neutralizing 发音
英:[ˈnjuːtrəlaɪzɪŋ] 美:[ˈnuːtrəlaɪzɪŋ]
英: 美:
neutralizing 中文意思翻译
neutralizing 词性/词形变化,neutralizing变形
动词第三人称单数: neutralizes |动词现在分词: neutralizing |动词过去式: neutralized |名词: neutralizer |动词过去分词: neutralized |
neutralizing 短语词组
1、neutralizing capacitor ─── [电] 中和电容器
2、neutralizing voltage ─── [电] 中和电压
3、field-neutralizing coil ─── [电] 中和场线圈
4、neutralizing well ─── [化] 中和槽
5、neutralizing tool ─── [电] 中和工具
6、brine neutralizing tank ─── [化] 盐水中和槽
7、neutralizing coil ─── [电] 中和线圈
8、field-neutralizing magnet ─── [电] 中和场磁铁
9、neutralizing tank ─── [化] 中和槽
10、neutralizing antibody ─── [医] 中和抗体
11、neutralizing antibodies ─── 中和抗体
12、neutralizing tower ─── [化] 中和塔
13、Rice neutralizing circuit ─── [电] Rice中和电路
14、neutralizing agent ─── [化] 中和剂
15、neutralizing indicator ─── [电] 中和指示器
16、neutralizing mechanism ─── [医] 中和机理
17、neutralizing effect ─── 中和作用
18、neutralizing circuit ─── [电] 中和电路
19、Flechette Area Neutralizing Gun ─── 箭形区域中和枪
neutralizing 相似词语短语
1、generalizing ─── 归纳
2、bestializing ─── vt.使行动如禽兽一般;使野蛮
3、demutualizing ─── 非法人化
4、feudalizing ─── v.(使)变得封建;在(社会)中形成封建制度
5、federalizing ─── vt.使同盟;使成联邦
6、neutralising ─── v.(使)中和;使中立;使无效(neutralise的现在分词,等于neutralize)
7、brutalizing ─── vt.残酷地对待;使像野兽般残忍,使变得残酷无情;vi.变粗暴;变残忍
8、demoralizing ─── adj.令人泄气的;v.使无斗志;使堕落(demoralize的ing形式)
9、centralizing ─── 形成中心(centralize的现在分词)
neutralizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、To be neutral in this conflict is out of the question. ─── 在此场冲突中保持中立,是不可能的。
2、He pushed the handle into neutral. ─── 他将手柄扳到空挡。
3、Having the reduced, neutral sound represented by schwa(?). ─── 含糊音的由无重音的元音构成的或由无重音的作为其音值的
4、A nation at war has the right of visitation of the neutral ships. ─── 一个处于战争中的国家有视察中立国船只之权。
5、Reflux drugs focus on neutralizing or reducing acid produced in the stomach. ─── 治疗胃酸反流的药物主要通过中和及减少胃部分泌的胃酸起效。
6、Newly published research reveals how one broadly neutralizing HIV antibody actually uses part of the sugary cloak to help bind to the virus. ─── 新近的研究显示了一个广泛中和的HIV抗体实际是怎样用部分多糖外壳去键合病毒的。
7、Why does vodka have a neutral flavor? ─── 伏特加为什么会有中性的味道?
8、After some discussion, they agreed to label the term as neutral. ─── 一番讨论之后,他们同意将这个词归入中性类别。
9、Europe, has always been tral" title="neutral">neutral. ─── 位于欧洲中部的瑞士,一直是中立的。
10、The state or policy of being neutral,especially nonparticipation in war. ─── 保持中立的状态或中立政策,尤指不参加战争。
11、She explained it all in a matter of fact, offhand, neutral way. ─── 她以就是论事,随随便便,不偏不倚的口气做了解释。
12、To hold talks in neutral territory. ─── 和中立国进行合谈对话。
13、Nine of the antibodies used the same germline gene, VH1-69, and appeared to share the same neutralizing mechanism. ─── 9种抗体为相同的胚系基因-VH1-69,而且似乎有着中和机制相同。
14、The act or process of neutralizing. ─── 使中立使中立的做法或过程
15、Rush Limbaugh has had a neutral impact on the Republican Party. ─── 什么对美国财政部有较大的消极影响?
16、In order to win the war we had to take the risk of offending neutral nations. ─── 为了赢得战争,我们不得不冒触怒中立国的危险。
17、Mr.Ambassador: Actually,Switzerland is still a neutral nation. ─── 大使先生:实际上,瑞士仍然是个中立国。
18、When you start the engine, be sure the car is in neutral. ─── 你在发动引擎时,一定要让汽车处于空档。
19、Behaviour is never culturally neutral. ─── 人的行为从来都受文化的影响。
20、In physics, a neutral object is one that is not charged with electricity. ─── 在物理上,中性物体是指不带电荷的物体。
21、Therapeutically neutralizing poison to unblock collaterals and subcollaterals would increase the curative effect. ─── 在治疗上当参以解毒通络疗法,以提高疗效。
22、She is neutral in this argument. ─── 在这场辩论中她保持中立。
23、He prefers being neutral to taking sides. ─── 他宁愿保持中立而不愿站在某一方。
24、This neutral monism, as it is called, resembles property dualism. ─── 另一个可能的一元论形式说的是那唯一存在的实体是精神。
25、Two photons are created in the decay of the neutral pion. ─── 双光子是在中性兀介子衰变中产生的。
26、During the second world war, switzerland and sweden remain neutral. ─── 在第二次世界大战中瑞士和瑞典保持中立。
27、What is Carrier Neutral Colocation? ─── 什么是不确定性载波协同定位?
28、The backwash squeeze is a useful way of neutralizing enemy trumps that cannot be drawn. It may help to establish a trump coup, for instance. ─── 回流挤牌是对付敌方难以清除的将牌的有力之道。它也能帮助建立起擒将谱,如下例。
29、"Yes, he has," said Clym in a neutral tone. ─── “不错,他是那样,”克林带着不褒不贬的口气说。
30、Procedures must be in place for reporting and neutralizing unauthorized entry into containers or container storage areas. ─── 程序必须到位情况报告和压制成的容器和容器未经批准进入储存区。
31、Capable of masking or neutralizing odors. ─── 可除臭的可以掩臭或中和臭气的
32、He tried to remain neutral during their argument. ─── 他努力在他们的争吵中保持中立。
33、There is another method of neutralizing geopathic lines using a more co-creative method with nature. ─── 使用更多与自然合作创造的方法是中和风水线的另一个方法。
34、July 1997: Olson cuts his rating on Enron to neutral. ─── 1997年7月,奥尔森评估“安然”时把其降为“中等”。
35、To make(a solution) neutral. ─── 使中性使(溶液)呈中性
36、The following code shows how to set the neutral resources language. ─── 下面的代码说明如何设置非特定资源语言。
37、He remained neutral during the debate. ─── 他在辩论中保持中立。
38、Is " man " a neutral sort of word ? ─── "man"是不是一种介乎正式和非正式两者之间的词?
40、In that war England was not an ally; she was neutral. ─── 在那场战争中, 英国不同任何一国结盟, 保持中立。
41、He had learned to present a blank, neutral surface. ─── 他学会了在外表上显得呆头呆脑,庸庸碌碌。
42、They thrust a neutral state into war. ─── 他们强把中立国推入战争。
43、Other participants were primed with play money or neutral stimuli. ─── 其他的受试者则看到游戏纸钞或无暗示意味的刺激。
44、Mtb targets human immune cells as part of its strategy to avoid detection, effectively neutralizing the body's immune response. ─── 结核分枝杆菌作用于人体免疫细胞作为它逃避免疫系统识别以及有效地使人体免疫反应失效的一种策略。
45、Neutral: Attachment, grief, guilt. ─── 中性的:执著,伤心,内疚。
46、Neutron is neutral and slightly heavier than the proton. ─── 中子是中性的,比质子略重。
47、The juice is inoculated with a neutral yeast strain. ─── 填加野生酵母发酵。
48、The sense of walls was neutralizing to the mind. ─── 墙壁使人产生一种一无所有的感觉。
49、He has a rather neutral character. ─── 他品性平平。
50、The senator remained neutral in the furious controversy. ─── 在那次激烈的争议中,该参议员保持中立。
51、They maintained a neutral stance. ─── 他们保持中立的姿态。
52、Antacids are alkaline and they relieve pain by neutralizing acid in the contents of the stomach. ─── 抗酸剂是碱性的,它们通过中和胃容物中的酸来缓解疼痛。
53、She is neutral in this argument ; she doesn' t care who wins. ─── 在这场辩论中她保持中立,不在乎谁赢谁输。
54、Why are there so few neutral monsters? ─── 为什么只有这么少的中立兵种?
55、E2 protein, including hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) in the N-terminal region, contains some epitopes that can induce neutralizing antibodies. ─── 包括高变区的E2蛋白含有中和性抗原表位,能诱导机体产生中和性抗体。
56、Neutralizing antibodies and peptide-receptor antagonists have both been shown to be effective antagonists in vivo. ─── 中和抗体和肽受体的拮抗剂都在在体实验中显示出有效的拮抗作用。
57、Two concrete conditions in neutralizing three of Nanning. ─── 南宁二中和三中的具体情况。
58、Capable of maskingor neutralizing odors. ─── 可除臭的可以掩臭或中和臭气的。
59、Not stained strongly or definitely by either acid or basic dyes but stained readily by neutral dyes. Used especially of white blood cells. ─── 嗜中性染料的不一定非用酸性或碱性染剂染色不可的,也易于用中性染剂染色的,尤其指白细胞
60、Oppenheim’s approach, is not neutral, though. ─── 奥本海姆的办法,是不是中性的,虽然。
61、This plane is therefore called the neutral surface of the beam. ─── 因此这个平面称为梁的中性面。
62、The peace talk will be held on neutral territory. ─── 和平谈判将在中立国举行。
63、He is rather a neutral character, ie has no obvious virtues or faults. ─── 他品性平平.
64、Neutral news is a factual existence. ─── 中性新闻是一种事实存在。
65、As a judge, you should be strictly neutral. ─── 作为一个法官,你应该严守中立。
66、Any of three electrically neutral subatomic particles in the lepton family. ─── 中微子轻微子家族中三种电中性亚原子粒子中的任何一种
67、"It was a tremendous game for the neutral but not for myself. ─── “对于中立者这是一场极具观赏性的比赛,但对我来说不是。”
68、They are odor and taste neutral and do not use Benzophenone or ITX. ─── 他们是气味和味道中立和不使用二苯甲酮或主板。
69、His face was a very neutral thing to contemplate. ─── 从他的脸上看,他是毫无偏袒的。
70、A main assembly contains code and the neutral culture's resources. ─── 主程序集包含代码和非特定区域性的资源。
71、Tiptoe is the most neutral verb. ─── tiptoe最无褒贬区别.
72、Before applying color, Jeanine preps the lid with a neutral shadow. ─── 在上色前先在眼睑上扫上中性色彩的眼影。
73、He correctly interpreted this radiation as resulting from neutral particles. ─── 他把这种辐射正确地解释成来自中性粒子的效应。
74、DNB means diagnostic neutral beam. ─── DNB是诊断中性束的简称,它是将一束中性粒子束注入等离子体内部,测量等离子的一些状态。
75、Here we describe the neutralizing antibody responses of a cohort of recently infected individuals who were screened for HIV superinfection. ─── 在这里,我们描述了中和抗体反应的队列最近谁感染个体中筛选为艾滋病毒感染。
76、The meeting was held in neutral territory. ─── 会议在中立国举行。
77、Letitia tried another neutral theme. ─── 利蒂霞又打算谈另一个无关大局的话题。
78、The moral axis has three positions: good, neutral and evil. ─── 在道德轴有三个位置:善良、中立与邪恶。
79、Thus, neutralizing high acidity might increase bone mass. ─── 因此,中和高酸度可能提高骨量。
80、In SmNT, 1F1 McAb neutralizing value reached 103.3 and prevented sucking mice from death. ─── 乳鼠中和试验1F1单克隆抗体中和指数为103.3,对试验小鼠有较强的保护作用。
81、Van der Wals forces between neutral atoms are called dispersion forces. ─── 中性原子间的范德华力叫做色散力。
82、A neutral color (white, gray, or black) that has no hue. See Hue. ─── 一种中立的颜色(白色,灰色,或者黑色)那没有颜色。??
83、Their government is putting out feelers through a neutral delegation; they are clearly anxious for a rapprochement. ─── 他们的政府通过一中立代表试探;很明显他们很想复交。
84、Neutrophil Elastase(NE) is a kind of neutral proteinase. ─── 中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶(NE)是一种中性蛋白酶。
85、Coffee at mid-afternoon is neutral. ─── 咖啡在下午三点左右是中性的。
86、masking the chitlins' odor, but actually neutralizing it. ─── 掩盖猪肠的臭味,而是把它中和了。
87、Joey: My agent thinks I should have a name that's more neutral. ─── 乔伊说他的经纪人想让他取一个中性点的艺名,不要听起来太极端。
88、The mesomeric reaction of L-cystine is greatly affected by the neutralizing temperature and rate as well as the basicity of neutral agent. ─── 中和温度中和速率和中和剂的碱性强弱对L-胱氨酸的消旋化反应影响极大。
89、He wore an air of neutral calm. ─── 他表现出一副无动于衷的冷静的神情。
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