Sakya 中文意思翻译
Sakya 短语词组
1、sakya meaning ─── 萨迦的意思
2、sakya online exam ─── 萨迦在线考试
3、sakya tibet ─── 口袋到了。
4、sakya institute cambridge ─── 剑桥萨迦学院
5、Sakya Monastery ─── 萨迦寺
6、sakya dagchen rinpoche ─── 清除当前日期
7、sakya schuler ─── 萨迦舒勒
Sakya 相似词语短语
1、Jaya ─── n.(Jaya)人名;(柬)贾耶;(尼、斯里、毛里求)贾亚
2、aka ─── abbr.又名,亦称(alsoknownas);n.(Aka)(美)阿卡(人名)
3、Marya ─── 玛丽亚
4、sakias ─── 萨西亚斯
5、Tanya ─── n.塔尼娅(女子名)
6、Maya ─── n.玛雅人;玛雅语;玛耶女神,虚幻女神;adj.(与)玛雅人(有关)的;(与)玛雅语(有关)的
7、sakia ─── 萨西亚
8、Osaka ─── n.大阪(日本本州岛西南岸港市)
9、Gaya ─── 格雅
Sakya 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Buddhist monasteries to commemorate the founder of Buddhism, Sakya Muni Shing Road, Hong Gu, and fruits are taken Aozhou worship Buddha. ─── 佛教寺院为纪念佛教,释加牟尼成道,闳谷创始人和水果采取熬粥供佛。
2、During Khon Konchog Gyalpo's time, they felt it was necessary to start a separate school, so they concealed all the ancient teachings and started the Sakya order. ─── 到了衮却杰布的时候,他们觉得有必要另外开创一个教派,所以他们把以前的所有教法伏藏起来,开创了萨迦派。
3、In 2001, a special fund of 330 million yuan was apportioned to repair the Potala Palace, the Norbulingka and the Sakya Monastery. ─── 2001年起,又拨专款3.3亿元人民币,用于维修布达拉宫和罗布林卡、萨迦寺三大文物古迹。
4、His father was the Rajah of the Sakya clan, King Suddhodana, and his mother was Queen Maha Maya. ─── 他的爸爸是释迦部落的首老--净饭王,他妈妈是摩耶王后。
5、on this throne Sakya Pandita and many of the great Sakya Gongma Lamas sat and expounded the Dharma. ─── 在这法座上,萨迦班智达和诸多伟大的萨迦法王都曾坐在上面讲法。
6、Light pouring through the doors frames a Rimpoche who is holding the early morning puja. Sakya Choling Gompa, Darjeeling, India. ─── 阳光从户外穿入,照亮了正在做早礼拜的活佛。印度,大吉岭,萨克耶祖玲果母巴。
7、SAKYA LOSAL CHOE DZONG: Tibetan Buddhist Society of Canberra ─── 堪培拉藏传佛教社会网站
8、The Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism entered Qinghai in the late Song early Ming period.Today, most of Qinghai s Sakya monasteries are located in eastern Yushu Prefecture. ─── 摘要萨迦派从宋末明初就传入青海,如今青海省境内的萨迦派寺院主要分布在玉树州东部地区。
9、Dai: What have you gained from Sakya? ─── 戴卓群:你通过做《萨迦》有什么新收获?
10、Maintenance of the Potala Palace, Norbulingka Park and Sakya Monastery ─── 布达拉宫、罗布林卡、萨迦寺
11、Two Issues during the Sakya Authority ─── 萨迦政权时期的两个问题
12、Pagba the Sakya dynasty of Tibet, the Tibetan fully mature, the New Year has also fixed the ceremony has been followed until now. ─── 到了八思巴的萨迦王朝统治全藏时,藏历完全成熟了,过年的仪式也固定下来,一直沿袭到现在。
13、Is the Sakya Script Pagoda, right? ─── 就是释加文佛塔,对吧?
14、For some claiming to be Sakya lama, also recommends that you do not want charity, the real Sakya Lama, there are many, will come out to beg. ─── 对于一些自称是萨迦寺喇嘛,也建议您不要施舍,真正的萨迦寺喇嘛,有很多,会出来乞讨。
15、The third time, King Liuli regardless of all consequences extinguished Jiapiluowei State and slaughtered a lot of people of the Sakya Nationality. ─── 琉璃王第三次进军则不顾一切,灭掉了迦毗罗卫国,屠杀了许多释迦族的人。
16、2.His is delicate and a noble Sakya Prince; ─── 他举止优雅,是高贵的释迦族王子;
17、Sakya was accompagnied by two of his nephews: Chana Dorje (Phyag-na Rdo-rje) would later marry a daughter of Kublai Khan, and Phagpa would become Kublai's spiritual teacher. ─── 有两个人陪伴着培萨迦班智达完成了他的凉州之行:日后迎娶了忽必烈女儿的恰纳多吉和日后被忽必烈封为“帝师”的八思巴。
18、Ga East Temple after Ning Mapai, Gaju Pai, Sakya sent to the middle of the 17th century popular Gelug Sect. ─── 嘎东寺历经宁玛派、噶举派、萨迦派,到十七世纪中叶开始盛行格鲁派。
19、A third time after praying, the great mahasiddha, the guru Virupa, founder of Lam Dre teaching who received the teaching directly from the deity, appeared in the Sakya Mountains. ─── 在又一次祈请后,道果法的始祖、从本尊处直接得到此法的大成就者毕鲁巴显现在萨迦的山上。
20、Sakya, Kagyu and other factions are unpopular, and grasp the religious right to the upper figure, at the same time mastering the local government of the feudal serf owners. ─── 萨迦、噶举等各派都不得人心,掌握教派权利的上层人物,同时又是掌握地方政权的封建农奴主。
21、Sakya Trizin: It depends on the action itself. ─── 萨迦法王:这要看行为的本身。
22、the saint of the Sakya tribe ─── 释迦牟尼
23、When he grew stronger and stronger, that weak point taught him an unforgettable lesson: that he was suppressed under a mountain for five hundred years by Monk Sakya. ─── 当他日益强大的时候,这个缺点给了他一个终生难忘的教训,他被一个叫释迦的和尚用一座大山压了五百年。
24、Academy of Sakya Davao Inc.Rivera Subd. ─── 菲律滨纳卯佛教龙华学校 Phil.
25、Research on the Monks and Nuns of Sakya Pa School ─── 萨迦派尼僧研究
26、Sakya Script Pagoda ─── 释迦文佛塔
27、Sakya school ─── 萨迦派
28、In 2001, a special fund of 330 million yuan was apportioned to maintain and repair the Potala Palace, the Norbulingka and Sakya monasteries. ─── 2001年起,又拨专款3.3亿元,用于维修布达拉宫、罗布林卡、萨迦寺三大文物古迹。
29、One night, when Sakya Trizin was staying down at the Gangtok Bazaar, some disciples came and urged him to come to the Palace Gompa quickly. ─── 一天晚上,萨迦天津法王在甘托克巴扎附近的时候,一些弟子们过来催促他马上去钦哲仁波切的寝宫。
30、His father was the Rajah of the Sakya clan, King Suddhodana, and his mother was Queen Maha Maya. ─── 他的爸爸是释迦部落的首老--净饭王,他妈妈是摩耶王后。
31、Sakya Script Pagoda in Guangnei Temple. ─── 广化寺内的释迦文佛塔。
32、New Sakya Centre in Sydney, Australia ─── 萨迦悉尼中心网站
33、This article discusses the historical development, lamastic tradition, and religious festivals of the largest Sakya Monastery in Yushu Prefecture: Jiegu Monastery. ─── 本文对玉树地区最大的萨迦派寺院结古寺,进行历史沿革、活佛系统及法会等方面的探讨。
34、His is delicate and a noble Sakya Prince; ─── 他举止优雅,是高贵的释迦族王子;
35、The mid-Ming Dynasty, founded by Tsongkhapa the rise of the Gelug Sect, a gradual replacement of the Nyingma, Sakya, brgyud various sects. ─── 明朝中期,宗喀巴创立的格鲁派兴起,逐渐替代了宁玛、萨迦、噶举诸教派。
36、Sakya Trizin: Actually the word karma means action or activities - the work that we undertake. ─── 萨迦法王:实际上“业”这个词的意思是行为或行动――也就是我们之所作。
37、Sakya Trizin: Actually, Sakya Pandita did not say that we couldn't use the term "mahamudra". ─── 萨迦法王:实际上萨迦班智达从未说过不能用“大手印”这个词。
38、This is more than 40 monks of the Sakya sect is a small temple, the temple has been retained within a six-year history of about 500 drums. ─── 这个有40多位僧人的小寺庙属萨迦教派,寺庙内至今保留有6个约有500年历史的鼓。
39、Upon finishing this book, I finally know how to find my aim in life, Sakya most meaningful thing for me. and how to determine one thing is not important than other things. ─── 看完这本书之后,我终于知道如何寻找我的人生目标,什莫事情对我来说最有意义,以及如何判定一件事情是不是比其他的事情重要。
40、Cisi the original allocation for the Sakya (the flowers), after the change in the Gelug Sect (Yellow Sect). ─── 此寺原为萨迦派(花教),后改宗格鲁派(黄教)。
41、His is delicate and a noble Sakya Prince; His body is full of characteristic marks; He is a hero amongst men, intent on the welfare of the world. ─── 他举止优雅,是高贵的Sakya族王子;他的身体相好庄严;他是男人当中英雄,为一切世间而作利益。那的确是你的父亲,人中的狮子。
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