anarchic 发音
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anarchic 中文意思翻译
anarchic 词性/词形变化,anarchic变形
副词: anarchically |异体字: anarchical |
anarchic 短语词组
1、anarchic satire ─── 无政府讽刺
2、anarchic adjustment palace ─── 无政府调整宫
3、anarchic field ─── 无定形区
4、anarchic hobbesian ─── 无政府主义的霍布斯主义者
5、anarchic adjustment ─── 无政府调整
6、anarchic hobbesian world ─── 无政府的霍布斯世界
7、anarchic nature ─── 无政府性质
anarchic 相似词语短语
1、anarchical ─── adj.无政府主义的
2、anarchist ─── n.无政府主义者;无政府主义的
3、anarchies ─── n.无政府状态;混乱;无秩序
4、autarchic ─── adj.独裁的;专制国家的
5、anarchise ─── 无政府主义者
6、anarchial ─── 无政府主义的
7、anarchize ─── 无政府主义
8、anarchism ─── n.无政府主义
9、anarthric ─── 非正统的
anarchic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、anarchic theory ─── 无君论
2、"And now that the war has really begun," she continues, "she can be as anarchic and naughty as she wants. ─── “现在,战争真的开始了,”她继续说道:“她对于自己的想法是无法无天的,是很猥亵的。
3、Interrogation into the Hypothesis of Anarchic Structure ─── 对无政府结构假定的质疑
4、My first semester at college was stimulating in a somewhat anarchic way. ─── 我在大学的第一个学期以一种混乱的方式开始了。
5、"We have got evidence of widespread and anarchic illegal logging in national parks in both Kalimantan and Sarawak, " he said. ─── 「我们得到证据的证据显示,在加里曼丹和沙劳越都有大规模无法无天的非法伐木行为,」他说。
6、The system is economically inefficient and politically anarchic. ─── 这一体制在经济上没有效率,在政治上无法无天。
7、It is the belief of realism that inter-state politics is anarchic, as all the sates are actors driven by self-interest, for whom conflict is an inevitable means to self-protection. ─── 现实主义认为国际政治乃属于无政府状态,而国家都是自利的行为体,为了自保而发生冲突乃不可避免的结果。
8、And anarchic games of folk football are still played in a handful of British towns once a year. ─── 此外,英国每年有几个城镇都会举行一次无章可循的中世纪足球比赛。
9、The world community is an anarchic society. Under anarchy, states can do any thing they are physically capable of doing. ─── 国际社会是一个无政府社会,在无政府状态下,国家理论上能够做其物质条件允许它们做的任何事情。
10、anarchic condition ─── 无政府混乱状态
11、6.It removed the iron rule of Saddam Hussein, but created an anarchic void in Iraq into which Iran has extended its influence. ─── 其推翻了萨达姆的铁腕统治,但也在伊拉克造成了一种无政府真空,而伊朗则借机扩展自己的影响。
12、"And so this is a very high risk proposition because first of all, the situation in the West Bank is highly anarchic;there is no order in the West Bank whatsoever. ─── 因此,这个建议的风险非常高,因为首先,约旦河西岸处于高度无政府状态,约旦河西岸没有秩序。
13、THE notion that tumours are chaotic masses of anarchic cells has been falling by the wayside recently. ─── 认为肿瘤是一堆杂乱无章的异常细胞的观点,最近已经遭到摒弃。
14、anarchic state ─── 无政府国
15、There is no limitation for the collective thought. It's an anarchic journey no one could stop. ─── 一种集体意志在这个故事里是没有约制的,横冲直闯的,是一种无人阻挡的寻欢之旅。
16、The online flaw and the rush to repair it are an urgent reminder that the Internet remains a sometimes anarchic jumble of jurisdictions. ─── 网络漏洞以及仓促修补告诉了我们一个紧迫的问题,即互联网时常混杂无序。
17、Nigeria is too anarchic, despite its size and supply of peace-keepers. ─── 的size应是指尼日利亚的国家规模,而不是“大量”(维和人员)。
18、The anarchic world can be reformed into a more s ecure and ordered one, if not into a world government. ─── 事实上,在国际制度的辅助下,无序的世界可以改造为一个更加稳定和有序的世界。
19、Private International Law as an important system of international law has been playing more and more important role in contemporary anarchic international relations. ─── 摘要国际私法作为一项重要的国际法律制度,在当代无政府状态的国际关系中发挥着日益重要的作用。
20、Tumor cells accumulate errors, become totally anarchic, and flout all the rules. ─── 肿瘤细胞随着错误的累积,变得完全异常,违反了所有的自然规则。
21、That is a scenario for anarchic confusion. ─── 那是一种失控的混乱情景。
22、This is so because the first goal of every great power is to survive, and the more power a nation-state has, the greater its chances of survival in this anarchic world. ─── 因为大国的首要目标是生存,一国获取的权力越多,在无政府世界中生存的机会就越多。
23、Chaosblade - +5 Khopesh, Anarchic, True Chaos, Lesser Vampirism (drains tiny portion of target's life force whenever it does damage ─── 简略翻译:+5寇派斯弯刀,混乱,混沌,次级吸血(每次造成伤害吸一小部分生命)
24、The anarchic world can be reformed into a more secure and ordered one, if not into a world government. ─── 事实上 ,在国际制度的辅助下 ,无序的世界可以改造为一个更加稳定和有序的世界。
25、an anarchic mobile sculpture ─── 可随便移动的雕塑
26、My first semester at college was stimulating in a somewhat anarchic way. ─── 我们通常所说的专业化公司大致可分为两类。
27、It has long been a center of Catalan separatism and of anarchic, socialist, and syndicalist movements. Population, , 770, 29'. ─── 曾长时间成为加泰罗尼亚分离主义和无政府主义,社会主义、工联主义运动的中心。
28、I would suggest that the anarchic nature of football, thelack of set-plays to be replicated and practised, militates against thesort complex pre-rehearsed moves he was talking about. ─── 我认为,足球是项没有秩序的运动,缺乏可以复制和练习的固定套路,这些因素使得他口中那种预先安排的复杂套路难以实现。
29、Anarchic production is a significant embodiment of the basic contradiction of capitalism.However, salient change: have taken place since World War H. ─── 生产的无政府状态是资本主义基本矛盾的重要表现,但在“二战”后,这种状态发生了很大变化。
30、Talladega Nights is a more refined version of the kind of anarchic, semi-improvised comedy that we saw in Anchorman, with the added bonus of being a dead-on pastiche of the Hollywood biopic genre. ─── 《塔拉迪加之夜》将我们在《王牌播音员》中所看到的那种毫无章法、半即兴式的喜剧发挥得更加出色,而对于好莱坞传记片的那种惟妙惟肖的模仿则更是锦上添花。
31、That's because they still think they have things to lose, and if they lose everything, they'll become anarchic, and will start dying like dogs. ─── 那是因为他们仍然认为他们有东西可以失去;一旦他们失去一切,他们就会变得不受控制,并且将开始像狗一样垂死挣扎。
32、It was finally torn down in 1993 after a mutual decision was made by British and Chinese authorities, who had finally grown wary of the unsanitary, anarchic city and its out-of-control population. ─── 以寨城面积0.026平方公里推算,城寨人口密度为每平方公里190万人,是全世界人口最密集的地方。
33、This version invokes the spectre not of the cold war but of the anarchic presidcy of Boris Yeltsin, Mr Putin's predecessor . ─── 这一版本的说辞唤起了冷战幽灵,也让人回想起普京的前任,叶利钦任总统时的无政府状态。
34、He was very rational and thought modern art was anarchic and valueless. ─── 他非常的理性,认为现代的艺术是无序而不宣扬价值的。
35、An anarchic weapon is chaotically aligned and infused with the power of chaos. ─── 混沌:混沌武器属于混乱阵营,且拥有强大的混沌之力。
36、When it's fun, the Chinese Net seems like a wonderfully anarchic playground; when it turns nasty, it's a nightmare from Lord of the Flies. ─── 当一切太平的时候,中国的网络就像一个精彩的,无拘无束的游乐场;一旦问题产生,它将是一场挥之不去的噩梦.
37、Sometimes he goes through an 'anarchic' stage, cutting out characters or rearranging scenes. ─── 有时候,翁达杰先生会经历一个“混乱”阶段,去除人物或者重新整理情节。
38、Research by Dr Simon Williams of the University of Warwick divides sleepers into eight categories, from the socially attentive, intolerant, selfish and anarchic to the snoozers, nappers, feigners and deviants. ─── 华威大学威廉斯博士领导的研究,将睡眠者分成8类,从谨守社会规范、不宽容、自私、无法无天,到打盹、小睡、假睡、睡眠不正常的人。
39、Football was a plaything of the organs of state, the players little more than plastic armies in a duplicitous and anarchic game of Risk. ─── 足球是国家机器的玩物,在无法无天的危险游戏中,彼此当面一套、背后一套,球员的境遇比士兵玩偶好不了多少。
40、The situation in the country is becoming increasingly anarchic. ─── 这个国家的局势日益混乱。
41、Anarchic sleepers fail to conform to convention regarding the proper time and place for sleep. ─── 无法无天的睡眠者无法遵照传统,在适切的时间与地点睡觉。
42、Security dilemma is a situation that a sovereignty often encounters under anarchic international circumstances. ─── 安全困境是在无政府状态下的国际关系中,主权国家经常会遇到的两难处境。
43、An anarchic state of affairs in the office;an anarchic mobile sculpture. ─── 办公室事物乱七八糟的情形;可随便移动的雕塑
44、anarchic field ─── 无定形区(动)
45、Originally under the guidance of the Zann Esu mage clan, she was eventually handed over to the Vizjerei in the hopes that their strict and unbending discipline would break her anarchic spirit. ─── 最先她听从ZannEsu法师族的教导,不过最终她被送到了Vizjerel部族,因为他们希望那里的严格有序的制度能够束缚她的无法无天的性格。
46、anarch roof ─── 拱形屋顶
47、The modern capitalist world system has frequently given rise to great powers, which usually, in turn, impair the " security dilemma" of the international anarchic system. ─── 现代资本主义世界体系导致大国频繁崛起,大国的频繁崛起又往往加剧无政府状态国际体系中的“安全困境”。
48、The anarchic world can be reformed into a mores ecure and ordered one, if not into a world government. ─── 事实上,在国际制度的辅助下,无序的世界可以改造为一个更加稳定和有序的世界。
49、Peru's capital is afflicted by an anarchic, corrupt transit system due to chronic mismanagement and corruption dating back two decades. ─── 秘鲁首都是困苦人所受一种无政府、腐败的交通运输系统由于管理不善和腐败的慢性可追溯到二十年。
50、An anarchic state of affairs in the office; an anarchic mobile sculpture. ─── 办公室事物乱七八糟的情形; 可随便移动的雕塑
51、Peru's capital is afflicted by an anarchic, corrupt transit system the city's freshman mayor calls a shameful menace. ─── 秘鲁首都是困苦人所受一种无政府、腐败的城市交通系统的新生市长电话可耻的威胁。
52、The fact that Mr Bush met Mr Maliki in Jordan's capital rather than in Baghdad highlights how anarchic Iraq has become. ─── 布什选择在约旦首都而不是在巴格达会见马利基,这充分说明了伊拉克正处于一个多么无法无天的状态。
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