aimed at explorations of truth. ─── 美学的探求目的指向真,它带有所有理论学科共同的抽象性特点。
48、Their furniture was more aesthetic than practical. ─── 他们的家具华而不实.
49、They are live units, which carry dual aesthetic value of form and meaning. ─── 它们是有生命的造型单元 ,有着形式和意蕴的双重审美价值。
50、Wilde and influence and reception of his aestheticism in china. ─── 王尔德及其唯美主义在中国的影响与接受。
51、During the course of aestheticism development, Nietzsche gave a tremendous influence to it. ─── 在审美主义的历史流变过程中,尼采的影响是巨大的。
52、It is said that Wintour's 14)aesthetic is too rigid. ─── 人们都说温托的审美观太苛刻。
53、The idea of aesthetical independence shouldn"t explore in Wang Guo-wei"s aestheticism, but in the ideas of Creative Mass Organizations and School of Symbolism. ─── 关于审美独立的思想不应该从王国维先生的美学思想中挖掘,而更应该到前期创造社和前期象征派的思想脉络中去寻求。
54、With historians like Ranke, such an inadequate differentiation has introduced ocular determinations, aestheticism, and antiquarianism into historiology. ─── 像兰克这样的历史学家,这样的不足的区分引进了视像的决定性、美学主义、尚古学派到历史学中。
55、His ideas are different from traditional aesthetics ideas, and also different from the ideas of the old scholars. It is a combination of utilitarianism and aestheticism. ─── 其美学观既与传统的政教论审美理念相区别,又与旧式文人的所谓纯审美理念相区别,是关于美的功利主义与审美主义的梁式化合。
56、Aestheticism fashion design is her appearance, and purified lady's style is his soul. ─── 唯美时尚的设计是她的外观,清纯淑女的风格是他的灵魂。
57、The aesthetic effect was satisfacto ry(100%). ─── Dyract修复牙体缺损,即时美容效果良好,主观满意度达100%。
58、So the list will not include affronts that are merely aesthetic. ─── 同样,我的这个清单不包括仅仅是违反美学观点的建筑物。
59、The aesthetic mode of thinking in Kant's philosophy change the disagreement. ─── 在此基础上论述了康德“哥白尼革命”的真正含义是以审美为根基的思维方式的变革。
60、He has been much criticized for his aesthetic conservatism. ─── 他因为他的美学保守主义而大受人们的批评。
61、Aesthetic delight has the very high prestige in the German art classicism time. ─── 审美快感在德国艺术的古典主义时期具有很高声誉。
62、The evolution of the aesthetic ideal of aestheticism in modern Chinese literature is closely related to Jiangnan culture. ─── 中国新文学唯美主义审美理想的生成,与江南文化有着内在的关联。
63、Our factory is specially developing &manufacturing style, popular new products with rich artistry for meeting aestheticism new thought decoration. ─── “本石”人专为满足唯美主义新思维装饰研制时尚、前卫、富含艺术的新产品。
64、The aesthetic results were poor. ─── 外形很不理想。
65、Frankly speaking, your artwork has no aesthetic value. ─── 坦白地说,你的作品没有任何艺术价值。
66、The functional and aesthetic effect of Anthogyr implant system was satisfied. ─── Anthogyr种植系统固定修复牙列缺损具有良好的临床效果。
67、In a taste of the opening ceremony of aestheticism and warmth, the Paralympics will be how to end the way, is equally reverie. ─── 在领略了开幕式的唯美与温馨后,残奥会将以怎样的方式收尾,同样令人遐想。
68、It also shows the aesthetic values of the time. ─── 它也显示出当时的社会审美时尚
69、As aesthetic voyager whose home is the road. ─── 一个唯美的旅人,道路就是他的家。
70、Strengthening Aesthetic Education in University P.E. ─── 加强大学生体育美育教育的思考。
71、Harmonious education should be a harmonious unity of virtue and intellect with a link to aestheticism, of man and man and of man and nature. ─── 和谐教育应该是以审美为纽带的德性、智性的和谐统一,是人与人、人与自然的和谐统一;
72、Not only beautiful image, also traction sculpture of love people dream of aestheticism. ─── 不但雕塑美的形象,还牵引人们对恋爱唯美的梦幻。
73、Zhou Xun multivariate modeling pictures, or pure aestheticism or dashing unruliness, displaying different temperament. ─── 周迅写真造型多变,或纯净唯美或帅气野性,展现出不同的气质。
74、Actually, DV movie has its own special aesthetic value. ─── 其实,DV电影有其特异的审美价值。
75、Aestheticism Criticism spreads from France to England, which is the mainstream. ─── 唯美主义批评由法国而英国,这是其主流。
76、The education without aesthetic education is not the education of the times. ─── 46没有美育的教育不是时代的教育。
77、In the aspect of skill, Wang had tried to clear up the nihility of the life by constructing of poetry, his aestheticism is apt to art-metaphysics. ─── 在艺术手法方面,王小波的审美主义创作观试图通过诗意的构建来消解人生的虚无,具有艺术形而上学倾向。
78、To me these are not aesthetic experiences at all. ─── 以我之见,这些根本称不上审美体验。
79、His aesthetic ideas were his own. ─── 他有他自己的审美观念。
80、Secondly, the basic theories of aestheticism criticism are derived from and nurtured by the dual-structure concept of traditional culture. ─── 二是唯美主义批评在基本的理论生成逻辑上吸收利用了传统文化的二元结构模式;
81、An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road. ─── 一个极端主义者,一个家在路上的挑剔的航海者。
82、The aesthetic modernity, with Bodyness as its appeal, is a logical result of the aestheticism in the modern culture. It inherits the reasonable tradition overcoming the one sided rationalism. ─── 以“身体性”为口号的审美现代性 ,秉承了克服理性主义之片面性的传统 ,是现代文化中审美主义的逻辑发展。
83、Confucian scholars of later times expounded extensively on this topic and exerted great influence on the history of the thoughts on music and dance aestheticism. ─── 后世儒家就此作了大量理论阐述,在乐舞美学思想史上有着重大的影响。
84、Even if still aesthetic, Chopin, also flicks sadness not producing me. ─── 即使再唯美的肖邦,也弹不出我的悲伤。
85、Doughty beauty is an aesthetic category that has been advanced by Mr. ─── “刚美”是张玉能先生近几年提出的一个美学范畴。
86、This paper intends to give a thorough examination of aestheticism in science in the 20th century. ─── 20世纪科学发展中的审美主义是当今国际学术界的一个重要论题。
87、Their cultural connotation is expressed through the specialty of materials and shows Chinese traditional humanitarian thoughts and aestheticism. ─── 其文化内涵主要表现在材料的特殊性和我国传统的人文思想和审美取向。
88、The aestheticism took in the literature tidal current a branch, is inevitable can receive differently advocated critic's suspicion and denounced. ─── 唯美主义作为文学潮流中的一个分支,不可避免的会受到不同主张评论家的怀疑和诟病。
89、Aesthetic mentality is the high level of human psychology. ─── 审美心理是人的心理的高级形式;
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