antiquarianize 中文意思翻译
antiquarianize 相似词语短语
1、antiquarian ─── adj.古文物研究的;古文物的;n.古文物研究者;[古]古文物收藏家
2、antiquitarian ─── 古文学家
3、antiquarians ─── adj.古文物研究的;古文物的;n.古文物研究者;[古]古文物收藏家
4、antiquating ─── v.废弃;使过时,使古旧;使……具有古旧形式或风格(antiquate的现在分词)
5、antiquaries ─── n.古文物研究者,古董商人,收集古文物者
6、antiquitarians ─── 古物学家
7、antiquation ─── 废弃法律
8、utilitarianize ─── 利用
9、antiquarianism ─── n.古物研究,好古癖
antiquarianize 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、an antiquarian bookseller ─── 古籍商.
2、antiquarian bookshop ─── 古书商店
3、We repeat it, these hybrid constructions are not the least interesting for the artist, for the antiquarian, for the historian. ─── 我们再说一遍,艺术家、考古学家和历史学家,对这种混合建筑物仍不无兴趣。
4、The library is rich in historical books and antiquarian works. ─── 这家图书馆拥有大量历史和古籍。
6、Diarmuid: Second-hand and antiquarian books, and sheet music; they have something for everyone. There's also a big children's department, with a tank with piranha fish in it. ─── 他们还有旧书和古物古玩类的书刊和各种乐谱。而这些呢,都是大部分其他书店不具备的。
7、Stare Decisis appeared at first to be something of an antiquarian function, and this was easy enough to accept. ─── 遵循先例初看起来有点像考古,这是很容易被接受的。
8、Antiquarian Mapping; ─── 古文物地图;
9、"Scott gathered the disparate strands of contemporary novel-writing techniques into his own hands and harnessed them to his deep interest in Scottish history and his knowledge of antiquarian lore. ─── “斯科特驾驿同时代小说写作技巧之异同标准于掌股之间,并运用于自己对苏格兰历史深刻的感情和文物研究传统的知识中。
10、Along with that, it must be added, went a strong pedantic and antiquarian strain ─── 必须指出一股强烈的学究尚古风气也随之产生了。
11、Antiquarian research, which is different from history and concerned with the past facts, has existed as an independent discipline from ancient Greek times to the 18(superscript th) century. ─── 摘要从古希腊时代到18世纪,博学好古研究以不同于历史学、以过去事实为研究对象的独立学科而存在。
12、Diarmuid: Second-hand and antiquarian books, and sheet music;they have something for everyone. ─── 他们还有旧书和古物古玩类的书刊和各种乐谱。
13、an antiquarian bookshop ─── 古籍书店
14、Antiquarian map societies are prospering, and celestial maps are now viewed as a specialty of map collecting. ─── 越来越多的人多着迷于空间科学并且可能正在成为业余天文学家。
15、The antiquarian tried to palm the painting off as a real Renoir. ─── 古董商试图用那幅画冒充雷诺阿的原作出售。
16、Holdings data in the SBN Union Catalogue: some examples for music, serials, antiquarian materials and digital resources ─── 在SBN联合目录的存储数据:音乐、连续出版物、古董资料和数字资源的一些例子
17、"Well, Nannette, judging by those great tomes you are struggling with, we have something in common. I have my own small collection of 8)antiquarian books and first editions my self". ─── “兰丽缇,从你阅读的那些大部头看来,我们有一些共同点。我也收集了不少古书和初版书。”
18、all stone construction, the structure of the frequency in Zhaozhou Bridge Beauty Bridge Philip antiquarian; ─── 全部石料建筑,于赵州桥结构频美的古文物弘济桥;
19、When World War II broke out, the painting be-longed to Abe Gutnajer, a leading Jewish art collector and antiquarian in Warsaw. ─── 当二次大战爆发时,这幅画落入古纳泽手中,他是华沙首要犹太画收藏家和古文物收藏家。
20、An antiquarian was looking for ancient objects in Egypt. ─── 一位古物收藏者在埃及寻觅古董。
21、Cultural Relics and Archaeology Institution of of Zhejiang province; Xiaoshan Antiquarian Committee; ─── 浙江省文物考古研究所;萧山区文物管理委员会;
22、English antiquarian who made a tour (1533-1545) of Britain to collect historical documents and relics. His notes provided valuable information for later historians. ─── 利兰,约翰:(1506?-1552)英国古文物收藏家,他曾在1533年至1545年期间周游大不列颠,去收集历史文献和遗物。他的笔记为后来的历史学家提供了宝贵的资料
23、It is only now and then in some very remote and backward agricultural district that an antiquarian may still discover a square house. ─── 现如今,在一些及偏远、落后的农业地区,古文物研究者可能还能发现一间正方形房子。
24、Also one antiquarian is need to be looked in on, we'll make “an inspection of his collection”...Well, what do you say? ─── 古玩也是需要研究的,我们会“检查他的收藏品”...嗯,你说什么?
25、lost words in antiquarian book ─── 古籍脱文
26、The library is rich in historical and antiquarian works. ─── 这个图书馆拥有大量的历史籍和古书。
27、Jeanie had no curiosity to make antiquarian researches, but, entering the town, went straight to the inn to which she had been directed at Ferrybridge. ─── 珍妮无心猎奇访古,所以进城之后,就直奔浮桥旅社为她介绍的一家客店。
28、the wrong words in antiquarian book ─── 古籍错字
29、This site offers antiquarian and second hand literature (books, offprints etc) on geology, paleobotany, and paleozoology.Online ordering is possible. ─── 该站点提供了与地质学、古生物学、古动物学等学科相关的古文物收藏家及古文物(古书籍、绝版文献等)信息。
30、antiquarian book trade ─── 古旧书业
31、He enjoyed a great reputation as an antiquarian. ─── 他是一个享有盛名的古玩收藏家。
32、antiquarian bookstore ─── 古书店
33、punctuation in antiquarian book ─── 古籍标点
34、Antiquarian Research and Western Historiography ─── 博学好古研究与西方史学
35、Bibliographical description for Chinese antiquarian books ─── 古籍著录规则
36、But to the antiquarian of dead physics, to the historian interested in the psychology of discovery and innovation, errors are often as interesting as truths. ─── 但是那些研究逝去物理学家的文献研究者,对错误经常和对真理一样感兴趣,就像历史学对发明和创新的心理状态感兴趣一样。
37、I have my own small collection of 8)antiquarian books and first editions my self". ─── 我也收集了不少古书和初版书。”
38、Military Antiquarian Society ─── 军事文物研究协会
39、Well, Nannette, judging by those great tomes you are struggling with, we have something in common. I have my own small collection of antiquarian books and first editions my self. ─── 兰丽缇,从你阅读的那些大部头看来,我们有一些共同点。我也收集了不少古书和初版书。
40、Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America ─── 美国古旧书商协会
41、antiquarian literature ─── 复古文学
42、On September 26th, David Starkey, one of the most high-profile of its 2,300 fellows, will talk about “The Antiquarian Endeavour” at St James's Church, Piccadilly. ─── 9月26日,大卫.斯塔克,这位2300名会员中最爱出风头的人,将在皮卡迪利大街的圣.詹姆斯大教堂作一场题为“古物研究者的不懈努力”的演讲。
43、Only part of the total collection, e.g. historical city maps and antiquarian maps in general, is already online. ─── 但是只有一部分是在线式的,如历史城市地图和考古地图。
44、 双语使用场景
45、The third part traces to the cause in three segments, discusses the difference between the antiquarian and the Original Complex. ─── 第三部分从文化意识领域,分三个部分对“原典情结”的成因进行溯源,同时还讨论了“复古”与“原典情结”的根本差异。
46、The Rise of Wang Yangming's Philosophy and the Evolution of the Antiquarian Literature ─── 阳明心学兴起与复古文学迁变
47、Antiquarian Movement ─── 复古
48、The antiquarian refers the vase to the second century. ─── 古董收藏家认为这花瓶是公元2世纪的文物。
49、Han Learning represented more than just an antiquarian quest.Its advocates cast doubt on the Confucian ideology enshrined by Manchu rulers when they legitimated imperial power. ─── 推崇汉代学术所代表的意义远远超过嗜古者的内容,它向因为皇权辩护而受到满洲统治者崇尚的儒家意识形态提出质疑。
50、International League of Antiquarian Booksellers ─── 国际古旧书商联合会
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