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08-23 投稿



definitude 发音

英:[[dɪ'fɪnɪtju:d]]  美:[[dɪ'fɪnɪtju:d]]

英:  美:

definitude 中文意思翻译



definitude 相似词语短语

1、definitise ─── 定义

2、definitised ─── 定义

3、finitude ─── n.有限;界限;限制

4、definitize ─── vt.使成定案;使确定

5、definitises ─── 定义

6、definitive ─── adj.最后的;最佳的;最权威的;(邮票)普通标准型的;n.普通邮票;限定词

7、definite ─── adj.一定的;确切的

8、infinitude ─── n.无限;无穷

9、definitives ─── adj.最后的;最佳的;最权威的;(邮票)普通标准型的;n.普通邮票;限定词

definitude 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In addition, the viewpoint of sustainable development should be sticked to, tourist product should be definitude and the particular image of tourist agriculture should be built up. ─── 在开发中,应结合实际,坚守观光农业的可持续发展理念、明确可开发的基本旅游产品,树立区域观光农业的独特的形象。

2、The "training with competition" does not mean no training, the scientific understanding must be definitude. ─── “以赛代练”,不是不练,提法的科学理解必须明确。

3、Definitude the importance of self-regulated learning by inducting students establishing accurate mathematical view and mathematical learning view; ─── 通过引导学生建立正确的数学观和数学学习观,明确自主学习的重要性; 通过渗透数学的广泛应用性,激起数学学习的欲望;

4、The physical concept of those formulas is definitude . The formula can be used as a reference for the design of engineering. ─── 该公式计算简单,物理概念明确,可为工程设计提供参考。

5、To orientate the eco-system service function and definitude its price tropism in Qing-zang Altiplano is very important for the basic benefit of our human being and the global eco-balance. ─── 准确定位青藏高原生态系统服务功能并明确其价值取向,对于维护全球生态平衡和人类的根本利益具有重要意义。

6、definitude of the responsibility and legal duty of related departments; ─── 明确多个参与部门的职责及法律责任;

7、Definitude goal of education and promoting the student development independently ─── 明确教育目标促进学生自主发展

8、In response to the effectiveness arrangement of the tax priority and the security interests, it should definitude the lien be prior to the tax general priority; ─── 在税收优先权与担保物权的位序问题上,应明确留置权优先于税收一般优先权;

9、Distinguish between the medical accident and the medical malpractice and the definitude of their responsibility, are propitious to solve and mitigate the conflict between the doctors and the patients. ─── 区分医疗事故与医疗损害并明确相应的责任,有利于妥善解决医患纠纷,缓和医患矛盾。

10、denial on the definitude and universality of law, by objecting essentialism; ─── 反对法律本质主义,否定法律的确定性和普适性;

11、Then we conclude the same properties and operations to a class, definitude the properties and methods of every class, i.e. to define the class. ─── 然后把所有具有相同属性和相同操作的实体划分为一个类,明确每个类的属性和方法,即对类进行定义。

12、To study the relation between the Chinese western movie and the literary, we should definitude the the concept of the Chinese western movie first. ─── 要研究中国西部电影与文学的关系,首先必须明确中国西部电影的概念。

13、And bring it into effect lies in: one, definitude the concept of “contact”; ─── 而实施的关键在于:一是明确“接触”概念,拓展沟通方式;

14、definitude classroom ─── 一体化教室

15、Then definitude the current condition of DYS through the inside and outside circumstance analysis. ─── 通过友嘉内外部环境的分析,从而明确友嘉目前的状况。

16、ll build entrepreneur moral quality, it is the first step for us to definitude the meaning of en. ─── 建构企业家的道德人格,首先要明确企业家道德人格的涵义。

17、To definitude these proposition conduce to our country's undertaking to comply the international competition regulation while dealing with the international trade and to create the profit. ─── 明确这些命题有助于我国企业在进行国际贸易时符合国际竞争规则,创造利润。

18、The State Administration of Taxation shall definitude the respective functions of the tax bureaus and the inspection bureaus, shall avoid overlaps of functions. ─── 国家税务总局应当明确划分税务局和稽查局的职责,避免职责交叉。

19、Ellipsis in news titles must accords with the principles of need, definitude and words arrangement module. ─── 省略原则包括需要的原则、明确的原则和词语模块搭配的原则。

20、This papers definitude finity liability as general and related liability as exception in litigation of stockholder related liability. ─── 第三方面,对股东会(股东大会、董事会)决议瑕疵的诉讼进行研究。

21、Secondly, definitude task responsibility and mission, so as to new task modein a position to he done under a rule. ─── 其次,明确了工作职责和任务,以使新的工作模式能够有章可循。

22、Conclusion Tag primer-nested/multiplex PCR is sensitive and specific for detecting malaria infection.It has the application value for malaria distinctive diagnosis and definitude. ─── 结论标签引物-套式/多重PCR检测疟疾感染具高度敏感性和特异性,对疟疾鉴别诊断和明确诊断具有重要价值。

23、definitude of expectation ─── 期望明确度

24、Objective To definitude the dynamic changes of Iso image, DCav, FA, RA value in acute cerebral ischemia. ─── 目的明确急性脑缺血扩散张量成像DCav、Isoimage、FA、RA值的动态变化。

25、Definitude the Strategy, Exploit, Innovate and Push Forward the Radio Management in Hainan Province at Full Scale ─── 明确思路开拓创新全面推进海南无线电管理工作

26、The result shows that the fitted relation is simple and definitude, and suitable to be applied in the engineering practice. ─── 结果表明,转子盘换热系数与车速的拟合关系简单明确,适合在工程实践中应用。

27、To coordinate the conflict, this paper suggests that we should, definitude the value orientation of both laws; ─── 为协调反垄断法和价格法之间的冲突,应该明确两部法律各自的价值取向;

28、Then definitude the current condition of DYS through the inside and outside circumstance analysis. ─── 通过友嘉内外部环境的分析,从而明确友嘉目前的状况。

29、At present, There are greatly divaricates about the boundary of the appellation in modern Chinese.Above all, this article definitude the connotation and the extension. ─── 目前对于现代汉语称呼语的界定还存在着相当大的分歧,本文首先明确了称呼语的内涵与外延。

30、Through the common beneficial analysis of participators in securitization process, we more definitude the characters of composing of benefits and costs of participators in securitization. ─── 同时,通过对资产证券化各方利益主体进行一般收益分析,进一步明确了资产证券化过程中各方利益主体收益、成本构成的特点。

31、Therefore, his profound theory has important value of reference on the definitude of man's subject role in the modernization process. ─── 其深刻的思想内涵对于当代中国塑造现代理性主体,进一步明确人自身现代化建设的方向具有重要的参考价值。

32、The target of cognitive psychological research on industrial design is to clear up the factor of person, definitude the function and position of design in the society, then delineate the whole outline of design. ─── 工业设计认知心理学的研究目标就是弄清楚人的因素,明确设计在社会中的作用与地位,进而勾勒出设计的整体轮廓。

33、The "training with competition" does not mean no training, the scientific understanding must be definitude. ─── “以赛代练”,不是不练,提法的科学理解必须明确。

34、Paralleled with literature, narrow sense articles have special characteristics such as reappear thingness essence, reflect subject and impersonality directness and definitude, the normative writing structure and language. ─── 摘要与文学文体并列的狭义文章,其特征可概括为:再现客观现实的本真性;反映主客观的直接性、明确性:篇章结构、语言的规范性。

35、The result shows the new method with geometry meaning definitude and the better effect. ─── 结果表明,新拟合方法几何意义明确,具有良好的拟合效果。

36、The reasons that the communicative actions of teachers or students have this field are personal pursuit of definitude and structuralization of society by divisions of time and space. ─── 师生交往行为具有这种外在的影响环境主要是因为个体对确定性的追求以及社 会依据时空分界的结构化。

37、The aesthetic definitude and criticism of network literature ─── 网络文学的审美设定与技术批判

38、third, setting up proper institutional framework to ensure communication and to definitude responsibility. ─── 第三,建立合理的组织结构,保证双方顺利沟通、明确职责。

39、Objective:In order to definitude the influence caused by the different sampling in voice assessment. ─── 目的:探讨全程取样与分段取样对嗓音分析结果的影响。

40、New postgraduate training unit must definitude objectives, complete the work thoughts, refine training links, strengthen process management to improve the quality of postgraduate education entirely. ─── 新增硕士培养单位应该明确培养目标,理清工作思路,细化培养环节,强化过程管理,全面提高研究生教育质量。

41、Results Immunohistochemical staining SP methods can help to definitude the histological type and differentiation of astrocytic tumor. ─── 结果:免疫组织化学标记能帮助鉴定组织类型和颅内星形细胞肿瘤的分化程度。

42、Whole paper is according to the research order that from generalization to concretization, from static analysis to dynamic analysis and from definitude to blur. ─── 并按照从一般到具体、从静态到动态、从确定到模糊的顺序与层次,步步深入对跨国公司的边界与规模进行分析与探讨。

43、the characteristic of its different forms are not definitude; ─── 适当补充代议制的历史发展进程;

44、Objective To definitude the epidemiology characteristic of the dermatitis caused by the paederus fuscipes curtis,and to provide evidences for the work of preventing and curing aftertime. ─── 目的明确毒隐翅虫皮炎暴发的流行病学特征,为今后防治工作提供依据。

45、With these models and efficient capital running, the property right definitude and multiply of Valin Group will be realizedgradually. ─── 在这种模式下,通过有效地资本运营,逐步实现华菱集团的产权明晰和多元化。

46、The definitude regulations affect the way of judges settle a lawsuit. ─── 第四部分讨论我国会计师责任中第三人范围问题。

47、The result shows that the fitted relation is simple and definitude, and suitable to be applied in the engineering practice. ─── 结果表明,转子盘换热系数与车速的拟合关系简单明确,适合在工程实践中应用。

48、On the Powers of Interpretation and Definitude of Judges ─── 浅议法官释明权

49、First, a mechanism of legal guarantees should be set up to definitude legal status, right extent and responsibility of those engaged in clinical teaching. ─── 权利冲突解决途径有二:立法和利益衡量,即建立健全临床教学立法体系,廓清权利的边界和范围,预防医患权利冲突的发生;

50、Our shout term goal is to definitude our management,dispenses well current human resource,so we can complete the tasks on the World University Games. ─── 近期目标是当前世界大学生运动会任务,进一步明确办队思想,充分调配现有人力资源,优化组合。

51、That the seven notes of China’s ancient scale is one of the important and basic ideas for Chinese traditional music study, unfortunately, its connotation not definitude up to the present. ─── “传统七声音阶”作为“民族乐学理论”中一个重要而基本的概念,其内涵至今尚不能明确。

52、There isn"t definitude guidelines of the quantity and type of land for adjusting in the contract period. ─── 承包期内可用于调整的土地数量及类型没有明确规定。

53、Sufficiently understand engineering project and make each professional engineer having enough definitude with design task. ─── 组织设计人员对设计院进行工艺、技术设计交底。

54、To those who take away the patent assets by job-popping, the university can sign contracts with them so as to definitude the rights and obligations of both parties. ─── 针对“跳槽”带走专利资产的现象,可以和教师签订合同,明确双方的权利义务。

55、The third part definitude the meanings of the standardization of modern Chinese variants. ─── 第三部分分析了异形词规范的含义和原则。

56、The result of the Lin Zhonggao’ study about the auditor independence definitude the relation between the system arrangement and the auditor independence. ─── 注册会计师保持审计独立性的概率是一套制度安排的结果,这为注册会计师审计独立性的制度安排提供了理论依据。

57、Definitude the Function of Experiment Teahing Center to Drive the Construction of Experiment Teaching Center ─── 明确实验中心职能推动实验教学中心建设

58、The article discusses that the country should definitude the rejecting giving evidence right in legislation, sophisticate the punishment measures about outlaw rejecting giving evidence. ─── 从司法上转变司法人员观念,加强司法队伍建设,提高执法人员素质;

59、Therefore, his profound theory has important value of reference on the definitude of man's subject role in the modernization process. ─── 其深刻的思想内涵对于当代中国塑造现代理性主体,进一步明确人自身现代化建设的方向具有重要的参考价值。

60、But whether the latter belong to civil liability, our law have not definitude and to be the focus of this essay. ─── 而对于雇主的后一种责任应属于民事责任的范围,我国法律的规定尚未明确,也正是本文所要讨论的问题。

61、Objective:To investigate the expression differences of ADAM28 in odontogenic epithelial and mesenchymal cells and definitude the sub-cell orientation of ADAM28. ─── 目的:探讨ADAM28在牙源性上皮和间充质细胞中的表达差异,明确其亚细胞定位情况。

62、in the aspect of vocabulary innovation, the principles of necessity, universality, and definitude are required; ─── 在词汇创新方面坚持必要性、普遍性、明确性的原则;

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