antes 发音
英:[ˈæntiz] 美:[ˈæntiz]
英: 美:
antes 中文意思翻译
antes 词性/词形变化,antes变形
动词过去分词: anted/anteed |动词第三人称单数: antes |动词现在分词: anteing |动词过去式: anted/anteed |
antes 相似词语短语
1、anted ─── n.赌注;金额;(目标的)水平,要求;v.下赌注;(非正式)付款;(非正式)储存(钱款);n.(Ante)(克罗地亚)安特(人名)
2、mantes ─── n.芒特(法国地名)
3、ante- ─── n.赌注;金额;(目标的)水平,要求;v.下赌注;(非正式)付款;(非正式)储存(钱款);n.(Ante)(克罗地亚)安特(人名)
4、nates ─── n.臀部;(脑的)上丘
5、antas ─── n.壁端柱(anta的复数);n.(Antas)安塔斯(西班牙阿尔梅里亚省的一个市镇);n.(Antas)(波、巴、美、葡)安塔(人名)
6、Nantes ─── n.南斯(法国西部港市)
7、antis ─── n.反对者;反对派;反对论者(anti的复数形式)
8、ante ─── n.赌注;金额;(目标的)水平,要求;v.下赌注;(非正式)付款;(非正式)储存(钱款);n.(Ante)(克罗地亚)安特(人名)
9、anes ─── abbr.美国国家选举研究(theAmericanNationalElectionStudies)
antes 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、It might be as smart as an ant. ─── 也许它的智力像一只蚂蚁一样。
2、A dove heard the ant and flew over to help. ─── 一只鸽子听到蚂蚁的呼救声就飞过去救它。
3、Anyone knows an ant can't move a rubber-tree plant. ─── 人人都知道一个小小的蚂蚁是不能挪动橡胶树的。
4、Instead of the flying leaves, the white snow ornaments the world with its wonderful perform antes and the ground has changed its coat. ─── 相反的飞行树叶,白雪饰品世界的精彩演出安特斯和地面已经改变了外套。
5、Laying eggs is the ant queen's full-time job. ─── 产卵是蚁后的专职工作。
6、One ant hole may cause the cause the collapse of a thousand-li dike. ─── 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。
7、Most ant colonies live a settled existence in a fixed nest. ─── 大多数蚁群都居住在固定的巢穴里。
8、Advisory expert, the ant of what sort can treat arthritis? ─── 咨询专家,什么种类的蚂蚁能治疗关节炎?
9、The tiny ant can boost a burden 50 times its weight. ─── 小小的蚂蚁能搬动相当于其自身重量50倍重的东西。
10、Vital, postindustrial paradigms are hidden in every jungly ant hill. ─── 在每一片丛林、每一处山峦中,都隐藏着鲜活的、后工业时代的蓝图。
11、Revise todo su equipaje antes de salir del tren. ─── 下车前请检查一下您的行李物品。
12、Better work as hard as an ant than lead a parasitic life as a sparrow. ─── 宁做蚂蚁腿,不做麻雀嘴。
13、Do you hve some leadership experience ant tell me an example? ─── 因为还有另外几个硕士再做这个课题,然后我就讲了下一个事情.
14、Little ant is smiling at you. ─── 小蚂蚁很感谢!
15、How many times do your grandparents see your antes in one year? ─── 你的祖父母一年去看望你的姑姑多少次?
16、He was a soft-hearted man. He wouldn't hurt an ant. ─── 他是一个软心肠的人,连一个蚂蚁都不愿伤害。
17、Help! Help! @ shouted the ant. ─── “救命!救命
18、Little ant, little ant, can you clap? ─── 小蚂蚁,你会拍手吗?
19、God is a mean kid with a magnifying glass, and I'm the ant. ─── 上帝是个坏小孩,他坐在那里,手上拿着放大镜,我只是个小蚂蚁。
20、The child pricked the balloon ant it burst. ─── 中译英:那孩子在气球上刺了个洞,气球句爆了。
21、The broad masses of the people of the world ant to be friends with us. ─── 世界上的广大群众愿和我们友好。
22、They try to carry the black ant babies away. ─── 它们试图把小黑蚁劫走,
23、One ant hole may cause the collapse of a thousand-li dyke. ─── 千里之堤, 溃于蚁穴。
24、For instance, an elephant is clearly bulkier and weighs more than an ant. ─── 举个例子:大象显然比小蚂蚁重;
25、Pharma Antes Up: Investment and Business Trends Driving Biotechnology ─── 生物科技的投资机会及商业趋势
26、Our dictionary tells us that the ant is a social insect. ─── 字典告诉我们,蚂蚁是一种社会性昆虫。
27、Once inside, the caterpillars make the sounds of the queen ant. ─── 一旦进入,毛毛虫就会发出蚁后的声音。
28、The ant is the smallest animal in this book. ─── 在这本书里蚂蚁是最小的。
29、Ant comes with a healthy list of built-in tasks. ─── Ant带有一套健全的内置任务。
30、Cupid stirred up the little ant to take compassion on her. ─── 丘比特唤起蚂蚁对她的同情心。
31、Não conte com os ovos antes de a galinha botar. ─── 小鸡还没孵出来,先别急着数多少,同学们,继续努力吧!
32、Su origen puede datar de 10 anos antes. ─── 它可以追溯到10年前。
33、She made good friends with the ant. ─── 她和蚂蚁成了好朋友。
34、Experience in J2ME and Familiar with Ant, Anthill 8. ─── 8. 有J2ME经验,熟练使用Ant,Anthill。
35、An ant climbs up the desk, hastily running forward. ─── 一只蚂蚁爬上了办公桌,急匆匆地向前奔走。
36、Our aim is to make your stay ion Guangzhou acom fortable and pleas ant one. ─── 3、提供免费停车场。
37、Despues almuerzo, realizaran un City Tour por el Centro. y antes 18:30 deben estar Aeropuerto para viajar a Punta Atenas por el vuelo LA 297. ─── 午餐后进行市区旅游, 下午 18:30 到飞机场,准备搭乘 20:05 的 LA 297 航班到沙之岬 Punta Arenas.
38、"Again, in a certain state of mind I see God in all beings, even in an ant. ─── “此外,在这种状态下,我看见了神在所有一切里面,甚至在蚂蚁上。
39、What is the largest ant in the world? ─── 世界上最大的蚂蚁是什么?
40、Little ant, little ant, can you hop? ─── 小蚂蚁,你会单脚跳吗?
41、You must know how an ant feels, groveling like that. ─── 你要知道蚂蚁如何感受当你那样爬行。
42、"Oh, poor ant!" said the dove. "I will help the ant. ─── “哦,可怜的蚂蚁。”他说道,“我得救它。”
43、He was a soft-hearted man. He wouldn't hurt an ant. ─── 他是一个软心肠的人.连一个蚂蚁都不愿伤害.
44、Madrugada, o porto adormeceu, amor, a lua abanea sobre as ondas piso espellos antes de que saia o sol na noite gardei a tua memoria. ─── Memoria da noite歌词 唱碎我的心 这是来自西班牙加里西亚地区拉科鲁尼亚的一支优秀的民谣团体。
45、Experience in J2ME and Familiar with Ant, Anthill 8. ─── 8. 有J2ME经验,熟练使用Ant,Anthill。
46、To add dynamism to the Ant tasks, Maven also uses the Jelly scripting language. ─── 为了给Ant任务添加动态性,Maven也使用Jelly脚本编制语言。
47、There was this ant when I was meditating, right after Malcolm's funeral. ─── 在马儿可姆的葬礼后 我看到的一只蚂蚁让我陷入了深思
48、Antes de activar el motor, toque la bocina para advertir que la gente salga de zona peligrosa. ─── 启动发动机前,按响喇叭提醒人们离开危险区。
49、Jesse: Oh! Look at the ant! It's there! ─── 噢!看那只蚂蚁!它在那里!
50、Of this quantity 15% was added to thermoset ant 85% to thermoplastic polymers. ─── 其中15%加于热固性聚合物,85%加于热塑性聚合物。
51、Can you tell me how the ant gets to your neighborhood? ─── 你们能告诉我,蚂蚁是怎样来到你的身边?
52、The animal with the largest brain proportion to its body size is the ant. ─── 动物中与身体相比头部最大的是蚂蚁。
53、Lembrando que o modelo europeu mudou a cara da nova Hornet um ano antes de chegar a nova Hornet aqui no Brasil. ─── 回顾欧洲模式发生了变化,面对新的黄蜂一年前达成新的大黄蜂在巴西。
54、Most ant species live in the soil. ─── 大多数蚁种住在土里。
55、I wish he'd get it into his head that exams are import ant. ─── 学会把意思表达清楚是受教育的一个重要方面.
56、Jill could not walk ant farther because there was an obstacle in her way. ─── 不能走很远因为她的推优障碍。
57、You saw the expressiveness that Groovy can bring to Ant builds. ─── 中,看到了Groovy能够给Ant构建带来的表现能力。
58、Relative to the size of an ant, a blade of grass is as tall as a tree. ─── 与蚂蚁的大小相比,一根草犹如一棵参天大树。
59、An animal that lives underground, as an ant or a worm. ─── 地下动物居住在地下的动物,如蚂蚁或蠕虫
60、MASTER: "As the All-pervading Spirit He exists in all beings, even in the ant. ─── 师父:“神就像遍及所有的灵魂一样,也是存在于所有众生之中,甚至是一只蚂蚁。
61、Words: apple, ant, ax, bird, boy. ─── 单词:苹果,蚂蚁,斧头,鸟,男孩
62、Apache Ant was used to build the project. ─── Apache Ant是用来构建工程的。
63、Benben: Oh, yes. Where's the other ant? ─── 哦,是的。另一只哪里去了?
64、Antes, mientras iban hacia el puerto, Laura ha contado nueva amiga su vida de cuando era pequña, su vida de niña feliz. ─── 刚才,在她们去港口的路上,劳拉给她的新女友讲述了她小时候时的生活,她的金色童年。
65、A worker ant or bee that feeds and cares for the colony's young. ─── 工蚁,工蜂喂养和照料共生蚁群或共生蜂群幼虫的工蚁或工蜂
66、The amount of the small and big blinds and antes and who is posting them. ─── 小,大盲注和底注,谁是它们张贴金额。
67、Contrast that to a tiny, real ant just under one of Ambler's big padded feet. ─── “漫步者”的一只大脚垫下面有只渺小的蚂蚁,与“漫步者”那巨大的身躯形成鲜明的对比。
68、One day he sprained his ankle in his effort to avoid stepping on an ant. ─── 一天,他为了不肯踏死一只蚂蚁,竟扭伤了筋骨。
69、Ant: damp, deliquescent, moist, soggy, wet 2. ─── noun 1) 戒忘扼批抒忘;扼批扮抆;
70、Ant tasks and XDoclet support are being developed. ─── Ant任务和XDoclet支持也正在开发之中。
71、The underground ant cries out with one voice:" Chokes to death it! ─── 地下的蚂蚁齐声呐喊:“掐死它!
72、El escusarse antes de ocasion es culparse "might be both the source and the model of Qui s'excuse s'accuse. ─── El escusarse antes de ocasion es culparse”可能就同时是Qui s'excuse s'accuse的模型和源泉。
73、In the ant society each worker has a special job. ─── 在蚂蚁社会中,每一只工蚁都有一项专门的工作。
74、An undated photo of an ant walking among com-puter chips. ─── 在一张未标日期的照片上,一只蚂蚁正行走在一些计算机芯片当中。
75、If you continue any further into the dungeon you will enter the Ant Tunnel. ─── 如果你进入迷宫之后继续向前走,你将会进入蚂蚁洞。
76、The practice of rearing unrelated offspring occurs in several ant species. ─── 只有几种蚂蚁可以抚育与自己并不相关的后代。
77、An ant is trying to bite its rear leg. ─── 一只蚂蚁试图去咬它的后腿。
78、A large Ant script can be daunting the first time you see it. ─── 如果您第一次看见一个很大的Ant脚本,您很可能会被它吓退。
79、When the sorcerer returned, Jacked changed back into an ant. ─── 巫师回来了,朱瓦宁又变成蚂蚁。
80、Ant can be seen as a scripting tool. ─── Ant可以看作脚本编写工具。
81、But on August 24th 1997 he was found positive to an ant doping control. ─── 但是到了1997年8月24日,他在尿样检验时再次查出含阳性。
82、He flicked an ant off the table . ─── 他把桌上的蚂蚁弹掉。
83、She plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close by the Ant. ─── 它衔来一片树叶,让它飘到蚂蚁附近。
84、Can you name six things smaller than an ant? ─── 你能够说出六种比蚂蚁小的东西吗?
85、The Ant project from Jakarta is a nice build tool. ─── Jakarta的Ant项目是很好的构建工具。
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